Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.extensions.appserver.navigation

Class Summary
ERXModernNavigationMenu This is an updated ERXNavigationMenu component that should simplify common usage.
ERXModernNavigationMenuItem This is a menu item component that represents a single item in the tree of navigation menu items.
ERXNavigation Not very generic right now, but will be in the future.
ERXNavigationComponent Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNavigationItem A "backing store" for the properties of a single navigation item in the tree of navigation items.
ERXNavigationManager Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNavigationMenu Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.i
ERXNavigationMenuItem Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNavigationState Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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