Project Wonder 6.0 | |||||||||||
Package: er.ajax | |
class er.ajax.AjaxAccordion |
class er.ajax.AjaxAccordionTab |
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class er.ajax.json.client.AjaxStatelessJSONClient |
Package: er.ajax.mootools | |
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Package: er.attachment.components.viewers | |
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Package: er.captcha | |
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Package: er.coolcomponents | |
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Package: er.directtoweb.components | |
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class er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WDebugFlags |
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Package: er.directtoweb.components.misc | |
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class er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDTabText |
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Package: er.directtoweb.components.numbers | |
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Package: er.directtoweb.components.relationships | |
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class er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WEditToManyRelationship |
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Package: er.directtoweb.components.repetitions | |
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Package: er.directtoweb.components.strings | |
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class er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WDisplayString |
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class er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WQueryStringOperator |
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class er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDEditPasswordConfirmation |
class er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDEditStringWithChoices |
Package: er.directtoweb.cvs | |
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Package: er.directtoweb.embed | |
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class er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WEditRelationship |
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class er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WQuery |
class er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WSelect |
Package: er.directtoweb.excel | |
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Package: er.directtoweb.pages | |
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class er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WPage |
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class er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WQueryPage |
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Package: er.directtoweb.pages.templates | |
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Package: er.directtoweb.xml | |
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class er.directtoweb.xml.ERDXMLPageWrapper |
Package: er.distribution | |
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Package: er.ercmail | |
class er.ercmail.ERCMailableExceptionPage |
Package: er.excel | |
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class er.excel.EGXLSXWrapper |
Package: er.extensions.appserver | |
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class er.extensions.appserver.ERXRedirect |
Package: er.extensions.appserver.navigation | |
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class er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXModernNavigationMenuItem |
class er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXNavigationComponent |
class er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXNavigationMenu |
class er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXNavigationMenuItem |
Package: er.extensions.batching | |
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class er.extensions.batching.ERXBatchNavigationBarInForm |
class er.extensions.batching.ERXDirectActionBatchNavigationBar |
class er.extensions.batching.ERXFlickrBatchNavigation |
Package: er.extensions.batching._ajax | |
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Package: er.extensions.components | |
class er.extensions.components.ERXAccessibleSubmitButton |
class er.extensions.components.ERXAnyField |
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class er.extensions.components.ERXToOneRelationship |
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class er.extensions.components.ERXUniquingWrapper |
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Package: er.extensions.components._private | |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXActiveImage |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXHyperlink |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXSubmitButton |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXSwitchComponent |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOBrowser |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOForm |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOPasswordField |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXWORepetition |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOString |
class er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOTextField |
Package: er.extensions.components.conditionals | |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXElse |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXEqualConditional |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXInstanceOfConditional |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXKeyValueConditional |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXListContainsItemConditional |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXNonNullConditional |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXNonZeroConditional |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXOncePerRequestConditional |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXWOCase |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXWOConditional |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXWOSwitch |
class er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXWOTemplate |
Package: er.extensions.components.html5 | |
class er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWOEmailField |
class er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWOInput |
class er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWONumberField |
class er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWOTelField |
class er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWOUrlField |
Package: er.extensions.components.javascript | |
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class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSFormForTarget |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSInputValidator |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSLifebeat |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSOpenWindowHyperlink |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSOpenWindowSubmitButton |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSPopUpRelationPicker |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSPopupBlockerConditional |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSPopupSelector |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSRemoteCall |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSSubmitFunction |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSValidationErrors |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSVariables |
class er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJavaScript |
Package: er.extensions.components.partials | |
class er.extensions.components.partials.ERXPartialMarker |
class er.extensions.components.partials.ERXPartialWrapper |
Package: er.extensions.concurrency | |
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class er.extensions.concurrency.ERXWOLongResponsePage |
Package: er.extensions.eof | |
class er.extensions.eof.ERXDatabaseConsole |
Package: er.extensions.foundation | |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXHyperlinkResource |
Package: er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches | |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ActiveImage |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Browser |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.CheckBox |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.CheckBoxList |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.GenericContainer |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.GenericElement |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.HiddenField |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Image |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ImageButton |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.JavaScript |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.PasswordField |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.PopUpButton |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.RadioButton |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.RadioButtonList |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ResetButton |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.SubmitButton |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Text |
class er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.TextField |
Package: er.extensions.localization | |
class er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizedString |
Package: er.extensions.logging | |
class er.extensions.logging.ERXLog4JConfiguration |
Package: er.extensions.statistics | |
class er.extensions.statistics.ERXPageTracker |
class er.extensions.statistics.ERXStatisticsPage |
class er.extensions.statistics.ERXStatsSummary |
class er.extensions.statistics.ERXTimedSwitchComponent |
Package: er.extensions.woextensions | |
class er.extensions.woextensions.WOCollapsibleComponentContent |
class er.extensions.woextensions.WOSortOrder |
class er.extensions.woextensions.WOToManyRelationship |
class er.extensions.woextensions.WOToOneRelationship |
Package: er.extensions.woextensions._ajax | |
class er.extensions.woextensions._ajax.ERXAjaxSortOrder |
class er.extensions.woextensions._ajax.ERXAjaxSortOrderButton |
class er.extensions.woextensions._ajax.ERXAjaxSortOrderLink |
class er.extensions.woextensions._ajax.WOAjaxCollapsibleComponentContent |
Package: er.firebug.components | |
class er.firebug.components.ERFirebug |
Package: er.google.components | |
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class er.google.components.ERGoogleLogoutLink |
class er.google.components.ERGoogleSignInComponent |
Package: er.googlechart.components | |
class er.googlechart.components.GCAbstractChart |
class er.googlechart.components.GCBarChart |
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class er.googlechart.components.GCPieChart |
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class er.googlechart.components.GCRadarChart |
class er.googlechart.components.GCScatterPlot |
class er.googlechart.components.GCSparkline |
class er.googlechart.components.GCVennDiagram |
Package: er.imadaptor.components | |
class er.imadaptor.components.IMAction |
class er.imadaptor.components.IMBuddyStatus |
class er.imadaptor.components.IMConfirmationAction |
class er.imadaptor.components.IMPickListAction |
class er.imadaptor.components.IMSearchMessageAction |
class er.imadaptor.components.IMSearchOptionsAction |
class er.imadaptor.components.IMTextAction |
Package: er.jqm.components | |
class er.jqm.components.ERQMComponentBase |
class er.jqm.components.ERQMPageBase |
Package: er.jqm.components.core | |
class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMAjaxObserveField |
class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMAjaxUpdateContainer |
class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMAutoComplete |
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class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMListView |
class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMListViewElement |
class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMNavBar |
class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMNavBarElement |
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class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMText |
class er.jqm.components.core.ERQMTextField |
Package: er.jqm.components.extended | |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMButtonBack |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMButtonDialog |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMButtonExternal |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMButtonPopup |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputEmail |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputFlipSwitch |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputSearch |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputTel |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputText |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputUrl |
class er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMPasswordField |
Package: er.jqm.components.internal | |
class er.jqm.components.internal.AXSubmitButton |
Package: er.jqm.components.predefined | |
class er.jqm.components.predefined.ERQMHeaderBarSimple |
Package: er.jquery | |
class er.jquery.jQueryGet |
class er.jquery.jQueryGetLink |
class er.jquery.jQueryLoad |
class er.jquery.jQueryLoadLink |
Package: er.jquery.support | |
class er.jquery.support.WXGenericContainer |
Package: er.jquery.widgets | |
class er.jquery.widgets.AjaxUpload |
class er.jquery.widgets.AjaxUploadButton |
class er.jquery.widgets.AjaxUploadContainer |
class er.jquery.widgets.FileUploader |
class er.jquery.widgets.FileUploaderContainer |
class er.jquery.widgets.JWPlayer |
class er.jquery.widgets.TweetButton |
Package: er.jquerymobile.components | |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMBackButton |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMButton |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMButtonGroup |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMCheckbox |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMCheckboxList |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMCollapsibleComponentContent |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMCollapsibleComponentContentGroup |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMContent |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMDialog |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMDialogLink |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMFooterBar |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMGrid |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMGridBlock |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMGrouping |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMHeaderBar |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMHtmlTemplate |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputBaseComponent |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputColor |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputDate |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputDateTime |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputDateTimeLocal |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputFlipSwitch |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputMail |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputMonth |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputNumber |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputPassword |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputRange |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputSearch |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputString |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputTel |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputText |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputTime |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputUrl |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputWeek |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMListView |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMListViewElement |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMListViewIcon |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMListViewImage |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMNavBar |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMNavBarElement |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMPopUpButton |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMRadioList |
class er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMSubmitButton |
Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components | |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WBatchNavigationBar |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WCSSReference |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WColumnSelector |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WCombinedTableHeader |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WInspectLink |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WPropertyName |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WStyleSheetInjector |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WTableHeader |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDAjaxNotificationCenter |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDBatchSizeControl |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDDatePicker |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDDebuggingHelp |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDEmptyListMessage |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDHasChangesMarker |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDSectionText |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDWizardBanner |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDWizardDetailedBanner |
Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons | |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDActionBar |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDActionButton |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDDeleteButton |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDEditButton |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDInspectButton |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDRemoveRelatedButton |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDSelectButton |
Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.embedded | |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.embedded.ERMD2WEditRelationship |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.embedded.ERMD2WQuery |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.embedded.ERMDEditRelationship |
Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.header | |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.header.ERMD2WEditRelationshipHeader |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.header.ERMD2WHeader |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.header.ERMD2WSimpleHeader |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.header.ERMD2WUserPresentableDescriptionHeader |
Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.query | |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.query.ERMD2WListFilter |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.query.ERMD2WQueryDateRange |
Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.relationships | |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERMD2WEditAttachment |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERMD2WEditToOneTypeAhead |
Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions | |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDInspectPageRepetition |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDListPageRepetition |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDNestingListPageRepetition |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDQueryPageRepetition |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDReducedListPageRepetition |
class er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDSimpleListPageRepetition |
Package: er.modern.look.components | |
class er.modern.look.components.ERMODComponent |
class er.modern.look.components.ERMODEditableListTemplate |
class er.modern.look.components.ERMODErrorBlock |
class er.modern.look.components.ERMODGenericActionBlock |
class er.modern.look.components.ERMODRequiredWrapper |
class er.modern.look.components.ERMODSecondaryActionButtons |
class er.modern.look.components.ERMODSection |
Package: er.modern.look.pages | |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCSVGroupingListPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCSVListPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCalendarPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCompactInspectPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCompactListPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODConfirmPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODEditRelationshipPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODGroupingListPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODGroupingListXMLPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODGroupingPrinterFriendlyListPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODInspectPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODListComparePage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODListPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODListXMLPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODMessagePage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODPickListPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODPickTypePage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODPrinterFriendlyInspectPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODProgressPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODQueryEntitiesPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODQueryPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODTabInspectPage |
class er.modern.look.pages.ERMODWizardCreationPage |
Package: er.mootools.directtoweb.components | |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WBatchNavigationBar |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WCSSReference |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WCombinedTableHeader |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WEditAttachment |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WEditRelationship |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WInspectLink |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WPropertyName |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WStyleSheetInjector |
Package: er.mootools.directtoweb.components.headers | |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.headers.ERMTD2WEditRelationshipHeader |
class er.mootools.directtoweb.components.headers.ERMTD2WSimpleHeader |
Package: er.neutral | |
class er.neutral.ERNEUEditRelationshipPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUEditSortedManyToManyPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUErrorPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUGroupingListPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUInspectPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUListPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUMessagePage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUPickListPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUQueryAllPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUQueryPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUSavedQueriesComponent |
class er.neutral.ERNEUTabInspectPage |
class er.neutral.ERNEUWizardCreationPage |
Package: er.pdf | |
class er.pdf.ERPDFWrapper |
Package: er.pdf.components | |
class er.pdf.components.ERFOPWrapper |
class er.pdf.components.ERPDF2PS |
class er.pdf.components.UJACBackgroundImage |
class er.pdf.components.UJACImage |
class er.pdf.components.UJACImport |
class er.pdf.components.UJACInsertDocument |
class er.pdf.components.UJACOverlay |
class er.pdf.components.UJACRegisterFont |
class er.pdf.components.UJACResource |
class er.pdf.components.UJACResourceBundle |
class er.pdf.components.UJACWatermark |
Package: er.plot | |
class er.plot.ERPCategoryChart |
class er.plot.ERPChart |
class er.plot.ERPOFCChart |
class er.plot.ERPPieChart |
Package: er.prototaculous | |
class er.prototaculous.AjaxRequest |
class er.prototaculous.AjaxRequestButton |
class er.prototaculous.AjaxRequestLink |
class er.prototaculous.AjaxUpdater |
class er.prototaculous.AjaxUpdaterButton |
class er.prototaculous.AjaxUpdaterForm |
class er.prototaculous.AjaxUpdaterLink |
Package: er.prototaculous.support | |
class er.prototaculous.support.WXGenericContainer |
class er.prototaculous.support.WXPageFragment |
Package: er.prototaculous.widgets | |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.Accordion |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.AccordionTab |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.AjaxUpload |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.AjaxUploadButton |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.AjaxUploadContainer |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.CalendarDateSelect |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.LightWindow |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.LightWindowButton |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.LightWindowLink |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.ModalBox |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.ModalBoxButton |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.ModalBoxLink |
class er.prototaculous.widgets.ModalBoxOnLoad |
Package: er.quartzscheduler.components | |
class er.quartzscheduler.components.ERQSJobInformations |
Package: er.reporting | |
class er.reporting.WRAttributeEditor |
class er.reporting.WRAttributeGroup |
class er.reporting.WRAttributeListEditor |
class er.reporting.WRLayoutEditor |
class er.reporting.WRMasterCriteriaEditor |
class er.reporting.WRNavigationControl |
class er.reporting.WRNestedCellsLayout |
class er.reporting.WRNestedList |
class er.reporting.WRQuickReport |
class er.reporting.WRRecordGroup |
class er.reporting.WRReport |
class er.reporting.WRReportEditor |
class er.reporting.WRVerticalRowsLayout |
Package: er.rest.routes.components | |
class er.rest.routes.components.ERXRouteLink |
class er.rest.routes.components.ERXRouteURL |
Package: er.selenium | |
class er.selenium.SeleniumTestSuitePage |
Package: er.selenium.io | |
class er.selenium.io.SeleniumComponentExporterPage |
class er.selenium.io.SeleniumPresentationExporterPage |
class er.selenium.io.SeleniumXHTMLExporterPage |
Package: er.snapshotexplorer.components | |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEComponent |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEEntitySnapshots |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEHeaderFooter |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEPage |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEPanel |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.SESnapshotsList |
Package: er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages | |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOEntityShowPage |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOModelGroupIndexPage |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOModelGroupShowPage |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOModelIndexPage |
class er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOModelShowPage |
Package: er.taggable.components | |
class er.taggable.components.ERAjaxTagField |
class er.taggable.components.ERTagCloud |
class er.taggable.components.ERTagField |
Package: er.testrunner | |
class er.testrunner.ERXWOTestInterface |
class er.testrunner.ERXWOTestResult |
Package: er.wolips.components | |
class er.wolips.components.WOLClickToOpen |
class er.wolips.components.WOLComponentLink |
class er.wolips.components.WOLToolBar |
Package: er.wopaypal | |
class er.wopaypal.CancelledPayPalTransaction |
class er.wopaypal.PayPalAddToCartHyperlink |
class er.wopaypal.PayPalDonateFormLink |
class er.wopaypal.PayPalDonateHyperlink |
class er.wopaypal.PayPalSingleItemFormLink |
class er.wopaypal.PayPalSingleItemHyperlink |
class er.wopaypal.PayPalSingleItemLinkBase |
class er.wopaypal.PayPalViewShoppingCartHyperlink |
class er.wopaypal.SuccessfulPayPalTransaction |
Package: er.ajax |
From er.ajax.AjaxAccordion: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxAccordionTab: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxAutoComplete: Autocompleting combo-box similar to Google suggest.
Bindings | |
list |
bound to a method that should return the whole list of object to be displayed. When used in an Ajax context, the component will push first to the value binding, giving you the chance to narrow the list of elements displayed. When used in a local context, the list should contain all possible objects. The list will be filtered by the scriptaculous engine. |
value |
string that will hold the text entered in the field. It is continuously updated. |
item |
pushed and pulled the current element of the list. This can be used to customized the string representation (in conjunction with the displayString binding) of the object. |
displayString |
optional custom string representation of the current element. |
escapeHTML |
pass false to prevent escaping of HTML in the displayString value, defaults to true . This is applied only when isLocal is false. |
isLocal |
boolean indicating if you want the list to be completely client-side. Binding a true value, would mean that the list will be filtered on the client. |
isLocalSharedList |
boolean indicating if the list needs to be shared. |
localSharedVarName |
the name of the javascript variable to use to store the list in. The list is stored in the userInfo dictionary on the server side to allow for shared use by multiple auto complete components. |
token |
frequency |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. |
minChars |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. |
indicator |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. |
updateElement |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. |
afterUpdateElement |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. Also, a value of "observe" will generate javascript to submit change to server when item selected from list. Provided because {@link AjaxObserveField} doesn't work on {@link AjaxAutoComplete} fields. |
select |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. |
onShow |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. |
fullSearch |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. |
partialSearch |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation. |
choices |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation (Local only) |
partialChars |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation (Local only) |
ignoreCase |
Look at the scriptaculous documentation (Local only) |
accesskey |
hot key that should activate the text field (optional) |
tabindex |
tab index of the text field (optional) |
default |
hint for the text field, when used together with {@link AjaxTextHinter}. |
selection |
if set, if the text field's string matches the displayString of one of the objects in the provided list, that object will be bound back as the selection. currently this only supports displayString renderers and not child templates |
class |
class attribute of the text field |
style |
class attribute of the text field |
onblur |
onblur attribute of the text field |
onfocus |
onfocus attribute of the text field |
onchange |
onchange attribute of the text field |
onmouseup |
onmouseup attribute of the text field |
onmousedown |
onmousedown attribute of the text field |
onclick |
onclick attribute of the text field |
activateOnFocus |
activate when text field gets focus |
containerId |
tag id for the container of the popup div (default is body) |
From er.ajax.AjaxBehaviour: Adds a script tag with a Behaviour.register() with the content as the method argument.
Bindings | |
includeScriptTag |
boolean also write out script tag |
From er.ajax.AjaxBusyIndicator: AjaxBusyIndicator provides various ways of performing operations when an Ajax requst is in process.
Bindings | |
busyClass |
(optional) the CSS class to apply to the updating element during the request |
divID |
(optional) the id of the div to show and hide during the request |
onCreate |
(optional) the function to execute when the request starts |
onComplete |
(optional) the function to execute when the request ends |
busyImage |
(optional) if set, a busy div will be automatically created with this image in it |
busyImageFramework |
(optional) the framework that contains the busy image |
watchContainerID |
(optional) if set, the other bindings will only apply when this container ID is being updated, which provides for per-element busy controls |
id |
(optional) if bound, you can provide a custom style for the generated busy image div |
class |
(optional) if bound, you can provide a custom style for the generated busy image div |
style |
(optional) if bound, you can provide a custom style for the generated busy image div |
From er.ajax.AjaxBusySpinner: AjaxBusySpinner provides various ways of performing operations when an Ajax request is in process.
Bindings | |
busyClass |
(optional) the CSS class to apply to the updating element during the request |
divID |
(optional) the id of the div to show and hide during the request |
onCreate |
(optional) the function to execute when the request starts |
onComplete |
(optional) the function to execute when the request ends |
watchContainerID |
(optional) if set, the other bindings will only apply when this container ID is being updated, which provides for per-element busy controls |
id |
(optional) if bound, you can provide a custom style for the generated busy image div |
class |
(optional) if bound, you can provide a custom style for the generated busy image div |
style |
(optional) if bound, you can provide a custom style for the generated busy image div |
lines |
(optional) number of lines to draw |
length |
(optional) length of each line |
width |
(optional) line thickness |
radius |
(optional) radius of the inner circle |
color |
(optional) #rgb or #rrggbb |
speed |
(optional) rounds per second |
trail |
(optional) afterglow percentage |
shadow |
(optional) whether to render a shadow |
spinOpts |
(optional) json style list of spinner options (explicit binding values take precedence) |
From er.ajax.AjaxComponent: This abstract (by design) superclass component isolate general utility methods.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxDatePicker: Shameless port and adoption of Rails Date Kit.
Bindings | |
value |
the value that will be shown in the input field and set by the date picker (required) |
format |
the format to use in the input field (only one of format or formatter may be bound) |
formatter |
the formatter to use with the input field (only one of format or formatter may be bound) |
id |
HTML ID passed to the input field |
class |
CSS class passed to the input field |
style |
CSS style passed to the input field |
size |
size attribute passed to the input field |
maxlength |
maxlength attribute passed to the input field |
name |
name attribute passed to the input field |
disabled |
passed to the input field |
onDateSelect |
JavaScript to execute when a date is selected from the calendar |
fireEvent |
false if the onChange event for the input should NOT be fired when a date is selected in the calendar, defaults to true |
manualInput |
false if you want to prevent manual input from the user and force him/her to use the date picker, defaults to true |
startDay |
specify the first day of week to use 0(Sunday)-6(Saturday). The default use the current localizer. |
dayNames |
list of day names (Sunday to Saturday) for localization, English is the default |
monthNames |
list of month names for localization, English is the default |
imagesDir |
directory to take images from, takes them from Ajax.framework by default |
locale |
FL: locale can be set if ERXLocalizer returns the wrong one. IE the English localizer returns a US Locale. If you want the UK one then set this binding. |
showYearControls: |
display the prev and next year controls. Default to true. |
calendarCSS |
name of CSS resource with classed for calendar, defaults to "calendar.css" |
calendarCSSFramework |
name of framework (null for application) containing calendarCSS resource, defaults to "Ajax" |
From er.ajax.AjaxDefaultSubmitButton: Invisible form submit button that can be included as the first element in an Ajax submitted form so that hitting enter performs the action bound to this button.
Bindings | |
name |
the HTML name of this submit button (optional) |
value |
the HTML value of this submit button (optional) |
action |
the action to execute when this button is pressed |
id |
the HTML ID of this submit button |
class |
the HTML class of this submit button |
onClick |
arbitrary Javascript to execute when the client clicks the button |
onClickBefore |
if the given function returns true, the onClick is executed. This is to support confirm(..) dialogs. |
onServerClick |
if the action defined in the action binding returns null, the value of this binding will be returned as javascript from the server |
onComplete |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the request has finished. |
onSuccess |
javascript to execute in response to the Ajax onSuccess event |
onFailure |
javascript to execute in response to the Ajax onFailure event |
onLoading |
javascript to execute when loading |
evalScripts |
evaluate scripts on the result |
updateContainerID |
the id of the AjaxUpdateContainer to update after performing this action |
formSerializer |
the name of the javascript function to call to serialize the form |
asynchronous |
boolean defining if the request is sent asynchronously or synchronously, defaults to true |
effect |
synonym of afterEffect except it always applies to updateContainerID |
effectDuration |
synonym of afterEffectDuration except it always applies to updateContainerID // PROTOTYPE EFFECTS |
beforeEffect |
the Scriptaculous effect to apply onSuccess ("highlight", "slideIn", "blindDown", etc); |
beforeEffectID |
the ID of the container to apply the "before" effect to (blank = try nearest container, then try updateContainerID) |
beforeEffectDuration |
the duration of the effect to apply before // PROTOTYPE EFFECTS |
afterEffect |
the Scriptaculous effect to apply onSuccess ("highlight", "slideIn", "blindDown", etc); |
afterEffectID |
the ID of the container to apply the "after" effect to (blank = try nearest container, then try updateContainerID) |
afterEffectDuration |
the duration of the effect to apply after |
insertion |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update takes place (or effect shortcuts like "Effect.blind", or "Effect.BlindUp") |
insertionDuration |
the duration of the before and after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
beforeInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before insertion animation (if using insertion) |
afterInsertionDuration |
the duration of the after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
From er.ajax.AjaxDraggable: AjaxDraggable makes HTML elements draggable.
Bindings | |
id |
the id of the element to drag. When omitContainer is false, this is the id of the container surrounding the component content. When unspecified, a unique id will be generated. |
omitContainer |
if set to true, the container element will be omitted. The DOM id of the object to be made draggable must be specified with the id binding. Defaults to false. |
elementName |
the element to use for the container. defaults to "div". |
class |
the css class of the container |
style |
the css styles of the container |
draggableObject |
a java object which is passed to the AjaxDroppable when this draggable is dropped onto it. |
draggableID |
starteffect |
Effect, defaults to Effect.Opacity. Defines the effect to use when the draggable starts being dragged |
reverteffect |
Effect, default to Effect.Move. Defines the effect to use when the draggable reverts back to its starting position |
endeffect |
Effect, defaults to Effect.Opacity. Defines the effect to use when the draggable stops being dragged |
zindex |
integer value, defaults to 1000. The css z-index of the draggable item |
revert |
boolean or function reference, defaults to false. If set to true, the element returns to its original position when the drags ends. Revert can also be an arbitrary function reference, called when the drag ends. Specifying 'failure' will instruct the draggable not to revert if successfully dropped in a droppable. |
snap |
set to false no snapping occurs. Otherwise takes one of the following forms – Δi: one delta value for both horizontal and vertical snap, [Δx, Δy]: delta values for horizontal and vertical snap, function(x, y, draggable_object) { return [x, y]; }: a function that receives the proposed new top left coordinate pair and returns the coordinate pair to actually be used. |
ghosting |
boolean, defaults to false. Clones the element and drags the clone, leaving the original in place until the clone is dropped |
handle |
string or DOM reference, not set by default. Sets whether the element should only be draggable by an embedded handle. The value must be an element reference or element id. The value may also be a string referencing a CSS class value. The first child/grandchild/etc. element found within the element that has this CSS class value will be used as the handle. |
change |
Called just as onDrag (which is the preferred callback). Gets the Draggable instance as its parameter. |
keyPress |
scroll |
can be either a dom ID or a dom reference. In case of a dom reference the value must not be quoted. Set binding to "window" to scroll the window when the draggable reaches the window boundary. Set binding to "'someID'" to scroll the element with ID "someID" |
From er.ajax.AjaxDroppable: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
onBeforeDrop |
the function to execute before notifying the server of the drop |
onDrop |
the function to execute after notifying the server of the drop |
submit |
if true, drop will perform a form submit |
formName |
the name of the form to submit (if submit is true) |
confirmMessage |
if set, a confirm dialog with the given message is shown on drop. Allows cancelling a drop. |
id |
elementName |
droppedDraggableID |
action |
droppedObject |
style |
accept |
containment |
hoverclass |
overlap |
greedy |
onHover |
onComplete |
updateContainerID |
evalScripts |
disabled |
class |
From er.ajax.AjaxDynamicElement: AjaxDynamicElement provides a common base class for dynamic Ajax elements.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxExpansion:
{@code AjaxExpansion} provides an easy way to make expansion areas that appear and disappear by clicking a link.
Bindings | |
id |
the id of the contents div |
linkID |
the id of the toggle link (defaults to "[id]Link") |
class |
the class of the contents div |
linkClass |
the class of the toggle link (always gets "expansion" added, and "expanded" when opened) |
expanded |
optionally allows controlling the expansion state of the contents |
initiallyExpanded |
optionally allows controlling the initial expansion state when the "expanded" binding is not used |
string |
the string displayed for the link. For something fancier than a plain string, see above. |
openedLabel |
the string to display when expanded. An alternative to the string binding. |
closedLabel |
the string to display when not expanded. An alternative to the string binding. |
insertion |
the insertion effect (see AjaxUpdateLink ) |
insertionDuration |
the insertion effect duration (see AjaxUpdateLink ) |
action |
the action to fire when the hyperlink is clicked (that is, on expansion and contraction) |
onLoading |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update request begins |
onComplete |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update request has finished |
onSuccess |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update request was successful |
onFailure |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update request has failed |
onException |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update request had errors |
accesskey |
hot key that should toggle the expansion (optional) |
onExpansionComplete |
value for the AjaxUpdateContainer onRefreshComplete binding when the contents are expanded |
From er.ajax.AjaxFileUpload: AjaxFileUpload provides an Ajax wrapper around the file upload process.
Bindings | |
cancelText |
the text to display for the cancel link |
cancelingText |
the text to display when the progress is being canceled |
startingText |
the text to display when the progress is starting |
startedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress is started |
canceledFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload is canceled |
succeededFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload succeeds |
failedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload fails |
finishedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload finishes (succeeded, failed, or canceled) |
finishedAction |
the action to fire when the upload finishes (cancel, failed, or succeeded) |
canceledAction |
the action to fire when the upload is canceled |
succeededAction |
the action to fire when the upload succeeded |
failedAction |
the action to fire when the upload fails |
data |
the NSData that will be bound with the contents of the upload |
inputStream |
will be bound to an input stream on the contents of the upload |
outputStream |
the output stream to write the contents of the upload to |
streamToFilePath |
the path to write the upload to, can be a directory |
finalFilePath |
the final file path of the upload (when streamToFilePath is set or keepTempFile = true) |
filePath |
the name of the uploaded file |
allowCancel |
if true, the cancel link is visible |
progressBarBeforeStart |
if true, the progress bar is visible before the upload is started |
progressBarAfterDone |
if true, the progress bar is visible after the upload is done |
refreshTime |
the number of milliseconds to wait between refreshes |
keepTempFile |
if true, don't delete the temp file that AjaxFileUpload creates |
uploadLabel |
the label to display on the Upload button ("Upload" by default) |
uploadFunctionName |
the upload button will instead be a function with the given name |
progressOfText |
the text to display for the word "of" in the "[size] of [totalsize]" string during upload |
mimeType |
set from the content-type of the upload header if available |
class |
the class attribute of the file input |
style |
the style attribute of the file input |
id |
the id attribute of the file input |
onFileSelected |
optional JS code that is called when the file selection changes. To auto-start the upload when a file is selected, set uploadFunctionName to e.g. "startUpload" and onFileSelected to "startUpload()" |
uploadProgress |
access to the underlying AjaxUploadProgress object |
From er.ajax.AjaxFlexibleFileUpload: AjaxFlexibleFileUpload is an enhanced file upload component that uses a call to a hidden iFrame to handle a file upload.
Bindings | |
accept |
the attribute specifies the types of files that the server accepts (that can be submitted through a file upload) |
cancelLabel |
the label for for the cancel button (defaults to "Cancel") |
startingText |
the text to display when the progress is starting (defaults "Upload Starting..."); |
selectFileLabel |
the label for the select file button (defaults to "Select File...") |
clearLabel |
the label for the button used to clear a selected file or uploaded file (defaults to "Clear") |
uploadLabel |
the label for the Upload button (defaults to "Upload") |
startedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress is started |
canceledFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload is canceled |
succeededFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload succeeds |
clearedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the clear button is clicked |
failedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload fails |
finishedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload finishes (succeeded, failed, or canceled) |
finishedAction |
the action to fire when the upload finishes (cancel, failed, or succeeded) |
canceledAction |
the action to fire when the upload is canceled |
succeededAction |
the action to fire when the upload succeeded |
clearedAction |
the action to fire when the clear button is clicked |
failedAction |
the action to fire when the upload fails |
data |
the NSData that will be bound with the contents of the upload |
inputStream |
will be bound to an input stream on the contents of the upload |
outputStream |
the output stream to write the contents of the upload to |
streamToFilePath |
the path to write the upload to, can be a directory |
finalFilePath |
the final file path of the upload (when streamToFilePath is set or keepTempFile = true) |
filePath |
the name of the uploaded file |
allowCancel |
if true, the cancel link is visible |
refreshTime |
the number of milliseconds to wait between refreshes (defaults to 2000) |
keepTempFile |
if true, don't delete the temp file that AjaxFileUpload creates |
uploadFunctionName |
the upload button will instead be a function with the given name |
autoSubmit |
should the upload start immediately after a file is selected (defaults to true) |
injectDefaultCSS |
inject the default stylesheet from the Ajax framework (defaults to true); |
selectFileButtonClass |
class for the select file button (defaults to "Button ObjButton SelectFileObjButton"); |
uploadButtonClass |
class for the select file button (defaults to "Button ObjButton UploadFileObjButton") |
cancelButtonClass |
class for the select file button (defaults to "Button ObjButton CancelUploadObjButton") |
clearButtonClass |
class for the select file button (defaults to "Button ObjButton ClearUploadObjButton") |
clearUploadProgressOnSuccess |
if true, displays the select file button instead of the uploaded file name on completion of a successful upload |
mimeType |
set from the content-type of the upload header if available |
onClickBefore |
if the given function returns true, the onClick is executed. This is to support confirm(..) dialogs. |
From er.ajax.AjaxFlickrBatchNavigation:
AjaxFlickrBatchNavigation is a batch navigation component that provides pagination that behaves like the paginator on Flickr.com, and is just like ERXFlickrBatchNavigation except that the links are AjaxUpdateLinks.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
the display group to paginate |
displayName |
the name of the items that are being display ("photo", "bug", etc) |
onClick |
an optional JavaScript String to bind to the previous, next, and select page AjaxUpdateLinks. |
updateContainerID |
(optional) the id of the container to refresh (defaults to the nearest parent) |
showPageRange |
if true, the page of items on the page is shown, for example "(1-7 of 200 items)" |
showBatchSizes |
if true , a menu to change the items per page is shown "Show: (10) 20 (100) (All) items per page" |
batchSizes |
can be either a string or an NSArray of numbers that define the batch sizes to chose from. The number "0" provides an "All" items batch size. For example "10,20,30" or "10,50,100,0" |
small |
if true, a compressed page count style is used |
parentActionName |
(if you don't provide a displayGroup) the action to be executed on the parent component to get the next batch of items. |
currentBatchIndex |
(if you don't provide a displayGroup) used to get and set on the parent component the selected page index |
maxNumberOfObjects |
(if you don't provide a displayGroup) used to get the total number of objects that are being paginated. |
numberOfObjectsPerBatch |
(if you don't provide a displayGroup) the number of objects per batch (page) |
From er.ajax.AjaxFunctionButton: AjaxFunctionButton is a convenience for calling javascript functions in response to an onclick on a button.
Bindings | |
disabled |
if true, the button is disabled |
onclick |
the javascript to execute when the button is clicked. |
action |
the type of event to fire ("update", "save", "edit", "cancel") |
updateContainerID |
the id of the container to fire the event to (optional if inside of the container) |
value |
the text of the button |
From er.ajax.AjaxFunctionLink: AjaxFunctionLink is a convenience for calling javascript functions in response to an onclick.
Bindings | |
disabled |
if true, disables the link |
onclick |
the javascript to execute when the link is clicked. |
onClick |
synonym of onclick |
action |
the type of event to fire ("update", "save", "edit", "cancel") |
updateContainerID |
the id of the container to fire the event to (optional if inside of the container) |
From er.ajax.AjaxGrid: Ajax powered grid based on HTML Table that provides drag and drop column re-ordering, complex sorting, and the ability to embed components in cells.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
required, WODisplayGroup acting as source and batching engine for the data to be displayed |
configurationData |
required, NSMutableDictionary used to configure grid, see documentation for details |
selectedObjects |
optional, NSMutableArray list of rows that the user has selected from the grid |
willUpdate |
optional, Ajax action method called when the AjaxUpdateContainer is being updated, but before it renders its content |
afterUpdate |
optional, JavaScript to execute client-side after the grid has updated |
updateContainerParameters |
optional, passed as parameters binding to the AjaxUpdateContainer wrapping the grid |
From er.ajax.AjaxGridNavBar: Abstract super class for a navigation bar that can be used with AjaxGrid.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
the same WODisplayGroup passed to AjaxGrid |
configurationData |
the same NSMutableDictionary passed to AjaxGrid |
containerID |
unique ID for the AjaxUpdateContainer in this component. |
From er.ajax.AjaxHighlight: AjaxHighlight provides a convenient way to queue up an object as highlighted so that it gets a highlight effect when the next page renders.
Bindings | |
value |
the value to check for highlighting |
id |
the optional id to highlight (if blank, a container will be generated) |
elementName |
the element name of the generated container (if specified, a container will be generated); defaults to div |
effect |
the name of the scriptaculous effect to render (defaults to "Highlight", "none" = no effect) |
newEffect |
the name of the scriptaculous effect to render (defaults to "Highlight", "none" = no effect) for new objects |
updateEffect |
the name of the scriptaculous effect to render (defaults to "Highlight", "none" = no effect) for updated objects |
class |
the CSS class of the generated container |
style |
the CSS style of the generated container |
onMouseOver |
string with javascript to execute |
onMouseOut |
string with javascript to execute |
duration |
the duration of the highlight effect (in seconds) |
hidden |
if true, when the value is highlighted, the element will be display: none |
newHidden |
if true, when the value is highlighted, the element will be display: none for new objects |
updateHidden |
if true, when the value is highlighted, the element will be display: none for updated objects |
delay |
if set, the delay that is applied before the effect is executed |
showEffect |
if set, the highlighed elemented with have this effect applied prior to the highlight (i.e. "Appear") |
showDuration |
the duration of the show effect (in seconds) |
hideEffect |
if set, the highlighed elemented with have this effect applied after the highlight (i.e. "Fade") |
hideDuration |
the duration of the hide effect (in seconds) |
From er.ajax.AjaxHoverable: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
hoverableWidth |
num of pixels for hoverable width (200 as default) (String) |
additionalClassHoverArea |
additionalClassToolTip |
showHoverable |
additionalStyleHoverArea |
useJavascriptForHoverEffect |
useJavascriptOffsetX |
num of pixels without a 'px' on the end. Just the raw number. |
useJavascriptOffsetY |
num of pixels without a 'px' on the end. Just the raw number. |
toolTipWidth |
additionalStyleToolTip |
toolTipHeight |
toolTipAutoScroll |
toolTipDropBelow |
toolTipDropAbove |
toolTipDropTopRight |
toolTipDropTopLeft |
toolTipDropBottomRight |
toolTipDropBottomLeft |
advancedToolTipLeft |
advancedToolTipRight |
advancedToolTipTop |
advancedToolTipBottom |
From er.ajax.AjaxHyperlink: Ajax enabled Hyperlink.
Bindings | |
elementName |
the HTML element name |
onSuccess |
JS function, called on a 2xx response on the client |
onFailure |
JS function, called on a non-200 response on the client |
onComplete |
JS function, called on completion |
onLoading |
the js function to call when loading |
evalScripts |
whether or not to eval scripts on the result |
onClickBefore |
if the given function returns true, the onClick is executed. This is to support confirm(..) dialogs. |
onClick |
JS function, called after the click on the client |
onClickServer |
JS returned from the server after the update |
action |
method to call |
title |
title of the link |
string |
optional string for link text for when there is no element content |
id |
id of the link |
class |
class of the link |
style |
style of the link |
disabled |
whether or not this link is disabled |
functionName |
if set, the link becomes a javascript function |
From er.ajax.AjaxInPlace: AjaxInPlace is a generalization of the AjaxInPlaceEditor.
Bindings | |
class |
the class used on the top container |
id |
the id used on various parts of this component |
saveLabel |
the label to show on the save button |
saveAction |
the action to invoke on save |
saveUpdateContainerID |
by default save updates the container specified in "id", but you can override that with this binding |
saveClass |
the class of the save button |
canSave |
if true, the results are saved; if false, the user is not allowed to leave edit mode |
onSaveClick |
the action to fire when save is clicked |
onSaveSuccess |
the javascript function to execute after a successful save |
onSaveFailure |
the javascript function to execute after a failed save |
onSaving |
the javascript action to fire when saving |
button |
if true, the save action is a button; if false, it's a link |
submitOnSave |
if true, the save button is an AjaxSubmitButton; if false, it's an AjaxUpdateLink (which will not actually submit a form -- you would have to do some work here) // PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS |
saveInsertion |
the insertion function to use on save |
saveInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before and after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
saveBeforeInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before insertion animation (if using insertion) |
saveAfterInsertionDuration |
the duration of the after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
cancelLabel |
the label to show on the cancel button |
cancelAction |
the action to invoke on cancel |
cancelUpdateContainerID |
by default cancel updates the container specified in "id", but you can override that with this binding |
cancelClass |
the class of the cancel button |
onCancelClick |
the action to fire when cancel is clicked |
onCancelSuccess |
the javascript function to execute after a successful cancel |
onCancelFailure |
the javascript function to execute after a failed cancel |
onCancelling |
the javascript action to fire when cancelling // PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS |
cancelInsertion |
the insertion function to use on cancel |
cancelInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before and after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
cancelBeforeInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before insertion animation (if using insertion) |
cancelAfterInsertionDuration |
the duration of the after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
editClass |
the class of the div that you click on to trigger edit mode (yes this name sucks) |
formClass |
the class of the form around the edit view |
canEdit |
if true, edit mode is entered; if false, view mode remains active |
editOnly |
if true, edit mode is locked on (and save controls don't show if it's in a parent form); if false, you can switch between edit and view mode |
onEditClick |
the action to fire when edit mode is triggered |
onEditSuccess |
the javascript function to execute after a successful edit |
onEditFailure |
the javascript function to execute after a failed edit |
onEditing |
the javascript action to fire when editing mode is loading // PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS |
editInsertion |
the insertion function to use on edit |
editInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before and after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
editBeforeInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before insertion animation (if using insertion) |
editAfterInsertionDuration |
the duration of the after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
onRefreshComplete |
the javascript function to execute after refreshing the container |
disabled |
whether or not edit mode should be disabled |
manualControl |
if true, it is up to you to provide click-to-edit, save, and cancel controls |
manualViewControl |
if true, it is up to you to provide click-to-edit controls |
manualEditControl |
if true, it is up to you to provide save and cancel controls |
style |
the style of the top level container |
elementName |
the name of the container element (defaults to "div") |
formSerializer |
the name of the javascript function to call to serialize the form |
onsubmit |
pass through onsubmit to form |
From er.ajax.AjaxInPlaceEditTemplate: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxInPlaceEditor: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxInPlaceViewTemplate: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxIncludeScript: AjaxIncludeScript provides an easy way to add an Ajax script dependency.
Bindings | |
name |
The name of the javascript file to include ("prototype.js", "effects.js", etc) |
framework |
The framework the javascript file resides in, defaults to "Ajax" |
From er.ajax.AjaxLongResponse: Simple Ajax long response handler that stays on the same page.
Bindings | |
id |
ID of the AjaxUpdate (required) |
isRunning |
true if the task is running and the update should get triggered (required) |
elementName |
elementName of the AjaxUpdate, defaults to DIV |
frequency |
frequency of the AjaxUpdate, defaults to 1 (sec) |
stopped |
start out in stopped mode. You need to start it by yourself via JS if you use this. |
From er.ajax.AjaxModalContainer: Shows a link and wraps an area that is later presented as a modal window.
Bindings | |
label |
label for the link |
class |
class for the link |
style |
style for the link |
value |
value for the link (??) |
id |
id for the link |
containerID |
container ID for non-Ajax WOComponentContent |
closeLabel |
string for the close link |
title |
title string for the link label and the window |
href |
when it is bound, the content of the url will be fetched into an iframe. |
directActionName |
the direct action to fetch |
action |
when it is bound, the content of the url will be fetched into a div |
ajax |
(optional) when true, the contents are only rendered during the Ajax request, using ajax=true is the preferred way to use this |
open |
if true, the container is rendered already opened (currently only workings, i think, with ajax=true) |
locked |
if true, the container will be "locked" and will not close unless you explicitly close it |
secure |
(only applicable for directAtionName) if true, the generated url will be https |
skin |
the name of the skin to use (lightbox or darkbox right now) |
From er.ajax.AjaxModalDialog:
AjaxModalDialog is a modal dialog window based on ModalBox (see below for link).
Bindings | |
action |
action method returning the contents of the dialog box |
pageName |
name of WOComponent for the contents of the dialog box |
label |
the text for the link that opens the dialog box |
title |
Title to be displayed in the ModalBox window header, also used as title attribute of link opening dialog |
linkTitle |
Title to be used as title attribute of link opening dialog, title is used if this is not present |
width |
integer Width in pixels, use -1 for auto-width |
height |
integer Height in pixels, use -1 for auto-height. When set Modalbox will operate in 'fixed-height' mode. |
centerVertically |
optional, if true the dialog is centered vertically on the page instead of appearing at the top |
open |
if true, the container is rendered already opened, the default is false |
showOpener |
if false, no HTML is generated for the link, button etc. to open this dialog, it can only be opened from custom JavaScript (see below). The default is true |
enabled |
if false, nothing is rendered for this component. This can be used instead of wrapping this in a WOConditional. The default is true. |
ignoreNesting |
optional, if true and this dialog is nested inside another, no warning will be output |
onOpen |
server side method that runs before the dialog is opened, the return value is discarded |
onClose |
server side method that runs before the dialog is closed, the return value is discarded. This will be executed if the page is reloaded, but not if the user navigates elsewhere. |
closeUpdateContainerID |
the update container to refresh when onClose is called |
onCloseBeforeUpdate |
if the given function returns true, the update container named in closeUpdateContainerID is updated. This is to allow conditional updating, e.g. not updating when the dialog is simply dismissed. |
clickOnReturnId |
optional, ID of clickable HTML element to click when the Return key is pressed. This is ignored if a clickable element has the focus |
clickOnEscId |
optional, ID of clickable HTML element to click when the Esc key is pressed. This is ignored if a clickable element has the focus but overrides the locked setting |
id |
HTML id for the link activating the modal dialog |
class |
CSS class for the link activating the modal dialog |
style |
CSS style for the link activating the modal dialog |
overlayClose |
true | false Close modal box by clicking on overlay. Default is true. |
locked |
if true, suppresses the close window link, prevents Esc key and overlay from closing dialog. Default is false, true implies overlayClose false. If clickOnEscId is bound, this allows Esc to do something regardless of the locked binding |
method |
get | post. Method of passing variables to a server. Default is 'get'. |
params |
{} Collection of parameters to pass on AJAX request. Should be URL-encoded. See PassingFormValues for details. |
loadingString |
string The message to show during loading. Default is "Please wait. Loading...". |
closeString |
Defines title attribute for close window link. Default is "Close window". |
closeValue |
Defines the string for close link in the header. Default is '×' |
overlayOpacity |
Overlay opacity. Must be between 0-1. Default is .65. |
overlayDuration |
Overlay fade in/out duration in seconds. |
slideDownDuration |
Modalbox appear slide down effect in seconds, default is value of property er.ajax.modaldialog.slideDownDuration=0.5 |
slideUpDuration |
Modalbox hiding slide up effect in seconds, default is value of property er.ajax.modaldialog.slideUpDuration=0.5 |
resizeDuration |
Modalbox resize duration in seconds, default is value of property er.ajax.modaldialog.resizeDuration=0.25 |
movable |
Modalbox is movable, default is value of property er.ajax.modaldialog.movable=false |
inactiveFade |
true | false, Toggles Modalbox window fade on inactive state. |
transitions |
true | false, Toggles transition effects. Transitions are enabled by default. |
autoFocusing |
true | false, Toggles auto-focusing for form elements. Disable it for long text pages. Add the class MB_notFocusable to any inputs you want excluded from focusing. |
beforeLoad |
client side method, fires right before loading contents into the ModalBox. If the callback function returns false, content loading will skipped. This can be used for redirecting user to another MB-page for authorization purposes for example. |
afterLoad |
client side method, fires after loading content into the ModalBox (i.e. after showing or updating existing window). |
beforeHide |
client side method, fires right before removing elements from the DOM. Might be useful to get form values before hiding modalbox. |
afterHide |
client side method, fires after hiding ModalBox from the screen. |
afterResize |
client side method, fires after calling resize method. |
onShow |
client side method, fires on first appearing of ModalBox before the contents are being loaded. |
onUpdate |
client side method, fires on updating the content of ModalBox (on call of Modalbox.show method from active ModalBox instance). |
From er.ajax.AjaxModalDialogOpener:
Generates an element to open a specific AjaxModalDialog.
Bindings | |
dialogId |
required, ID of the AjaxModalDialog to open |
elementName |
the element that you want the open rendered as |
label |
only relevant if elementName is a : the text for the link that opens the dialog box, if this used the child elements are ignored. |
linkTitle |
only relevant if elementName is a : used as title attribute of link opening dialog |
title |
the Title to be displayed in the ModalBox window header, can override what the dialog was created with |
action, |
optional action to call before opening the modal dialog. |
enabled |
if false, nothing is rendered for this component. This can be used instead of wrapping this in a WOConditional. The default is true. |
onFailure |
optional JavaScript (not a function()!) to run if the opener is clicked and enabled evaluates to false. This can remove the element, show an alert, etc. e.g. onFailure = "alert('This is no longer available');"; |
id |
HTML id for the link |
class |
CSS class for the link |
style |
CSS style for the link |
From er.ajax.AjaxObserveField:
AjaxObserveField allows you to perform an Ajax submit (and optional update) based on the state of a form field changing.
Bindings | |
id |
the ID of the observe field container (only useful if you leave off observeFieldID). |
elementName |
element to use for the observe field container. Defaults to div . (Only used if you leave off observeFieldID) |
observeFieldID |
the ID of the field to observe |
updateContainerID |
the ID of the container to update. Specify "_parent" to use the nearest one. |
action |
the action to call when the observer fires |
onBeforeSubmit |
called prior to submitting the observed content; return false to deny the submit |
observeFieldFrequency |
the polling observe frequency (in seconds) |
observeDelay |
the minimum time between submits (in seconds) |
fullSubmit |
When false , only the value of the field that changed is sent to the server (partial submit), when true , the whole form is sent. Defaults to false . Caution: Partial submit doesn't work correctly if you manually set the name on your inputs. |
class |
CSS class to use on the container. (Only used if you leave off observeFieldID) |
style |
CSS style to use on the container. (Only used if you leave off observeFieldID) |
onCreate |
Takes a JavaScript function which is called after the form has been serialized, but before the Ajax request is sent to the server. Useful e.g. if you want to disable the form while the Ajax request is running. |
From er.ajax.AjaxOptions: AjaxOptions provides a mechanism to produce a JSON formatted dictionary from binding names and / or a dictionary.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxPing:
AjaxPing provides support for refreshing a large content area based on a series of periodic refreshes of a very small area.
Bindings | |
frequency |
the frequency of refresh (in millis), defaults to 3000 |
targetContainerID |
the ID of the update container to refresh when a change is detected |
cacheKey |
some hash value that represents the state of the target container |
onBeforeUpdate |
(optional) the javascript function to call before updating (should return true if the update should happen, false if not) |
id |
(optional) the id of the ping update container (set this if you want to attach an AjaxBusyIndicator) |
stop |
(optional) if true, the ping will stop. If false, the ping will run. It's up to you to refresh the ping's container to get it running again after the binding changes from false to true. |
From er.ajax.AjaxPingUpdate:
AjaxPingUpdate is primarily for use inside of an AjaxPing tag to support ping-updating multiple containers from a single AjaxPing request.
Bindings | |
targetContainerID |
the ID of the update container to refresh when a change is detected |
cacheKey |
some hash value that represents the state of the target container |
onBeforeUpdate |
(optional) the javascript function to call before updating (should return true if the update should happen, false if not) |
From er.ajax.AjaxProgressBar: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
id |
the id of the update container |
progressID |
the id of the AjaxProgress |
progress |
the progress object for this progress bar (can bind a new progress back out if one is in the registry) |
startedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress is started |
canceledFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress is canceled |
succeededFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress succeeds |
failedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress fails |
finishedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress finishes (succeeded, failed, or canceled) |
cancelText |
the text to display for the cancel link |
cancelingText |
the text to display when the progress is being canceled |
startingText |
the text to display when the progress is starting |
progressOfText |
the text to display for the word "of" in the "[size] of [totalsize]" string during upload |
finishedAction |
the action to fire when the progress finishes (cancel, failed, or succeeded) |
canceledAction |
the action to fire when the progress is canceled |
succeededAction |
the action to fire when the progress succeeded |
failedAction |
the action to fire when the progress fails |
started |
boolean of whether or not the progress has started (i.e. begin polling) |
allowCancel |
if true, the cancel link is visible |
visibleBeforeStart |
if true, the progress bar is visible before the activity is started |
visibleAfterDone |
if true, the progress bar is visible after the activity is done |
refreshTime |
the number of milliseconds to wait between refreshes |
From er.ajax.AjaxProxy: A RPC mechanism to call methods on the Java server side from a JavaScript client.
Bindings | |
proxy |
Server side object (Java) that will be visible for rpc communication (Javascript). If no object is bound, the parent() object is assigned by default. You should ALWYAS provide an object. |
proxyName |
Client side name (Javascript) used to identify the proxy (Java) from the bridge object. |
name |
Client side name (Javascript) of the bridge object. |
AjaxBridge |
Server side object (Java) used to handle the request. If no value is bound, a new object is created for every ajax request. If a binding is there but has a null value, a new object will be created and pushed to the binding so that this new object can be shared for multiple proxies. |
lazy |
(default false) if true, the proxy is only initialized on-demand, rather than on-load. The initialization requests the available methods from the proxy object. |
From er.ajax.AjaxRemoteLogging:
Allows you to log window.console
JS messages from the browser to a logger on the server.
Bindings | |
logger |
the log4j logger to append to (default: "AjaxRemoteLogging") |
level |
the log4j logging level to use (default: "info") |
throttle |
the number of milliseconds to collect statements before actually sending (default: 100) |
filter |
a javascript function that returns true on a single argument msg when the logging should go to the server |
From er.ajax.AjaxResetButton: Simple submit button wrapper around Prototypes Form.reset('formID');.
Bindings | |
formId |
String, the id of the form to be reset |
clear |
boolean, true if the form values should be cleared, false should be reset to original values |
value |
String, optional label for the button, the default is Reset |
id, |
String, optional HTML ID for the button element |
class, |
String, optional CSS class name for the button element |
style, |
String, optional CSS style definition for the button element |
From er.ajax.AjaxRoundEffect: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.AjaxSelectionList: AjaxSelectionList provides a list component that supports keyboard navigation and component renderers.
Bindings | |
elementName |
(optional) the type of element for the wrapper (default to "a" to support tabbing, but presents some styling complexities in IE) |
list |
(required) the list to render |
item |
(required) bound for each item of the list |
selection |
(optional) the current selection |
mandatory |
(optional) if false, a null value will be prepended to the list. It is up to your component content to handle the null value to show a "No Selection" value. mandatory defaults to true. Mandatory does not imply any validation, it is the semantic equivalent of noSelectionString when compared to WOPopUpButton. |
id |
(optional) the id of the list |
class |
(optional) the css class of the list |
style |
(optional) the css style of the list |
name |
(optional) the form field name |
onchange |
(optional) the javascript to execute when the selection changes |
onselect |
(optional) the javascript to execute when the user presses enter or double-clicks |
ondelete |
(optional) the javascript to execute when backspace or delete is pressed |
focus |
(optional) if true, the selection list will be focused |
containerElementName |
the container element for this component, which is "a" |
From er.ajax.AjaxSessionPing: Simple component to ping the session in the background.
Bindings | |
frequency |
the period between pings of the application (optional, default 60 seconds) |
keepSessionAlive |
true if session should be checked out to reset timeout when the application is pinged (optional, default false) |
parameters |
optional URL parameter string appended when application is pinged (optional, no default) |
onFailure |
function to execute if the session has expired or other HTTP error code returned from ping (optional, default "function(response) { window.close();}") |
asynchronous |
true if the ping should be made asynchronously (optional, default true) |
evalScripts |
true if the ping results may contain JavaScript that should be evaluated (optional, default false) |
method |
the HTTP request method to use for the ping (optional, default "get") |
From er.ajax.AjaxSlider: Simple Ajax slider.
Bindings | |
minimum |
the minimum value of this slider |
maximum |
the maximum value of this slider |
snap |
if true, and min/max is set, this will set "values" to be the list of integer values |
From er.ajax.AjaxSocialNetworkLink: AjaxSocialNetworkLink creates a link to the submission URL for a social network around the social network's icon.
Bindings | |
name |
the name of the social network (@see er.ajax.AjaxSocialNetwork.socialNetworkNamed) |
url |
the URL to submit |
title |
the title to submit |
alt |
the alt tag (defaults to the name of the network) |
target |
the target of the link |
From er.ajax.AjaxSortOrder: An Ajax version of ERXSortOrder.
Bindings | |
updateContainerID |
the container to refresh after sorting |
d2wContext |
displayGroup |
displayKey |
key |
unsortedImageSrc |
sortedAscendingImageSrc |
sortedDescendingImageSrc |
unsortedImageName |
sortedAscendingImageName |
sortedDescendingImageName |
imageFramework |
From er.ajax.AjaxSortableList: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
list |
the list to allow reordering on (required) |
item |
the repetition item (required) |
listItemIDKeyPath |
the key path of the id of each item (required) |
id |
the id of the list (required) |
listElementName |
the HTML element name of the list (defaults to 'ul') |
listItemElementName |
the HTML element name of the list item (defaults to 'li') |
listClass |
the CSS class of the list |
listStyle |
the CSS style attribute of the list |
listItemClass |
the CSS class of the current list item |
listItemStyle |
the CSS style attribute of the current list item |
startIndex |
the start index of the list |
action |
the action to fire when the list is reordered |
tag |
only |
overlap |
constraint |
how to constraint moving elements, can take a value of vertical, horizontal or false with vertical as default |
containment |
handle |
if an element should only be draggable by an embedded handle, takes a class name |
hoverclass |
ghosting |
shows ghosting copy during drag, defaults to false |
movingClass |
a CSS class assigned to the element when it is moving. |
starteffect |
Effect, defaults to Effect.Opacity. Defines the effect to use when the draggable starts being dragged |
reverteffect |
Effect, default to Effect.Move. Defines the effect to use when the draggable reverts back to its starting position |
endeffect |
Effect, defaults to Effect.Opacity. Defines the effect to use when the draggable stops being dragged |
dropOnEmpty |
scroll |
onChange |
client side method, fires on updating the sort order during drag |
onUpdate |
client side method, fires on updating the sort order after dropping the element and order really changed |
index |
the repetition index |
From er.ajax.AjaxSubmitButton: AjaxSubmitButton behaves just like a WOSubmitButton except that it submits in the background with an Ajax.Request.
Bindings | |
name |
the HTML name of this submit button (optional) |
value |
the HTML value of this submit button (optional) |
action |
the action to execute when this button is pressed |
id |
the HTML ID of this submit button |
class |
the HTML class of this submit button |
style |
the HTML style of this submit button |
tabindex |
tab index of this submit button |
title |
the HTML title of this submit button |
onClick |
arbitrary Javascript to execute when the client clicks the button |
onClickBefore |
if the given function returns true, the onClick is executed. This is to support confirm(..) dialogs. |
onClickServer |
if the action defined in the action binding returns null, the value of this binding will be returned as javascript from the server |
onComplete |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the request has finished. |
onSuccess |
javascript to execute in response to the Ajax onSuccess event |
onFailure |
javascript to execute in response to the Ajax onFailure event |
onLoading |
javascript to execute when loading |
evalScripts |
evaluate scripts on the result |
button |
if false, it will display a link |
useButtonTag |
generate button tag even if the property er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.SubmitButton.useButtonTag is false (defaults to "false") |
formName |
if button is false, you must specify the name of the form to submit |
functionName |
if set, the link becomes a javascript function instead |
updateContainerID |
the id of the AjaxUpdateContainer to update after performing this action |
replaceID |
the ID of the div (or other html element) whose contents will be replaced with the results of this action |
showUI |
if functionName is set, the UI defaults to hidden; showUI re-enables it |
formSerializer |
the name of the javascript function to call to serialize the form |
elementName |
the element name to use (defaults to "a") |
asynchronous |
boolean defining if the request is sent asynchronously or synchronously, defaults to true |
accesskey |
hot key that should trigger the button (optional) |
disabled |
if true, the button will be disabled (defaults to false) |
effect |
synonym of afterEffect except it always applies to updateContainerID |
effectDuration |
synonym of afterEffectDuration except it always applies to updateContainerID // PROTOTYPE EFFECTS |
beforeEffect |
the Scriptaculous effect to apply onSuccess ("highlight", "slideIn", "blindDown", etc); |
beforeEffectID |
the ID of the container to apply the "before" effect to (blank = try nearest container, then try updateContainerID) |
beforeEffectDuration |
the duration of the effect to apply before // PROTOTYPE EFFECTS |
afterEffect |
the Scriptaculous effect to apply onSuccess ("highlight", "slideIn", "blindDown", etc); |
afterEffectID |
the ID of the container to apply the "after" effect to (blank = try nearest container, then try updateContainerID) |
afterEffectDuration |
the duration of the effect to apply after |
insertion |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update takes place (or effect shortcuts like "Effect.blind", or "Effect.BlindUp") |
insertionDuration |
the duration of the before and after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
beforeInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before insertion animation (if using insertion) |
afterInsertionDuration |
the duration of the after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
From er.ajax.AjaxTabbedPanel: This implements the tabs and the main control of a tabbed panel display as an unordered list (UL and LI elements).
Bindings | |
id |
required, String the id of the UL that wraps the tabs |
busyDiv |
optional, String the id of a div that should be shown when a tab is loading |
onLoad |
optional, String JavaScript to execute after the whole tabbed panel loads |
onSelect |
optional, String JavaScript to execute after a different tab is selected. This will not get called when this is first rendered. Use onLoad if you need that. |
From er.ajax.AjaxTabbedPanelTab: This implements the tab contents of a tabbed panel display as an unordered list (UL and LI elements).
Bindings | |
name |
required, String the text shown in the tab that is clicked on to select the tab |
isSelected |
optional, boolean true if this tab is initially selected when the page is first rendered, defaults to false. If present and can be set, is set to true when this tab is selected and to false when it is no longer the selected tab |
id |
optional, String the id attribute of the A element selecting this panel, [id]_panel is the id of LI element implementing this tab |
refreshOnSelect |
optional, if true the tab content will reload each time the tab is selected. Defaults to false |
onLoad |
optional, String JavaScript to execute after the tab loads |
isVisible |
optional, default is true, indicates if tab and panel should be displayed |
accesskey |
optional, The accesskey for this tab |
From er.ajax.AjaxTextHinter: Hints input and textarea fields with ghosted text that serves as an explanation for the user what to enter.
Bindings | |
form |
ID of the form to apply the hints to |
From er.ajax.AjaxToggleLink: AjaxToggleLink provides a wrapper for calling Effect.toggle when clicking a link.
Bindings | |
disabled |
if true, disables the link |
effect |
the name of the effect to use (defaults to "blind") |
duration |
the duration of the effect |
toggleID |
the id of the container to toggle |
From er.ajax.AjaxTree: AjaxTree provides an Ajax-refreshing tree view.
Bindings | |
root |
the root node of the tree |
item |
the current tree node (equivalent to "item" on WORepetition) |
itemClass |
the class of the current item |
itemID |
the id of the current item |
rootExpanded |
if true, the tree will require the root node to be open; ignored if showRoot = false |
allExpanded |
if true, the tree defaults to have all its nodes expanded |
parentKeyPath |
the keypath to call on a node to get its parent node (ignored if delegate is set) |
childrenKeyPath |
the keypath to call on a node to get its children NSArray (ignored if delegate is set) |
isLeafKeyPath |
the keypath to call on a node to determine if it is a leaf node (ignored if delegate, and defaults to return childrenKeyPath.count() == 0 if not set) |
id |
the html id of the tree |
class |
the html class of the tree |
treeModel |
the treeModel to use (one will be created by default) |
collapsedImage |
the icon to use for a collapsed node |
collapsedImageFramework |
the framework to load the collapsed icon from |
expandedImage |
the icon to use for an expanded node |
expandedImageFramework |
the framework to load the expanded icon from |
leafImage |
the icon to use for a leaf node |
leafImageFramework |
the framework to load the leaf icon from |
delegate |
the delegate to use instead of keypaths (see AjaxTreeModel.Delegate) |
showRoot |
if false, the root node will be skipped and the tree will begin with its children |
cache |
whether to cache the nodes or determine them every time from the model (default: true) |
From er.ajax.AjaxUpdateContainer: observeFieldID requires ERExtensions, specifically ERXWOForm
Bindings | |
onRefreshComplete |
the script to execute at the end of refreshing the container |
action |
the action to call when this updateContainer refreshes |
insertion |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update takes place (or effect shortcuts like "Effect.blind", or "Effect.BlindUp") |
insertionDuration |
the duration of the before and after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
beforeInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before insertion animation (if using insertion) |
afterInsertionDuration |
the duration of the after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
asynchronous |
set to false to force a synchronous refresh of the container. Defaults to true. |
optional |
set to true if you want the container tags to be skipped if this is already in an update container (similar to ERXOptionalForm). If optional is true and there is a container, it's as if this AUC doesn't exist, and only its children will render to the page. |
frequency |
the frequency (in seconds) of a periodic update |
decay |
a multiplier (default is one) applied to the frequency if the response of the update is unchanged |
observeDescendentFields |
observe descendent fields |
stopped |
determines whether a periodic update container loads as stopped. |
From er.ajax.AjaxUpdateLink: Updates a region on the screen by creating a request to an action, then returning a script that in turn creates an Ajax.Updater for the area.
Bindings | |
action |
the action to call when the link executes |
directActionName |
the direct action to call when link executes |
onLoading |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the request begins |
onComplete |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the request has finished. |
onSuccess |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the request was successful. |
onFailure |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the request has failed. |
onException |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the request had errors. |
evalScripts |
boolean defining if the container update is expected to be a script. |
ignoreActionResponse |
boolean defining if the action's response should be thrown away (useful when the same action has both Ajax and plain links) |
onClickBefore |
if the given function returns true, the onClick is executed. This is to support confirm(..) dialogs. |
onClick |
JS function, called after the click on the client |
onClickServer |
JS returned from the server after the update |
updateContainerID |
the id of the AjaxUpdateContainer to update after performing this action |
replaceID |
the ID of the div (or other html element) whose contents will be replaced with the results of this action |
title |
title of the link |
style |
css style of the link |
class |
css class of the link |
id |
id of the link |
disabled |
boolean defining if the link renders the tag |
string |
string to get preprended to the contained elements |
function |
a custom function to call that takes a single parameter that is the action url |
elementName |
the element name to use (defaults to "a") |
functionName |
if set, the link becomes a javascript function |
button |
if true, this is rendered as a javascript button |
asynchronous |
boolean defining if the update request is sent asynchronously or synchronously, defaults to true |
accesskey |
hot key that should trigger the link (optional) |
effect |
synonym of afterEffect except it always applies to updateContainerID |
effectDuration |
the duration of the effect to apply before // PROTOTYPE EFFECTS |
beforeEffect |
the Scriptaculous effect to apply onSuccess ("highlight", "slideIn", "blindDown", etc); |
beforeEffectID |
the ID of the container to apply the "before" effect to (blank = try nearest container, then try updateContainerID) |
beforeEffectDuration |
the duration of the effect to apply before // PROTOTYPE EFFECTS |
afterEffect |
the Scriptaculous effect to apply onSuccess ("highlight", "slideIn", "blindDown", etc); |
afterEffectID |
the ID of the container to apply the "after" effect to (blank = try nearest container, then try updateContainerID) |
afterEffectDuration |
the duration of the effect to apply before |
insertion |
JavaScript function to evaluate when the update takes place (or effect shortcuts like "Effect.blind", or "Effect.BlindUp") |
insertionDuration |
the duration of the before and after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
beforeInsertionDuration |
the duration of the before insertion animation (if using insertion) |
afterInsertionDuration |
the duration of the after insertion animation (if using insertion) |
From er.ajax.AjaxUpdateTrigger: AjaxUpdateTrigger is useful if you have multiple containers on a page that are controlled by a central parent component.
Bindings | |
updateContainerIDs |
an array of update container IDs to update |
resetAfterUpdate |
if true, the array of IDs will be cleared after appendToResponse |
From er.ajax.FocusText: Focus text is a convenience version of ERXWOText that provides support for grabbing default focus via javascript.
Bindings | |
id |
the id the textfield |
selectAll |
if true, the text will default to be selected |
focus |
if false, focus will not be grabbed |
onEnter |
javascript to execute when the enter key is pressed |
From er.ajax.FocusTextField: Focus text field is a convenience version of ERXWOTextField that provides support for grabbing default focus via javascript.
Bindings | |
id |
the id the textfield |
selectAll |
if true, the text will default to be selected |
focus |
if false, focus will not be grabbed |
onEnter |
javascript to execute when the enter key is pressed |
Package: er.ajax.json.client |
From er.ajax.json.client.AjaxJSONClient: AjaxJSONClient renders a "new JSONRpcClient('...')" with a URL back to your application (along with a session ID if there is one).
Bindings | |
callback |
the initialization callback |
componentName |
the JSON component to use |
global |
if true, a single component instance will be shared for the session (defaults false) |
instance |
if global is false, you can set a specific instance identifier (leave out for a generated value) |
From er.ajax.json.client.AjaxStatelessJSONClient: StatelessJSONClient renders a "new JSONRpcClient('...')" with a URL back to your application (along with a session ID if there is one).
Bindings | |
callback |
the initialization callback |
Package: er.ajax.mootools |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAccordionComponent: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAccordionContainer: A DHTML accordion based on the Accordion Component found in MooTools: http://mootools.net/docs/more/Fx/Fx.Accordion The class name of the container that contains the label is always "toggler" and the class name of the container that holds the content is "elements".
Bindings | |
display |
- (integer: defaults to 0) The index of the element to show at start (with a transition). To force all elements to be closed by default, pass in -1. |
show |
- (integer: defaults to 0) The index of the element to be shown initially. |
trigger |
- (string: defaults to 'click') The event that triggers a change in element display. |
height |
- (boolean: defaults to true) If set to true, a height transition effect will take place when switching between displayed elements. |
width |
- (boolean: defaults to false) If set to true, it will add a width transition to the accordion when switching between displayed elements. Warning: CSS mastery is required to make this work! |
opacity |
- (boolean: defaults to true) If set to true, an opacity transition effect will take place when switching between displayed elements. |
fixedHeight |
- (boolean: defaults to false) If set to true, displayed elements will have a fixed height. |
fixedWidth |
- (boolean: defaults to false) If set to true, displayed elements will have a fixed width. |
alwaysHide |
- (boolean: defaults to false) If set to true, it will be possible to close all displayable elements. Otherwise, one will remain open at all time. |
initialDisplayFx |
- (boolean; defaults to true) If set to false, the initial item displayed will not display with an effect but will just be shown immediately. |
resetHeight |
- (boolean; defaults to true) If set to false, the height of an opened accordion section will be set to an absolute pixel size. |
onActive |
- (function: signature = function(toggler, element) {}) a method that is called on the container that is opened. |
onBackground |
- (function: signature = function(toggler, element) {}) a method that is called on the container that is closed. |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxAutoComplete: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxDraggable: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxExpansion: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxFileUpload: AjaxFileUpload provides an Ajax wrapper around the file upload process.
Bindings | |
cancelText |
the text to display for the cancel link |
cancelingText |
the text to display when the progress is being canceled |
startingText |
the text to display when the progress is starting |
startedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress is started |
canceledFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload is canceled |
succeededFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload succeeds |
failedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload fails |
finishedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the upload finishes (succeeded, failed, or canceled) |
finishedAction |
the action to fire when the upload finishes (cancel, failed, or succeeded) |
canceledAction |
the action to fire when the upload is canceled |
succeededAction |
the action to fire when the upload succeeded |
failedAction |
the action to fire when the upload fails |
data |
the NSData that will be bound with the contents of the upload |
inputStream |
will be bound to an input stream on the contents of the upload |
outputStream |
the output stream to write the contents of the upload to |
streamToFilePath |
the path to write the upload to, can be a directory |
finalFilePath |
the final file path of the upload (when streamToFilePath is set or keepTempFile = true) |
filePath |
the name of the uploaded file |
allowCancel |
if true, the cancel link is visible |
progressBarBeforeStart |
if true, the progress bar is visible before the upload is started |
progressBarAfterDone |
if true, the progress bar is visible after the upload is done |
refreshTime |
the number of milliseconds to wait between refreshes |
keepTempFile |
if true, don't delete the temp file that AjaxFileUpload creates |
uploadLabel |
the label to display on the Upload button ("Upload" by default) |
uploadFunctionName |
the upload button will instead be a function with the given name |
progressOfText |
the text to display for the word "of" in the "[size] of [totalsize]" string during upload |
mimeType |
set from the content-type of the upload header if available |
class |
the class attribute of the file input |
style |
the style attribute of the file input |
id |
the id attribute of the file input |
onFileSelected |
optional JS code that is called when the file selection changes. To auto-start the upload when a file is selected, set uploadFunctionName to e.g. "startUpload" and onFileSelected to "startUpload()" |
uploadProgress |
access to the underlying AjaxUploadProgress object |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxInPlace: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxModalContainer: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxObserveField: AjaxObserveField allows you to perform an Ajax submit (and optional update) based on the state of a form field changing.
Bindings | |
id |
the ID of the observe field container (only useful if you leave off observeFieldID). |
elementName |
element to use for the observe field container. Defaults to div . (Only used if you leave off observeFieldID) |
observeFieldID |
the ID of the field to observe |
updateContainerID |
the ID of the container to update. Specify "_parent" to use the nearest one. |
action |
the action to call when the observer fires |
onBeforeSubmit |
called prior to submitting the observed content; return false to deny the submit |
observeFieldFrequency |
the polling observe frequency (in seconds) |
observeDelay |
the minimum time between submits (in seconds) |
fullSubmit |
When false, only the value of the field that changed is sent to the server (partial submit), when true, the whole form is sent. Defaults to false. Caution: Partial submit doesn't work correctly if you manually set the name on your inputs. |
class |
CSS class to use on the container. (Only used if you leave off observeFieldID) |
style |
CSS style to use on the container. (Only used if you leave off observeFieldID) |
onCreate |
Takes a JavaScript function which is called after the form has been serialized, but befor the Ajax request is sent to the server. Useful e.g. if you want to disable the form while the ajax request is running. |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxPing:
AjaxPing provides support for refreshing a large content area based on a series of periodic refreshes of a very small area.
Bindings | |
frequency |
the frequency of refresh (in millis), defaults to 3000 |
targetContainerID |
the ID of the update container to refresh when a change is detected |
cacheKey |
some hash value that represents the state of the target container |
onBeforeUpdate |
(optional) the javascript function to call before updating (should return true if the update should happen, false if not) |
id |
(optional) the id of the ping update container (set this if you want to attach an AjaxBusyIndicator) |
stop |
(optional) if true, the ping will stop. If false, the ping will run. It's up to you to refresh the ping's container to get it running again after the binding changes from false to true. |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxPingUpdate:
AjaxPingUpdate is primarily for use inside of an AjaxPing tag to support ping-updating multiple containers from a single AjaxPing request.
Bindings | |
targetContainerID |
the ID of the update container to refresh when a change is detected |
cacheKey |
some hash value that represents the state of the target container |
onBeforeUpdate |
(optional) the javascript function to call before updating (should return true if the update should happen, false if not) |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxProgressBar: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
id |
the id of the update container |
progressID |
the id of the AjaxProgress |
progress |
the progress object for this progress bar (can bind a new progress back out if one is in the registry) |
startedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress is started |
canceledFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress is canceled |
succeededFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress succeeds |
failedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress fails |
finishedFunction |
the javascript function to execute when the progress finishes (succeeded, failed, or canceled) |
cancelText |
the text to display for the cancel link |
cancelingText |
the text to display when the progress is being canceled |
startingText |
the text to display when the progress is starting |
progressOfText |
the text to display for the word "of" in the "[size] of [totalsize]" string during upload |
finishedAction |
the action to fire when the progress finishes (cancel, failed, or succeeded) |
canceledAction |
the action to fire when the progress is canceled |
succeededAction |
the action to fire when the progress succeeded |
failedAction |
the action to fire when the progress fails |
started |
boolean of whether or not the progress has started (i.e. begin polling) |
allowCancel |
if true, the cancel link is visible |
visibleBeforeStart |
if true, the progress bar is visible before the activity is started |
visibleAfterDone |
if true, the progress bar is visible after the activity is done |
refreshTime |
the number of milliseconds to wait between refreshes |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxSortableList: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxSubmitButton: AjaxSubmitButton behaves just like a WOSubmitButton except that it submits in the background with an Ajax.Request.
Bindings | |
name |
the HTML name of this submit button (optional) |
value |
the HTML value of this submit button (optional) |
action |
the action to execute when this button is pressed |
id |
the HTML ID of this submit button |
class |
the HTML class of this submit button |
style |
the HTML style of this submit button |
title |
the HTML title of this submit button |
onClickServer |
if the action defined in the action binding returns null, the value of this binding will be returned as javascript from the server |
onCancel |
Fired when a request has been cancelled. |
onClickBefore |
if the given function returns true, the onClick is executed. This is to support confirm(..) dialogs. |
onClick |
JS function, called after the click on the client |
onComplete |
Fired when the Request is completed. |
onException |
Fired when setting a request header fails. |
onFailure |
Fired when the request failed (error status code). |
onRequest |
Fired when the Request is sent. |
onSuccess(responseTree, |
responseElements, responseHTML, responseJavaScript) Fired when the Request is completed successfully. |
evalScripts |
evaluate scripts on the result |
button |
if false, it will display a link |
formName |
if button is false, you must specify the name of the form to submit |
functionName |
if set, the link becomes a javascript function instead |
updateContainerID |
the id of the AjaxUpdateContainer to update after performing this action |
showUI |
if functionName is set, the UI defaults to hidden; showUI re-enables it |
formSerializer |
the name of the javascript function to call to serialize the form |
elementName |
the element name to use (defaults to "a") |
async |
boolean defining if the request is sent asynchronously or synchronously, defaults to true |
accesskey |
hot key that should trigger the button (optional) |
disabled |
if true, the button will be disabled (defaults to false) |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxTabbedPanel: This implements the tabs and the main control of a tabbed panel display as an unordered list (UL and LI elements).
Bindings | |
id |
required, String the id of the UL that wraps the tabs |
busyDiv |
optional, String the id of a div that should be shown when a tab is loading |
onLoad |
optional, String JavaScript to execute after the whole tabbed panel loads |
onSelect |
optional, String JavaScript to execute after a different tab is selected. This will not get called when this is first rendered. Use onLoad if you need that. |
class |
css classes to add to the ul. |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxTabbedPanelTab: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxTree: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxUpdateContainer: observeFieldID requires ERExtensions, specifically ERXWOForm
Bindings | |
elementName |
the container's element defaults to DIV. |
action |
the action to call when this updateContainer refreshes |
method |
- (string: defaults to 'post') The HTTP method for the request, can be either 'post' or 'get'. |
encoding |
- (string: defaults to 'utf-8') The encoding to be set in the request header. |
emulation |
- (boolean: defaults to true) If set to true, other methods than 'post' or 'get' are appended as post-data named '_method' (as used in rails) |
headers |
- (object) An object to use in order to set the request headers. |
isSuccess |
- (function) Overrides the built-in isSuccess function. |
evalScripts |
- (boolean: defaults to true) If set to true, script tags inside the response will be evaluated. |
evalResponse |
- (boolean: defaults to false) If set to true, the entire response will be evaluated. Responses with javascript content-type will be evaluated automatically. |
urlEncoded |
- (boolean: defaults to true) If set to true, the content-type header is set to www-form-urlencoded + encoding |
noCache |
- (boolean; defaults to false) If true, appends a unique noCache value to the request to prevent caching. (IE has a bad habit of caching ajax request values. Including this script and setting the noCache value to true will prevent it from caching. The server should ignore the noCache value.) |
async |
- (boolean: defaults to true) If set to false, the requests will be synchronous and freeze the browser during request. |
optional |
set to true if you want the container tags to be skipped if this is already in an update container (similar to ERXOptionalForm). If optional is true and there is a container, it's as if this AUC doesn't exist, and only its children will render to the page. |
onCancel |
Fired when a request has been cancelled. |
onComplete |
Fired when the Request is completed. |
onException |
Fired when setting a request header fails. |
onRequest |
Fired when the Request is sent. |
onSuccess(responseTree, |
responseElements, responseHTML, responseJavaScript) Fired when the Request is completed successfully. |
frequency |
the frequency (in seconds) of a periodic update |
initialDelay |
- (number; defaults to 5000) The initial delay to wait for the request after a call to the start method |
delay |
- (number; defaults to 5000) The delay between requests and the number of ms to add if no valid data has been returned |
limit |
- (number; defaults to 60000) The maximum time the interval uses to request the server responseTree - (element) The node list of the remote response. responseElements - (array) An array containing all elements of the remote response. responseHTML - (string) The content of the remote response. responseJavaScript - (string) The portion of JavaScript from the remote response. |
onFailure |
Fired when the request failed (error status code). |
useSpinner |
(boolean) use the Spinner class with this request |
defaultSpinnerClass |
inclue the default spinner css class in the headers - if false provide your own. |
spinnerOptions |
- (object) the options object for the Spinner class |
spinnerTarget |
- (mixed) a string of the id for an Element or an Element reference to use instead of the one specifed in the update option. This is useful if you want to overlay a different area (or, say, the parent of the one being updated). |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTAjaxUpdateLink: Updates a region on the screen by creating a request to an action, then returning a script that in turn creates an Ajax.Updater for the area.
Bindings | |
action |
the action to call when the link executes |
directActionName |
the direct action to call when link executes |
updateContainerID |
the id of the AjaxUpdateContainer to update after performing this action |
title |
title of the link |
style |
css style of the link |
class |
css class of the link |
id |
of the link |
disabled |
boolean defining if the link renders the tag |
string |
string to get preprended to the contained elements |
function |
a custom function to call that takes a single parameter that is the action url |
elementName |
the element name to use (defaults to "a") |
functionName |
if set, the link becomes a javascript function |
button |
if true, this is rendered as a javascript button |
async |
boolean defining if the update request is sent asynchronously or synchronously, defaults to true |
accesskey |
hot key that should trigger the link (optional) |
onCancel |
Fired when a request has been cancelled. |
onClickBefore |
if the given function returns true, the onClick is executed. This is to support confirm(..) dialogs. |
onClick |
JS function, called after the click on the client |
onComplete |
Fired when the Request is completed. |
onException |
Fired when setting a request header fails. |
onFailure |
Fired when the request failed (error status code). |
onRequest |
Fired when the Request is sent. |
onSuccess(responseTree, |
responseElements, responseHTML, responseJavaScript) Fired when the Request is completed successfully. |
useSpinner |
(boolean) use the Spinner class with this request |
defaultSpinnerClass |
inclue the default spinner css class in the headers - if false provide your own. |
spinnerOptions |
- (object) the options object for the Spinner class |
spinnerTarget |
- (mixed) a string of the id for an Element or an Element reference to use instead of the one specifed in the update option. This is useful if you want to overlay a different area (or, say, the parent of the one being updated). |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTERAttachmentFlexibleUpload: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTJSDatePicker: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
pickerClass |
- default (datepicker) CSS class for the main datepicker container element. |
toggleElements |
- default (null) Toggle your datepicker by clicking another element. Specify as a MooTools selector. The resulting elements are mapped to the selected datepickers by index (the 1st toggle works for the 1st input, the 2nd toggle works for the 2nd input, etc.) |
days |
- default (['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']) - Labels for the days, allows for localization. |
daysShort |
- default (2) - Length of day-abbreviations used in the datepicker. |
months |
- default (['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']) Labels for the months, allows for localization. |
monthShort |
default (3) - Length of month-abbreviations used in the datepicker. |
startDay |
default (1) - First day of a week. Can be 0 (Sunday) through 6 (Saturday) - be aware that this may affect your layout, since days in the last column will likely have a style with right-margin: 0px;which would need to be applied to a different day. Default value 1 is Monday. |
timePicker |
default (false) - Enable/disable timepicker functionality. See timepicker example below. Hours/Minutes values can be changed using the scrollwheel. |
timePickerOnly |
(false) - set to true to use datepicker for time-selection only; recommended formatis H:i; will automatically force timePicker and startView options into timepicker mode |
yearPicker |
(true) - Enable/disable yearpicker functionality. Makes it much easier to change years. |
yearsPerPage |
(20) - Amount of years to show in the year-picking view. Be aware that this may affect your layout. |
dateFormat |
- the dateformat to use. Same as normal. |
animationDuration |
default (400) - Duration of the slide/fade animations in milliseconds. |
useFadeInOut |
default (true (false on Internet Explorer)) Whether to fade-in/out the datepicker popup. |
startView |
default (month) - Initial view of the datepicker. Allowed values are: time(only when timePicker option is true), month,year, decades |
allowEmpty |
default (false) - When set to true the datepicker intializes empty when no value was set (instead of starting at today). In addition the backspace- and delete-key will remove a value from the input. Check out the Allow empty example below. |
positionOffset |
default ({ x: 0, y: 0 }) Allows you to tweak the position at which the datepicker appears, relative to the input element. Formatted as an object with x and y properties. Values can be negative. |
debug |
default (false) - When enabled, will not hide the original input element. Additionally, any formatting errors will be alerted to the user. |
onShow |
default null - function to fire onShow |
onCancel |
default null function to fire onCancel |
onSelect |
default null function to fire onSelect |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTJSSlider: Creates a JavaScript slider see the MooTools documentation here: http://mootools.net/docs/more/Drag/Slider The HTML for the slider will be written like this: <div id="_1Element" class="element"> <div id="_2Knob" class="knob"></div> </div>
Bindings | |
id |
- the identifer for the slider's JS var. |
elementClass |
the CSS class to be used on the slider's container. |
element |
- (element) The container element for the slider. |
knob |
- (element) The handle element for the slider. OPTIONS |
snap |
- (boolean: defaults to false) True if you want the knob to snap to the nearest value. |
offset |
- (number: defaults to 0) Relative offset for knob position at start. |
range |
- (mixed: defaults to false) Array of numbers or false. The minimum and maximum limits values the slider will use. |
wheel |
- (boolean: defaults to false) True if you want the ability to move the knob by mousewheeling. |
steps |
- (number: defaults to 100) The number of steps the Slider should move/tick. |
mode |
- (string: defaults to horizontal) The type of Slider can be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical' in movement. |
initialStep |
- (number: defaults to 0) The step the slider will start at. |
the |
event to observer on defaults to "change" |
From er.ajax.mootools.MTMediaBox: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.ajax.mootools.MTStyledPopUpButton: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
id |
- the identifier for the select button and the JavaScript variable. |
useDefaultCss |
- If TRUE (default) it will load the default stylesheet. |
showText |
- If TRUE (default) keeps text in the dropdown menu. |
Unsupported |
operation showImages - If TRUE (default) show images in the dropdown menu. TODO figure out how to use the data images drop down. |
className: |
A class name for CSS styling, default 'fancy-select'. |
autoHide: |
If TRUE auto-hide the dropdown menu when user clicks outside. |
autoScrollWindow: |
If TRUE auto-scroll browser window when FancySelect is out of viewport. |
animateFade: |
If TRUE (default) animate the dropdown menu appearance. |
fx: |
An object for additional Fx options (default {'duration': 'short'}). |
onShow: |
The dropdown menu appears. |
onHide: |
The dropdown menu disappears. |
onAttach: |
FancySelect just replaced the {@code | onDetach: |
The {@code | list: |
Array of objects from which the WOPopUpButton derives its values. |
item: |
Identifier for the elements of the list. For example, aCollege could represent an object in a colleges array. |
displayString: |
Value to display in the selection list; for example, aCollege.name for each college object in the list. |
value: |
For each OPTION tag within the selection, this is the "value" attribute (that is, {@code | selection: |
Object that the user chose from the selection list. For the college example, selection would be a college object. |
selectedValue: |
Value that is used with direct actions to specify which option in the list is selected. |
name: |
Name that uniquely identifies this element within the form. You can specify a name or let WebObjects automatically assign one at runtime. |
disabled: |
If disabled evaluates to true, this element appears in the page but is not active. That is, selection does not contain the user's selection when the page is submitted. |
escapeHTML: |
If escapeHTML evaluates to true, the string rendered by displayString is converted so that characters which would be interpreted as HTML control characters become their escaped equivalent (this is the default). Thus, if your displayString is "{@code a bold idea}", the string passed to the client browser would be "{@code a <B>bold</B> idea}", but it would display in the browser as "{@code a bold idea}". If escapeHTML evaluates to false , WebObjects simply passes your data to the client browser "as is". In this case, the above example would display in the client browser as "a bold idea". If you are certain that your strings have no characters in them which might be interpreted as HTML control characters, you get better performance if you set escapeHTML to false. |
noSelectionString: |
Enables the first item to be "empty". Bind this attribute to a string (such as an empty string) that, if chosen, represents an empty selection. When this item is selected, the selection attribute is set to null. |
Package: er.attachment.components |
From er.attachment.components.ERAttachmentFlexibleEditor: ERAttachmentFlexibleEditor is a wrapper around {@link ERAttachmentFlexibleUpload} and {@link ERAttachmentViewer} It provides a one stop shop for editing a to-one relationship between a masterObject and an ERAttachment.
Bindings | |
masterObject |
(required) - Parent object owning the relationship to this attachment |
relationshipKey |
(required) - Name of the to-one relationship to the attachment |
injectDefaultCSS |
- inject the default stylesheet from the Ajax framework (defaults to true); |
id |
- unique identifier for this component (generated if null) |
editorEditLabel |
- label for the edit button (defaults to "Edit") |
editorEditButtonClass |
- css class for the edit button (defaults to "Button ObjButton EditObjButton") |
editorCancelLabel |
- label for the cancel button (defaults to "Cancel") |
editorCancelButtonClass |
- css class for the cancel button (defaults to "Button ObjButton CancelObjButton") |
configurationName |
- configuration name for configuring ERAttachment |
storageType |
- storage type for configuring ERAttachment |
viewShowFileName |
- show the attachment file name in the view mode (defaults to true) |
viewShowAttachmentLink |
- if viewShowFilename is true, wrap it with an ERAttachmentLink (defaults to true) |
uploadDialogHeaderText |
- the text of the upload header (defaults to "Edit Attachment") |
viewHeight |
- see: {@link ERAttachmentViewer} |
viewWidth |
- see: {@link ERAttachmentViewer} |
viewAllowDownload |
- see: {@link ERAttachmentLink} |
uploadAllowCancel |
- for the following see: {@link ERAttachmentFlexibleUpload} |
uploadFinishedFunction |
uploadCancelButtonClass |
uploadCancelLabel |
uploadCanceledAction |
uploadCanceledFunction |
uploadCancelingText |
uploadClearClass |
uploadFailedAction |
uploadFailedFunction |
uploadHeight |
uploadWidth |
uploadMimeType |
uploadOwnerID |
uploadRefreshTime |
uploadSelectFileButtonClass |
uploadSelectFileLabel |
uploadStartedFunction |
From er.attachment.components.ERAttachmentFlexibleUpload:
ERAttachmentFlexibleUpload provides a very simple wrapper around an AjaxFlexibleUpload unlike {@link ERAttachmentUpload}, this component always uses ajax behaviour.
Bindings | |
attachment |
the binding to store the newly created attachment in |
editingContext |
the editing context to create the attachment in |
storageType |
the type of attachment to create, i.e. "s3", "db", or "file" -- defaults to "db" (or the value of er.attachment.storageType) |
mimeType |
(optional) the mime type of the upload (will be guessed by extension if not set) |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
ownerID |
(optional) a string ID of the "owner" of this attachment (Person.primaryKey for instance) |
width |
(optional) the desired width of the attachment |
height |
(optional) the desired height of the attachment |
others |
all AjaxFileUpload bindings are proxied |
cleanup |
(optional) if true, the old attachment binding value will be deleted |
allowCancel |
- for the following see: {@link AjaxFlexibleFileUpload} |
cancelLabel |
canceledAction |
canceledFunction |
cancelingText |
failedAction |
failedFunction |
finishedAction |
finishedFunction |
refreshTime |
startedFunction |
succeededFunction |
autoSubmit |
injectDefaultCSS |
selectFileButtonClass |
selectFileLabel |
succeededAction |
cancelButtonClass |
clearButtonClass |
clearUploadProgressOnSuccess |
From er.attachment.components.ERAttachmentIcon: ERAttachmentIcon displays a linked icon image that represents the file type of the attachment.
Bindings | |
size |
the icon size - 16, 32, or 64 |
attachment |
the attachment to display |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
target |
(optional) specifies where to open the linked attachment |
From er.attachment.components.ERAttachmentLink: ERAttachmentLink is like a WOHyperlink that points to an attachment's contents.
Bindings | |
attachment |
the ERAttachment to link to |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
class |
(optional) the css class |
id |
(optional) the html element id |
style |
(optional) the css inline style |
download |
if true, the attachment will be downloaded instead of inlined |
target |
(optional) specifies where to open the linked attachment |
From er.attachment.components.ERAttachmentUpload:
ERAttachmentUpload provides a very simple wrapper around either a WOFileUpload or an AjaxFileUpload component (depending on the value of the "ajax" binding).
Bindings | |
attachment |
the binding to store the newly created attachment in |
editingContext |
the editing context to create the attachment in |
storageType |
the type of attachment to create, i.e. "s3", "db", or "file" -- defaults to "db" (or the value of er.attachment.storageType) |
mimeType |
(optional) the mime type of the upload (will be guessed by extension if not set) |
ajax |
(optional) if true, AjaxFileUpload is used, if false WOFileUpload is used |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
ownerID |
(optional) a string ID of the "owner" of this attachment (Person.primaryKey for instance) |
width |
(optional) the desired width of the attachment |
height |
(optional) the desired height of the attachment |
others |
all AjaxFileUpload bindings are proxied |
cleanup |
(optional) if true, the old attachment binding value will be deleted |
class |
(optional) the class attribute of the file input |
style |
(optional) the style attribute of the file input |
From er.attachment.components.ERAttachmentViewer:
ERAttachmentViewer provides a way to drop in an embedded viewer for attachments.
Bindings | |
attachment |
the attachment to display |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
class |
(optional) the css class |
id |
(optional) the html element id |
style |
(optional) the embedded css style |
width |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image width |
height |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image height |
target |
(optional) specifies where to open the linked attachment |
From er.attachment.components.ERCFFileUpload: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.attachment.components.ERDragAndDropUpload: A component designed to allow drag and drop uploads of ERAttachments.
Bindings | |
accept |
an array of accepted mimetypes. If no mimetypes are specified, all are accepted. ex. (image/png, image/jpg, text/*) |
action |
the action to fire when an attachment is uploaded |
attachment |
the uploaded attachment |
completeAllFunction |
a javascript function to execute when all dropped files are processed |
completeFunction |
a javascript function to execute after each uploaded file is processed. This function accepts two args. The first is the event. The second is the file. |
configurationName |
the configuration name. See the package javadocs for more info. |
disabled |
if true, the upload component is disabled and only displays component content |
editingContext |
the editing context where the ERAttachments will be created |
enterFunction |
a javascript function to execute when dragged files enter the drop target |
errorFunction |
a javascript function to execute when a file upload error occurs. This function accepts two args. The first is the event. The second is the file. |
exitFunction |
a javascript function to execute when dragged files exit the drop target |
overFunction |
a javascript function to execute when dragged files are over the drop target |
storageType |
the ERAttachment storage type (db, file, s3, cf, ...) |
includeFileSelector |
a file selector appears at the top of the drag-area. |
fileSelectorID |
include an id to a file selector outside of the component. Can be used if more custom file selector behavior is needed. |
Package: er.attachment.components.viewers |
From er.attachment.components.viewers.AbstractERAttachmentViewer: AbstractERAttachmentViewer is the superclass of all viewer plugins.
Bindings | |
attachment |
the attachment to display |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
class |
(optional) the css class |
id |
(optional) the html element id |
style |
(optional) the embedded css style |
width |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image width |
height |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image height |
From er.attachment.components.viewers.ERAttachmentDefaultViewer: ERAttachmentDefaultViewer is the "there is no viewer" viewer.
Bindings | |
attachment |
the attachment to display |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
class |
(optional) the css class |
id |
(optional) the html element id |
style |
(optional) the embedded css style |
width |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image width |
height |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image height |
target |
(optional) specifies where to open the linked attachment |
From er.attachment.components.viewers.ERAttachmentImageViewer: ERAttachmentImageViewer is the viewer for images.
Bindings | |
attachment |
the attachment to display |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
class |
(optional) the css class |
id |
(optional) the html element id |
style |
(optional) the embedded css style |
width |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image width |
height |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image height |
From er.attachment.components.viewers.ERAttachmentQuickTimeViewer: ERAttachmentQuickTimeViewer is the viewer for QuickTime files.
Bindings | |
attachment |
the attachment to display |
class |
(optional) the class for the html <object> |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
emptyAttachmentComponentName |
(optional) the name of an alternate component to display if the attachment relationship is empty |
height |
(optional) the height for the html <object> |
id |
(optional) the id for the html <object> |
parameterDictionary |
(optional) the NSDictionary containing QuickTime <object> parameters |
title |
(optional) the title for the html <object> |
standby |
(optional) the text to display for the html <object> while it is loading |
width |
(optional) the width for the html <object> |
From er.attachment.components.viewers.ERAttachmentUnavailableViewer: ERAttachmentUnavailableViewer is viewer used when the attachment is unavailable.
Bindings | |
attachment |
the attachment to display |
configurationName |
(optional) the configuration name for this attachment (see top level documentation) |
class |
(optional) the css class |
id |
(optional) the html element id |
style |
(optional) the embedded css style |
width |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image width |
height |
(optional) if displaying an image, sets the image height |
Package: er.calendar |
From er.calendar.ERPublishCalendarPage: ERPublishCalendarPage is a WebObjects component for dynamically generated iCalendar documents.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.captcha |
From er.captcha.ERAkismet: ERAkismet is a component that behaves like ERXSimpleSpamCheck but uses the blog comment spam identification service provided by http://akismet.com.
Bindings | |
remoteAddress |
(optional) the address of the remote user (defaults to request._remoteAddress()) |
userAgent |
(optional) the user-agent of the remote user (defaults to request.headerForKey("user-agent")) |
referrer |
(optional) the referrer of this request (defaults to request.headerForKey("referer")) |
permalink |
(optional) the permalink of the page being commented on |
commentType |
(optional) the type of comment |
author |
(optional) the name of the author |
authorEmail |
(optional) the email address of the author |
authorURL |
(optional) the URL of the author |
content |
the comment content |
From er.captcha.ERCaptcha: ERCaptcha presents a captcha image to the use along with a text field for the user to identify the image.
Bindings | |
validated |
- ユーザがイメージを有効で認識できたかどうかを戻します。 |
resetText |
- セットされている場合には、イメージをリセットする為のサブミット・ボタンが表示されます。 |
From er.captcha.ERReCaptcha:
ERReCaptcha uses the ReCaptcha system for identifying humans vs spambots.
Bindings | |
secure |
sets whether or not the recaptcha URL should be secure (defaults to using the request's protocol) |
theme |
the recaptcha theme to use |
valid |
will be set to true or false depending on whether the check passed |
errorMessage |
the error message to display for an incorrect-captcha-sol error |
Package: er.coolcomponents |
From er.coolcomponents.CCAjaxLongResponsePage: A generic long response page that controls the execution of and provides user feedback on a long running task.
No bindings for Component.From er.coolcomponents.CCAjaxSortOrder: Modern AjaxSortOrder derivative, designed to be styled via CSS
Bindings | |
updateContainerID |
the container to refresh after sorting |
d2wContext |
displayGroup |
key |
From er.coolcomponents.CCAjaxTabPanel: Tab panel that uses ajax update when switching tabs.
Bindings | |
tabs |
a list of objects representing the tabs |
tabNameKey |
a string containing a key to apply to tabs to get the title of the tab |
selectedTab |
contains the selected tab |
tabClass |
CSS class to use for the selected tab |
nonSelectedTabClass |
CSS class to use for the unselected tabs |
submitActionName |
if this binding is non null, tabs will contain a submit button instead of a regular hyperlink and the action |
useFormSubmit |
true, if the form should be submitted before switching, allows denial of switches |
id |
CSS id for the wrapper div |
From er.coolcomponents.CCDatePicker: Wrapper around http://www.frequency-decoder.com/2009/09/09/unobtrusive-date-picker-widget-v5/ Because many options take a date with the format of YYYYMMDD there is a utility method: ERMDatePicker.optionsStringForTimestamp(NSTimestamp ts) that will return a correctly formatted string for a given NSTimestamp.
Bindings | |
dateIn |
an NSTimestamp supplying the value for the field (required) |
cssFile |
name of the css file (defaults to datepicker.css) |
cssFramework |
name of the framework containing the css file (defaults to ERModernDirectToWeb) |
dateformat |
string containing the date format for the field |
injectStylesheet |
choose whether to dynamically inject the datepicker.css at component load. if used in a ajax loaded component, it may be safer to load this manually. |
hightlightDays |
string - identifies days to highlight on the calendar (format: [0,0,0,0,0,1,1]) |
rangeLow |
string - date in format YYYYMMDD defining the lowest selectable date |
rangeHigh |
string - date in format YYYYMMDD defining the highest selectable date |
disabledDays |
string - identifies days on calendar that are disabled (format: [1,0,1,0,1,0,1]) |
disabledDates |
string - date range of disabled dates (format: YYYYMMDD:YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDD if single date) |
enabledDates |
string - date range of enabled dates (format: YYYYMMDD:YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDD if single date) |
noFadeEffect |
boolean - disables fade in/out effect |
finalOpacity |
number - sets final opacity (20 - 100) |
showWeeks |
boolean - show week numbers |
noTodayButton |
boolean - hide the "Today" button |
cursorDate |
string - date in format YYYYMMDD that sets the default cursor date |
dragDisabled |
boolean - disable dragging of calendar |
fillGrid |
boolean - fill all dates, not just those in current month |
constrainSelection |
boolean - if fillGrid is yes, constrain selection to current month (defaults to true) |
hideInput |
boolean - hide the input field (don't use if hideControl is specified) |
hideControl |
boolean - hide the calendar button (don't use if hideInput is specified) |
From er.coolcomponents.CCErrorDictionaryPanel: Modernized ErrorDictionaryPanel
Bindings | |
errorMessages |
extraErrorMessage |
errorKeyOrder |
From er.coolcomponents.CCGoogleAnalytics:
CCGoogle analytics is a very simple compoment (dynamic element) that insert the google analytics code
Bindings | |
uaid |
you goocle analytics id: UA-XXXXXX |
From er.coolcomponents.CCGoogleMap: WebObjects wrapper for INGoogleMap.js.
Bindings | |
id |
the id of the div element that CCGoogleMap will generate |
class |
the class of the div element |
style |
the style of the div element |
zoom |
the desidered map startup zoom level |
the |
address of the marked, formatted for google, like: 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA, United States |
lat |
the latidude of the map center. if lat and lng are specified they will override the address lookup |
lng |
the longitude of the map center. if lat and lng are specified they will override the address lookup |
type, |
can be ROADMAP, SATELLITE, HYBRID or TERRAIN, default to ROADMAP. all uppercase string |
From er.coolcomponents.CCGoogleMapMarker: WebObjects wrapper for INGoogleMap.js.
Bindings | |
id |
the id of the address element that CCGoogleMapMarker will generate |
class |
the class of the address element |
style |
the style of the address element |
googleMapId |
REQUIRED the id of the google map where you want the marker to be placed |
the |
address of the marked, formatted for google, like: 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA, United States |
lat |
the latidude of the marker. if lat and lng are specified they will override the address lookup |
lng |
the longitude of the marker. if lat and lng are specified they will override the address lookup |
From er.coolcomponents.CCRating: WebObjects wrapper for LivePipe Rating component, MIT license.
Bindings | |
value |
the value to show in the ratings widget and the value set when the user selects a different rating |
actAsInput |
optional, default is true , if false updates the value binding when clicked and optionally calls action method |
action |
optional, action method to fire when rating changed. Ignored if actAsInput is true or unbound |
min |
optional, the value sent to the server when the lowest rating is selected, indirectly controls the number of rating points displayed |
max |
optional, the value sent to the server when the highest rating is selected, indirectly controls the number of rating points displayed |
multiple |
optional, true if the user can change a previous rating |
id |
optional, HTML ID for the div and Control.Rating widget |
capture |
optional, stops the click event on each rating from propagating |
style |
optional CSS style for container element |
class |
optional CSS class for container element in addition to the standard rating_container class |
classNames |
optional, dictionary of state names and CSS class names with state names of: off, half, on, selected |
rated |
optional, true if this has already been rated |
reverse |
optional, true if the links should be shown in reverse order |
updateOptions |
highly optional, Ajax Options for the request |
formValueName |
optional, the name of the form value that will contain the value |
elementName |
optional, defaults to div, the name of the HTML element to use to hold the rating UI |
afterChange, |
optional, script to run client side after a change e.g. afterChange = "alert(v)";. Receives one parameter, v, the new value selected |
From er.coolcomponents.CCResourceInjector: Stupid little component to allow you to inject a resource at any point on a page.
No bindings for Component.From er.coolcomponents.CCSegmentedSlider: CCSegmentedSlider provides a picker for an enumerated type inspired by the iPhone on/off slider.
Bindings | |
id |
the id of the segmented slider (or one will be generated) |
list |
the list of options |
item |
the repetition item for options |
selection |
the currently selected object |
displayString |
the string to show on the segment (defaults to the item toString) |
initialSelection |
if false, there will be no default selection on the control |
toggleSelection |
if true, selections can be toggled on and off |
enableDragSupport |
if true, the selector is draggable |
value |
the value of the current selection (optional) |
From er.coolcomponents.CCSmartAjaxButton: Button that can act as an AjaxSubmitButton or a regular CCSubmitLinkButton by enabling the useAjax binding.
Bindings | |
useAjax |
action |
class |
dontSubmitForm |
value |
alt |
updateContainerID |
From er.coolcomponents.CCSubmitLink: This component is a hyperlink that can submit a form and perform an action other than the form's default action.
No bindings for Component.From er.coolcomponents.CCSubmitLinkButton: Wrapper around CCSubmitLink to more closely resemble a submit button
No bindings for Component.From er.coolcomponents.CCTabPanel: Tab panel that uses CCSubmitLinkButtons.
Bindings | |
tabs |
a list of objects representing the tabs |
tabNameKey |
a string containing a key to apply to tabs to get the title of the tab |
selectedTab |
contains the selected tab |
tabClass |
CSS class to use for the selected tab |
nonSelectedTabClass |
CSS class to use for the unselected tabs |
submitActionName |
if this binding is non null, tabs will contain a submit button instead of a regular hyperlink and the action |
useFormSubmit |
true, if the form should be submitted before switching, allows denial of switches |
id |
CSS id for the wrapper div |
From er.coolcomponents.CCTagEditor: WebObjects wrapper for Insignia tag editor component and Horsey auto-completion, MIT license.
Bindings | |
value, |
the string representing the list of tags |
deletion |
optional, default is true , whether each tag should carry an icon for easy deletion |
delimiter |
optional, default is space, the separator between tags |
render |
optional, a method that's called whenever a tag should be rendered |
readTag |
optional, a method that retrieves the tag from the DOM element |
parse |
optional, a method that transforms user input into a tag |
validate |
optional, a method that validates the parsed tag value |
convertOnFocus |
optional, default is true, whether the tags are being converted when the focus event fires on elements other than the tag input |
Package: er.corebusinesslogic |
From er.corebusinesslogic.ERCDisplayHelpText: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.corebusinesslogic.ERCListHelpText: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.corebusinesslogic.ERCMailableExceptionPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.components |
From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WCheatSheet: Given a configured D2WContext ((entity+task or pageconfig) and propertyKey) and - depending on task - d2wContext.object or displayGroup displays all the available components together with their configuration info.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WCustomComponentWithArgs: Allows custom components to resolve valueForBinding requests in the rules.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WCustomQueryComponentWithArgs: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WDebugComponentName: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WDebugFlags: This component can be used in the wrapper of a D2W app to provide convenient development time (as flagged by WOCachingEnabled) access to the log4j configuration ERD2WDebuggingEnabled /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WDebugPropertyName: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WEditOrDefault: Generic edit or default value component, uses other components like editNumber or editString.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WExtraDisplayPropertyKeysComponent: A component to encapsulate the repetition over "extra" display property keys.
Bindings | |
extraPropertiesKey |
- the property key property key to use when asking the D2W context which extra property keys to display |
From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WFlyOverCustomComponent: Displays a fly-over that shows a table with hidden property keys.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WHead: Better D2WHead component which provides the title as a human readable name and allows for component content.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WKeyMapper: Useful for remapping keys if say you want to compare two different objects in a compare list.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WMultiItemCustomComponent: Displays multiple items in one line.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WPropertyName: Used for displaying the propertyName in a template.
Bindings | |
localContext |
From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WStatelessComponent: D2W ステートレス基本コンポーネント /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WStatelessCustomComponentWithArgs: Stateless version of D2WCustomComponentWithArgs.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERD2WSwitchComponent: Rewrite of D2WSwitchComponent to not cache the D2WContext.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERDActionBar: Displays a set of buttons and calls the enclosing page's branch delegate with it.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
the context for this component |
From er.directtoweb.components.ERDBannerComponent: Shows an image header matching the page.
Bindings | |
showBanner |
should we show the banner |
bannerFileName |
which image to show |
framework |
framework from where the image comes from |
From er.directtoweb.components.ERDCustomComponent:
From er.directtoweb.components.ERDCustomEditComponent: Superclass for most of the custom edit components.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERDCustomQueryComponent: Superclass for most custom query components.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERDCustomQueryComponentWithArgs: Correctly handles validation exceptions, plus a bunch of other stuff.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERDDebuggingHelp: Little help component useful for debugging.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
condition |
default=Boolean |
From er.directtoweb.components.ERDDefaultCustomComponent: Default custom component used when componentName = "D2WCustomComponentWithArgs" and custom component was not specified.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERDDefaultSectionComponent: Displays section name as a string.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERDDisplayHint: このコンポーネントは項目のヒントを表示します。 ルール又はユーザ・ディクショナリーで hint を指定します。 String ローカライズ・ファイルのキーワードは 'Hint.' で始まります。 そうすると項目の右側にメッセージが表示されます。 ただし、"inspect" と "edit" タスク時のみで表示される
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERDEmptyPageWrapper: Empty page wrapper component.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.ERDFacetFilter: Provides simple filtered grouping capability for display groups, like ebay or Solr.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
displayGroup to filter |
groupingKeys |
keys to group on |
From er.directtoweb.components.ERDQuickSearch: Simple search for that can be dropped on a page wrapper and pops up a list page.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.components.attachments |
From er.directtoweb.components.attachments.ERD2WDisplayAttachment: D2W component to display ERAttachments The configurationName is computed: 'Entity.propertyKey' The properties for this configuration name must be set:
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.attachments.ERD2WEditAttachment: D2W component for editing ERAttachments The configurationName is computed: 'Entity.propertyKey' The properties for this configuration name must be set:
Bindings | |
object |
propertyKey |
Package: er.directtoweb.components.bool |
From er.directtoweb.components.bool.ERD2WCustomDisplayBoolean: Allows the display of strings instead of Yes/No/Unset or checkboxes for boolean values.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.bool.ERD2WCustomEditBoolean: Allows editing boolean values based on radio buttons and localizable strings.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.bool.ERD2WCustomQueryBoolean: Better D2WQueryBoolean, which allows you to sprecify the choices names via a context key, containing the labels in a format like ("Don't care", "Yes", "No") or ("Yes", "No").
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.bool.ERD2WQueryBooleanRadioList:
Package: er.directtoweb.components.buttons |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDActionButton: Abstract superclass for all actions inside of Wonder D2W.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDControllerButton: Action button that looks for the inner-most page with a pageController (which must be a ERDBranchDelegateInterface), collects all the actions from there and displays them as a menu with an activation button.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDDeleteButton: Delete button for repetitions.
Bindings | |
object |
dataSource |
d2wContext |
trashcanExplanation |
noTrashcanExplanation |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDEditButton: Nice edit button for editing a toMany relationship in another page.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDEditListButton: Nice component used for editing a toMany relationship by taking the user to another page to pick which objects belong in the relationship.
Bindings | |
choiceDisplayKey |
choicePageName |
choices |
editButtonName |
extraBindings |
key |
numberOfColumns |
object |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton: Cool component that can be used in D2W list pages to filter the list, throwing to a D2W query page to restrict.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
displayGroup |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDInspectButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDMassModifyButton: Button used to apply one modification to a bunch of objects.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
list |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDPickIntermediateButton: Action button that lets you pick the setup of a non-flattened to-many relationship and creates the intermediate objects, like when you have an invoice with line items and a relationship to articles.
Bindings | |
pickRelationshipName |
name of the relationship keypath (eg: items.article) |
pickConfigurationName |
name of the page configuration to use (optional) |
pickButtonLabel |
label for the button (optional) |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDPrinterButton: Handles the switching of the current task to print, which uses the print templates.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
dataSource |
displayGroup |
task |
useSubmitButton" |
defaults="Boolean |
doNotUseForm" |
defaults="Boolean |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDSelectAllButton: Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDSelectAllButton.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDSelectButton: Select button to display in lists.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
the d2wContext |
From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDSelectionComponent: For editing a selection in a list repetition.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERDTrashcan: A better trashcan.
Bindings | |
object |
dataSource |
d2wContext |
trashcanExplanation |
noTrashcanExplanation |
Package: er.directtoweb.components.dates |
From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERD2WDisplayDateOrNull: Displays a date or a null string.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERD2WQueryDateRange: このプロパティ・レベル・コンポーネントは date のクエリを 開始日と終了日のパラメータでビルドします。 /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERDDisplayYearsMonths: Displays a number as say 5 years 2 months.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERDEditDateJavascript: Crazy cool little date picker that uses javascript to pick the date from a little calendar.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERDEditDatePopup: Edits dates with popup lists.
Bindings | |
yearRangeBottom |
yearRangeTop |
extraBindings |
object |
key |
From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERDEditDatePopupCommon: Common superclass for date editing components.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERDEditDatePopupOrNull: Allows the choice to not specify a date.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERDEditYearsMonths: Used to edit a number as if it where a number of years and a number of months.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.dates.ERDQueryDateRangeJavascript: Used for building date queries with javascript.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.components.misc |
From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WContextInspector: Simple D2WContext inspector component, showing the bound context's local values to help debugging.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WDisplayAddress: Displays an address.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WDisplayConstant: For a given key it asks the context for the value.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WDisplayImage: Displays an image via the src or data binding, with imageHeight and imageWidth from the d2wContext
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WDisplayImageWithUrl: Displays a url, where the object-key pair refer to a url.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WDisplayURL: Displays the URL in a hyperlink with target set to "_blank".
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WEditTags: A thin D2W wrapper around ERAjaxTagField.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WEditURL: Used for editing urls.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WQueryAnyField: Localized QueryAnyField for the query all pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WQueryNonNull: Query component for null or non-null.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WQueryOperator: Localized replacement for D2WQueryOperator.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERD2WQueryUnavailable: このプロパティ・レベル・コンポーネントは検索が「不可能」を表示します。 検索機能が不可に設定されているか、NSData などでの検索が無意味の場合など /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDAnyField: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDConfirmMessage: Confirming an action template.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDDisplayImageIfExists: Displays an image if it exists.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDDisplayMailTo: A display mailto component with a number of bindings.
Bindings | |
email |
object |
key |
showBrackets |
From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDEditFile: Allows you to handle a file name on the server as a property.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDEditList: Description forthcoming.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDEmptyListMessage: Default component shown when a D2W list is empty.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDHasChangesMarker: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDListOrganizer: Crazy cool component that allows one to select strings (using arrow buttons), and organize them.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDListPicker: Used to pick a string from a list.
Bindings | |
list |
listComponentName |
pickComponentName |
object |
key |
From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDQueryAnyKey: Allows you to query a set of keys - supplied by queryAttributes - with a regular expression query.
Bindings | |
queryAttributes |
NSArray of attributes to query |
displayGroup |
display group (must be a subclass of ERXDisplayGroup) |
From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDSavedQueriesComponent: This Component will store the forms values in the displayGroup of a Query Page into user preferences under a saved name.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDSearchDisplayGroup: QuickSerch or 'filter' feature For nesting inside list page nav bar
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDSectionImage: Used to display sections as images instead of text.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDSectionText: Used to display sections as text.
Bindings | |
displayNameForSectionKey |
From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDSpacer: A silly simple component to show a horizontal rule /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDTabImage: Used to display a tab as text instead of images.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDTabText: Used to display a tab as text.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.misc.ERDZoomableImage: This stateless component:
Bindings | |
src |
- source url for the image to be displaed. mandatory for this component to work properly. |
height |
- height of the image to be displayed in the page. |
width- |
width of the image to be displayed in the page. |
zoomWidth |
- width of the zoomed image. defaults to 200. |
zoomHeight |
- height of the zoomed image. defaults to 200. |
thumbnailSrc |
- source url for the thumbnail. if null, src binding with height and width is used. |
title |
- title for the image. used as tooltip in thumbnail mode [optional] |
enableZoomForImage |
- true/false. if true, clicking on thumbnail will popup the full size image. If false, clicking is not allowed. |
Package: er.directtoweb.components.numbers |
From er.directtoweb.components.numbers.ERD2WDisplayNumberWithUnit: Same as ERDDisplayNumberWithUnit only subclass is different.
Bindings | |
key |
object |
From er.directtoweb.components.numbers.ERD2WEditNumber: Common superclass of all ER's edit number components.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.numbers.ERD2WEditNumberWithUnit: Edits a number displaying the unit off of the EOAttributes userInfo.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.numbers.ERD2WEditPercentage: Edits a percentage number with radio buttons.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.numbers.ERD2WPopUp: Popup used for picking a number or some other value by using the key restrictedChoiceKey.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.numbers.ERD2WQueryNumberRange: このプロパティ・レベル・コンポーネントは number のクエリを二つの数値の間でビルドします。 /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.numbers.ERDDisplayNumberWithUnit: Cool class.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.components.relationships |
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WDisplayList: Used to display a an NSArray of the form "A, B and C", useful for toMany relationships or propertyKeys that return arrays.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WDisplayRelationshipFlag: Allows for a flag if an object has a given related object.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WDisplayToManyCustom: Allows custom components to be used to display the eos from a toMany.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WDisplayToManyList: Improved toMany display compononent, uses ERListDisplay.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WDisplayToManyTable: Cleaned up some of the formatting on the original toMany table.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WDisplayToManyUnorderedList: Display toMany relationship in
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WDisplayToOne: Same as original except allows display of noSelectionString if relationship is null.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WEditSortedToManyFault: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WEditToManyFault: Enhanced to-many component, which provides the means to specify which edit-relationship page gets chosen.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WEditToManyFaultList: An alternative/simplified edit to many fault component for D2W displaying the the toMany relationship in a
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WEditToManyRelationship: Improves superclass by adding restrictions on the choices and uses ERXToManyRelationship, thus can handle localization and has better layout options.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WEditToOneFault: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WEditToOneRelationship: Improves superclass by adding restrictions on the choices and uses ERXToOneRelationship, thus can handle localization and has better layout options.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WInspect: !!Don't use, use ERDInspect instead!! Embedded component that can be used for nesting page configurations, ie ERD2WInspect can be a customComponentName.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WList: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WPick: Used to select multiple items from a list.
Bindings | |
dataSource |
list |
selectedObjects |
action |
displayKeys |
entityName |
pageConfiguration |
branchDelegate |
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WPickFromEntities: Custom query component that let's the user select from a set of shared eos.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WPickFromList: Custom query component that let's the user select from an arbitrary list.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WQueryToManyField: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WQueryToManyRelationship: Enhanced relationship query component to to-many relationships.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WQueryToOneField: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WQueryToOneRelationship: Enhanced relationship query component to to-one relationships.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERD2WTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship: Uses JSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship to edit the relationship.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDEditOwnedRelationship: Crazy component.
Bindings | |
showAddButton |
defaults=Boolean |
key |
object |
listConfigurationName |
entityNamesForNewInstances |
explanationComponentName |
uiStyle |
destinationSortKey |
destinationDisplayKey |
selectionListKey |
preRelationshipKeys |
permissionToEdit |
defaults=Boolean |
postRelationshipKeys |
useForms |
defaults=Boolean |
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDEditRelationship: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDEditToManyRelationship: Convenient way to add, edit, remove or delete objects from a to-many relationship.
Bindings | |
object |
eo to edit |
key |
keypath to the relationship |
destinationEntityName |
entity name for the destination of the relationship |
hasRemove |
true if the objects can also be removed (as opposed to just being deleted) |
inspectConfigurationName |
page configuration to use for the edit component |
task |
should be "edit" |
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDEditableList: Same as ERDList except it uses a detail datasource so that you may edit the list as well.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDInspect: Embedded component that can be used for nesting page configurations, ie ERDInspect can be a customComponentName.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDLinkToEditObject: Generic link component used to view or edit an object.
Bindings | |
object |
object to get list from |
key |
keypath to get list from object |
keyWhenRelationship |
in case the object is the value at the keypath, defines the display key |
editConfigurationName |
name of the page configuration to jump to |
useNestedEditingContext |
if the EC should be nested (default is peer) |
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDLinkToViewList: Generic link component used to view a list.
Bindings | |
list |
the list to show |
object |
object to get list from |
key |
keypath to get list from object |
listConfigurationName |
name of the page configuration to jump to |
entityName |
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDList: Used to edit a toMany relationship by allowing the user to pick the eos that belong in the relationship.
Bindings | |
object |
key |
emptyListMessage |
listPageConfiguration |
list |
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDQueryIsContainedInArray: Allows you to query for objects that have a one or more of a set of related objects.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
displayGroup to set the queryMatch in (queryOperator = isContainedInArray) |
key |
relationship key ("school") |
destinationEntityName |
name of the destination entity ("School") |
restrictedChoiceKey |
keypath returning an array of preselections (session.user.district.schools) |
restrictingFetchSpecification |
name of a fetchspec (elementarySchoools) |
keyWhenRelationship |
display key for destination ("name"->school.name) |
sortOrderAttributeName |
sort key for destination ("name"->school.name) |
toManyUIStyle |
"browser" or "checkbox" |
numCols |
number of columns when "checkbox" is the UIStyle |
size |
number of rows for "checkbox" or "browser" UIStyle |
From er.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERDQueryTwoLevelRelationship: Create queries that consist of a drilldown.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.components.repetitions |
From er.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERDAttributeRepetition: Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDAttributeRepetition.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERDGroupingListPageRepetition: Grouping list that can be used as a repetition in list pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERDInspectPageRepetition: Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDInspectPageRepetition.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERDListPageRepetition: Can be used as a repetition in list pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERDQueryPageRepetition: Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDQueryPageRepetition.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
From er.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERDTableRepetition: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.components.strings |
From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WDisplayHTML: Displays a string with escape html set to false.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WDisplayLocalizedString: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WDisplayPassword: Displays '*********' instead.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WDisplayPreformattedString: Displays string representation of object inside of "pre" tags.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WDisplayString:
From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WDisplayStringWithLineBreaks: Displays string with line breaks.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WDisplayTextFromHTML: Extracts text from html and displays the text.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WEditLargeString:
From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WEditString: Allows specifing the maxLength for a WOTextField.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WQueryEncryptedString: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WQueryStringOperator:
From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERD2WQueryStringWithChoices: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDDisplayLargeString: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDDisplayStyledString: The as D2WDisplayStyledString, except that you can add a formatter and have a CSS class.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDDisplayTemplateString: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDEditHTML: Very, very basic version of a TinyMCE integration.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDEditPassword: Provides a edit "password" service.
Bindings | |
object |
the object to edit |
propertyKey |
the key of the object to edit |
length |
the length of the text field |
passwordConfirmationValidates |
if true, then the property key validation is left to the confirmation component. Otherwise the validation occurs here. |
From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDEditPasswordConfirm: Used to edit passwords where when changed the changed value must be confirmed.
Bindings | |
errorMessage |
password |
passwordConfirm |
extraBindings |
key |
object |
From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDEditPasswordConfirmation: Provides a "confirm password" service.
Bindings | |
object |
the object to edit |
length |
the length of the text field |
From er.directtoweb.components.strings.ERDEditStringWithChoices: Provides a toOne relationship-like component except the value is pushed in as a string.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.cvs |
From er.directtoweb.cvs.ERD2WCSVGroupingListPageTemplate: Grouping list in CSV format.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.cvs.ERD2WCSVListPageTemplate: Standard list in CSV format.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.cvs.ERDDefaultSectionComponentCSV: Displays section name for CSV pages.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.embed |
From er.directtoweb.embed.D2WPick: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.embed.ERD2WQuery: Same as D2WQuery, except that you can specify the queryBindings in advance.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WEditRelationship: A clone of David LeBer's ERMD2WEditRelationship component.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WInspect: Uses a the ERD2WSwitchComponent so that this component won't cache the d2w context.
Bindings | |
action |
displayKeys |
object |
pageConfiguration |
entityName |
From er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WList: Same as D2WList but uses ERD2WSwitchComponent so that its context won't be cached in case the page is reused.
Bindings | |
action |
list |
entityName |
dataSource |
pageConfiguration |
displayKeys |
From er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WPick: Embedded component that can be used for nesting a pick inside another page configuration.
Bindings | |
action |
branchDelegate |
dataSource |
entityName |
pageConfiguration |
selectedObjects |
nextPage |
From er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WQuery: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.embed.ERXD2WSelect: Embedded component that can be used for nesting a pick inside another page configuration.
Bindings | |
action |
branchDelegate |
dataSource |
entityName |
pageConfiguration |
selectedObject |
nextPage |
Package: er.directtoweb.excel |
From er.directtoweb.excel.ERExcelButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.excel.ERExcelListPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.excel.ERExcelPropertyName: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.pages |
From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WCalendarPage: Superclass of all calendar list pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WConfirmPage: Unless you need the special shouldProvideConfirmMessage, one should use ERD2WMessagePage instead /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WEditRelationshipPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WEditSortedManyToManyPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WEditableListPage: List page for editing all items in the list.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WGraphVizPage: Creates a GrahpViz page for those that needs such trivial tools.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WGroupingListPage: Displays a groups of objects grouped by a key.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WInspectPage: Superclass for all inspecting/editing ERD2W templates.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WListComparePage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WListPage: Reimplementation of the D2WListPage.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WMessagePage: Superclass for all message pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WPage: Common superclass for all ERD2W templates (except ERD2WEditRelationshipPage).
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WPickListPage: Allows the selection of one or more objects from a set of EOs.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WPickTypePage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WProgressPage: Displays progress by using a ERXLongResponse.Task.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WQueryEntitiesPage: Page that can query a set of entities.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WQueryPage: Superclass for all query pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WTabInspectPage: Superclass for all tab and wizard pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.ERD2WWizardCreationPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.pages.templates |
From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WCalendarPageTemplate: Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WCalendarPageTemplate.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WCompactInspectPageTemplate: Inspect template that is typically embedded in a page.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WCompactListPageTemplate: Compact list page.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WConfirmPageTemplate: More robust confirm messaging.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WEditableListTemplate: List page for editing all items in the list.
Bindings | |
backAction |
dataSource |
defaultSortKey |
isEntityInspectable |
isEntityReadOnly |
isListEmpty |
isSelecting |
listSize |
nextPage |
object |
showCancel |
From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WGroupingListPageTemplate: Displays a groups of objects grouped by a key.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WInspectPageTemplate: Beefed up inspect page.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WListComparePageTemplate: Basicly a list page flipped vertical.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WListPageTemplate: Beefed up list page.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WMessagePageTemplate: Used to present a message to the user with only one option, usually "OK".
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WPickListPageTemplate: A basic list but adding the ability to choose an arbitrary number of eos.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WPickTypePageTemplate: Useful for picking the type of something.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WProgressPageTemplate: Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WProgressPageTemplate.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WQueryEntitiesPageTemplate: Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WQueryEntitiesPageTemplate.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WQueryPageTemplate: Beefed up query page.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WQueryPageWithFetchSpecificationTemplate: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WTabInspectPageTemplate: A tab inspect/edit template.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.pages.templates.ERD2WWizardCreationPageTemplate: A wizard inspect/edit template.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.printerfriendly |
From er.directtoweb.printerfriendly.ERD2WGroupingPrinterFriendlyListPageTemplate: Printer friendly version.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.printerfriendly.ERD2WPrinterFriendlyInspectPageTemplate: Printer friendly inspect page.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.printerfriendly.ERD2WPrinterFriendlyListTemplate: Printer friendly list page.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.printerfriendly.ERDDefaultSectionComponentPrinterFriendly: Displays section name as a string for printer friendly version of the pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.printerfriendly.ERDPrinterFriendlyWrapper: Printer friendly page wrapper.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.directtoweb.xml |
From er.directtoweb.xml.ERD2WGroupingListXMLPageTemplate: Displays a grouped list of eos in an xml template.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.xml.ERD2WListXMLPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.xml.ERD2WListXMLPageTemplate: List xml template.
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.xml.ERD2WXMLDisplayNumber: xml display component for numbers /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.xml.ERD2WXMLDisplayString: xml display component for strings /
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.xml.ERD2WXMLDisplayToMany: xml display component for to many relationships
No bindings for Component.From er.directtoweb.xml.ERDXMLPageWrapper: page wrapper in xml.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.distribution |
From er.distribution.JavaClient: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.ercmail |
From er.ercmail.ERCMailableExceptionPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.excel |
From er.excel.EGWrapper: Class for Excel Component EGWrapper.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
From er.excel.EGXLSXWrapper: Class for XLSX Excel Component EGXLSXWrapper.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
Package: er.extensions.appserver |
From er.extensions.appserver.ERXDebugTimer: Records stats on how long the various phases in the request-response loop took for the children.
Bindings | |
displayName |
name of the item in the stats (defaults to parent name) |
From er.extensions.appserver.ERXRedirect: ERXRedirect is like a WORedirect except that you can give it a component instance to redirect to (as well as several other convenient methods of redirecting).
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.appserver.navigation |
From er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXModernNavigationMenu: This is an updated ERXNavigationMenu component that should simplify common usage.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXModernNavigationMenuItem: This is a menu item component that represents a single item in the tree of navigation menu items.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXNavigationComponent: Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.*
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXNavigationMenu: Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.i /
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.appserver.navigation.ERXNavigationMenuItem: Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.*
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.batching |
From er.extensions.batching.ERXBatchNavigationBar: Better batch navigation bar to page through display groups.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
the D2W context that this component is in |
displayGroup |
the WODisplayGroup that is being controlled |
width |
the width of the navigation bar table (there is a minimum 500 pixel width if tableClass is not specified) |
objectName |
the name of the type of object that is contained in the WODisplayGroup |
border |
the border width of the navigation bar table |
bgcolor |
the background color of the navigation bar table |
textColor |
no longer used? |
sortKeyList |
an NSArray of sort key paths that will be displayed in a popup button |
tableClass |
the CSS class for the navigation table (overrides minimum 500 pixel width when set) |
imageFramework |
the name of the framework that contains the navigation arrow images |
leftArrowImage |
the name of the left navigation arrow image |
rightArrowImage |
the name of the right navigation arrow image |
clearSelection |
boolean that indicates if the selection should be reset on paging (default false) |
From er.extensions.batching.ERXBatchNavigationBarInForm: Better navigation bar without a form.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
the D2W context that this component is in |
displayGroup |
the WODisplayGroup that is being controlled |
width |
the width of the navigation bar table (there is a minimum 500 pixel width if tableClass is not specified) |
objectName |
the name of the type of object that is contained in the WODisplayGroup |
border |
the border width of the navigation bar table |
bgcolor |
the background color of the navigation bar table |
textColor |
no longer used? |
sortKeyList |
an NSArray of sort key paths that will be displayed in a popup button |
tableClass |
the CSS class for the navigation table (overrides minimum 500 pixel width when set) |
imageFramework |
the name of the framework that contains the navigation arrow images |
leftArrowImage |
the name of the left navigation arrow image |
rightArrowImage |
the name of the right navigation arrow image |
From er.extensions.batching.ERXDirectActionBatchNavigationBar: BatchNavigationBar that uses a direct action and a "batch" URL parameter to switch to a specific batch.
Bindings | |
actionName |
(String) - the name of the directAction to call |
actionClass |
(String) - the name of the class for the directAction call |
additionalUrlParameters |
(NSDictionary) - parameters that get added to navigation URLs |
batchsize |
(Integer) - the size of the batches |
currentBatchIndex |
(Integer) - the index of the current page |
numberOfObjects |
(Integer) - the number of objects to batch |
containerCssClass |
(String) - the css class to use for the surrounding div container |
backString |
(String) - the string to use for the "back" link (HTML enabled); default = « back |
forwardString |
(String) - the string to use for the "forward" link (HTML enabled); default = back » |
showPageNumbers |
(Boolean) - whether or not to show the page numbers (you might want to show only the back and forward links); default = true |
showPageString |
(Boolean) - whether or not to show the "Page:" string to the left of the nav (will be made more flexible); default = false |
showBatchNavigationForSinglePage |
(Boolean) - whether or not to show the the batch navigation if we have only a single page; default = true |
From er.extensions.batching.ERXFlickrBatchNavigation:
ERXFlickrBatchNavigation is a batch navigation component that provides pagination that behaves like the paginator on Flickr.com.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
the display group to paginate |
displayName |
the name of the items that are being display ("photo", "bug", etc) |
showPageRange |
if true , the range of items on the page is shown, for example "(1-7 of 200 items)" |
showBatchSizes |
if true , a menu to change the items per page is shown "Show: (10) 20 (100) (All) items per page" |
batchSizes |
can be either a string or an NSArray of numbers that define the batch sizes to chose from. The number "0" provides an "All" items batch size. For example "10,20,30" or "10,50,100,0" |
small |
if true , a compressed page count style is used |
parentActionName |
(if you don't provide a displayGroup) the action to be executed on the parent component to get the next batch of items. |
currentBatchIndex |
(if you don't provide a displayGroup) used to get and set on the parent component the selected page index |
maxNumberOfObjects |
(if you don't provide a displayGroup) used to get the total number of objects that are being paginated. |
numberOfObjectsPerBatch |
(if you don't provide a displayGroup) the number of objects per batch (page) |
Package: er.extensions.batching._ajax |
From er.extensions.batching._ajax.ERXAjaxBatchNavigationBar: ERXBatchNavigationBar less presentation features
Bindings | |
container |
the update container to update on batch actions |
showForm |
whether to use a form or not |
displayGroup |
the WODisplayGroup that is being controlled |
objectName |
the name of the type of object that is contained in the WODisplayGroup |
sortKeyList |
an NSArray of sort key paths that will be displayed in a popup button |
clearSelection |
boolean that indicates if the selection should be reset on paging (default false) |
Package: er.extensions.components |
From er.extensions.components.ERXAccessibleSubmitButton: Extends ERXSubmitButton with self-configuring accessibility hot key for the button.
Bindings | |
accesskey |
optional key for hot key, "" to disable hot key |
accesskeyElement |
optional element name and decoration to wrap hot key character with in the button text |
value |
the button text |
From er.extensions.components.ERXAnyField: ERXAnyField, who extends WOAnyField, shows a popup with a list of keys for an entity to let you filter a display group.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
The display group to apply the filter on |
keyList |
Array of strings of available keys to filter the display group |
key |
An item in the key list |
selectedKey |
Selection made by the user in the key list |
sourceEntity |
Name Name of the entity |
value |
Value of the qualifier |
displayKey |
formatter |
relationshipKey |
From er.extensions.components.ERXArrayChooser: This is an effort to consolidate the WOToOneRelationship, WOToManyRelationship and descendant components.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXBooleanSelector: A custom boolean selector (defaults to "Yes", "No", and "All") for use as, for instance, a boolean search filter.
Bindings | |
yesString |
the string to show for the "Yes" option |
noString |
the string to show for the "No" option |
noSelectionString |
the string to show for the "All" option |
selection |
the selected value |
uiMode |
the desired UI "popup" [default], "checkbox" or "radio" |
From er.extensions.components.ERXCachingWrapper: Wrapper that caches its content based on a set of bindings.
Bindings | |
keys |
the keys to use for caching |
duration |
the duration the entry stays in the cache |
entryName |
the name to cache on |
From er.extensions.components.ERXCheckboxMatrix: Works around a webscript bug.
Bindings | |
list |
item |
selections |
maxColumns |
goingVertically" |
defaults="Boolean |
contentCellOtherTagString |
sortKey |
width |
cellAlign |
cellVAlign |
cellpadding |
cellspacing |
cellWidth |
cellClass |
relationshipName |
relationshipOwner |
tableOtherTagString |
id |
optional ID for element wrapping checkbox matrix |
itemID |
optional ID for each checkbox element |
disabled |
From er.extensions.components.ERXClippy: Thin wrapper for Clippy (http://github.com/mojombo/clippy) as used by, for example, github.
Bindings | |
text |
The text to be copied |
bgcolor |
color to use as background, defaults to #FFFFFF |
From er.extensions.components.ERXCollapsibleComponentContent: Better collapsible component content.
Bindings | |
closedImageFileName" |
defaults="Resources |
closedLabel |
condition" |
defaults="Boolean |
openedImageFileName" |
defaults="Resources |
openedLabel |
visibility |
framework" |
defaults="Frameworks |
submitActionName |
wrapLabelWithHTMLTag" |
defaults="Boolean |
From er.extensions.components.ERXColoredTabPanel: Tab panel with color backgrounds.
Bindings | |
tabs |
selectedTab |
tabNameKey |
nonSelectedBgColor |
bgcolor |
submitActionName |
textColor |
From er.extensions.components.ERXComponent:
From er.extensions.components.ERXDataHyperlink: ERXDataHyperlink works like a WOHyperlink except that instead of turning unknown bindings into tag attributes, it instead passes them to the page specified in pageName.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXDebugMarker: Given an object displays a link to show information about the editing context of that object.
Bindings | |
object |
An EOEditingContext or an EOEnterpriseObject object |
debugPageProvider |
Page to display for showing up details about a EOEnterpriseObject |
From er.extensions.components.ERXDirectActionHyperlink: This component can be used for two things:
Bindings | |
actionClass |
direct action class to be used |
directActionName |
direct action name |
entityNameSeparator |
separator used when constructing urls with encoded enterprise objects |
relative |
generates relative or absolute url |
shouldEncryptObjectFormValues |
boolean flag that tells if the primary keys of the enterprise objects should be encrypted using blowfish |
objectForFormValue |
an enterprise object to be encoded in the url |
objectsForFormValues |
array of enterprise objects to be encoded in the url |
bindingDictionary |
adds the key-value pairs to generated url as form values, encrypting the values with blowfish. |
unencryptedBindingDictionary |
adds the key-value pairs to generated url as form values |
From er.extensions.components.ERXDirectActionImage: ERXDirectActionImage is the same as a ERXDirectActionHyperlink, but the direct action response have to return a URL to an image, that URL will be used as the source of the image to display with this component.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXDisplayDataAsString: Displays a byte array of data as a String.
Bindings | |
data |
From er.extensions.components.ERXDownloadResponse: A component that is used to generate a download response.
Bindings | |
contentDisposition |
A string to set the content-disposition header. Defaults to "attachment;filename=\"" + downloadFilename() + "\"" |
contentType |
A string to represents the MIME type (text/plain, application/pdf, etc.) of the file |
downloadFilename |
A string that represents the name of the file. Defaults to "downloadedfile" |
fileContext |
An ERXFileContext object that contains a reference to the file, the file name and the MIME type. If you set this binding, you don't need to set the contentType, fileToDownload and downloadFilename bindings. |
fileToDownload |
A java.io.File object that will be returned in the response |
From er.extensions.components.ERXDynamicElement: ERXDynamicElement provides a common base class for dynamic elements.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXEditURL: Used to edit urls with a default value.
Bindings | |
value |
The URL to edit (can be a string or a java.net.URL object). If not set, the default value is http://www. |
size |
A integer to set the size of the text field |
From er.extensions.components.ERXEditingContextInspector: Inspects an eo's editing context.
Bindings | |
object |
The EOEditingContext to inspect |
item |
The EOEnterpriseObject to inspect |
key |
A string |
debugPageProvider |
From er.extensions.components.ERXEmbeddedPage:
ERXEmbeddedPage allows you to wrap a section of your page and treat return values from invokeAction as a replacement only for the this element and not for the entire page.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXEmptyComponent: An empty component does not contain any html or wod.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXErrorDictionaryPanel: Useful for displaying a dictionary of caught exception messages.
Bindings | |
errorMessages |
An NSMutableDictionary that contains the list of errors to display |
extraErrorMessage |
An String containing an error. If errorMessages is also set, extraErrorMessage will be added below errorMessages |
shouldShowNewLineAbove |
An Boolean, if true, will add a new empty line above the list of errors |
shouldShowNewLineBelow |
An Boolean, if true, will add a new empty line below the list of errors |
errorKeyOrder |
An NSMutableArray containing a list of string keys to sort the errorMessages list |
From er.extensions.components.ERXExceptionPage: A nicer version of WOExceptionPage.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXExternalContent: Wraps an external content which is retrieved from an URL.
Bindings | |
url |
url to get content from. |
encoding |
content encoding to use. |
From er.extensions.components.ERXFakeRelationship: UI and support methods to edit "relations" to objects flattened into a text field (e.g.
Bindings | |
dataSource |
destinationDisplayKey |
isMandatory |
relationshipKey |
sourceEntityName |
sourceObject |
uiStyle |
isToMany |
destinationEntityName |
size |
maxColumns |
From er.extensions.components.ERXFavIcon: FavIcon link with resource manager support.
Bindings | |
href |
href to the icon |
filename |
filename of the icon |
framework |
framework of the icon |
type |
the type of icon to use. Default is for a favicon, while "touch" generates an 'apple-touch-icon-precomposed' icon for android and iDevices. For information about icon sizes, see touch icons |
From er.extensions.components.ERXFixedLengthString: This stateless component is useful for displaying a string of a fixed length.
Bindings | |
value |
string that is passed in to display in a fixed length setting. |
length |
fixed length that is compared to the length of the passed in string. |
shouldPadToLength |
boolean binding to indicate if the string to be displayed is shorter than the fixed length if it should then be padded with white space. |
suffixWhenTrimmed |
only appended to the end of the string if characters are trimmed from the end of the string to be displayed |
escapeHTML |
replace the entities > and & with their escape codes (like WOString does). When this is set to true, all HTML text is cleared from the string first to prevent half-open tags |
From er.extensions.components.ERXFlashMovie: Embeds a flash movie.
Bindings | |
movieUrl |
optional, the full url of the movie file's location |
movieName |
optional, the filename of the movie relative to your WebServerResources (e.g. movies/mymovie.swf). Must provide a framework binding when using movieName |
framework |
optional, the framework in which the file specified by movieName resides. Must provide a movieName when using framework |
? |
binding for simple FlashVars |
?? |
binding to tie actions on your page to FlashVars (should return a WOActionResults) |
From er.extensions.components.ERXGroupingRepetition: Groups items into sections.For example: Employees belong to a department, you want to group on department.
Bindings | |
list |
list of objects to group |
item |
current item, will get pushed to the parent, so that it can evaluate sectionForItem |
sectionForItem |
value pulled from the parent, after "item" gets pushed |
sectionKey |
key to group departments on (usually primaryKey or hashCode) |
subListSection |
will get set to the current section |
subList |
will get set to the grouped items for the section |
sortKey |
optional key for sorting the group list (sth like '@sortAsc.name') |
splitArrays |
optional boolean specifying if array keys are regarded as distinct keys |
ignoreNulls |
optional boolean specifying if nulls are ignored |
From er.extensions.components.ERXGroupingTable: Table implementation of a grouping repetition.
Bindings | |
list |
NSArray |
item |
An object coming from the list |
sectionForItem |
subList |
subListSection |
sectionKey |
maxColumns |
col |
index |
row |
tableBackgroundColor |
border |
cellpadding |
cellspacing |
rowBackgroundColor |
cellBackgroundColor |
cellAlign |
cellVAlign |
cellWidth |
tableWidth |
goingVertically |
defaults=Boolean |
From er.extensions.components.ERXHyperlinkKeyValueSetter: Sets a key value when the hyperlink is clicked.
Bindings | |
value |
The value to set when the hyperlink is set |
binding |
The method to call to set the value |
string |
optional link text |
action |
optional action |
class |
optional css class name |
From er.extensions.components.ERXIEConditionalComment: Conditional comments make it easy for developers to take advantage of the enhanced features offered by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and later versions, while writing pages that downgrade gracefully in less-capable browsers or display correctly in browsers other than Windows Internet Explorer.
Bindings | |
isGreaterThan |
boolean binding evaluates the version of IE against the versionString binding |
isGreaterThanEqual |
boolean binding evaluates the version of IE against the versionString binding |
isLessThan |
boolean binding evaluates the version of IE against the versionString binding |
isLessThanEqual |
boolean binding evaluates the version of IE against the versionString binding |
negate |
boolean binding indicates the inverse of the version evaluation if versionString binding is bound. Otherwise, this binding escapes the IE conditional comments so that all browser except IE will render the component contents. |
versionString |
the version of IE being targeted. If all versions of IE are targeted, leave versionString unbound. If all browser except IE are targeted, leave versionString unbound and bind negate. |
From er.extensions.components.ERXIFrame: IFRAME that can use its own contents to render when none of the other bindings are supplied.
Bindings | |
src |
absolute url to render from |
pageName |
name of the page to open |
action |
renders the action result as the content |
From er.extensions.components.ERXImage: /
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXImageTabPanel: This component takes a list of tabs, the same as ERXTabPanel to find images, the naming convention is: /nsi/tab<tabName>.gif : tab is not selected /nsi/tab<tabName>Selected.gif : tab is selected where tabName is the name of the tab, minus spaces
Bindings | |
bgcolor |
nonSelectedBgColor |
selectedTab |
submitActionName |
tabNameKey |
tabs |
textColor |
useFormSubmit |
defaults=Boolean |
From er.extensions.components.ERXInlineTemplate: ERXInlineTemplate allows to specify a component's template dynamically.
Bindings | |
html |
HTML-part of the component (required) |
wod |
WOD-part of the component (optional) |
cacheKey |
Key under which to cache the WOElement (optional) |
cacheVersion |
Hint to determine if the cached object is up-to-date (optional) |
errorTemplate |
Template to use for displaying error messages. Uses {@link ERXSimpleTemplateParser} for display. Method name and HTML-escaped message are provided by the "method" and "message" keys. (optional) |
proxyParent |
whether to proxy key path lookup to the parent (default is false) |
defaultToDynamicBindings |
whether to use dynamicBindings for unknown keys (default is true) |
From er.extensions.components.ERXKeyValueSetter: Sets a keypath to a value.
Bindings | |
source |
the source object |
sourceKeypath |
(optional) the key path off the source object. If omitted, the source itself is used. |
destination |
the destination of the value |
destinationKeypath |
(optional) the key path off the destination object. If omitted, the source itself is used. |
From er.extensions.components.ERXLanguageMenu: A simple popup menu for language selection.
Bindings | |
class |
(optional) the html class attribute string |
dir |
(optional) the html dir attribute string. Defines the text direction and should only be equal to "ltr" for "left to right" text direction or "rtl" for "right to left" text direction. |
disabled |
(optional) the html disabled attribute string. This is passed directly to the component so you should only bind the string value "disabled" if you wish to disable the component. Otherwise, leave it unbound. |
id |
(optional) the html id attribute string. Each id value should be unique and not repeated on the same page. |
language |
the language selected in the menu. |
localizeDisplayStrings |
(optional) if true, this will cause each language name to be displayed in its native language. If false, all languages will be presented in the current language. |
noSelectionString |
(optional) the string presented to indicate a null or empty selection. |
size |
(optional) the html size attribute string. This defines the maximum number of menu items to display. |
style |
(optional) the html style attribute string |
title |
(optional) the html title attribute string |
From er.extensions.components.ERXLayoutTable: Table that can handle cell with row and colspans.
Bindings | |
col |
index |
list |
maxColumns |
row |
item |
border |
cellpadding |
cellspacing |
rowBackgroundColor |
cellColSpan |
cellRowSpan |
cellBackgroundColor |
cellAlign |
cellVAlign |
cellWidth |
tableBackgroundColor |
tableWidth |
otherTagString |
From er.extensions.components.ERXLinkButton: This dynamic element produces markup like <a><button>...</button></a>.
Bindings | |
action |
Action method to invoke when this element is activated. |
actionClass |
The name of the class in which the method designated in 'directActionName' can be found. Defaults to DirectAction. |
class |
A class attribute to be bound to the anchor tag. |
directActionName |
The name of the direct action method (minus the "Action" suffix) to invoke when this element is activated. Defaults to “default”. |
disabled |
If evaluates to true, the button is in active. |
escapeHTML |
If escapeHTML evaluates to true, the string rendered by the 'string' or 'value' binding is converted so that characters which would be interpreted as HTML control characters become their escaped equivalent (this is the default). |
fragmentIdentifier |
Named location to display in the destination page. |
href |
URL to direct the browser to when the button is clicked. |
id |
An id attribute to be bound to the anchor tag. |
name |
A name attribute to be bound to the button tag. This is ignored if 'actionClass' or 'directActionName' is bound. It will not appear if the button is disabled. |
pageName |
Name of WebObjects page to display when the link is clicked. |
queryDictionary |
Takes a dictionary that should be appended to the hyperlink’s URL after a question mark character. The dictionary must be correctly encoded and will be merged with any existing query dictionary for a particular session ID. |
rel |
The rel attribute of the anchor tag. This binding has no effect when this element is used as a button. If the property er.extensions.ERXHyperlink.defaultNoFollow=true is used and 'action' is bound, then "nofollow" will automatically be appended. |
secure |
Changes the URL prefix from http to https when WebObjects generates URLs for component actions and direct actions for this element. For this attribute to have any effect, you must provide bindings either for the 'action,' 'directAction,' 'actionClass,' or 'pageName' attribute (respecting the valid combinations). This binding has no effect when this element is used as a button. |
string |
This binding provides the string value of the link when submit is false. If no string is provided, it falls back to the value binding. If no value is provided, no string is used. If the element has child elements, the string is ignored except when using IE conditionals. |
submit |
This binding is ignored and the default is false if the this element is used outside of a form, 'pageName' is bound, or 'href' is bound. Otherwise, inside of a form, the default is true. Using buttons as links will not submit form values, but can be more efficient. |
useIEConditionals |
When true, the element generates simple input or hyperlink elements using IE conditional comments, since IE is unable to handle button elements correctly. The default is true. |
value |
This binding provides the title of the button when submit is true. If no value is provided, the value falls back to the string binding. If no string binding is provided, a default value of "Submit" is used. If the element has child elements, the value is ignored except when using IE conditionals. |
From er.extensions.components.ERXLinkButton5: With the introduction of HTML5's block level anchor tag, there is no longer any need to nest a button tag inside an anchor in order to display block content.
Bindings | |
action |
Action method to invoke when this element is activated. |
actionClass |
The name of the class in which the method designated in 'directActionName' can be found. Defaults to DirectAction. |
class |
A class attribute to be bound to the anchor tag. |
directActionName |
The name of the direct action method (minus the "Action" suffix) to invoke when this element is activated. Defaults to “default”. |
disabled |
If evaluates to true, the button is in active. |
escapeHTML |
If escapeHTML evaluates to true, the string rendered by the 'string' or 'value' binding is converted so that characters which would be interpreted as HTML control characters become their escaped equivalent (this is the default). |
fragmentIdentifier |
Named location to display in the destination page. |
href |
URL to direct the browser to when the button is clicked. |
id |
An id attribute to be bound to the anchor tag. |
name |
A name attribute to be bound to the button tag. This is ignored if 'actionClass' or 'directActionName' is bound. It will not appear if the button is disabled. |
pageName |
Name of WebObjects page to display when the link is clicked. |
queryDictionary |
Takes a dictionary that should be appended to the hyperlink’s URL after a question mark character. The dictionary must be correctly encoded and will be merged with any existing query dictionary for a particular session ID. |
rel |
The rel attribute of the anchor tag. This binding has no effect when this element is used as a button. If the property er.extensions.ERXHyperlink.defaultNoFollow=true is used and 'action' is bound, then "nofollow" will automatically be appended. |
secure |
Changes the URL prefix from http to https when WebObjects generates URLs for component actions and direct actions for this element. For this attribute to have any effect, you must provide bindings either for the 'action,' 'directAction,' 'actionClass,' or 'pageName' attribute (respecting the valid combinations). This binding has no effect when this element is used as a button. |
string |
This binding provides the string value of the link when submit is false. If no string is provided, it falls back to the value binding. If no value is provided, no string is used. If the element has child elements, the string is ignored except when using IE conditionals. |
submit |
This binding is ignored and the default is false if the this element is used outside of a form, 'pageName' is bound, or 'href' is bound. Otherwise, inside of a form, the default is true. Using buttons as links will not submit form values, but can be more efficient. |
useIEConditionals |
When true, the element generates simple input or hyperlink elements using IE conditional comments, since IE is unable to handle button elements correctly. The default is true. |
value |
This binding provides the title of the button when submit is true. If no value is provided, the value falls back to the string binding. If no string binding is provided, a default value of "Submit" is used. If the element has child elements, the value is ignored except when using IE conditionals. |
From er.extensions.components.ERXLinkRandomizer: This simple stateless component adds a javascript function 'RandomizeLink' that will either add a dummy=0 or change the previous value of a dummy=<some number> parameter of a hyperlink.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXListDisplay: Useful for displaying a list of objects.
Bindings | |
list |
attribute |
emptyArrayDisplay |
the string to display when the array is null or empty |
item |
current item if in content mode |
separator |
separator to use for the first items (default ", ") |
finalSeparator |
separator for the last items (default localized " and ") |
escapeHTML |
From er.extensions.components.ERXLocalizationEditor: Editor page for the localized files that are supplied in your settings.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXLoremIpsum: ERXLoremIpsum provides a component wrapper around the ERXLoremIpsumGenerator.
Bindings | |
type |
- "word", "sentence", 又は "paragraph" |
count |
- 生成する (ワード = words, 文 = sentences, 又は 段落 = paragraphs) 数 |
From er.extensions.components.ERXMailTo: Component that generates a mailto href of the form: "<a href=mailto:foo@bar.com>foo@bar.com</a>".
Bindings | |
email |
email address to generate href |
From er.extensions.components.ERXMandatoryFieldMarker: Displays a mandatory field marker.
Bindings | |
condition |
If the condition returns true, will display a '*', if false, it will display a transparent 1x1 pixel |
From er.extensions.components.ERXModelDoc: ERXModelDoc provides a common renderer for Entity Modeler's Entity, Attribute, and Relationship userInfo._EntityModeler.documentation.
Bindings | |
object |
the object (entity, relationship, etc) to display documentation for |
From er.extensions.components.ERXModernizr:
ERXModernizr uses the Modernizr library to detect what javascript capabilities a client browser has and then posts those values back to the server to store them on the session.
Bindings | |
filename |
framework |
From er.extensions.components.ERXMonthView: Class for Wonder Component ERXMonthView.
Bindings | |
cellWidth |
width if the date cells. Default is 20. |
From er.extensions.components.ERXNestedList: Nested list component, copied over from WXNestedList, better html output.
Bindings | |
list |
list of items |
item |
current item, gets pushed to parent |
isOrdered |
when true, uses a OL, otherwise a UL |
sublist |
should return the sublist for the current item. |
level |
level if the current item |
From er.extensions.components.ERXNonSynchronizingComponent: Abstract non-synchronizing component used as the super class for a number of components within the ER frameworks.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXOptionalForm: Simple wrapper around a WOForm with a binding (showForm) to determine if the form should be hidden or not.
Bindings | |
showForm |
If false, the form is not displayed |
action |
name |
enctype |
directActionName |
actionClass |
autocomplete |
style |
class |
From er.extensions.components.ERXPluralString: Given a count and a string pluralizes the string if count > 1.
Bindings | |
value |
the object name to plurify |
count |
the number of objects |
showNumber |
From er.extensions.components.ERXPodcastRssPage: Simple podcast RSS feed provider.
Bindings | |
feedTitle |
the title of the RSS feed |
feedUrl |
the URL of the website associated with the RSS feed |
feedLanguage |
two-letter language code, ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 format (eg : en-us, fr-ca, etc.) |
feedCopyright |
copyright notice |
feedDescription |
the description of the RSS feed |
feedSubtitle |
the contents of this tag are shown in the Description column in iTunes |
feedAuthor |
the content of this tag is shown in the Artist column in iTunes |
feedOwnerName |
this tag contains information that will be used to contact the owner of the podcast for communication specifically about their podcast |
feedOwnerEmail |
this tag contains information that will be used to contact the owner of the podcast for communication specifically about their podcast |
feedImageUrl |
this tag specifies the artwork for your podcast. Put the URL to the image in the href attribute. |
feedCategory |
use a top level <itunes:category> to specify the browse category |
list |
the list of items to show in the feed |
item |
the repetition item binding for the feed items |
itemGuid |
the GUID of the current item |
itemTitle |
the title of the current item |
itemLink |
the link associated with the current item |
itemPubDate |
the publish date of the current item |
itemAuthor |
the author of the item |
itemSubtitle |
the contents of this tag are shown in the Description column in iTunes |
itemEncloseUrl |
url to the podcast |
itemEnclosureLength |
length, in bytes, of the podcast |
itemEnclosureMimeType |
MIME type of the podcast |
From er.extensions.components.ERXQueryRecentDates: Nice for adjusting the query specs for dates on a display group.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
key |
From er.extensions.components.ERXRRLoopDebug: Sometimes it's handy to be able to print out debug entries during the various stages of the RR loop.
Bindings | |
name |
the name to print out |
From er.extensions.components.ERXRadioButtonMatrix: Radio button list with lots of more options.
Bindings | |
list |
uniqueID |
item |
selection |
maxColumns |
cellpadding |
cellspacing |
width |
cellAlign |
cellVAlign |
cellWidth |
tableOtherTagString |
From er.extensions.components.ERXRemoteShell: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXRepeatingTable: Useful when given a list of n items and you want to display m keys.
Bindings | |
list |
item |
repetetions |
index |
row |
col |
maxColumns |
cellBackgroundColor |
From er.extensions.components.ERXResponseComponent: Handy component when you need to return a WOActionResults and the interface requires a WOComponent.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXRssPage: Simple RSS feed provider.
Bindings | |
feedTitle |
the title of the RSS feed |
feedUrl |
the URL of the website associated with the RSS feed |
feedDescription |
the description of the RSS feed |
list |
the list of items to show in the feed |
item |
the repetition item binding for the feed items |
itemGuid |
the GUID of the current item |
itemTitle |
the title of the current item |
itemLink |
the link associated with the current item |
itemPubDate |
the publish date of the current item |
itemAuthor |
the author of the item |
From er.extensions.components.ERXSLTWrapper: Wrapper that translates its content via XSLT.
Bindings | |
enabled |
flag that decides if the transformation is applied. If not set, then only the content will be shown. |
stylesheet |
name of the XLST stylesheet (mandatory) |
transformerFactory |
name of the class for the XSLT transformer factory (optional, defaults to Xalan) |
framework |
name of the XLST stylesheet's framework (optional) |
data |
will be set to the transformed data (optional) |
stream |
will be set to the transformed data (optional) |
nocache |
flag that if set creates a new transformer instead of using the one in the cache. Useful when deleloping the stylesheet. |
From er.extensions.components.ERXSimpleSpamCheck: ERXSimpleSpamCheck generates a display: none text field in your page that has its value filled in with Javascript.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXSingleButton: A stand alone submit button to be used as an action button.
Bindings | |
action |
value |
doNotUseForm |
If true , do not output a form, ever. If false or not specified, do what is more efficient. |
actionClass |
directActionName |
target |
shouldSubmitForm |
If false , will let the submit button use javascript code to set "document.location", which does not submit the form the button is in. The default value is false . |
name |
If is null takes context.elementID |
class |
the CSS class for the button |
style |
the CSS style for the button |
id |
the id for the button |
From er.extensions.components.ERXSortOrder: Better sort order changer.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
displayGroup |
displayKey |
key |
unsortedImageSrc |
sortedAscendingImageSrc |
sortedDescendingImageSrc |
unsortedImageName |
sortedAscendingImageName |
sortedDescendingImageName |
imageFramework |
width |
the width of the image |
height |
the height of the image |
From er.extensions.components.ERXStatelessComponent: Abstract stateless component used as the super class for a number of components within the ER frameworks.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXStatelessInlineTemplate: Stateless variant of {@link ERXInlineTemplate}.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXStringHolder: Use this to return a string from direct actions.
Bindings | |
value |
value |
escapeHTML |
escape HTML |
From er.extensions.components.ERXStringListPicker: Useful for picking a String from a list.
Bindings | |
item |
selection |
explanationComponentName |
choices |
List (NSDictionary) containing the list of string to display |
cancelPage |
A WOComponent that is used when people click on Cancel button |
nextPage |
A WOComponent that is used when people click on Next button |
From er.extensions.components.ERXStringWithLineBreaks:
Converts a string that has line breaks and tabs in it into a corresponding HTML string with <br />
and (five of)
Bindings | |
value |
string to be converted |
valueWhenEmpty |
what to display when value is null or empty |
From er.extensions.components.ERXStyleSheet: Adds a style sheet to a page.
Bindings | |
filename |
name of the style sheet |
framework |
name of the framework for the style sheet |
href |
url to the style sheet |
key |
key to cache the style sheet under when using the component content. Default is the sessionID. That means, you should *really* explicitly set a key, when you use more than one ERXStyleSheet using the component content method within one session |
inline |
when true , the generated link tag will be appended inline, when false it'll be placed in the head of the page, when unset it will be placed inline for ajax requests and in the head for regular requests |
media |
media name this style sheet is for |
From er.extensions.components.ERXStyledContainer:
Same as a WOGenericContainer, except that you can add individual style attributes by supplying style.background-color="red"
Bindings | |
elementId |
The type of element (div, p, span, etc.) to generate |
From er.extensions.components.ERXSuccess: "Success" string /
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXSwitchEmbeddedPage: ERXSwitchEmbeddedPage allows you to wrap a section of your page and treat return values from invokeAction as a replacement only for the this element and not for the entire page.
Bindings | |
initialComponentName |
the name of the component to display |
From er.extensions.components.ERXTabPanel: Better tab panel.
Bindings | |
tabs |
a list of objects representing the tabs |
tabNameKey |
a string containing a key to apply to tabs to get the title of the tab |
selectedTab |
contains the selected tab |
bgcolor |
color to use for the selected tab and the body of the panel |
nonSelectedBgColor |
color to use for the non-selected tabs |
submitActionName |
if this binding is non null, tabs will contain a submit button instead of a regular hyperlink and the action |
textColor |
borderColor |
useFormSubmit |
true, if the form shoud be submitted before switching, allows denial of switches |
tabImageFramework |
the name of the framework that contains the tab images |
leftTabImage |
the name of the image on the left side of the tab |
rightTabImage |
the name of the image on the right side of the tab |
tabClass |
the style used for a selected tab |
nonSelectedTabClass |
the style used for a unselected tab |
tabImageContainerClass |
the style used for the td that surrounds the left and right side images of a selected tab |
nonSelectedTabImageContainerClass |
the style used for the td that surrounds the left and right side images of an unselected tab |
From er.extensions.components.ERXTable: Enhanced table component that adds the ability to have the table layed out in a vertical orientation and adds the ability to specify an array of header images that appear in the header cells of the table.
Bindings | |
col |
pushed to the parent with the current column number |
index |
pushed to the parent indicating the current index |
list |
of objects to construct the table for |
maxColumns |
maximum number of columns |
fillColumns |
when true, loops until the last row is filled even when no more elements are left in the list |
row |
pushed to the parent with the current row number |
item |
pushed to the parent with the current object from the list |
tableClass |
CSS class for the table |
tableBackgroundColor |
background color for table |
border |
table border |
cellpadding |
cell padding |
cellspacing |
cell spacing |
rowBackgroundColor |
background color to be used for the rows of the table |
rowClass |
CSS class for the row |
cellBackgroundColor |
background color for the cell |
cellAlign |
cell's alignment |
cellVAlign |
cell's vertical alignment |
cellWidth |
cell's width |
cellClass |
CSS class for the cell |
tableWidth |
table width |
goingVertically |
boolean if the list should be layed out horizontally or vertically. |
headerImages |
array of images to be displayed in the header cells of the table |
headerRowBackgroundColor |
background color for the header row |
From er.extensions.components.ERXTableWithBorder: Allows turning the border on and off of a table.
Bindings | |
color |
width |
renderBorder" |
defaults="Boolean |
bgcolor |
doNotRenderTop" |
defaults="Boolean |
From er.extensions.components.ERXTimeZoneDetector:
This component adds javascript to a page to grab the system time zone from the browser and write the time zone to the timeZone
attribute of the session via a call to the setTimeZone()
Bindings | |
preferredTimeZones |
an array of preferred TimeZone objects. This array takes precedence over the preferredTimeZoneIDs binding. |
preferredTimeZoneIDs |
an array of preferred TimeZone id strings |
From er.extensions.components.ERXToManyRelationship: Better layout options that the {@link WOToManyRelationship}, in addition you can set a qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any.
Bindings | |
dataSource |
destinationDisplayKey |
isMandatory |
relationshipKey |
sourceEntityName |
destinationEntityName |
sourceObject |
uiStyle |
qualifier |
possibleChoices |
maxColumns |
size |
width |
destinationSortKey |
goingVertically |
localizeDisplayKeys |
sortCaseInsensitive |
From er.extensions.components.ERXToOneRelationship: Better layout options that the {@link WOToOneRelationship}, in addition you can set a qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any.
Bindings | |
dataSource |
destinationDisplayKey |
isMandatory |
relationshipKey |
sourceEntityName |
destinationEntityName |
sourceObject |
uiStyle |
destinationSortKey |
noSelectionString |
possibleChoices |
qualifier |
popupName |
size |
maxColumns |
localizeDisplayKeys" |
defaults="Boolean |
sortCaseInsensitive |
From er.extensions.components.ERXTolerantWrapper: Wrapper for areas that might throw exceptions and catches them.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.ERXUniquingWrapper: Needed when you have a component content and the state of the wrapper changes.
Bindings | |
id |
is to append to the element ID |
From er.extensions.components.ERXUnreadMarker: Nice for denoting that something has not been viewed.
Bindings | |
item |
list |
condition |
A boolean |
negate |
A boolean |
From er.extensions.components.ERXWOComponentContent: Allows for multiple Component Contents.
Bindings | |
templateName |
The templateName of the ERXWOTemplate which should be rendered in place of this element. If not set, this element will behave like a regular WOComponentContent, but filter out all ERXWOTemplates. |
From er.extensions.components.ERXWOFormBarrier: ERXWOFormBarrier allows you to wrap a section of your page that you want to trick into believing that it is not actually inside of a WOForm.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.components._ajax |
From er.extensions.components._ajax.ERXAjaxErrorDictionaryPanel: Prototype event notification for errors
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components._ajax.ERXAjaxTabPanel: An XHTML Ajax based Tab Panel It's worth noting that because this is an ajax tab that the contents of the tab must be contained within this tab contents in order to be updated.
Bindings | |
container This |
is a required binding that says which container to perform an Ajax.Updater on when the tab is clicked. |
Package: er.extensions.components._private |
From er.extensions.components._private.ERXActiveImage: Active image that allows for a tooltip as a binding.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components._private.ERXHyperlink: Enhancement to WOHyperlink.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components._private.ERXSubmitButton:
Clone of WOSubmitButton that should emit <button>
tags instead of <input>
From er.extensions.components._private.ERXSwitchComponent: Variant of WOSwitchComponent that replaces the plain-text component names in the element ID with a number, in case you don't like advertising your component names or just like shorter URLs.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOBrowser: Crappy reimplementation of WOBrowser which would not be needed of if it could handle java collections.
Bindings | |
class |
class of the browser |
displayString |
the string to display for an item |
escapeHTML |
if the displayString should be escaped, defaults to true |
id |
id of the browser |
item |
the current item in the iteration |
list |
the array or list of items to iterate over |
multiple |
if multiple elements are selectable, defaults to false |
name |
the name of the browser |
selectedValues |
array of selected objects used for direct action |
selections |
array of selected objects |
size |
how many items to display at one time, defaults to 5 |
style |
style of the browser |
title |
title of the browser |
value |
the value to use for an item |
From er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOForm: Transparent replacement for WOForm.
Bindings | |
action |
Action method to invoke when this element is activated. |
actionClass |
The name of the class in which the method designated in directActionName can be found. Defaults to DirectAction . |
addDefaultSubmitButton |
Injects a submit button at the beginning of the form since some browsers will submit the form using the first nested button when the return key is pressed. Default is false unless it is set to true in the properties file. |
directActionName |
The name of the direct action method (minus the "Action" suffix) to invoke when this element is activated. Defaults to default . |
disabled |
Disabling a form omits the form element's tags from the generated html. ERXWOForm will automatically disable any nested forms and post a warning to the console if this value is not set. |
enctype |
The encoding type of the form. If a form has a file upload and this is not set to multipart/form-data then an exception is thrown. |
fragmentIdentifier |
appends "#" + the value of the binding to the action. |
href |
The HTML href attribute |
id |
The HTML id attribute |
method |
The HTTP method used by the form. It can be get or post |
multipleSubmit |
If multipleSubmit evaluates to true , the form can have more than one submit button, each with its own action. By default, the value is false unless it is set to true in the properties file. |
name |
The HTML name attribute |
queryDictionary |
Takes a dictionary of values that will be submitted with the form. |
secure |
Determines if the form is secured with SSL. Default is false. |
embedded |
when true, a form inside of a form will still render. this is to support forms inside of ajax modal containers that are structurally nested forms, but appears as independent to the end-user |
From er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOPasswordField: ERXWOPasswordField is just like WOPasswordField except that it doesn't show the actualy password as the value in the input.
Bindings | |
value |
the actual password value (required) |
hiddenValue |
the string to display when hidden (optional) |
disabled |
whether or not the input field is disabled (optional) |
name |
the name of the input field (optional) |
readonly |
whether or not the input field is readonly (optional) |
From er.extensions.components._private.ERXWORepetition: Replacement for WORepetition.
Bindings | |
list |
the array or list of items to iterate over |
item |
the current item in the iteration |
count |
the total number of items to iterate over |
index |
the current index in the iteration |
uniqueKey |
a String keypath on item (relative to item, not relative to the component) returning a value whose toString() is unique for this component |
checkHashCodes |
if true, checks the validity of repetition references during the RR loop |
raiseOnUnmatchedObject |
if true, an exception is thrown when the repetition does not find a matching object |
debugHashCodes |
if true, prints out hashcodes for each entry in the repetition as it is traversed |
batchFetch |
a comma-separated list of keypaths on the "list" array binding to batch fetch |
eoSupport |
try to use globalIDs to determine the hashCode for EOs |
notFoundMarker |
used for the item in the repetition if checkHashCodes is true, don't bind directly to null as that will be translated to false |
From er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOString: Reimplementation of WOString that can resolve localized format strings.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components._private.ERXWOTextField: Replacement for WOTextField.
Bindings | |
blankIsNull |
if false, "" will not be converted to null; if true, "" will be converted to null. Default is true. |
Package: er.extensions.components.conditionals |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXElse: ERXElse can be used like a Java "else" after a preceding conditional.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXEqualConditional:
Conditional component that compares two objects using the equals
Bindings | |
value1 |
first object to compare |
value2 |
second object to compare |
negate |
Inverts the sense of the conditional. |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXInstanceOfConditional: Conditional component that tests if an object can be cast to the given class or interface without causing a ClassCastException.
Bindings | |
object |
object to test |
className |
class or interface name |
negate |
Inverts the sense of the conditional. |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXKeyValueConditional: Same as the {@link WOKeyValueConditional}, but as a dynamic element.
Bindings | |
key |
value |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXListContainsItemConditional: Conditional component that tests if a given item is contained in an {@link java.util.List}.
Bindings | |
list |
array of objects |
item |
object to test inclusion in the list |
negate |
inverts the sense of the conditional. |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXNonNullConditional: Conditional component that tests if a given object is null.
Bindings | |
condition |
object to test for null-value |
negate |
inverts the sense of the conditional. |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXNonZeroConditional: Conditional component that tests if a given Number object is non-zero.
Bindings | |
condition |
numeric condition to test. |
negate |
inverts the sense of the conditional. |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXOncePerRequestConditional: Will render its embedded content only once during the RR loop.
Bindings | |
keyName |
ERXOncePerRequestDisplayCountDict |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXWOCase: Contains one case of a {@link ERXWOSwitch}.
Bindings | |
case |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXWOConditional: ERXWOConditional behaves just like WOConditional except that it tracks its condition state for use with ERXElse.
Bindings | |
condition |
negate |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXWOSwitch: Adds a "multiple if" element to the WO templates.
Bindings | |
case |
the ivar that holds the value to be switched on |
From er.extensions.components.conditionals.ERXWOTemplate: Allows for multiple contents in a component.
Bindings | |
templateName |
Package: er.extensions.components.html5 |
From er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWOEmailField: type = "email" - メールアドレスの入力欄を作成する (*5) name属性 - フォーム部品に名前をつける value属性 - 送信される値を指定する size属性 - 表示文字数を指定(1以上の正の整数) maxlength属性 - 入力できる最大文字数を指定する pattern属性 - 正規表現で入力値のパターンを指定する (*5) placeholder属性 - 入力欄に初期表示する内容を指定する (*5) readonly属性 - ユーザーによるテキスト編集を不可にして読み取り専用にする required属性 - 入力必須にする (*5)
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWOInput: WOInput HTML5 拡張
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWONumberField: type = "number" - 数値の入力欄を作成する (*5) autofocus属性 - フォーム・コントロールのオートフォーカス (*5) name属性 - フォーム部品に名前をつける value属性 - 送信される値を指定する max属性 - 入力できる最大値を指定する (*5) min属性 - 入力できる最小値を指定する (*5) readonly属性 - ユーザーによるテキスト編集を不可にして読み取り専用にする required属性 - 入力必須にする (*5) step属性 - 入力欄で刻むステップ値を指定する(type="number"の場合、初期値は1) (*5)
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWOTelField: type = "tel" - 電話番号の入力欄を作成する (*5) name属性 - フォーム部品に名前をつける value属性 - 送信される値を指定する size属性 - 表示文字数を指定(1以上の正の整数) maxlength属性 - 入力できる最大文字数を指定する pattern属性 - 正規表現で入力値のパターンを指定する (*5) placeholder属性 - 入力欄に初期表示する内容を指定する (*5) readonly属性 - ユーザーによるテキスト編集を不可にして読み取り専用にする required属性 - 入力必須にする (*5)
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.html5.ERXWOUrlField: type = "url" - URLの入力欄を作成する (*5) name属性 - フォーム部品に名前をつける value属性 - 送信される値を指定する size属性 - 表示文字数を指定(1以上の正の整数) maxlength属性 - 入力できる最大文字数を指定する pattern属性 - 正規表現で入力値のパターンを指定する (*5) placeholder属性 - 入力欄に初期表示する内容を指定する (*5) readonly属性 - ユーザーによるテキスト編集を不可にして読み取り専用にする required属性 - 入力必須にする (*5)
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.components.javascript |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXClickableContainer: ERXClickableContainer is a WOGenericContainer with easier support for the javascript onclick event.
Bindings | |
elementName |
the HTML element name to use (div by default) |
action |
the action to perform |
actionClass |
the class name that contains the direct action |
directActionName |
the name of the direct action to execute |
disabled |
if true, the onclick is not added to this container |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXEditDateJavascript: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
dateformat |
dateString |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSAutoClosePage:
When returned will close the current page by calling onload=window.close()
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSConfirmPanel: Stateless implementation of JSConfirmPanel.
Bindings | |
hyperlinkMessage |
action |
confirmMessage |
title |
title of the link |
id |
id of the link |
class |
class of the link |
style |
style of the link |
disabled |
whether or not this link is disabled |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSCookiesConditional: This component will display is content (as in WOComponentContent) if it detects cookies are disabled.
Bindings | |
negate |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSFlyOver: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSFormForTarget: Useful for creating a javascript window for a form submit.
Bindings | |
multipleSubmit |
true the form multiple submit |
targetDictionary |
dictionary (optionally) containing
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSInputValidator: Client side part of the JavaScript validation.
Bindings | |
keyName |
the key to validate against |
entityName |
the entity to validate against |
disabled |
disable the validation |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSLifebeat: Keeps a session open by continuously calling a direct action.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSOpenWindowHyperlink: Given an action opens the action in a new window.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSOpenWindowSubmitButton: Submit button to open a new window with an action.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSPopUpRelationPicker: Very, very cool js component.
Bindings | |
multiple |
boolean the defines if there can multiple parents and children selected. |
parentEntitiesList |
array of the parent objects that appear in the first pop-up. |
parentToChildrenRelationshipName |
name of the relationship from the parent to its possible children. This is used to fill the values that appear in the children popup. |
parentSelection |
currently selected parent(s) in the parent pop-up. This can be null, but will return the user-selected parent. |
childrenSelection |
returns the user-selected child(ren). |
parentDisplayValueName |
keypath of the parent displayed in the parent pop-up |
parentLabel |
value displayed in the table interface for the parent popup. |
childLabel |
value displayed in the table interface for the child popup. |
defaultChildKey |
keypath of the parent for the default child (eg, largest city) |
childrenSortKey |
keypath to sort the children on |
childDisplayValueName |
keypath of the child displayed in the child pop-up |
parentPopUpStringForAll |
to display if no parent is chosen ("- all -") |
childPopUpStringForAll |
to display if no child is chosen ("- all -") |
size |
number of rows in select boxes |
possibleChildren |
shows only these values for children |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSPopupBlockerConditional: This component will display is content (as in WOComponentContent) if it detects that popup windows are blocked.
Bindings | |
negate |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSPopupSelector: Nice guy for performing actions when a popup item is selected.
Bindings | |
string |
list |
selectsItem |
popupName |
doNotAddOneToComputedIndex" |
defaults="Boolean |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSRemoteCall: JavaScript remote execution.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSSubmitFunction: ERXJSSubmitFunction generates a javascript method that can submit a particular form and trigger the call of a component action.
Bindings | |
action |
the action to call when the javascript function is called and the form is submitted |
formName |
the name of the form to submit (right now you must set the name properly on the desired form) |
functionName |
the name of the javascript function that executes the submit |
name |
the name of the hidden field that identifies which action is to be executed |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor: A fancy to-many relationship editor component.
Bindings | |
displayString |
for the items in the menu, this should be a keyPath that will be resolved from each item to produce the display string for the item. |
item |
to use as an iteration variable |
list |
of items to display; equivalent to the possible values from which a user might choose |
selections |
items from the list that are selected. The resulting selections will be pushed back into the parent component's variable that is bound to the selections binding. |
sortKey |
(optional) to use in order to produce a sorted menu |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship: Uses JSPopUpRelationPicker to edit a toOne relationship.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSValidationErrors: Server side part of the JavaScript validation
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJSVariables: Class for Wonder Component ERXJSVariables.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
From er.extensions.components.javascript.ERXJavaScript: Modern version of a javascript component.
Bindings | |
scriptSource |
SRC attribute, either a full URL or the filename of the script |
filename |
(same as scriptSource, but matches ERXStyleSheet) |
scriptFile |
the filename of the script when it should be included in the page (only for compatibility, simply use the content) |
scriptFramework |
name of the framework for the script |
framework |
(same as scriptFramework, but matches ERXStyleSheet) |
scriptString |
the script text when it should be included in the page (only for compatibility, simply use the content) |
scriptKey |
if set, the content will get rendered into an external script src |
hideInComment |
boolean that specifies if the script content should be included in HTML comments, true by default of the script tag contains a script |
Package: er.extensions.components.partials |
From er.extensions.components.partials.ERXPartialMarker: Marks a place in the current response.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.components.partials.ERXPartialWrapper: Routes all rendering to the response with the specified key.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.concurrency |
From er.extensions.concurrency.ERXLongResponse: ERXLongResponse is like WOLongResponsePage from JavaWOExtensions, but it can be used as a component and doesn't need to be subclassed.
Bindings | |
task |
implementation of ERXLongResponseTask |
From er.extensions.concurrency.ERXWOLongResponsePage: ERXWOLongResponsePage is just like WOLongResponsePage except that it cleans up editing context locks at the end of run() just like the behavior at the end of a normal R-R loop.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.eof |
From er.extensions.eof.ERXDatabaseConsole: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.foundation |
From er.extensions.foundation.ERXHyperlinkResource: ERXHyperlinkResource is very similar to WOHyperlink action Binding are the some, but there is one big difference.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches |
From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ActiveImage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Browser: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.CheckBox: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.CheckBoxList: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.GenericContainer: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.GenericElement: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.HiddenField: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Image: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ImageButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.JavaScript: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.PasswordField: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.PopUpButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.RadioButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.RadioButtonList: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ResetButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.SubmitButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Text: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.foundation.ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.TextField: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.localization |
From er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizedString:
Bindings | |
escapeHTML |
when true will escape the value |
keyPath |
- ローカライズ対応オブジェクトへのキーパス |
object |
- 値を取り出すオブジェクト、指定されていない場合とキーパスがセットされていると parent() が使用される |
omitWhenEmpty |
outputs an empty string if true when it would be null |
otherObject |
- テンプレートと使用する第二のオブジェクト |
templateString |
- object と otherObject で使用するテンプレート |
value |
- ローカライズする文字列 |
valueWhenEmpty |
display this value if value evaluates to null . The binding omitWhenEmpty will prevent this. |
Package: er.extensions.logging |
From er.extensions.logging.ERXLog4JConfiguration: Configures and manages the log4j logging system.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.statistics |
From er.extensions.statistics.ERXPageTracker: Integration into Google analytics.
Bindings | |
key |
Google tracking key. If omitted or null, leaves out the content alltogether. |
href |
url to give to Google. If omitted or null, first looks if context.page is an {@link ERXComponentActionRedirector.Restorable} or if not uses the normal URL which will not make a lot of sense in case of a component url. |
omitQuotes |
if set, does not quote the href value. This is useful if you want to use javascript values. |
server |
server to give to Google. If omitted or null, leaves the default. |
From er.extensions.statistics.ERXStatisticsPage: Provides more and better functionality than the default WOStatsPage.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.statistics.ERXStatsSummary: A component to display a summary of collected stats.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.statistics.ERXTimedSwitchComponent: A switch component that collects timing stats.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.woextensions |
From er.extensions.woextensions.WOCollapsibleComponentContent: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.woextensions.WOSortOrder: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.woextensions.WOToManyRelationship: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.woextensions.WOToOneRelationship: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.extensions.woextensions._ajax |
From er.extensions.woextensions._ajax.ERXAjaxSortOrder: Class documentation missing.
Bindings | |
d2wContext |
displayGroup |
displayKey |
key |
From er.extensions.woextensions._ajax.ERXAjaxSortOrderButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.woextensions._ajax.ERXAjaxSortOrderLink: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.extensions.woextensions._ajax.WOAjaxCollapsibleComponentContent: Ajax/XHTML collapsible component
Bindings | |
container |
Package: er.firebug.components |
From er.firebug.components.ERFirebug: Firebug lite WebObjects Framework http://getfirebug.com/lite.html
No bindings for Component.Package: er.google.components |
From er.google.components.ERGoogleLoginForm: Sends a google authentication key to a DirectAction.
Bindings | |
error |
If the google user is not authenticated for your system, return a non-null value here. |
clientID |
The client ID that will be used to authenticate the user. |
clientIDName |
The name of the client ID that will be pulled from application properties as per GoogleAuthenticationUtilities.clientID(name);. |
id |
The ID of the Google Login Button. |
formName |
The name of the form used to submit the authentication key. |
directActionName |
The name of the direct action function used to submit the authentication key. |
directActionClass |
The class containing the direct action. |
tokenFieldName |
The name of form field that delivers the authentication key to the direct action. |
includePlatformScript |
Whether or not to include the platform script. |
From er.google.components.ERGoogleLogoutLink: Sends a logout link Required Bindings
Bindings | |
action |
The action that is called by the link. |
clientID |
The client ID used for authentication. |
clientIDName |
The name of the client ID that will be pulled from application properties as per GoogleAuthenticationUtilities.clientID(name);. |
includeInitializationScript |
Whether or not to include the google authentication initialization script. |
includePlatformScript |
Whether or not to include the google platform script. |
From er.google.components.ERGoogleSignInComponent: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.googlechart.components |
From er.googlechart.components.GCAbstractChart: The base class for all charts.
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
chartBackgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
chartBackground |
the solid color of the chart background |
transparency |
the transparency color of the chart background |
legend |
an array of legend values |
labeledAxes |
an array of axes that have labels ("x,y,r") (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#multiple_axes_labels) |
axisLabels |
an array of array of axis labels |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
fillArea |
the fill area (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#fill_area_marker) |
lineStyles |
the line styles (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#line_styles) |
rangeMarkers |
the string that specifies range markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#hor_line_marker) |
shapeMarkers |
the string that specifies shape markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#shape_markers2) |
gridLines |
the override for specifying all gridline values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#grid) |
gridXStep |
the number of steps on the x axis between grid lines |
gridYStep |
the number of steps on the y axis between grid lines |
gridLineSize |
the number of pixels in the line of the dash part of the grid line |
gridBlankSize |
the numer of pixels in the spacing between dashes in the grid line |
From er.googlechart.components.GCBarChart: A bar chart (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#bar_charts).
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
transparency |
the transparency color of the chart background |
legend |
an array of legend values |
labeledAxes |
an array of axes that have labels ("x,y,r") (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#multiple_axes_labels) |
axisLabels |
an array of array of axis labels |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
fillArea |
the fill area (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#fill_area_marker) |
lineStyles |
the line styles (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#line_styles) |
rangeMarkers |
the string that specifies range markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#hor_line_marker) |
shapeMarkers |
the string that specifies shape markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#shape_markers2) |
gridLines |
the override for specifying all gridline values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#grid) |
gridXStep |
the number of steps on the x axis between grid lines |
gridYStep |
the number of steps on the y axis between grid lines |
gridLineSize |
the number of pixels in the line of the dash part of the grid line |
gridBlankSize |
the numer of pixels in the spacing between dashes in the grid line |
orientation |
"horizontal" or "vertical" orientation |
barWidth |
the width of the bars of the graph |
spacing |
the spacing between bars |
groupSpacing |
the spacing between groupds of bars |
zeroLine |
an array of zeroLines for the data sets |
From er.googlechart.components.GCLineChart: A line chart.
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
chartBackgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
chartBackground |
the solid color of the chart background |
transparency |
the transparency color of the chart background |
legend |
an array of legend values |
labeledAxes |
an array of axes that have labels ("x,y,r") (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#multiple_axes_labels) |
axisLabels |
an array of array of axis labels |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
fillArea |
the fill area (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#fill_area_marker) |
lineStyles |
the line styles (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#line_styles) |
rangeMarkers |
the string that specifies range markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#hor_line_marker) |
shapeMarkers |
the string that specifies shape markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#shape_markers2) |
gridLines |
the override for specifying all gridline values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#grid) |
gridXStep |
the number of steps on the x axis between grid lines |
gridYStep |
the number of steps on the y axis between grid lines |
gridLineSize |
the number of pixels in the line of the dash part of the grid line |
gridBlankSize |
the numer of pixels in the spacing between dashes in the grid line |
From er.googlechart.components.GCMap: Geographic maps (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#maps).
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (default color followed by gradient colors) |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
area |
the geographic area to show ("africa", "asia", "europe", "middle_east", "south_america", "usa", "world") |
regions |
the regions to color |
From er.googlechart.components.GCMeter: The Google-o-meter (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#gom).
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
label |
the label for the meter pointer |
From er.googlechart.components.GCPie3DChart: A 3D Pie Chart (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#pie_charts).
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
transparency |
the transparency color of the chart background |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
labels |
an array of labels for the pie slices |
From er.googlechart.components.GCPieChart: A Pie Chart (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#pie_charts).
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
transparency |
the transparency color of the chart background |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
labels |
an array of labels for the pie slices |
From er.googlechart.components.GCQRCode: QR Codes (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#qrcodes).
Bindings | |
text |
the text to encode |
outputEncoding |
the output encoding to use (defaults to UTF-8) |
ecLevel |
the error correction level ("L", "M", "Q", or "H") |
margin |
the margin around the code |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
From er.googlechart.components.GCRadarChart: A radar chart.
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
legend |
an array of legend values |
labeledAxes |
an array of axes that have labels ("x,y,r") (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#multiple_axes_labels) |
axisLabels |
an array of array of axis labels |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
fillArea |
the fill area (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#fill_area_marker) |
lineStyles |
the line styles (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#line_styles) |
rangeMarkers |
the string that specifies range markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#hor_line_marker) |
shapeMarkers |
the string that specifies shape markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#shape_markers2) |
gridLines |
the override for specifying all gridline values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#grid) |
gridXStep |
the number of steps on the x axis between grid lines |
gridYStep |
the number of steps on the y axis between grid lines |
gridLineSize |
the number of pixels in the line of the dash part of the grid line |
gridBlankSize |
the numer of pixels in the spacing between dashes in the grid line |
spline |
if true, a spline is used instead of line segments |
From er.googlechart.components.GCScatterPlot: A scatter plot (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#scatter_plot).
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
chartBackgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
chartBackground |
the solid color of the chart background |
transparency |
the transparency color of the chart background |
legend |
an array of legend values |
labeledAxes |
an array of axes that have labels ("x,y,r") (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#multiple_axes_labels) |
axisLabels |
an array of array of axis labels |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
rangeMarkers |
the string that specifies range markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#hor_line_marker) |
shapeMarkers |
the string that specifies shape markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#shape_markers2) |
gridLines |
the override for specifying all gridline values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#grid) |
gridXStep |
the number of steps on the x axis between grid lines |
gridYStep |
the number of steps on the y axis between grid lines |
gridLineSize |
the number of pixels in the line of the dash part of the grid line |
gridBlankSize |
the numer of pixels in the spacing between dashes in the grid line |
From er.googlechart.components.GCSparkline: A sparkline chart (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#sparkline).
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
chartBackgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
chartBackground |
the solid color of the chart background |
transparency |
the transparency color of the chart background |
legend |
an array of legend values |
labeledAxes |
an array of axes that have labels ("x,y,r") (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#multiple_axes_labels) |
axisLabels |
an array of array of axis labels |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
fillArea |
the fill area (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#fill_area_marker) |
lineStyles |
the line styles (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#line_styles) |
rangeMarkers |
the string that specifies range markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#hor_line_marker) |
shapeMarkers |
the string that specifies shape markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#shape_markers2) |
gridLines |
the override for specifying all gridline values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#grid) |
gridXStep |
the number of steps on the x axis between grid lines |
gridYStep |
the number of steps on the y axis between grid lines |
gridLineSize |
the number of pixels in the line of the dash part of the grid line |
gridBlankSize |
the numer of pixels in the spacing between dashes in the grid line |
From er.googlechart.components.GCVennDiagram: A Venn diagram (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#venn).
Bindings | |
data |
the array, or array of arrays, of data |
size |
"wxh" format chart size ("300x400") |
width |
the width of the chart |
height |
the height of the chart |
colors |
an array of color values (for lines, bars, pie slices) |
title |
the title of the chart |
titleColor |
the color of the chart title |
titleSize |
the size of the chart title |
backgroundStyle |
"solid", "gradient", or "stripes" |
background |
the solid color of the background |
transparency |
the transparency color of the chart background |
legend |
an array of legend values |
custom |
custom query string parameters to append |
id |
the id of the img tag |
class |
the class of the img tag |
alt |
the alt text of the img tag |
encoding |
the explicit chart encoding to use ("simple", "extended", "text") |
normalize |
if true, values will be normalized relative to the max value |
maxValue |
if false, normalization is off or set to a number to override the max value |
scaling |
if true, numbers will be scaled with an automatic min/max, or set to min/max string values (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#data_scaling) |
rangeMarkers |
the string that specifies range markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#hor_line_marker) |
shapeMarkers |
the string that specifies shape markers (see http://code.google.com/apis/chart/#shape_markers2) |
Package: er.imadaptor.components |
From er.imadaptor.components.IMAction: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.imadaptor.components.IMBuddyStatus: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.imadaptor.components.IMConfirmationAction: IMConfirmation has a single binding "confirmed".
No bindings for Component.From er.imadaptor.components.IMPickListAction: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.imadaptor.components.IMSearchMessageAction: IMSearchMessageAction allows you to map substrings that appear in AIM message responses to other objects.
No bindings for Component.From er.imadaptor.components.IMSearchOptionsAction: IMSearchOptionsAction allows you to search your options for the AIM response that is received.
No bindings for Component.From er.imadaptor.components.IMTextAction: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.jqm.components |
From er.jqm.components.ERQMComponentBase: Base for all JQueryMobile Components.
No bindings for Component.From er.jqm.components.ERQMPageBase: Builds url names for jQueryMobile css and js files /
No bindings for Component.Package: er.jqm.components.core |
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMAjaxObserveField: Listen for onChange event
id class otherTagSring observeFieldID updateContainerID if set, load() is used, otherwise get() fullSubmit not tested yet secure action/ No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMAjaxUpdateContainer: Container for JQM load()
elementName div id class otherTagSring/ No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMAutoComplete: Input type="text | password | number | email | url | tel | time | date | month | week | datetime | datetime-local | color"
id class value localValues localMatchFromStart true | false data-corners true | false data-clear-btn true | false - Adds a clear button data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMButton: data-icon : Left arrow - data-icon="arrow-l" Right arrow - data-icon="arrow-r" Up arrow - data-icon="arrow-u" Down arrow - data-icon="arrow-d" Delete - data-icon="delete" Plus - data-icon="plus" Minus - data-icon="minus" Check - data-icon="check" Gear - data-icon="gear" Refresh - data-icon="refresh" Forward - data-icon="forward" Back - data-icon="back" Grid - data-icon="grid" Star - data-icon="star" Alert - data-icon="alert" Info - data-icon="info" Home - data-icon="home" Search - data-icon="search" data-iconpos : ["left"], "right", "top", "bottom", "notext" data-inline : ["false"], "true" Custom Icons To use custom icons, specify a data-icon value that has a unique name like myapp-email and the button plugin will generate a class by prefixing ui-icon- to the data-icon value and apply it to the button: ui-icon-myapp-email.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMCheckbox: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMCollapsibleComponentContent: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMCollapsibleComponentContentGroup: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMContent: data-role content これを設定することでフッターになります。 /
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMDialog: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMDisplayGroupNavigationBar: Don't forget to add the stylesheet "dgnavbar/icon-pack-custom.css" to your page wrapper.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMFooterBar: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMGrid: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMGridBlock: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMGroupDiv:
otherTagString tag string added to the container class isHorizontal data-corners true | false data-exclude-invisible true | false - Sets whether to exclude invisible children in the assignment of rounded corners data-mini true | false - Compact sized version for all items in the controlgroup data-theme swatch letter (a-z) data-type horizontal | vertical - For horizontal or vertical item alignment/ No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMGroupFieldset:
otherTagString tag string added to the container class isHorizontal isDiv true | false - if false a fieldset is used instead of an div inset true | false - surround all with div class = "ui-field-contain" legend text for legend data-corners true | false data-exclude-invisible true | false - Sets whether to exclude invisible children in the assignment of rounded corners data-mini true | false - Compact sized version for all items in the controlgroup data-theme swatch letter (a-z) data-type horizontal | vertical - For horizontal or vertical item alignment/ No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMHeaderBar: data-role header これを設定することでヘッダーになります。 /
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMHtmlTemplate: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMListView: OL or UL with data-role="listview" data-count-theme - swatch letter (a-z) data-dividertheme - swatch letter (a-z) data-filter - true | [false] data-filter-placeholder - string data-filter-theme - swatch letter (a-z) data-inset - true | [false] data-split-icon - home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search data-split-theme - swatch letter (a-z) data-theme - swatch letter (a-z) /
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMListViewElement: LI within a listview data-filtertext - string (filter by this value instead of inner text) data-icon - home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search data-role - list-divider data-theme - swatch letter (a-z) - can also be set on individual LIs
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMNavBar: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMNavBarElement: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMPopUpButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMRadioButton:
id name class checked selection value otherTagString isFlipswitch -> data-role="flipswitch" data-corners true | false data-mini true | false - Compact sized version data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element data-disabled true | false data-iconpos left | right data-wrapper-class/ No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMSessionPing: Simple component to ping the session in the background.
Bindings | |
frequency |
the period between pings of the application (optional, default 60 seconds) |
keepSessionAlive |
true if session should be checked out to reset timeout when the application is pinged (optional, default false) |
onFailure |
function to execute if the session has expired or other HTTP error code returned from ping (optional, default "function(response) { window.close();}") |
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMSubmitButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMText: Textarea with autoresize
data-corners true | false data-clear-btn true | false - Adds a clear button data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.core.ERQMTextField: Input type="text | password | number | email | url | tel | time | date | month | week | datetime | datetime-local | color"
id class value data-corners true | false data-clear-btn true | false - Adds a clear button data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. No bindings for Component.
Package: er.jqm.components.extended |
From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMButtonBack: Button Links with data-role="button" and data-rel = "back".
No bindings for Component.From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMButtonDialog: Button Links with data-role="button" and data-rel = "dialog".
No bindings for Component.From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMButtonExternal: Button Links with data-role="button" and data-rel = "external".
No bindings for Component.From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMButtonPopup: Button Links with data-role="button" and data-rel = "popup".
No bindings for Component.From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputEmail: Input type="email"
data-clear-btn true | false - Adds a clear button data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputFlipSwitch: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputSearch: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputTel: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputText: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMInputUrl: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.
From er.jqm.components.extended.ERQMPasswordField: Input type="password"
data-clear-btn true | false - Adds a clear button data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. No bindings for Component.
Package: er.jqm.components.internal |
From er.jqm.components.internal.AXSubmitButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.jqm.components.predefined |
From er.jqm.components.predefined.ERQMHeaderBarSimple: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.jquery |
From er.jquery.jQueryGet: Wrapper of jQuery.get()
Bindings | |
action |
When bound the action is performed |
callback |
Callback @see jQuery.ajax() success |
From er.jquery.jQueryGetLink: A jQuery.get() as a link
Bindings | |
queryDictionary The |
form values used in the directAction that replaced $('container') |
confirmMessage The |
message you wish to display in a confirm panel before executing the update |
From er.jquery.jQueryLoad: Wrapper of jQuery.load()
Bindings | |
action |
When bound the action is performed |
container |
The id of the container to that performs the load |
complete |
A callback executed when the request completes |
From er.jquery.jQueryLoadLink: A jQuery .load() as a link
Bindings | |
queryDictionary The |
form values used in the directAction that replaced $('container') |
Package: er.jquery.support |
From er.jquery.support.WXGenericContainer: An ajax version of WOGenericContainer (only no support for invokeAction and formValue(s) bindings) i.e support for Prototype Ajax.Updater
Bindings | |
id |
ajax If |
the it is an Ajax update container. The default is false |
elementName Defaults |
to "div" |
class |
Package: er.jquery.widgets |
From er.jquery.widgets.AjaxUpload: Encapsulation of
Bindings | |
name |
onChange |
onSubmit |
onComplete |
From er.jquery.widgets.AjaxUploadButton: Encapsulation of http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ implemented like WOFileUpload API/binding compatible with WOFileUpload.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquery.widgets.AjaxUploadContainer: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquery.widgets.FileUploader: Encapsulation of
Bindings | |
onChange |
onSubmit |
onComplete |
allowedExtensions |
E.g: "['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif']" |
From er.jquery.widgets.FileUploaderContainer: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquery.widgets.JWPlayer: Component encapsulating HTML5 jwplayer
Bindings | |
poster ERAttachment |
for the video poster |
sources An |
array of ERAttachments comprising the video sources |
skin (optional) |
A zip of the skin for the video player that you bundle in your WO app. If you include your own JW video player skin be sure to copy the player.swf into your WO app WebServerResources. See Skins |
framework Set |
to "app" if you're including your own skin or licensed copy of the JW video player (.swf) |
From er.jquery.widgets.TweetButton: TweetButton as WO component
Bindings | |
directAction Direct |
action URL to link to in tweet |
queryDictionary Query |
parameters for direct action |
dataText @see |
data-text |
dataVia @see |
data-via |
dataCount @see |
data-count |
Package: er.jquerymobile.components |
From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMBackButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMButton: data-icon : Left arrow - data-icon="arrow-l" Right arrow - data-icon="arrow-r" Up arrow - data-icon="arrow-u" Down arrow - data-icon="arrow-d" Delete - data-icon="delete" Plus - data-icon="plus" Minus - data-icon="minus" Check - data-icon="check" Gear - data-icon="gear" Refresh - data-icon="refresh" Forward - data-icon="forward" Back - data-icon="back" Grid - data-icon="grid" Star - data-icon="star" Alert - data-icon="alert" Info - data-icon="info" Home - data-icon="home" Search - data-icon="search" data-iconpos : ["left"], "right", "top", "bottom", "notext" data-inline : ["false"], "true" Custom Icons To use custom icons, specify a data-icon value that has a unique name like myapp-email and the button plugin will generate a class by prefixing ui-icon- to the data-icon value and apply it to the button: ui-icon-myapp-email.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMButtonGroup: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMCheckbox: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMCheckboxList: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMCollapsibleComponentContent: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMCollapsibleComponentContentGroup: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMContent: data-role content これを設定することでフッターになります。 /
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMDialog: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMDialogLink: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMFooterBar: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMGrid: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMGridBlock: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMGrouping: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMHeaderBar: data-role header これを設定することでヘッダーになります。 /
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMHtmlTemplate: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputBaseComponent: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputColor: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputDate: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputDateTime: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputDateTimeLocal: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputFlipSwitch: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputMail: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputMonth: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputNumber: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputPassword: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputRange: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputSearch: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputString: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputTel: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputText: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputTime: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputUrl: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMInputWeek: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMListView: OL or UL with data-role="listview" data-count-theme - swatch letter (a-z) data-dividertheme - swatch letter (a-z) data-filter - true | [false] data-filter-placeholder - string data-filter-theme - swatch letter (a-z) data-inset - true | [false] data-split-icon - home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search data-split-theme - swatch letter (a-z) data-theme - swatch letter (a-z) /
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMListViewElement: LI within a listview data-filtertext - string (filter by this value instead of inner text) data-icon - home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search data-role - list-divider data-theme - swatch letter (a-z) - can also be set on individual LIs
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMListViewIcon: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMListViewImage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMNavBar: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMNavBarElement: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMPopUpButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMRadioList: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.jquerymobile.components.ERQMSubmitButton: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WBatchNavigationBar: D2W Batch navigation bar based on AjaxFlickrBatchNavigation
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WCSSReference: Component to go in the <head> of a page.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WColumnSelector: Adds a small drop-down menu to list table headers to allow the user a choice of which columns should be displayed.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WCombinedTableHeader: Combined AjaxSortOrder and propertyKey display for list table header cells.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
updateContainerID |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WInspectLink: Simple component to wrap a string attribute with a hyperlinke to take the clicker to an inspect page.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WPropertyName: Modern property name component.
Bindings | |
localContext |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WStyleSheetInjector: Component to inject the rule defined stylesheets.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMD2WTableHeader: Component for table header cell.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDAjaxNotificationCenter: ERMDAjaxNotificationCenter makes it easy to observe properties for changes and update dependent property keys.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDBatchSizeControl: A modern batch size controll that uses an AjaxInplaceEditor to edit the batch size.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDDatePicker: D2WEditComponent based on CCDatePicker.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDDebuggingHelp: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDEmptyListMessage: Modern empty list message component
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDHasChangesMarker: Customizable hasChangesMarker component
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDSectionText: Display component for the section heading
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDWizardBanner: WizardPage banner that displays as:
"1 Foo Step 1 of n"
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.ERMDWizardDetailedBanner: Wizard page banner that displays as a ul of the possible steps with the curren step identified with the class of "CurrentStep".
No bindings for Component.Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDActionBar: Subclass of ERDActionBar that uses ERModern stylable buttons and wraps the buttons in an ActionList UL.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDActionButton: Base Class for the ERM action buttons
Bindings | |
object |
displayGroup |
dataSource |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDDeleteButton: Delete button for repetitions.
Bindings | |
object |
dataSource |
displayGroup |
d2wContext |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDEditButton: Edit button for repetitions
Bindings | |
object |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDInspectButton: Inspect button for repetitions
Bindings | |
object |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDRemoveRelatedButton: Remove related item button for repetitions
Bindings | |
object |
displayGroup |
dataSource |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.buttons.ERMDSelectButton: Select button for repetitions
Bindings | |
object |
Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.embedded |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.embedded.ERMD2WEditRelationship: Use ERMDEditRelationship
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.embedded.ERMD2WQuery: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.embedded.ERMDEditRelationship: Embeddable EditRelationship component
No bindings for Component.Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.header |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.header.ERMD2WEditRelationshipHeader: Header for an EditRelationshipPage
Bindings | |
object |
key |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.header.ERMD2WHeader: Abstract base class for header components
Bindings | |
object |
key |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.header.ERMD2WSimpleHeader: Simple h1 header that defaults to displaying the displayNameForPageConfiguration
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.header.ERMD2WUserPresentableDescriptionHeader: Simple h1 header that defaults to displaying the displayNameForPageConfiguration and appends the object's userPresentableDescription if one is available.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.query |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.query.ERMD2WListFilter: Ajax-enabled ad-hoc filtering of lists.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.query.ERMD2WQueryDateRange: Date range query component that uses {@link CCDatePicker}
No bindings for Component.Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.relationships |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERMD2WEditAttachment: A D2W Component that wraps {@link ERAttachmentFlexibleEditor}
Bindings | |
object |
key |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.relationships.ERMD2WEditToOneTypeAhead:
A to-one relationship edit component that allows a user to select from a list by typing in the text field
It uses the 'keyWhenRelationship' from the d2w rules for this relationship to display and query.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDInspectPageRepetition: Modern tableless inspect/edit page repetition
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDListPageRepetition: Table based list repetition.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
d2wContext |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDNestingListPageRepetition: Special list page repetition for hierarchical object structures that extends ERMDListPageRepetition.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
d2wContext |
From er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDQueryPageRepetition: Modern QueryPage repetition.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDReducedListPageRepetition: Non table based (UL) list page repetition.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.directtoweb.components.repetitions.ERMDSimpleListPageRepetition: Modernized table based list page repetition.
Bindings | |
displayGroup |
d2wContext |
Package: er.modern.look.components |
From er.modern.look.components.ERMODComponent: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.components.ERMODEditableListTemplate: List page for editing all items in the list.
Bindings | |
action |
dataSource |
settings |
From er.modern.look.components.ERMODErrorBlock: Reusable component for the error message display
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.components.ERMODGenericActionBlock: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.components.ERMODRequiredWrapper: Wrapper for most look pages.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.components.ERMODSecondaryActionButtons: Re-usable block of secondary action buttons.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.components.ERMODSection: Wrapper component for Sections.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.modern.look.pages |
From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCSVGroupingListPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCSVListPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCalendarPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCompactInspectPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODCompactListPage: Compact list page.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODConfirmPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODEditRelationshipPage: An improved EditRelationshipPage that supports embedding and inline editing tasks.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODGroupingListPage: Displays a groups of objects grouped by a key.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODGroupingListXMLPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODGroupingPrinterFriendlyListPage: Printer friendly version.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODInspectPage: Modernized inspect page.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODListComparePage: Basically a list page flipped vertical.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODListPage: Modernized list page.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODListXMLPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODMessagePage: Used to present a message to the user with only one option, usually "OK".
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODPickListPage: A basic list but adding the ability to choose an arbitrary number of eos.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODPickTypePage: Useful for picking the type of something.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODPrinterFriendlyInspectPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODProgressPage: Class for DirectToWeb Component ERMODProgressPage.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODQueryEntitiesPage: Modernized QueryEntities page
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODQueryPage: Modernized query page.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODTabInspectPage: A modernized tab inspect/edit template.
No bindings for Component.From er.modern.look.pages.ERMODWizardCreationPage: A wizard inspect/edit template.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.mootools.directtoweb.components |
From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WBatchNavigationBar: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WCSSReference: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WCombinedTableHeader: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WEditAttachment: A D2W Component that wraps {@link ERAttachmentFlexibleEditor}
Bindings | |
object |
key |
From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WEditRelationship: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WInspectLink: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WPropertyName: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.ERMTD2WStyleSheetInjector: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.mootools.directtoweb.components.headers |
From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.headers.ERMTD2WEditRelationshipHeader: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.mootools.directtoweb.components.headers.ERMTD2WSimpleHeader: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.neutral |
From er.neutral.ERNEUEditRelationshipPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUEditSortedManyToManyPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUErrorPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUGroupingListPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUInspectPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUListPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUMessagePage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUPickListPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUQueryAllPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUQueryPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUSavedQueriesComponent: This Component will store the forms values in the displayGroup of a Query Page into user preferences under a saved name.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUTabInspectPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.neutral.ERNEUWizardCreationPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.pdf |
From er.pdf.ERPDFWrapper: ERPDFWrapper will render the containing component content as a PDF document.
Bindings | |
secure |
true if HTTPS should be used for unqualified URLs in the HTML, defaults to the request type |
enabled |
true if a PDF should be created instead of HTML during appendToResponse phase defaults to true |
filename |
the filename on the client, defaults to result.pdf |
fonts |
(optional) array of font filenames to include for PDF generation |
framework |
(optional) framework name where font files are |
additionalPDFs |
(optional) array of PDF filenames to append to the generated PDF |
Package: er.pdf.components |
From er.pdf.components.ERFOPWrapper: ERFOPWrapper will render the containing component content as a PDF document using Apache FOP.
Bindings | |
xml2fopXsl |
the location of the xml->fo transform sheet (should be in the classpath) |
From er.pdf.components.ERPDF2PS: ERPDF2PS will render the containing PDF content as a Postscript document suitable for printing.
Bindings | |
enabled |
duplex |
From er.pdf.components.UJACBackgroundImage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.pdf.components.UJACImage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.pdf.components.UJACImport: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.pdf.components.UJACInsertDocument: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.pdf.components.UJACOverlay: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.pdf.components.UJACRegisterFont: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.pdf.components.UJACResource: UJAC resource component with resource manager support
Bindings | |
href |
href to the icon |
filename |
filename of the icon |
framework |
framework of the icon |
From er.pdf.components.UJACResourceBundle: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.pdf.components.UJACWatermark: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.plot |
From er.plot.ERPCategoryChart: Display a category chart - a chart where you have 2 or 3 dimensions.
Bindings | |
name |
the name of the chart |
chartType |
the type of the chart (possible values depend on the concrete subclass) |
imageType |
the type of the image to show: png (default) or jpeg |
width |
the width of the chart (400 pixel if not specified) |
height |
the height of the chart (400 pixel if not specified) |
dataset |
Dataset to use. If this is given, then items, nameKey, valueKey and categoryKey are not considered. |
items |
array of values to display the chart for |
nameKey |
the key for the name (must return Comparable) |
valueKey |
the key for the value (must return Number) |
categoryKey |
the key for the categories (optional, must return Comparable) |
xName |
the name for the x axis (String) |
yName |
the name for the y axis (String) |
showLegends |
true, if legends should be shown |
showToolTips |
true, if tool tips should be shown |
showUrls |
true, if urls should be shown |
orientation |
either "horizontal" (default) or "vertical" |
chart |
Chart to use instead of the created one. If this binding is set-able, then it will be set to the actually used chart |
configuration |
NSDictionary that will be applied to the chart via key-value-coding prior to rendering. Contains entries like antiAlias=true or categoryPlot.dataAreaRatio = 0.8 . |
From er.plot.ERPChart: Abstract superclass of the charts.
Bindings | |
name |
the name of the chart |
chartType |
the type of the chart (possible values depend on the concrete subclass) |
imageType |
the type of the image to show: png (default) or jpeg |
width |
the width of the chart (400 pixel if not specified) |
height |
the height of the chart (400 pixel if not specified) |
dataset |
Dataset to use. If this is given, then items, nameKey, valueKey and categoryKey are not considered. |
items |
array of values to display the chart for |
nameKey |
the key for the name (must return Comparable) |
valueKey |
the key for the value (must return Number) |
showLegends |
true, if legends should be shown |
showToolTips |
true, if tool tips should be shown |
showUrls |
true, if urls should be shown |
chart |
Chart to use instead of the created one. If this binding is setable, then it will be set to the actually used chart |
configuration |
NSDictionary that will be applied to the chart via key-value-coding prior to rendering. Contains entries like antiAlias=true or categoryPlot.dataAreaRatio = 0.8 . |
From er.plot.ERPOFCChart: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.plot.ERPPieChart: Displays a Pie chart with an optional map.
Bindings | |
name |
the name of the chart |
chartType |
the type of the chart (possible values depend on the concrete subclass) |
imageType |
the type of the image to show: png (default) or jpeg |
width |
the width of the chart (400 pixel if not specified) |
height |
the height of the chart (400 pixel if not specified) |
dataset |
Dataset to use. If this is given, then items, nameKey, valueKey and categoryKey are not considered. |
items |
array of values to display the chart for |
nameKey |
the key for the name (must return String) |
valueKey |
the key for the value (must return Number) |
showLegends |
true, if legends should be shown |
showLabels |
true, if labels should be shown (default is true) |
showToolTips |
true, if tool tips should be shown |
showUrls |
true, if urls should be shown |
chart |
Chart to use instead of the created one. If this binding is setable, then it will be set to the actually used chart |
configuration |
NSDictionary that will be applied to the chart via key-value-coding prior to rendering. Contains entries like antiAlias=true or categoryPlot.dataAreaRatio = 0.8 . |
Package: er.prototaculous |
From er.prototaculous.AjaxRequest: Wrapper of Prototype's Ajax.Request
Bindings | |
action |
When bound the action is performed |
onComplete |
Callback @see Prototype Ajax.options |
onSuccess |
Callback @see Prototype Ajax.options |
onCreate |
Callback @see Prototype Ajax.options |
evalScripts |
@see Prototype Ajax.Request |
From er.prototaculous.AjaxRequestButton: An Ajax.Request as a button (that also submits the form and form values) In order to use this, the form elements(i.e WOTextField, etc) need to have their name attribute bound to concrete values.
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.AjaxRequestLink: An Ajax.Request as a link
Bindings | |
queryDictionary The |
form values used in the directAction that replaced $('container') |
confirmMessage The |
message you wish to display in a confirm panel before executing the update |
From er.prototaculous.AjaxUpdater: Wrapper of Prototype's Ajax.Updater
Bindings | |
container |
The id of the container to be updated |
action |
When bound $('container') is replaced with the results of the action |
directActionName |
When bound $('container') is replaced with the results of the direct action |
onComplete |
Callback @see Prototype Ajax.options |
onSuccess |
Callback @see Prototype Ajax.options |
onCreate |
Callback @see Prototype Ajax.options |
onException |
Callback @see Prototype Ajax.options |
evalScripts |
@see Prototype Ajax.Updater |
method |
@see Prototype Ajax.Updater |
From er.prototaculous.AjaxUpdaterButton: An Ajax.Updater as a button (that also submits the form and form values).
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.AjaxUpdaterForm: Form with Ajax.Updater onsubmit:
Bindings | |
showForm @see |
ERXOptionalForm |
From er.prototaculous.AjaxUpdaterLink: An Ajax.Updater as a link
Bindings | |
queryDictionary The |
form values used in the directAction that replaced $('container') |
confirmMessage The |
message you wish to display in a confirm panel before executing the update |
Package: er.prototaculous.support |
From er.prototaculous.support.WXGenericContainer: An ajax version of WOGenericContainer (only no support for invokeAction and formValue(s) bindings) i.e support for Prototype Ajax.Updater
Bindings | |
id |
ajax If |
the it is an Ajax update container. The default is false |
elementName Defaults |
to "div" |
class |
From er.prototaculous.support.WXPageFragment: Any component vended as an action via Ajax.Updater (or Ajax.Request) needs to be a subclass of WXPageFragment only really necessary IF it has form controls as content (and it requires form values to be passed between requests)!
No bindings for Component.Package: er.prototaculous.widgets |
From er.prototaculous.widgets.Accordion: WAS: Encapsulation of http://www.stickmanlabs.com/accordion NOW: http://nettuts.com/javascript-ajax/create-a-simple-intelligent-accordion-effect-using-prototype-and-scriptaculous/ Extends the api of AjaxAccordion.
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.widgets.AccordionTab: Encapsulation of http://www.stickmanlabs.com/accordion Extends the api of AjaxAccordionTab.
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.widgets.AjaxUpload: Encapsulation of
Bindings | |
name |
onChange |
onSubmit |
onComplete |
From er.prototaculous.widgets.AjaxUploadButton: Encapsulation of http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ implemented like WOFileUpload API/binding compatible with WOFileUpload.
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.widgets.AjaxUploadContainer: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.widgets.CalendarDateSelect: WO wrapper around Rails (Prototype) date picker NOTE: that dateformats must have compatible client side scripts So optionally you may produce your own variants of the client-side date format javascripts and set the properties to use them
Bindings | |
value |
id |
name |
dateFormat |
size |
From er.prototaculous.widgets.LightWindow: Abstract superclass that encapsulates http://www.stickmanlabs.com/lightwindow 2.0
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.widgets.LightWindowButton: Encapsulates http://www.stickmanlabs.com/lightwindow 2.0 Extending the api of WOSubmitButton
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.widgets.LightWindowLink: Encapsulates http://www.stickmanlabs.com/lightwindow 2.0 Extending the api of WOHyperlink.
Bindings | |
type |
// LightWindow lightwindow_type |
From er.prototaculous.widgets.ModalBox: Encapsulation of http://www.wildbit.com/labs/modalbox/ (a re-implementation of AjaxModalDialog)
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.widgets.ModalBoxButton: Encapsulation of http://www.wildbit.com/labs/modalbox/ (a re-implementation of AjaxModalDialog) This component extends api of WOSubmitButton i.e api compatible with WOSubmitButton
Bindings | |
method |
The method of the modalbox/Ajax request. i.e 'post' or 'get' |
serializeForm If |
you do not want to process form data set to false NOTE: there appears to be a limitation as to how much can be serialized in WO + Ajax. Results vary - IE being the worst :) Default is true |
From er.prototaculous.widgets.ModalBoxLink: Encapsulation of http://www.wildbit.com/labs/modalbox/ (a re-implementation of AjaxModalDialog) Extends the api of WOHyperlink i.e api compatible with WOHyperlink
No bindings for Component.From er.prototaculous.widgets.ModalBoxOnLoad: An on DOM load variant of the AjaxModalBox
No bindings for Component.Package: er.quartzscheduler.components |
From er.quartzscheduler.components.ERQSJobInformations: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.reporting |
From er.reporting.WRAttributeEditor: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRAttributeGroup: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRAttributeListEditor: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRLayoutEditor: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRMasterCriteriaEditor: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRNavigationControl: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRNestedCellsLayout: Class for Wonder Component WRNestedCellsLayout.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
From er.reporting.WRNestedList: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRQuickReport: Provides a quick way to set up a {@link WRReport}.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRRecordGroup: Contains a cell in the table that {@link WRReport} has set up.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRReport: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRReportEditor: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.reporting.WRVerticalRowsLayout: Class for Wonder Component WRVerticalRowsLayout.
Bindings | |
sample |
sample binding explanation |
Package: er.rest.routes.components |
From er.rest.routes.components.ERXRouteLink: Generate a WOHyperlink that points to a particular ERXRouteController route (this is a quicky impl and not totally thought out yet).
Bindings | |
entityName |
(optional) the name of the entity to link to |
id |
(optional) the id of the entity to link to |
record |
(optional) the record to link to |
action |
(optional) the rest action to perform (defaults to "show" when an id or record is set, "index" if only an entityName is set) |
secure |
(optional) whether or not to generate a secure url (defaults to the same as the current request) |
queryDictionary |
(optional) additional query parameters dictionary |
format |
(optional) the format to link to (defaults to "html") |
From er.rest.routes.components.ERXRouteURL: Generate a URL that points to a particular ERXRouteController route (this is a quicky impl and not totally thought out yet).
Bindings | |
entityName |
(optional) the name of the entity to link to |
id |
(optional) the id of the entity to link to |
record |
(optional) the record to link to |
action |
(optional) the rest action to perform (defaults to "show" when an id or record is set, "index" if only an entityName is set) |
secure |
(optional) whether or not to generate a secure url (defaults to the same as the current request) |
queryDictionary |
(optional) additional query parameters dictionary |
format |
(optional) the format to link to (defaults to "html") |
Package: er.selenium |
From er.selenium.SeleniumTestSuitePage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.selenium.io |
From er.selenium.io.SeleniumComponentExporterPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.selenium.io.SeleniumPresentationExporterPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.selenium.io.SeleniumXHTMLExporterPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.snapshotexplorer.components |
From er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEComponent: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEEntitySnapshots: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEHeaderFooter: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.SEPanel: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.SESnapshotsList: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages |
From er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOEntityShowPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOModelGroupIndexPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOModelGroupShowPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOModelIndexPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.SEEOModelShowPage: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.Package: er.taggable.components |
From er.taggable.components.ERAjaxTagField: ERAjaxTagField is an alternative implementation based on Mike Schrag's original ERTagField.
Bindings | |
taggable |
the ERTaggable to manage |
class |
the css class of the text field |
style |
the css style of the text field |
id |
the dom ID of the text field |
From er.taggable.components.ERTagCloud: ERTagCloud provides a simple tag cloud view.
Bindings | |
tag |
the name of the current tag being rendered |
tagClass |
the class name of the current tag |
entityName |
the name of the entity to load tags for |
limit |
the maximum number of tags to show |
minimum |
the minimum tag count required for a tag to be shown |
categories |
the tag category names to use (NSArray of Strings) |
categoryCount |
the number of categories to split into (default 5) |
tagClassPrefix |
the prefix to prepend to the tag cloud class name ("tagCloud" by default) |
cache |
if false, the computation of the tag cloud is not cached (this is EXPENSIVE) |
additionalQualifier |
an optional restricting qualifier |
shouldResetTagCloud |
forces recalculation of the tag cloud when the binding evaluates to true. After recalculation, the binding will be set to false again. |
From er.taggable.components.ERTagField: ERTagField implements a fancy del.icio.us-style javascript-enabled tagging text field with tab completion, toggling pickers, etc.
Bindings | |
taggable |
the ERTaggable to manage |
limit |
the maximum number of tags to show |
minimum |
the minimum tag count required for a tag to be shown |
size |
the size of the text field. Defaults to 60. |
class |
the css class of the text field |
style |
the css style of the text field |
id |
the dom ID of the text field |
additionalQualifier |
an optional restricting qualifier |
Package: er.testrunner |
From er.testrunner.ERXWOTestInterface: component for interactively running tests.
No bindings for Component.From er.testrunner.ERXWOTestResult: WOComponent display of an ERTestResult.
Bindings | |
errorMessage |
testResult |
runTime |
test |
showExceptions |
Package: er.wolips.components |
From er.wolips.components.WOLClickToOpen: WOLClickToOpen provide support for opening components on your page based on metadata that is added by ERXComponent (or from your component base class).
No bindings for Component.From er.wolips.components.WOLComponentLink: WOLComponentLink generates a link that can open a particular component name in WOLips.
No bindings for Component.From er.wolips.components.WOLToolBar: WOLToolBar renders a collapsing toolbar at the bottom of your page containing useful debugging tools that integrate with WOLips.
Bindings | |
expanded |
if true, the toolbar is expanded by default; defaults to false |
Package: er.wopaypal |
From er.wopaypal.CancelledPayPalTransaction: CancelledPayPalTransaction is a very simple component to which the application will return your customers after a cancelled PayPal transaction, if you don't tell it to return a different one.
No bindings for Component.From er.wopaypal.PayPalAddToCartHyperlink: PayPalAddToCartHyperlink is a WOComponent that allows you to embed text, an image, etc.
No bindings for Component.From er.wopaypal.PayPalDonateFormLink: This class is totally identical in functionality to the PayPalSingleItemFormLink class, but the amount is an optional field for donations.
No bindings for Component.From er.wopaypal.PayPalDonateHyperlink: PayPalDonateHyperlink is identical in functionality to PayPalSingleItemHyperlink, except that the amount parameter is optional for donations.
No bindings for Component.From er.wopaypal.PayPalSingleItemFormLink: PayPalSingleItemFormLink is a WOComponent that implements a form to submit a PayPal single item purchase.
No bindings for Component.From er.wopaypal.PayPalSingleItemHyperlink: Class documentation missing.
No bindings for Component.From er.wopaypal.PayPalSingleItemLinkBase: PayPalSingleItemLinkBase is the abstract superclass for most of the PayPal components.
No bindings for Component.From er.wopaypal.PayPalViewShoppingCartHyperlink: PayPalViewShoppingCartHyperlink is a WOComponent that allows you to embed text, an image, etc.
No bindings for Component.From er.wopaypal.SuccessfulPayPalTransaction: SuccessfulPayPalTransaction is a very simple component to which the application will return your customers after a successful PayPal transaction, if you don't tell it to return a different one.
No bindings for Component.
Last updated: Mon, Nov 16, 2009 08:19 AM PST | |||||||||||