Project Wonder 5.0

Class ERXEnterpriseObjectCache<T extends com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject>

  extended by er.extensions.eof.ERXEnterpriseObjectCache<T>
Type Parameters:
T - the type of EOEnterpriseObject in this cache

public class ERXEnterpriseObjectCache<T extends com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject>
extends java.lang.Object

Caches instances of one entity by a given key(path). Typically you'd have an "identifier" property and you'd fetch values by:

 ERXEnterpriseObjectCache<HelpText> helpTextCache = new ERXEnterpriseObjectCache<HelpText>("HelpText", "pageConfiguration");
 HelpText helpText = helpTextCache.objectForKey(ec, "ListHelpText");
You can supply a timeout after which individual objects (or all objects if fetchInitialValues is true) get cleared and re-fetched. This implementation can cache either only the global IDs, or the global ID and a copy of the actual object. Caching the actual object ensures that the snapshot stays around and thus prevent additional trips to the database. Listens to EOEditingContextDidSaveChanges notifications to track changes to objects in the cache and ClearCachesNotification for messages to purge the cache.

ak inspired by a class from Dominik Westner

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ClearCachesNotification
          Other code can send this notification if it needs to have this cache discard all of the objects that it has.
protected static com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID NO_GID_MARKER
Constructor Summary
ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.Class c, java.lang.String keyPath)
          Creates the cache for the entity implemented by the passed class and the given keypath.
ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String keyPath)
          Creates the cache for the given entity name and the given keypath.
ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String keyPath, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifier, long timeout)
          Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds.
ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String keyPath, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifier, long timeout, boolean shouldRetainObjects, boolean shouldFetchInitialValues)
          Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds.
ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String keyPath, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifier, long timeout, boolean shouldRetainObjects, boolean shouldFetchInitialValues, boolean shouldReturnUnsavedObjects)
          Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds.
ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String keyPath, long timeout)
          Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds.
Method Summary
 void addObject(T eo)
          Add an object to the cache using eo.valueForKeyPath(keyPath()) as the key.
 void addObjectForKey(T eo, java.lang.Object key)
          Add an object to the cache with the given key if it matches the qualifier, or if there is no qualifier.<T> allObjects(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec)
          Returns a list of all the objects currently in the cache and not yet expired.<T> allObjects(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier additionalQualifier)
          Returns a list of all the objects currently in the cache and not yet expired which match additionalQualifier.
protected  ERXExpiringCache<java.lang.Object,er.extensions.eof.ERXEnterpriseObjectCache.EORecord<T>> cache()
          Returns the backing cache.
 void clearCaches( n)
          Handler for the clearCaches notification.
protected  er.extensions.eof.ERXEnterpriseObjectCache.EORecord<T> createRecord(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID gid, T eo)
          Created an EORecord instance representing eo using its EOGlobalID.
protected  ERXEC editingContext()
          Returns the editing context that holds object that are in this cache.
 void editingContextDidSaveChanges( n)
          Handler for the editingContextDidSaveChanges notification.
protected  java.lang.String entityName()
protected<T> fetchObjectsForKey(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext editingContext, java.lang.Object key)
          Actually performs a fetch for the given key.
protected  com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier fetchObjectsQualifier(java.lang.Object key)
          Returns the qualifier to use during for fetching: the value for keyPath matches key AND qualifier() (if not null).
protected  void handleUnsuccessfullQueryForKey(java.lang.Object key)
          Called when a query hasn't found an entry in the cache.
protected  java.lang.String keyPath()
 T objectForKey(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec, java.lang.Object key)
          Retrieves an EO that matches the given key.
 T objectForKey(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec, java.lang.Object key, boolean handleUnsuccessfulQueryForKey)
          Retrieves an EO that matches the given key.
protected  void preLoadCacheIfNeeded()
          Loads all relevant objects into the cache if set to fetch initial values.
 com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifier()
          Returns the additional qualifier for this cache.
 void removeObject(T eo)
          Removes an object from the cache using eo.valueForKeyPath(keyPath()) as the key.
 void removeObjectForKey(T eo, java.lang.Object key)
          Removes the object associated with key from the cache.
 void reset()
          Resets the cache by clearing the internal map.
 void setFetchInitialValues(boolean fetchInitialValues)
          Sets whether or not the initial values should be fetched into this cache or whether it should lazy load.
 void setResetOnChange(boolean resetOnChange)
          Sets whether or not the cache is cleared when any change occurs.
 void setRetainObjects(boolean retainObjects)
          Sets whether or not the cached EO's themselves are retained versus just their GID's.
 void setReuseEditingContext(boolean reuseEditingContext)
          Sets whether or not the editing context for this cache is reused for multiple requests.
 void start()
          Call this to re-start cache updating after stop() is called.
 void stop()
          Call this to stop cache updating.
 T unsavedMatchingObject(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec, java.lang.Object key)
          Looks in ec for an newly inserted (unsaved) EO that matches the given key.
 void updateObject(T eo)
          Updates an object in the cache (adding if not present) using eo.valueForKeyPath(keyPath()) as the key.
 void updateObjectForKey(T eo, java.lang.Object key)
          Updates an object in the cache (adding if not present) with the given key if it matches the qualifier, or if there is no qualifier.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String ClearCachesNotification
Other code can send this notification if it needs to have this cache discard all of the objects that it has. The object in the notification is the name of the EOEntity to discard cache for.


protected static final com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID NO_GID_MARKER
Constructor Detail


public ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName,
                                java.lang.String keyPath)
Creates the cache for the given entity name and the given keypath. No timeout value is used.

entityName - name of the EOEntity to cache
keyPath - key path to data uniquely identifying an instance of this entity


public ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.Class c,
                                java.lang.String keyPath)
Creates the cache for the entity implemented by the passed class and the given keypath. No timeout value is used.

c - Class used to identify which EOEntity this cache is for
keyPath - key path to data uniquely identifying an instance of this entity


public ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName,
                                java.lang.String keyPath,
                                long timeout)
Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds.

entityName - name of the EOEntity to cache
keyPath - key path to data uniquely identifying an instance of this entity
timeout - time to live in milliseconds for an object in this cache


public ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName,
                                java.lang.String keyPath,
                                com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifier,
                                long timeout)
Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds. Only objects that match qualifier are stored in the cache. Note that _resetOnChange (and _fetchInitialValues) are both true after this constructor. You will almost certainly want to call setResetOnChange(false);.

entityName - name of the EOEntity to cache
keyPath - key path to data uniquely identifying an instance of this entity
qualifier - EOQualifier restricting which instances are stored in this cache
timeout - time to live in milliseconds for an object in this cache
See Also:
setResetOnChange(boolean), setFetchInitialValues(boolean)


public ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName,
                                java.lang.String keyPath,
                                com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifier,
                                long timeout,
                                boolean shouldRetainObjects,
                                boolean shouldFetchInitialValues)
Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds. Only objects that match qualifier are stored in the cache.

entityName - name of the EOEntity to cache
keyPath - key path to data uniquely identifying an instance of this entity
qualifier - EOQualifier restricting which instances are stored in this cache
timeout - time to live in milliseconds for an object in this cache
shouldRetainObjects - true if this cache should retain the cached objects, false to keep only the GID
shouldFetchInitialValues - true if the cache should be fully populated on first access
See Also:
setResetOnChange(boolean), setFetchInitialValues(boolean), setRetainObjects(boolean)


public ERXEnterpriseObjectCache(java.lang.String entityName,
                                java.lang.String keyPath,
                                com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifier,
                                long timeout,
                                boolean shouldRetainObjects,
                                boolean shouldFetchInitialValues,
                                boolean shouldReturnUnsavedObjects)
Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds. Only objects that match qualifier are stored in the cache.

entityName - name of the EOEntity to cache
keyPath - key path to data uniquely identifying an instance of this entity
qualifier - EOQualifier restricting which instances are stored in this cache
timeout - time to live in milliseconds for an object in this cache
shouldRetainObjects - true if this cache should retain the cached objects, false to keep only the GID
shouldFetchInitialValues - true if the cache should be fully populated on first access
shouldReturnUnsavedObjects - true if unsaved matching objects should be returned, see unsavedMatchingObject(EOEditingContext, Object)
See Also:
setResetOnChange(boolean), setFetchInitialValues(boolean), setRetainObjects(boolean)
Method Detail


public void start()
Call this to re-start cache updating after stop() is called. This is automatically called from the constructor so unless you call stop(), there is no need to ever call this method.

See Also:


public void stop()
Call this to stop cache updating.

See Also:


protected ERXEC editingContext()
Returns the editing context that holds object that are in this cache. If _reuseEditingContext is false, a new editing context instance is returned each time. The returned editing context is autolocking.

the editing context that holds object that are in this cache


public void editingContextDidSaveChanges( n)
Handler for the editingContextDidSaveChanges notification. If _resetOnChange is true, this calls reset() to discard the entire cache contents if an object of the given entity has been changed. If _resetOnChange is false, this updates the cache to reflect the added/changed/removed objects.

n - NSNotification with EOEditingContext as the object and a dictionary of changes in the userInfo
See Also:
EOEditingContext.ObjectsChangedInEditingContextNotification, reset()


public void clearCaches( n)
Handler for the clearCaches notification. Calls reset if n.object is the name of the entity we are caching. Other code can send this notification if it needs to have this cache discard all of the objects.

n -


protected java.lang.String entityName()
the name of the EOEntity this cache is for


protected java.lang.String keyPath()
Key path to data uniquely identifying an instance of the entity in this cache


protected ERXExpiringCache<java.lang.Object,er.extensions.eof.ERXEnterpriseObjectCache.EORecord<T>> cache()
Returns the backing cache. If the cache is to old, it is cleared first. The cache is created if needed, and the contents populated if _fetchInitialValues.

the backing cache


protected er.extensions.eof.ERXEnterpriseObjectCache.EORecord<T> createRecord(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID gid,
                                                                              T eo)
Created an EORecord instance representing eo using its EOGlobalID. If _retainObjects, this will also include an instance of the EO to ensure that the snapshot is retained.

gid - EOGlobalID of eo
eo - the EO to make an EORecord for
EORecord instance representing eo


protected void preLoadCacheIfNeeded()
Loads all relevant objects into the cache if set to fetch initial values.


public void addObject(T eo)
Add an object to the cache using eo.valueForKeyPath(keyPath()) as the key.

eo - the object to add to the cache
See Also:
addObjectForKey(EOEnterpriseObject, Object)


public void addObjectForKey(T eo,
                            java.lang.Object key)
Add an object to the cache with the given key if it matches the qualifier, or if there is no qualifier. The object can be null, in which case a place holder is added.

eo - eo the object to add to the cache
key - the key to add the object under


public void removeObject(T eo)
Removes an object from the cache using eo.valueForKeyPath(keyPath()) as the key.

eo - the object to remove from the cache
See Also:
removeObjectForKey(EOEnterpriseObject, Object)


public void removeObjectForKey(T eo,
                               java.lang.Object key)
Removes the object associated with key from the cache.

eo - eo the object to remove from the cache (ignored)
key - the key to remove the object for


public void updateObject(T eo)
Updates an object in the cache (adding if not present) using eo.valueForKeyPath(keyPath()) as the key.

eo - the object to update in the cache
See Also:
updateObjectForKey(EOEnterpriseObject, Object)


public void updateObjectForKey(T eo,
                               java.lang.Object key)
Updates an object in the cache (adding if not present) with the given key if it matches the qualifier, or if there is no qualifier. The object can be null, in which case is it removed from the cache. If qualifier() is not null, the object is removed from the cache if it does not match the qualifier.

eo - eo the object to update in the cache
key - the key of the object to update


public T objectForKey(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec,
                      java.lang.Object key)
Retrieves an EO that matches the given key. If there is no match in the cache, it attempts to fetch the missing objects. Null is returned if no matching object can be fetched.

ec - editing context to get the object into
key - key value under which the object is registered
the matching object


public T objectForKey(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec,
                      java.lang.Object key,
                      boolean handleUnsuccessfulQueryForKey)
Retrieves an EO that matches the given key. If there is no match in the cache, and _returnUnsavedObjects is true, it attempts to find and return an unsaved object. If there is still no match and handleUnsuccessfulQueryForKey is true, it attempts to fetch the missing objects. Null is returned if handleUnsuccessfulQueryForKey is false or no matching object can be fetched.

ec - editing context to get the object into
key - key value under which the object is registered
handleUnsuccessfulQueryForKey - if false, a cache miss returns null rather than fetching
the matching object


public T unsavedMatchingObject(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec,
                               java.lang.Object key)
Looks in ec for an newly inserted (unsaved) EO that matches the given key. ONLY ec is examined. Null is returned if no matching

ec - editing context to search for unsaved, matching objects
key - key value to identify the unsaved object
the matching object or null if not found


public<T> allObjects(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec)
Returns a list of all the objects currently in the cache and not yet expired.

ec - editing context to get the objects into
all objects currently in the cache and unexpired


public<T> allObjects(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec,
                                                       com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier additionalQualifier)
Returns a list of all the objects currently in the cache and not yet expired which match additionalQualifier.

ec - editing context to get the objects into
additionalQualifier - qualifier to restrict which objects are returned from the cache
all objects currently in the cache and unexpired


protected void handleUnsuccessfullQueryForKey(java.lang.Object key)
Called when a query hasn't found an entry in the cache. This implementation puts a not-found marker in the cache so the next query will return null. If _fetchInitialValues is false, it will attempt to fetch the missing object and adds it to the cache if it is found. call addObject(EOEnterpriseObject) on it.

key - the key of the object that was not found in the cache


protected<T> fetchObjectsForKey(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext editingContext,
                                                                  java.lang.Object key)
Actually performs a fetch for the given key. Override this method to implement custom fetch rules.

editingContext - the editing context to fetch in
key - the key to fetch with
the fetch objects


public com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier qualifier()
Returns the additional qualifier for this cache.

the additional qualifier for this cache


protected com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier fetchObjectsQualifier(java.lang.Object key)
Returns the qualifier to use during for fetching: the value for keyPath matches key AND qualifier() (if not null).

key - the key to fetch
the qualifier to use


public void reset()
Resets the cache by clearing the internal map. The values are refreshed right away if _fetchInitialValues is true, otherwise they are re-loaded on demand.

See Also:


public void setFetchInitialValues(boolean fetchInitialValues)
Sets whether or not the initial values should be fetched into this cache or whether it should lazy load. If turned off, resetOnChange will also be turned off.

fetchInitialValues - if true, the initial values are fetched into the cache


public void setReuseEditingContext(boolean reuseEditingContext)
Sets whether or not the editing context for this cache is reused for multiple requests.

reuseEditingContext - whether or not the editing context for this cache is reused for multiple requests


public void setRetainObjects(boolean retainObjects)
Sets whether or not the cached EO's themselves are retained versus just their GID's. If set, this implicitly sets reuseEditingContext to true.

retainObjects - if true, the EO's are retained


public void setResetOnChange(boolean resetOnChange)
Sets whether or not the cache is cleared when any change occurs. This requires fetching initial values (and will be turned on if you set this)

resetOnChange - if true, the cache will clear on changes; if false, the cache will update on changes

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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