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This project will build a WebObjects Application and any frameworks that you specify as one Jenkins job instead of
you needing to create one job for each framework and/or application.
<h3>Customizing Job Configuration</h3>
You will need to modify the Job configuration clicking on <a href="configure">Configure</a> and setting the following:
    You will need to specify one or more Git repositories to pull your projects from. <em>Note:</em> If your Application and Frameworks
    are in one Repository, this job assumes that they are at the same level in the directory hierarchy. If they are not
    you will need to make modifications to both this job and the script that this job calls.
    <h4>Build Tasks</h4>
    You will need to specify one Ant task per WebObjects Framework and Application, in dependency order, that this job needs to build.
<h3>Runtime Parameters</h3>
Without changing the job configuration, you can:
  <li>Specify a custom "Deployment Name" for you Application</li>
  <li>Specify the version of Apple WebObjects™ to build against</li>
  <li>Specify the branch of Project Wonder.</li>
  <li>Specify if the build is for testing or deployment:</li>
      <li><b>Test Build</b> (no embedded frameworks)</li>
      <li><b>Deployment Build</b> (fully embedded System and Local frameworks)</li>
<b>NOTE:</b> this project is intended to work in tandem with the
<a href="">InstallWOAndWOnder</a> Jenkins job.
InstallWOAndWOnder will take care of downloading and installing WebObjects™ and cloning, building and installing Project WOnder
in the JENKINS_HOME/WOFrameworksRepository so that they are available for this job to use.
This project is currently disabled