Interface | Description |
ERD2WEditToOneRelationship.Keys | |
ERDList.CreateObjectDelegate |
Interface that all createObjectDelegate classes should implement
Class | Description |
ERD2WDisplayList |
Used to display a an NSArray of the form "A, B and C", useful for toMany relationships or propertyKeys that return arrays.
ERD2WDisplayRelationshipFlag |
Allows for a flag if an object has a given related object.
ERD2WDisplayToManyCustom |
Allows custom components to be used to display the eos from a toMany.
ERD2WDisplayToManyList |
Improved toMany display compononent, uses ERListDisplay.
ERD2WDisplayToManyTable |
Cleaned up some of the formatting on the original toMany table.
ERD2WDisplayToManyUnorderedList |
Display toMany relationship in
ERD2WDisplayToOne |
Same as original except allows display of noSelectionString if relationship is null.
ERD2WEditSortedToManyFault | |
ERD2WEditToManyFault |
Enhanced to-many component, which provides the means to specify which edit-relationship page gets chosen.
ERD2WEditToManyFaultList |
An alternative/simplified edit to many fault component for D2W
displaying the the toMany relationship in a with add/remove functionality
ERD2WEditToManyRelationship |
Improves superclass by adding restrictions on the choices and uses ERXToManyRelationship, thus can handle localization
and has better layout options.
ERD2WEditToOneFault | |
ERD2WEditToOneRelationship |
Improves superclass by adding restrictions on the choices and uses ERXToOneRelationship, thus can handle localization
and has better layout options.
ERD2WInspect |
!!Don't use, use ERDInspect instead!! Embedded component that can be used for nesting page configurations, ie ERD2WInspect can be a customComponentName.
ERD2WList | |
ERD2WPick |
Used to select multiple items from a list.
ERD2WPickFromEntities |
Custom query component that let's the user select from a set of shared eos.
ERD2WPickFromList |
Custom query component that let's the user select from an arbitrary list.
ERD2WQueryToManyField | |
ERD2WQueryToManyRelationship |
Enhanced relationship query component to to-many relationships.
ERD2WQueryToOneField | |
ERD2WQueryToOneRelationship |
Enhanced relationship query component to to-one relationships.
ERD2WTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship |
Uses JSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship to edit the relationship.
ERDEditableList |
Same as ERDList except it uses a detail datasource so that you may edit the list as well.
ERDEditOwnedRelationship |
Crazy component.
ERDEditOwnedRelationship.EOCreationMultipleChoice | |
ERDEditRelationship | |
ERDEditToManyRelationship |
Convenient way to add, edit, remove or delete objects from a to-many relationship.
ERDInspect |
Embedded component that can be used for nesting page configurations, ie ERDInspect can be a customComponentName.
ERDLinkToEditObject |
Generic link component used to view or edit an object.
ERDLinkToViewList |
Generic link component used to view a list.
ERDList |
Used to edit a toMany relationship by allowing the user to pick the eos that belong in the relationship.
ERDQueryIsContainedInArray |
Allows you to query for objects that have a one or more of a set of related objects.
ERDQueryTwoLevelRelationship |
Create queries that consist of a drilldown.
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