Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.directtoweb.pages

Interface Summary
ERD2WEditRelationshipPage.Keys interface for all the keys used in this pages code
ERD2WPage.Keys interface for all the keys used in this pages code

Class Summary
ERD2WCalendarPage Superclass of all calendar list pages.
Note that they are not compatible with the NetStruxr version.
ERD2WConfirmPage Unless you need the special shouldProvideConfirmMessage, one should use ERD2WMessagePage instead
ERD2WEditableListPage List page for editing all items in the list.
ERD2WGraphVizPage Creates a GrahpViz page for those that needs such trivial tools.
ERD2WGroupingListPage Displays a groups of objects grouped by a key.
ERD2WInspectPage Superclass for all inspecting/editing ERD2W templates.
ERD2WListPage Reimplementation of the D2WListPage.
ERD2WMessagePage Superclass for all message pages.
If the key explanationComponentName resolves to non-empty, then this component will get shown in the page and wired up with a object, dataSource and pageConfiguration binding.
ERD2WPage Common superclass for all ERD2W templates (except ERD2WEditRelationshipPage).
ERD2WPickListPage Allows the selection of one or more objects from a set of EOs.
ERD2WProgressPage Displays progress by using a ERXLongResponse.Task.
ERD2WQueryEntitiesPage Page that can query a set of entities.
ERD2WQueryPage Superclass for all query pages.
In addition to the rest of the goodies of ERD2WPage, it lets you save and restore the initial query bindings by supplying a NS(Mutable)Dictionary which contains the keys "queryMin", "queryMax" etc from the respective fields of the WODisplayGroup.
ERD2WQueryPageWithFetchSpecification Deprecated. use ERD2WQueryPage instead
ERD2WTabInspectPage Superclass for all tab and wizard pages.
ERDQuestionPage Deprecated. subclass ERD2WMessagePage instead, also, the name is wrong
ERDRecoverableErrorPage Deprecated. subclass ERD2WMessagePage instead

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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