Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.attachment.model

Class Summary
ERAttachment ERAttachment is the superclass of all attachment types.
ERAttachmentData For a database attachment, ERAttachmentData contains the actual backing data for the attachment.
ERDatabaseAttachment ERDatabaseAttachment (type "db") represents an attachment whose data is stored in the database in an ERAttachmentData class.
ERFileAttachment ERFileAttachment (type = "file") represents an attachment whose data is stored on the local filesystem.
ERPendingAttachment ERPendingAttachment is just a convenience wrapper for tracking uploaded file state for later passing into an attachment processor.
ERS3Attachment ERS3Attachment (type = "s3") represents an attachment whose content is stored on Amazon's S3 service and will be served directly from S3.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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