Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.directtoweb.components.misc

Interface Summary
ERDSavedQueriesComponent.RequestParams interface to organize the request params used in this class

Class Summary
ERD2WDisplayAddress Displays an address.
ERD2WDisplayConstant For a given key it asks the context for the value.
ERD2WDisplayDictionary Deprecated. Use ERD2WDisplayPreformattedString instead.
ERD2WDisplayImage Displays an image via the src or data binding, with imageHeight and imageWidth from the d2wContext
ERD2WDisplayImageWithUrl Displays a url, where the object-key pair refer to a url
ERD2WDisplayURL Displays the URL in a hyperlink with target set to "_blank".
ERD2WEditURL Used for editing urls.
ERD2WQueryAnyField Localized QueryAnyField for the query all pages.
ERD2WQueryNonNull Query component for null or non-null.
ERD2WQueryOperator Localized replacement for D2WQueryOperator.
ERDConfirmMessage Confirming an action template.
ERDDisplayImageIfExists Displays an image if it exists.
ERDDisplayMailTo A display mailto component with a number of bindings.
ERDEditFile Allows you to handle a file name on the server as a property.
ERDEditList Description forthcoming.
ERDEmptyListMessage Default component shown when a D2W list is empty.
ERDListOrganizer Crazy cool component that allows one to select strings (using arrow buttons), and organize them.
ERDListPicker Used to pick a string from a list.
ERDQueryAnyKey Allows you to query a set of keys - supplied by queryAttributes - with a regular expression query.
ERDSavedQueriesComponent This Component will store the forms values in the displayGroup of a Query Page into user preferences under a saved name.
ERDSearchDisplayGroup QuickSerch or 'filter' feature For nesting inside list page nav bar
ERDSectionImage Used to display sections as images instead of text.
ERDSectionText Used to display sections as text.
ERDSpacer A silly simple component to show a horizontal rule
ERDTabImage Used to display a tab as text instead of images.
ERDTabText Used to display a tab as text.
ERDZoomableImage This stateless component:

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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