Project Wonder 5.0

Interface ERXGuardedObjectInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
_Bug, _Comment, _Component, _Difficulty, _ERAttachment, _ERAttachmentData, _ERCAuditBlob, _ERCAuditTrail, _ERCAuditTrailEntry, _ERCHelpText, _ERCLogEntry, _ERCMailMessage, _ERCMailMessageArchive, _ERCMessageAttachment, _ERCPreference, _ERCStatic, _ERDatabaseAttachment, _ERFileAttachment, _ERIAttribute, _ERIAttributeGroup, _ERIAttributeType, _ERIDirectory, _ERIFile, _ERIFileContent, _ERIValidationRule, _ERS3Attachment, _ERTag, _Framework, _People, _Priority, _Release, _Requirement, _RequirementSubType, _RequirementType, _TestItem, _TestItemState, Bug, Comment, Component, Difficulty, ERAttachment, ERAttachmentData, ERCAuditBlob, ERCAuditTrail, ERCAuditTrailEntry, ERCHelpText, ERCLogEntry, ERCMailMessage, ERCMailMessageArchive, ERCMessageAttachment, ERCPreference, ERCStampedEnterpriseObject, ERCStatic, ERDatabaseAttachment, ERFileAttachment, ERIAttribute, ERIAttributeGroup, ERIAttributeType, ERIDirectory, ERIFile, ERIFileContent, ERIValidationRule, ERS3Attachment, ERTag, ERXCustomObject, ERXGenericRecord, ERXPartialGenericRecord, Framework, People, Priority, Release, Requirement, RequirementSubType, RequirementType, TestItem, TestItemState

public interface ERXGuardedObjectInterface

The guarded object interface is used as a way to ensure that objects that are not supposed to be deleted or updated don't accidently get deleted or updated. Look at ERXGenericRecord for an implementation. This interface is also used within ERD2W applications to determine if the edit icon or the trash can icon should be displayed.

Method Summary
 boolean canDelete()
          Should return if this object can be deleted.
 boolean canUpdate()
          Should return if this object can be updated.
 void delete()
          To be implemented in order to determine additional operations to be done during deletion due to a bug in EOF that doesn't refresh relationships correctly in the parent editingContext

Method Detail


boolean canDelete()
Should return if this object can be deleted.

if it is safe to delete


boolean canUpdate()
Should return if this object can be updated.

if it is safe to update


void delete()
To be implemented in order to determine additional operations to be done during deletion due to a bug in EOF that doesn't refresh relationships correctly in the parent editingContext

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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