Interface | Description |
ERMD2WTableHeader.Keys | |
ERMDBatchSizeControl.Keys | |
ERMDHasChangesMarker.Keys | |
ERMDSectionText.Keys | |
ERMDWizardBanner.Keys |
Class | Description |
ERMD2WBatchNavigationBar |
D2W Batch navigation bar based on AjaxFlickrBatchNavigation
ERMD2WColumnSelector |
Adds a small drop-down menu to list table headers to allow the user a choice
of which columns should be displayed.
ERMD2WCombinedTableHeader |
Combined AjaxSortOrder and propertyKey display for list table header cells.
ERMD2WCSSReference |
Component to go in the <head> of a page.
ERMD2WInspectLink |
Simple component to wrap a string attribute with a hyperlinke to take the
clicker to an inspect page.
ERMD2WPropertyName |
Modern property name component.
ERMD2WStyleSheetInjector |
Component to inject the rule defined stylesheets.
ERMD2WTableHeader |
Component for table header cell.
ERMDAjaxNotificationCenter |
ERMDAjaxNotificationCenter makes it easy to observe properties for changes
and update dependent property keys.
ERMDBatchSizeControl |
A modern batch size controll that uses an AjaxInplaceEditor to edit
the batch size.
ERMDDatePicker |
D2WEditComponent based on CCDatePicker.
ERMDDebuggingHelp | |
ERMDEmptyListMessage |
Modern empty list message component
ERMDHasChangesMarker |
Customizable hasChangesMarker component
ERMDSectionText |
Display component for the section heading
ERMDWizardBanner |
WizardPage banner that displays as:
ERMDWizardDetailedBanner |
Wizard page banner that displays as a ul of the possible steps with the curren step
identified with the class of "CurrentStep".
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