Project Wonder 5.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAjaxElement

Uses of IAjaxElement in er.ajax

Classes in er.ajax that implement IAjaxElement
 class AjaxAccordion
 class AjaxAutoComplete
          Autocompleting combo-box similar to Google suggest.
This is a component that look like a text field, where when you start entering value, it start giving you a menu of options related to what you type.
 class AjaxBehaviour
          Adds a script tag with a Behaviour.register() with the content as the method argument.
 class AjaxBusyIndicator
          AjaxBusyIndicator provides various ways of performing operations when an Ajax requst is in process.
 class AjaxComponent
          This abstract (by design) superclass component isolate general utility methods.
 class AjaxDatePicker
          Shameless port and adoption of Rails Date Kit.
 class AjaxDefaultSubmitButton
          Invisible form submit button that can be included as the first element in an Ajax submitted form so that hitting enter performs the action bound to this button.
 class AjaxDraggable
          AjaxDraggable makes HTML elements draggable.
 class AjaxDragResize
 class AjaxDragResizeContainer
 class AjaxDroppable
 class AjaxDynamicElement
 class AjaxExpansion
          AjaxExpansion provides an easy way to make expansion areas that appear and disappear by clicking a link (for instance, expandable options areas).
 class AjaxGMap
          Instantiates a Google Map (an object of GMap2 javascript class) at the given location (specified by lat&lng or address) with given properties.
 class AjaxHyperlink
          Ajax enabled Hyperlink.
 class AjaxIBoxComponentContent
          Deprecated. use AjaxModelContainer or AjaxModalDialog
 class AjaxIncludeScript
          AjaxIncludeScript provides an easy way to add an Ajax script dependency.
 class AjaxInPlaceEditor
 class AjaxModalContainer
          Shows a link and wraps an area that is later presented as a modal window.
 class AjaxModalDialog
          AjaxModalDialog is a modal dialog window based on ModalBox (see below for link).
 class AjaxModalDialogOpener
          Generates an element to open a specific AjaxModalDialog.
 class AjaxObserveField
           AjaxObserveField allows you to perform an Ajax submit (and optional update) based on the state of a form field changing.
 class AjaxProxy
          Handles javascript-java communication (client-server) between the javascript world running in a web browser and the java world, running in a WebObject application.
 class AjaxRemoteLogging
          Allows you to log window.console JS messages from the browser to a logger on the server.
 class AjaxRoundEffect
 class AjaxSelectionList
          AjaxSelectionList provides a list component that supports keyboard navigation and component renderers.
 class AjaxSessionPing
          Simple component to ping the session in the background.
 class AjaxSlider
          Simple Ajax slider.
 class AjaxSortableList
 class AjaxSubmitButton
          AjaxSubmitButton behaves just like a WOSubmitButton except that it submits in the background with an Ajax.Request.
 class AjaxTabbedPanel
          This implements the tabs and the main control of a tabbed panel display as an unordered list (UL and LI elements).
 class AjaxTabbedPanelTab
          This implements the tab contents of a tabbed panel display as an unordered list (UL and LI elements).
 class AjaxTextHinter
          Hints input and textarea fields with ghosted text that serves as an explanation for the user what to enter.
 class AjaxUpdateContainer
          observeFieldID requires ERExtensions, specifically ERXWOForm
 class AjaxUpdateLink
          Updates a region on the screen by creating a request to an action, then returning a script that in turn creates an Ajax.Updater for the area.

Methods in er.ajax with parameters of type IAjaxElement
static void AjaxUpdateContainer.expandInsertionFromOptions(<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> options, IAjaxElement element, com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent component)
static void AjaxSubmitButton.fillInAjaxOptions(IAjaxElement element, com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent component, java.lang.String submitButtonName, options)

Uses of IAjaxElement in er.prototaculous.widgets

Classes in er.prototaculous.widgets that implement IAjaxElement
 class Accordion
          WAS: Encapsulation of NOW: Extends the api of AjaxAccordion.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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