Project Wonder 5.0 | |||||||||||
Interface Summary | |
ERDBranchDelegateInterface | Extension of the NextPageDelegate to provide branch choices from the delegate to the template. |
ERDBranchInterface | Used in conjunction with ERDBranchDelegateInterface. |
ERDNextPageDelegate | The regular NextPageDelegate interface from d2w has hard coded the return type of WOComponent. |
ERDQueryDataSourceDelegateInterface | A delegate interface that allows the implentation to customize the ERD2WQueryPage#queryDataSource()
that will be passed from the sender Query page to its List results page and invoked by it to
display the query results. |
ERDQueryValidationDelegate.ErrorKeys | |
ERDQueryValidationDelegate.ValidationKeys |
Class Summary | |
ERDBranchDelegate | The branch delegate is used in conjunction with the
ERDMessagePageInterface to allow
flexible branching for message pages. |
ERDConfirmObjectDelegate | Extends ObjectSaverDelegate to provide a confirm page. |
ERDConfirmObjectWasSavedDelegate | Determines if the user wants the changes saved if so provides a confirm page, if note uses cancel delegate. |
ERDDeletionDelegate | Delete used after confirming a delete action. |
ERDFlowDelegate | Simple class that makes creating flows of pages a bit easier. |
ERDObjectSaveDelegate | Simple NextPageDelegate
implementation that saves the editing context of an enterprise
object before returning the next page. |
ERDObjectWasCreatedDelegate | |
ERDPageDelegate | Generic little delegate. |
ERDPageNameDelegate | NextPageDelegate that takes a given page name and when called creates and returns the given named page. |
ERDPickIntermediateDelegate | Nextpage delegate that handles creating or deleting an intermediate object when you finished with a pick page. |
ERDQueryValidationDelegate | A delegate class for validating user inputs before a query is executed. |
ERDQueryValidationDelegate.DefaultQueryValidationDelegate | A "default" implementation of a query validation delegate, which simply validates each key in the query page's display group against validation definitions from the D2W rules. |
Annotation Types Summary | |
ERDBranchDelegate.D2WDelegate | Runtime flags for the delegate, so you can have one delegate for all tasks. |
Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 05:45 PM CET | |||||||||||