Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.directtoweb.delegates

Interface Summary
ERDBranchDelegateInterface Extension of the NextPageDelegate to provide branch choices from the delegate to the template.
ERDBranchInterface Used in conjunction with ERDBranchDelegateInterface.
ERDNextPageDelegate The regular NextPageDelegate interface from d2w has hard coded the return type of WOComponent.
ERDQueryDataSourceDelegateInterface A delegate interface that allows the implentation to customize the ERD2WQueryPage#queryDataSource() that will be passed from the sender Query page to its List results page and invoked by it to display the query results.

Class Summary
ERDBranchDelegate The branch delegate is used in conjunction with the ERDMessagePageInterface to allow flexible branching for message pages.
ERDConfirmObjectDelegate Extends ObjectSaverDelegate to provide a confirm page.
ERDConfirmObjectWasSavedDelegate Determines if the user wants the changes saved if so provides a confirm page, if note uses cancel delegate.
ERDDeletionDelegate Delete used after confirming a delete action.
ERDFlowDelegate Simple class that makes creating flows of pages a bit easier.
ERDObjectSaveDelegate Simple NextPageDelegate implementation that saves the editing context of an enterprise object before returning the next page.
ERDPageDelegate Generic little delegate.
ERDPageNameDelegate NextPageDelegate that takes a given page name and when called creates and returns the given named page.
ERDPickIntermediateDelegate Nextpage delegate that handles creating or deleting an intermediate object when you finished with a pick page.
ERDQueryValidationDelegate A delegate class for validating user inputs before a query is executed.
ERDQueryValidationDelegate.DefaultQueryValidationDelegate A "default" implementation of a query validation delegate, which simply validates each key in the query page's display group against validation definitions from the D2W rules.

Annotation Types Summary
ERDBranchDelegate.D2WDelegate Runtime flags for the delegate, so you can have one delegate for all tasks.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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