Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.directtoweb.components.strings

Class Summary
ERD2WDisplayHTML Displays a string with escape html set to false.
ERD2WDisplayPassword Displays '*********' instead.
ERD2WDisplayPreformattedString Displays string representation of object inside of "pre" tags.
ERD2WDisplayString Full blown display string with all the bells and whistles.
Of the value displayed is an EO, uses the userPresentableDescription()
ERD2WDisplayStringWithLineBreaks Displays string with line breaks.
ERD2WDisplayTextFromHTML Extracts text from html and displays the text.
ERD2WEditLargeString Same as D2WEditLargeString except that it allows you to have empty strings in fields that don't allow null.
ERD2WEditString Allows specifing the maxLength for a WOTextField.
ERDDHTMLComponent Deprecated. use ERDEditHTML instead
ERDDisplayStyledString The as D2WDisplayStyledString, except that you can add a formatter and have a CSS class.
ERDEditHTML Very, very basic version of a TinyMCE integration.
ERDEditPassword Provides a edit "password" service.
ERDEditPasswordConfirm Used to edit passwords where when changed the changed value must be confirmed.
ERDEditPasswordConfirmation Provides a "confirm password" service.
ERDEditStringWithChoices Provides a toOne relationship-like component except the value is pushed in as a string.
The coices can be either given as an NSDictionary with {key1=val1;key2=val2...}, an NSArray of NSDictionaries with ({key1=val1;},{key2=val2;}...) or a means not yet clear to me (ak:).

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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