Project Wonder 5.0 | |||||||||||
Interface Summary | |
ERDSavedQueriesComponent.RequestParams | interface to organize the request params used in this class |
ERDSavedQueriesComponent.SavedQuery.SerializationKeys |
Class Summary | |
ERD2WDisplayAddress | Displays an address. |
ERD2WDisplayConstant | For a given key it asks the context for the value. |
ERD2WDisplayDictionary | Deprecated. Use ERD2WDisplayPreformattedString instead. |
ERD2WDisplayImage | Displays an image via the src or data binding, with imageHeight and imageWidth from the d2wContext |
ERD2WDisplayImageWithUrl | Displays a url, where the object-key pair refer to a url |
ERD2WDisplayURL | Displays the URL in a hyperlink with target set to "_blank". |
ERD2WEditURL | Used for editing urls. |
ERD2WQueryAnyField | Localized QueryAnyField for the query all pages. |
ERD2WQueryNonNull | Query component for null or non-null. |
ERD2WQueryOperator | Localized replacement for D2WQueryOperator. |
ERDAnyField | |
ERDConfirmMessage | Confirming an action template. |
ERDDisplayImageIfExists | Displays an image if it exists. |
ERDDisplayMailTo | A display mailto component with a number of bindings. |
ERDEditFile | Allows you to handle a file name on the server as a property. |
ERDEditList | Description forthcoming. |
ERDEmptyListMessage | Default component shown when a D2W list is empty. |
ERDHasChangesMarker | |
ERDListOrganizer | Crazy cool component that allows one to select strings (using arrow buttons), and organize them. |
ERDListPicker | Used to pick a string from a list. |
ERDQueryAnyKey | Allows you to query a set of keys - supplied by queryAttributes - with a regular expression query. |
ERDSavedQueriesComponent | This Component will store the forms values in the displayGroup of a Query Page into user preferences under a saved name. |
ERDSavedQueriesComponent._TimestampSupport | |
ERDSavedQueriesComponent.SavedQuery | |
ERDSearchDisplayGroup | QuickSerch or 'filter' feature For nesting inside list page nav bar |
ERDSectionImage | Used to display sections as images instead of text. |
ERDSectionText | Used to display sections as text. |
ERDSpacer | A silly simple component to show a horizontal rule |
ERDTabImage | Used to display a tab as text instead of images. |
ERDTabText | Used to display a tab as text. |
ERDZoomableImage | This stateless component: |
Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 05:45 PM CET | |||||||||||