Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.attachment.thumbnail


Interface Summary
IERImageProcessor Provides an interface for processing an image, performing various operations on it (most commonly, thumbnailing).

Class Summary
ERImageProcessor ImageProcessor is a common superclass of all IImageProcessor implementations.
ERImageThumbnailer An implementation of IERThumbnailer that hands off to ERImageProcessor.
ImageIOImageProcessor ImageIOImageProcessor is an implementation of the IImageProcessor interface on top of Mac OS X's ImageIO and CoreImage libraries.
ImageMagickImageProcessor ImageMagickImageProcessor is an implementation of the IImageProcessor interface on top of the ImageMagick commandline tool.
Java2DImageProcessor Everyone's got a fallback school, and Java2DImageProcessor is that for image processing.

Enum Summary
IERImageProcessor.Quality Quality is an enumerated type used to specify the resize quality.

Package er.attachment.thumbnail Description

ERAttachment Thumbnail (Image Processing Integration)


This package provides classes that wrap or integrate a number of popular image processing libraries. ERAttachment will just try and pick a suitable default, however you can specifically determine which image processing library is used with the property er.attachment.thumbnail.imageProcessor. Supported values for this property and corresponding libraries include:

Commandline image processor available on Mac OS X
Mac OS X ImageIO and CoreImage libaries. Very fast.
The popular open source ImageMagick library. Probably the best option if you app is being deployed on a platform other than Mac OS X.
Java 2D. Probably the most compatible but the slowest option.


You can use these utilities directly yourself to resize image files:

        ERImageProcessor.imageProcessor().thumbnail( .... );

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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