Class | Description |
ERD2WDisplayHTML |
Displays a string with escape html set to false.
ERD2WDisplayLocalizedString | |
ERD2WDisplayPassword |
Displays '*********' instead.
ERD2WDisplayPreformattedString |
Displays string representation of object inside of "pre" tags.
ERD2WDisplayString |
Full blown display string with all the bells and whistles.
ERD2WDisplayStringWithLineBreaks |
Displays string with line breaks.
ERD2WDisplayTextFromHTML |
Extracts text from html and displays the text.
ERD2WEditLargeString |
Same as D2WEditLargeString except that it allows you to
have empty strings in fields that don't allow null.
ERD2WEditString |
Allows specifing the maxLength for a WOTextField.
ERD2WQueryEncryptedString | |
ERD2WQueryStringOperator |
このプロパティ・レベル・コンポーネントは string のクエリをビルドします。
例:("starts with" 又は "contains")
ERD2WQueryStringWithChoices | |
ERDDisplayLargeString | |
ERDDisplayStyledString |
The as D2WDisplayStyledString, except that you can add a formatter and have a CSS class.
ERDDisplayTemplateString | |
Very, very basic version of a TinyMCE integration.
ERDEditPassword |
Provides a edit "password" service.
ERDEditPasswordConfirm |
Used to edit passwords where when changed the changed value must be confirmed.
ERDEditPasswordConfirmation |
Provides a "confirm password" service.
ERDEditStringWithChoices |
Provides a toOne relationship-like component except the value is pushed in as a string.
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