Class | Description |
ERQMBackButton | |
ERQMButton |
data-icon :
Left arrow - data-icon="arrow-l"
Right arrow - data-icon="arrow-r"
Up arrow - data-icon="arrow-u"
Down arrow - data-icon="arrow-d"
Delete - data-icon="delete"
Plus - data-icon="plus"
Minus - data-icon="minus"
Check - data-icon="check"
Gear - data-icon="gear"
Refresh - data-icon="refresh"
Forward - data-icon="forward"
Back - data-icon="back"
Grid - data-icon="grid"
Star - data-icon="star"
Alert - data-icon="alert"
Info - data-icon="info"
Home - data-icon="home"
Search - data-icon="search"
data-iconpos :
["left"], "right", "top", "bottom", "notext"
data-inline :
["false"], "true"
Custom Icons
To use custom icons, specify a data-icon value that has a unique name like myapp-email and
the button plugin will generate a class by prefixing ui-icon- to the data-icon value and apply
it to the button: ui-icon-myapp-email.
ERQMButtonGroup | |
ERQMCheckbox | |
ERQMCheckboxList | |
ERQMCollapsibleComponentContent | |
ERQMCollapsibleComponentContentGroup | |
ERQMContent |
data-role content これを設定することでフッターになります。
ERQMDialog | |
ERQMDialogLink | |
ERQMFooterBar | |
ERQMGrid | |
ERQMGridBlock | |
ERQMGrouping | |
ERQMHeaderBar |
data-role header これを設定することでヘッダーになります。
ERQMHtmlTemplate | |
ERQMInputBaseComponent | |
ERQMInputColor | |
ERQMInputDate | |
ERQMInputDateTime | |
ERQMInputDateTimeLocal | |
ERQMInputFlipSwitch | |
ERQMInputMail | |
ERQMInputMonth | |
ERQMInputNumber | |
ERQMInputPassword | |
ERQMInputRange | |
ERQMInputSearch | |
ERQMInputString | |
ERQMInputTel | |
ERQMInputText | |
ERQMInputTime | |
ERQMInputUrl | |
ERQMInputWeek | |
ERQMListView |
OL or UL with data-role="listview"
data-count-theme - swatch letter (a-z)
data-dividertheme - swatch letter (a-z)
data-filter - true | [false]
data-filter-placeholder - string
data-filter-theme - swatch letter (a-z)
data-inset - true | [false]
data-split-icon - home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search
data-split-theme - swatch letter (a-z)
data-theme - swatch letter (a-z)
ERQMListViewElement |
LI within a listview
data-filtertext - string (filter by this value instead of inner text)
data-icon - home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search
data-role - list-divider
data-theme - swatch letter (a-z) - can also be set on individual LIs
ERQMListViewIcon | |
ERQMListViewImage | |
ERQMNavBar | |
ERQMNavBarElement | |
ERQMPopUpButton | |
ERQMRadioList | |
ERQMSubmitButton | |
JMHTMLAttribute |
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