Interface | Description |
ERDCustomComponent.Keys | |
ERDCustomEditComponent.Keys |
interface for all the keys used in this pages code
ERDCustomQueryComponent.Keys |
interface for all the keys used in this pages code
Class | Description |
ERD2WCheatSheet |
Given a configured D2WContext ((entity+task or pageconfig) and propertyKey) and
- depending on task - d2wContext.object or displayGroup displays all the
available components together with their configuration info.
ERD2WCustomComponentWithArgs |
Allows custom components to resolve valueForBinding requests in the rules.
ERD2WCustomQueryComponentWithArgs | |
ERD2WDebugComponentName | |
ERD2WDebugFlags |
This component can be used in the wrapper of a D2W app to provide convenient development time
(as flagged by WOCachingEnabled) access to the log4j configuration
ERD2WDebugPropertyName | |
ERD2WEditOrDefault |
Generic edit or default value component, uses other components like editNumber or editString.
ERD2WEditOrDefault.ValidationExceptionHolder | |
ERD2WExtraDisplayPropertyKeysComponent |
A component to encapsulate the repetition over "extra" display property keys.
ERD2WFlyOverCustomComponent |
Displays a fly-over that shows a table with hidden property keys.
ERD2WHead |
Better D2WHead component which provides the title as a human readable name and
allows for component content.
ERD2WKeyMapper |
Useful for remapping keys if say you want to compare two different objects in a compare list.
ERD2WMultiItemCustomComponent |
Displays multiple items in one line.
ERD2WPropertyName |
Used for displaying the propertyName in a template.
ERD2WStatelessComponent |
D2W ステートレス基本コンポーネント
ERD2WStatelessCustomComponentWithArgs |
Stateless version of D2WCustomComponentWithArgs.
ERD2WSwitchComponent |
Rewrite of D2WSwitchComponent to not cache the D2WContext.
ERDActionBar |
Displays a set of buttons and calls the enclosing page's branch delegate with it.
ERDBannerComponent |
Shows an image header matching the page.
ERDCustomComponent |
Base class of many custom components.
ERDCustomEditComponent |
Superclass for most of the custom edit components.
ERDCustomQueryComponent |
Superclass for most custom query components.
ERDCustomQueryComponentWithArgs |
Correctly handles validation exceptions, plus a bunch of other stuff.
ERDDebuggingHelp |
Little help component useful for debugging.
ERDDefaultCustomComponent |
Default custom component used when componentName = "D2WCustomComponentWithArgs" and custom component was not specified.
ERDDefaultSectionComponent |
Displays section name as a string.
ERDDisplayHint |
ルール又はユーザ・ディクショナリーで hint を指定します。
String ローカライズ・ファイルのキーワードは 'Hint.' で始まります。
ただし、"inspect" と "edit" タスク時のみで表示される
ERDEmptyPageWrapper |
Empty page wrapper component.
ERDFacetFilter |
Provides simple filtered grouping capability for display groups, like ebay or Solr.
ERDQuickSearch |
Simple search for that can be dropped on a page wrapper and pops up a list page.
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