Interface | Description |
ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor.Keys |
Class | Description |
ERXClickableContainer |
ERXClickableContainer is a WOGenericContainer with easier support for the
javascript onclick event.
ERXEditDateJavascript | |
ERXGoogleSpell |
ERXGoogleSpell provides a simple API to spell checking with Google's web service.
ERXGoogleSpell.Correction |
Correction encapsulates a suggested spelling correction for a word in a string of text.
ERXJavaScript |
Modern version of a javascript component.
ERXJavaScript.Script | |
ERXJSAutoClosePage |
When returned will close the current page by calling
onload=window.close() . |
ERXJSConfirmPanel |
Stateless implementation of JSConfirmPanel.
ERXJSCookiesConditional |
This component will display is content (as in WOComponentContent) if
it detects cookies are disabled.
ERXJSFlyOver | |
ERXJSFormForTarget |
Useful for creating a javascript window for a form submit.
ERXJSInputValidator |
Client side part of the JavaScript validation.
ERXJSInputValidator.Action | |
ERXJSLifebeat |
Keeps a session open by continuously calling a direct action.
ERXJSLifebeat.Action | |
ERXJSOpenWindowHyperlink |
Given an action opens the action in a new window.
ERXJSOpenWindowSubmitButton |
Submit button to open a new window with an action.
ERXJSPopupBlockerConditional |
This component will display is content (as in WOComponentContent) if
it detects that popup windows are blocked.
ERXJSPopUpRelationPicker |
Very, very cool js component.
ERXJSPopupSelector |
Nice guy for performing actions when a popup item is selected.
ERXJSRemoteCall |
JavaScript remote execution.
ERXJSSubmitFunction |
ERXJSSubmitFunction generates a javascript method that can submit a particular form and trigger
the call of a component action.
ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor |
A fancy to-many relationship editor component.
ERXJSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship |
Uses JSPopUpRelationPicker to edit a toOne relationship.
ERXJSValidationErrors |
Server side part of the JavaScript validation
ERXJSVariables |
Class for Wonder Component ERXJSVariables.
ERXYahooContentAnalysisService |
Provides an interface to the Yahoo Content Analysis Service.
Exception | Description |
ERXGoogleSpell.CorrectionException |
CorrectionException is thrown if anything fails during the correction process.
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