Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
_JR_WOLipsProject.filesTable() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
WODisplayGroup.queryBindings() |
NSMutableDictionary |
WODisplayGroup.queryMatch() |
NSMutableDictionary |
WODisplayGroup.queryMax() |
NSMutableDictionary |
WODisplayGroup.queryMin() |
NSMutableDictionary |
WODisplayGroup.queryOperator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
D2WPage.extraBindings() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
D2WPage.setExtraBindings(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> extraBindings) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EOAttribute.encodeIntoPropertyList(NSMutableDictionary result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary<K,V> |
NSMutableDictionary.mutableClone() |
NSMutableDictionary<K,V> |
NSDictionary.mutableClone() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static NSMutableDictionary<String,String> |
_H2PlugIn.sequenceNameOverrides |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
_OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute,
Object value) |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERMicrosoftExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute,
Object value)
Overridden in order to add milliseconds to the value.
NSMutableDictionary |
PostgresqlExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute eoattribute,
Object obj)
Overridden to fix an issue with NStimestamp classes and "T" value-typed attributes.
NSMutableDictionary |
EROracleExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute eoattribute,
Object obj)
Overridden in order to add milliseconds to the value.
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
DB2Expression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute eoattribute,
Object obj)
Overridden to fix an issue with NStimestamp classes and "T" value-typed attributes.
NSMutableDictionary |
_OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForInsertOrUpdateAttribute(EOAttribute attribute,
Object value) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
MObject.values |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NSMutableDictionary |
NSDictionary_Extensions.replaceSpaceWithUnderscore(NSDictionary aDict) |
static NSMutableDictionary |
NSDictionary_Extensions.replaceUnderscoreWithSpace(NSDictionary aDict) |
NSMutableDictionary |
MObject.values() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MObject.setValues(NSMutableDictionary newValues) |
void |
MInstance.setValues(NSMutableDictionary newValues)
Overridden Methods for Scheduling *********
Constructor and Description |
MApplication(NSMutableDictionary aDict,
MSiteConfig aConfig,
Object o) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
WOEventDisplayPage.cache |
NSMutableDictionary |
WOStatsPage.sessionsDict |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
AjaxUpdateLink.addEffect(NSMutableDictionary options,
String effect,
String updateContainerID,
String duration) |
protected void |
AjaxOption.addToDictionary(WOComponent component,
NSDictionary<String,? extends WOAssociation> associations,
NSMutableDictionary<String,String> dictionary)
Evaluates this AjaxOption on a WODynamicElement and adds the name and JavaScript formatted value to dictionary.
void |
AjaxOption.addToDictionary(WOComponent component,
NSMutableDictionary<String,String> dictionary)
Evaluates this AjaxOption on a WOComponent and adds the name and JavaScript formatted value to dictionary.
static void |
AjaxObserveField.appendToResponse(WOResponse response,
WOContext context,
AjaxDynamicElement element,
String observeFieldID,
boolean observeDescendentFields,
String updateContainerID,
boolean fullSubmit,
NSMutableDictionary<String,String> options) |
static void |
AjaxUpdateContainer.expandInsertionFromOptions(NSMutableDictionary<String,String> options,
IAjaxElement element,
WOComponent component) |
static void |
AjaxSubmitButton.fillInAjaxOptions(IAjaxElement element,
WOComponent component,
String submitButtonName,
NSMutableDictionary options) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static NSMutableDictionary<String,NSArray<String>> |
EOEnterpriseObjectSerializer.includedRelationshipNames |
protected static NSMutableDictionary |
JSONEnterpriseObjectSerializer.publicAttributes |
protected static NSMutableDictionary |
ERXConstantSerializer.publicAttributes |
protected static NSMutableDictionary<String,NSArray<String>> |
EOEnterpriseObjectSerializer.readableAttributeNames |
protected static NSMutableDictionary<String,NSArray<String>> |
EOEnterpriseObjectSerializer.writableAttributeNames |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,String> |
MTAjaxUpdateLink.createAjaxOptions(WOComponent component) |
NSMutableDictionary |
MTAjaxSubmitButton.createAjaxOptions(WOComponent component) |
NSMutableDictionary |
MTAjaxObserveField.createAjaxOptions(WOComponent component) |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
MTJSSlider.createOptions(WOComponent component) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
MTAjaxUpdateLink.addEffect(NSMutableDictionary options,
String effect,
String updateContainerID,
String effectProperty,
String effectStart,
String duration,
String mode) |
static void |
MTAjaxObserveField.appendToResponse(WOResponse response,
WOContext context,
AjaxDynamicElement element,
String observeFieldID,
boolean observeDescendentFields,
String updateContainerID,
boolean fullSubmit,
NSMutableDictionary options) |
static void |
MTAjaxSubmitButton.fillInAjaxOptions(IAjaxElement element,
WOComponent component,
String submitButtonName,
NSMutableDictionary options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,ERAttachmentProcessor<?>> |
Returns all of the processors mapped by storageType.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
EROldFart.memories() |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
EROldFart.ChuckHill.memories() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,String> |
CCTagEditor.createOptions(WOContext context)
Produce dictionary for options object
protected NSMutableDictionary |
CCRating.createOptions(WOContext context)
Produce dictionary for options object for Control.Rating.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERCMailMessageAppender.composeExceptionPageDictionary(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent event)
Overridden to add the Actor into the dictionary.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,ERCAuditTrailHandler.Configuration> |
ERCAuditTrailHandler.configuration |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WContextDictionary._allKeys |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WContextDictionary._dictionary |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WContextDictionary.Configuration.components() |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WContextDictionary.Configuration.editors() |
static NSMutableDictionary |
ERDirectToWeb.informationForContext(WOContext context)
Gathers D2W-related information from the current context.
static NSMutableDictionary |
ERDirectToWeb.informationForD2WContext(com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WContext d2wContext)
Gathers D2W-related information from the current context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ERD2WContextDictionary.addPropertyKeys(NSMutableDictionary componentLevelKeys,
NSArray array) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERD2WSwitchComponent.extraBindings |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERDSavedQueriesComponent.SavedQuery.encodeDictionaryWithEOs(NSDictionary dictionary) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERDUserInfoInterface.userInfo() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
Holds the user info.
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WPage.errorMessages |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WQueryPage.keysToQueryForNull |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WEditableListPage.currentErrorDictionary() |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WEditableListPage.errorDictionaryForObject(Object object) |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WPage.errorMessages() |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WPage.ValidationDelegate.errorMessages() |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERD2WEditableListPage.errorMessagesDictionaries() |
NSMutableDictionary |
Implementation of the
ERDUserInfoInterface |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ERD2WPage.setErrorMessages(NSMutableDictionary value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERCMailMessageAppender.composeExceptionPageDictionary(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent event)
Overridden to add the Actor into the dictionary.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static NSMutableDictionary<String,ERXFrameworkPrincipal> |
holds the mapping between framework principals classes and ERXFrameworkPrincipal objects
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Quick and dirty class to en- and decode the generic xml data to full-fledged objects that
can be bound in the edit interface.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
holds a debugging store for a given session.
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERXWOServletContext.mutableUserInfo |
protected static NSMutableDictionary |
static cache to hold the responses.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static NSMutableDictionary |
ERXWOContext._contextDictionary() |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXResponseRewriter.ajaxPageUserInfo(WOContext context)
Returns the page userInfo for the page component of the given context.
static NSMutableDictionary |
ERXWOContext.contextDictionary() |
NSMutableDictionary |
Simple mutable dictionary that can be used at
runtime to stash objects that can be useful for
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXApplication.extraInformationForExceptionInContext(Exception e,
WOContext context)
Puts together a dictionary with a bunch of useful information relative to
the current state when the exception occurred.
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXWOServletContext.mutableUserInfo() |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXWOContext.mutableUserInfo() |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXRequest.mutableUserInfo() |
NSMutableDictionary<String,?> |
ERXNextPageForResultWOAction.nextPageValues() |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXResponseRewriter.pageUserInfo(WOComponent page)
Returns the page userInfo for the given page component.
static NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXResponseRewriter.pageUserInfo(WOContext context)
Returns the page userInfo for the page component of the given context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ERXWOServletContext.setMutableUserInfo(NSMutableDictionary userInfo) |
void |
ERXWOContext.setMutableUserInfo(NSMutableDictionary userInfo) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
A dict of contextID/pages
contextID/pages のディクショナリー
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
Returns the permanent page cache.
NSMutableDictionary<WOComponent,NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
ERXAjaxSession.pageInfoDictionary() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary<WOComponent,NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
ERXAjaxSession.pageInfoDictionary() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,ERJaxWebService<? extends Object>> |
a dictionary where all WebService registrations are kept
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERXComponent._dynamicBindings |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERXDateGrouper._groupedObjects |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXLocalizationEditor.currentEntry |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
ERXErrorDictionaryPanel.errorMessages |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,WOAssociation> |
ERXComponentUtilities._queryParameterAssociations(NSDictionary<String,WOAssociation> associations,
boolean removeQueryParameterAssociations) |
static NSMutableDictionary |
ERXComponentUtilities._queryParametersInComponent(NSMutableDictionary associations,
WOComponent component) |
NSMutableDictionary |
Lazily initialized dictionary which can be used for the 'item' binding in
a repetition for example: 'item = dynamicBindings.myVariable'.
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXErrorDictionaryPanel.errorMessages() |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,WOAssociation> |
ERXComponentUtilities.queryParameterAssociations(NSDictionary<String,WOAssociation> associations)
Returns the set of ?key=value associations from an associations
static NSMutableDictionary<String,WOAssociation> |
ERXComponentUtilities.queryParameterAssociations(NSMutableDictionary<String,WOAssociation> associations,
boolean removeQueryParameterAssociations)
Returns the set of ?key=value associations from an associations
static NSMutableDictionary |
ERXComponentUtilities.queryParametersInComponent(NSDictionary associations,
WOComponent component)
Returns a query parameter dictionary from a set of ?key=association
WOAssociation dictionary.
static NSMutableDictionary |
ERXComponentUtilities.queryParametersInComponent(NSMutableDictionary associations,
WOComponent component,
boolean removeQueryParametersAssociations)
Returns a query parameter dictionary from a set of ?key=association
WOAssociation dictionary.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NSMutableDictionary |
ERXComponentUtilities._queryParametersInComponent(NSMutableDictionary associations,
WOComponent component) |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,WOAssociation> |
ERXComponentUtilities.queryParameterAssociations(NSMutableDictionary<String,WOAssociation> associations,
boolean removeQueryParameterAssociations)
Returns the set of ?key=value associations from an associations
static NSMutableDictionary |
ERXComponentUtilities.queryParametersInComponent(NSMutableDictionary associations,
WOComponent component,
boolean removeQueryParametersAssociations)
Returns a query parameter dictionary from a set of ?key=association
WOAssociation dictionary.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXSwitchComponent.componentAttributes |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXOncePerRequestConditional.displayCountDict() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,String> |
ERXCrypto.decodedFormValuesDictionary(NSDictionary<String,NSArray<String>> dict)
Decodes all of the values from a given dictionary using the default
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXForwardingAdaptorChannel.dictionaryWithObjectsForAttributes(Object[] objects,
NSArray attributes) |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXForwardingAdaptorChannel.fetchRow() |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Integer> |
Returns dictionary of group numbers (
java.lang.Integer ) to entity names. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate.adaptorChannelDidFetchRow(EOAdaptorChannel eoadaptorchannel,
NSMutableDictionary nsmutabledictionary)
Implemented so the the thread checks if it should get interrupted.
T |
ERXQuery.RecordConstructor.constructRecord(EOEditingContext ec,
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> row) |
NSDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXQuery.DefaultRecordConstructor.constructRecord(EOEditingContext ec,
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> row) |
T |
ERXCopyable.copy(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects)
Returns a copy of this object, copying related objects as well.
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.DefaultImplementation.copy(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source)
Returns a copy of this object.
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.Utility.deepCopy(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source)
Returns a deep copy of this object, the attribute values are
reference copied and the relationships are copied by calling
ERXCopyable.copy(NSMutableDictionary) on them. |
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.Utility.deepCopyClassRelationships(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source,
T destination)
This copies related objects from the source
ERXCopyable to
the destination by calling deepCopyRelationship on them. |
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.Utility.deepCopyRelationship(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source,
T destination,
EORelationship relationship)
This copies the object(s) for the named relationship from the source
ERXCopyable to the destination by calling
ERXCopyable.copy(NSMutableDictionary) on them. |
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.Utility.deepCopyToManyRelationship(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source,
T destination,
EORelationship relationship) |
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.Utility.deepCopyToOneRelationship(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source,
T destination,
EORelationship relationship) |
T |
ERXCopyable.duplicate(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects)
Returns a copy of this object.
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.DefaultImplementation.duplicate(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source)
Returns a deep copy of this object.
protected NSMutableSet |
ERXEntityFKConstraintOrder.entitiesDependentOn(NSMutableDictionary dependencies,
EOEntity entity)
Returns the list of the names of the entities that reference (depend on)
this entity.
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.Utility.modelCopy(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source)
Creates a new instance of the
source 's Entity, then steps
through all attributes and relationships, copying them as defined in
each property's UserInfo dictionary in the EOModel. |
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.Utility.modelCopyClassRelationships(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source,
T destination)
Reads the values set in the EOModel's attribute and relationship
UserInfo dictionaries and then uses them to control how the
source object is copied. |
static <T extends ERXCopyable<T>> |
ERXCopyable.Utility.modelCopyRelationship(NSMutableDictionary<EOGlobalID,ERXCopyable<?>> copiedObjects,
T source,
T destination,
EORelationship relationship)
Reads the values set in the EOModel's attribute and relationship
UserInfo dictionaries and then uses them to control how the
source object is copied. |
Constructor and Description |
Record(EOEditingContext context,
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> row) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Map functionality to NSMutableDictionary and has
helpers to en- and decode from database field. |
static class |
Simple thread safe wrapper.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXDictionaryUtilities.dictionaryFromObjectWithKeyMappings(Object object,
NSDictionary<String,ERXKey<?>> keyMappings)
Creates a dictionary from an object according to the given key mappings, skipping null values.
static NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXRuntimeUtilities.informationForBundles() |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXRuntimeUtilities.informationForContext(WOContext context) |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXRuntimeUtilities.informationForException(Exception e)
Returns a dictionary with useful stuff.
NSMutableDictionary<K,V> |
ERXMutableDictionary.ThreadSafeDictionary.mutableClone() |
NSMutableDictionary |
Returns the mutableUserInfo.
static <T,U> NSMutableDictionary<T,U> |
Returns a new thread-safe mutable dictionary.
static <T,U> NSMutableDictionary<T,U> |
ERXMutableDictionary.synchronizedDictionary(NSMutableDictionary<? extends T,? extends U> dict)
Returns a thread-safe mutable wrapper for the given mutable dictionary.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <K,V> void |
ERXDictionaryUtilities._removeMatchingEntries(NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> snapshot1,
NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> snapshot2,
boolean removeInverse) |
static <K,V> void |
ERXDictionaryUtilities._removeMatchingEntries(NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> snapshot1,
NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> snapshot2,
boolean removeInverse) |
static <K,V> void |
ERXDictionaryUtilities.removeMatchingEntries(NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> dict1,
NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> dict2)
Removes entries from both dictionaries that match, leaving you with two dictionaries containing
only values that did NOT match.
static <K,V> void |
ERXDictionaryUtilities.removeMatchingEntries(NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> dict1,
NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> dict2)
Removes entries from both dictionaries that match, leaving you with two dictionaries containing
only values that did NOT match.
void |
ERXMutableUserInfoHolderInterface.setMutableUserInfo(NSMutableDictionary userInfo)
Set the mutableUserInfo
static <K,V> void |
ERXDictionaryUtilities.setObjectForKeys(NSMutableDictionary<K,V> dictionary,
V object,
NSArray<K> keys)
Sets the object for each of the keys in the array on a mutable dictionary.
static <T,U> NSMutableDictionary<T,U> |
ERXMutableDictionary.synchronizedDictionary(NSMutableDictionary<? extends T,? extends U> dict)
Returns a thread-safe mutable wrapper for the given mutable dictionary.
Constructor and Description |
ThreadSafeDictionary(NSMutableDictionary<? extends K,? extends V> dictionary) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary<String,String> |
ERXSQLHelper.defaultOptionDictionary(boolean create,
boolean drop)
Creates an option dictionary to use with the other methods
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERXLocalizer.cache |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERXMailAppender.composeExceptionPageDictionary(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent event)
In case we generate a HTML page, we construct a dictionary with the entries that
is later pushed into the page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ERXPartialInitializer.convertEntityPartialReferences(EOEntity entity,
NSMutableDictionary<EOEntity,EOEntity> baseForPartial,
NSMutableSet<EOEntity> convertedEntities) |
protected void |
ERXPartialInitializer.convertRelationshipPartialReferences(EOEntity entity,
EORelationship relationship,
NSMutableDictionary<EOEntity,EOEntity> baseForPartial,
NSMutableSet<EOEntity> convertedEntities) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,ERXStats.LogEntry> |
Returns the statistics for the current thread.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ERXValidation.validationFailedWithException(Throwable e,
Object value,
String keyPath,
NSMutableDictionary errorMessages,
String displayPropertyKeyPath,
ERXLocalizer localizer)
Processes a validation exception to make it look better.
static void |
ERXValidation.validationFailedWithException(Throwable e,
Object value,
String keyPath,
NSMutableDictionary errorMessages,
String displayPropertyKeyPath,
ERXLocalizer localizer,
EOEntity entity)
Processes a validation exception to make it look better.
static void |
ERXValidation.validationFailedWithException(Throwable e,
Object value,
String keyPath,
NSMutableDictionary errorMessages,
String displayPropertyKeyPath,
ERXLocalizer localizer,
EOEntity entity,
boolean pushChanges)
Processes a validation exception to make it look better.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
FSAdaptorChannel.fetchRow() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRMasterCriteria._criteriaLookupDict |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRReportModel._flatAttributeDepthDict |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRReportModel._flatAttributeListTotalDict |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRRecordGroup._lookUpCoordinates |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRRecordGroup._recordGroupDict |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRGroup._recordGroupDict |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRReportModel._registeredRecordGroups |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRRecordGroup._totals |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRRecordGroup._totalsByKey |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
DRMasterCriteria._userInfo |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
DRGroup.childrenFromGroupCriteriaList() |
NSMutableDictionary |
DRGroup.groupBy(NSArray recs,
DRMasterCriteria amc) |
NSMutableDictionary |
DRRecordGroup.recordGroupDict() |
NSMutableDictionary |
DRMasterCriteria.userInfo() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DRRecordGroup |
DRMasterCriteria.findRecordGroupForRecordGroupsDictGroupParent(DRRecord rec,
NSMutableDictionary recGrpDict,
DRGroup grp,
DRRecordGroup parent) |
protected NSArray |
DRAttributeGroup.flatAttributesWithDepthDictionary(int attributeListDepth,
NSMutableDictionary flatAttributeDepthDict) |
protected NSArray |
DRAttribute.flatAttributesWithDepthDictionary(int attributeListDepth,
NSMutableDictionary flatAttributeDepthDict) |
protected void |
DRAttributeGroup.flatListForAttributeDepthDictionary(DRAttribute att,
int attributeListDepth,
NSMutableDictionary flatAttributeDepthDict) |
void |
DRRecordGroup.groupByInto(NSMutableArray recs,
DRMasterCriteria amc,
NSMutableDictionary recGrpDict) |
void |
DRMasterCriteria.groupRecordRecordGroupsDictGroupParent(DRRecord rec,
NSMutableDictionary recGrpDict,
DRGroup grp,
DRRecordGroup parent) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
ERJRFoundationDataSource.debugRow |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERLuceneExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute paramEOAttribute,
Object paramObject) |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERLuceneAdaptorChannel.fetchRow() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
ERMemoryEntityStore._rows |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERMemoryExpression.bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute paramEOAttribute,
Object paramObject) |
NSMutableDictionary |
ERMemoryAdaptorChannel.fetchRow() |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
EREntityStore.rowFromStoredValues(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> rawRow,
EOEntity entity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
ERJoinEntityStore.fetch(NSArray<EOAttribute> attributesToFetch,
EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification,
boolean shouldLock,
EOEntity entity,
ERMemoryAdaptorContext context) |
NSMutableArray<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
EREntityStore.fetch(NSArray<EOAttribute> attributesToFetch,
EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification,
boolean shouldLock,
EOEntity entity,
ERMemoryAdaptorContext context) |
protected NSArray<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
EREntityStore.fetchRelatedManyToManyRows(EOEntity entity,
NSDictionary<String,Object> row,
EORelationship relationship,
ERMemoryAdaptorContext context)
Will fetch related rows for the given row via the passed many-to-many
protected NSArray<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
EREntityStore.fetchRelatedRows(EOEntity entity,
NSDictionary<String,Object> row,
EORelationship relationship,
ERMemoryAdaptorContext context)
Will fetch related rows for the given row relationship.
Iterator<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
ERMemoryEntityStore.iterator() |
Iterator<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
ERJoinEntityStore.iterator() |
abstract Iterator<NSMutableDictionary<String,Object>> |
EREntityStore.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ERMemoryEntityStore._insertRow(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> row,
EOEntity entity) |
protected void |
ERJoinEntityStore._insertRow(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> row,
EOEntity entity) |
protected abstract void |
EREntityStore._insertRow(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> row,
EOEntity entity) |
protected NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
EREntityStore.rowFromStoredValues(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> rawRow,
EOEntity entity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
Neo4JChannel.fetchRow() |
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
Neo4JChannel.toSnapshot(EOEntity entity,
Ersatz ultimate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> |
NSDictionaryErsatz.toSnapshot(Ersatz ersatz)
Creates EOF snapshot for the given ersatz.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Fop2PdfImpl.setConfiguration(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> config) |
void |
Fop2EpsImpl.setConfiguration(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> config) |
void |
FOPBuilder.setConfiguration(NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> config)
this is here for extension in order to pass configuration of the fop
engine from the program.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
WRReport._currentZCriteria |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
WRReport._indexDict |
NSMutableDictionary |
WRNavigationControl.zCriteria |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSMutableDictionary |
WRNavigationControl.zCriteria() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NSDictionary |
WRReport.addCoordsFrom(NSMutableDictionary currCritDict) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Object |
ERXRestRequestNode.toNSCollection(ERXRestFormat.Delegate delegate,
NSMutableDictionary<Object,Object> associatedObjects)
Returns the NSCollection/Java object that corresponds to this node hierarchy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ERXRoute |
ERXRouteRequestHandler.routeForMethodAndPath(String method,
String path,
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> userInfo)
Returns the route that matches the request method and path, storing metadata about the route in the given
userInfo dictionary.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ERXRouteURL.addQueryParameterForKey(Object value,
String key,
NSMutableDictionary<String,Object> queryParameters) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected NSMutableDictionary |
SeleniumTestRunnerProxy._cache |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static NSMutableDictionary |
SeleniumImporterExporterFactory._exportersByNameMap |
protected static NSMutableDictionary |
SeleniumImporterExporterFactory._importersByExtensionMap |
protected static NSMutableDictionary |
SeleniumImporterExporterFactory._importersByNameMap |
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