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  1. Add the commons-lang 2.6 jar to ERRest required by json-lib. This is (details)
  2. Add placeholder binding to AjaxAutoComplete (directly forwarded to the (details)
  3. Add a missing binding in the java doc and API of ERXBooleanSelector. (details)
  4. git should ignore the build directory (details)
  5. account for redirects when getting WO disk image files (details)
Commit a873ab3f50c0e3f4cb58ec8067b1125899c8734f by samuel
Add the commons-lang 2.6 jar to ERRest required by json-lib. This is only required for ant, maven already manage this dependency. Previously, commons-lang was in ERJar but was replaced by commons-lang3.
The file was addedFrameworks/EOF/ERRest/LibrarySources/commons-lang-2.6-sources.jar
The file was modifiedFrameworks/EOF/ERRest/.classpath (diff)
The file was addedFrameworks/EOF/ERRest/Libraries/commons-lang-2.6.jar
The file was addedFrameworks/EOF/ERRest/LibraryJavadocs/commons-lang-2.6-javadoc.jar
Commit 89cd6d6a3ec1379f4fb55687665a545783765352 by samuel
Add placeholder binding to AjaxAutoComplete (directly forwarded to the input field).
The file was modifiedFrameworks/Ajax/Ajax/Components/AjaxAutoComplete.api (diff)
The file was modifiedFrameworks/Ajax/Ajax/Components/AjaxAutoComplete.wo/AjaxAutoComplete.wod (diff)
Commit b93538f977ea5657df339996c88efa73f2430aba by samuel
Add a missing binding in the java doc and API of ERXBooleanSelector.
The file was modifiedFrameworks/Core/ERExtensions/Components/ERXBooleanSelector.api (diff)
The file was modifiedFrameworks/Core/ERExtensions/Sources/er/extensions/components/ (diff)
Commit 391f3884a3c9755497cd34628a16d24e444e6cdf by johann.werner
git should ignore the build directory
The file was addedFrameworks/Mail/ERCMail/.gitignore
Commit 2ca3909dc05216e16a7740c23e3e7538dd786c3e by johann.werner
account for redirects when getting WO disk image files
The file was modifiedUtilities/WOInstall/Sources/er/woinstaller/ (diff)