Class Summary |
ERXAbstractPerformWOAction |
An abstract class that provides convenience methods that are available in WOComponent and WODirectAction. |
ERXApplication |
ERXApplication is the abstract superclass of WebObjects applications built
with the ER frameworks. Useful enhancements include the ability
to change the deployed name of the application, support for automatic
application restarting at given intervals and more context information when
handling exceptions. |
ERXApplication.JarChecker |
Utility class to track down duplicate items in the class path. |
ERXApplication.Loader |
Responsible for classpath munging. |
ERXBasicBrowser |
ERXBasicBrowser is a concrete subclass of ERXBrowser
that defines browser object. |
ERXBrowser |
ERXBrowser is an abstract class that defines browser object. |
ERXBrowserFactory |
All WebObjects applications have exactly one ERXBrowserFactory
instance. |
ERXComponentActionRedirector |
Allows you to develop your app using component actions while still providing bookmarkable URLs. |
ERXComponentActionRedirector.Observer |
Observer class manages the responses cache by watching the session. |
ERXDebugTimer |
Records stats on how long the various phases in the request-response loop
took for the children. |
ERXDefaultAdaptor |
ERXDefaultAdaptor extends WODefaultAdaptor and makes its optional
SSL-enabling constructor public. |
ERXDelayedRequestHandler |
When this request handler is set via registerRequestHandlerForKey(new
ERXDelayedRequestHandler(), ERXDelayedRequestHandler.KEY) ,
then a request that takes too long is automatically detached and a poor man's
long response is returned. |
ERXDirectAction |
Basic collector for direct action additions. |
ERXDirectActionRequestHandler |
Improved direct action request handler. |
ERXDisplayGroup<T> |
Extends WODisplayGroup
provide access to the filtered objects
allows you to add qualifiers to the final query qualifier (as opposed to just min/equals/max with the keys)
clears out the sort ordering when the datasource changes. |
ERXKeepAliveResponse |
Special response that keeps the connection alive and pushes the data to
the client. |
ERXListDisplayGroup<T> |
A WODisplayGroup that takes Lists instead of NSArrays and supports the
IBatchingList interface. |
ERXMainRunner |
ERXMainRunner makes it a little easier to run a main method
that requires a full application context. |
ERXMessageEncoding |
Holds encoding related settings and methods for WOMessage
and its subclasses WORequest and WOResponse . |
ERXNegateAssociation |
Negates the value it is bound to. |
ERXNextPageForResultWOAction |
A useful general purpose nextPage delegate that can be configured and passed into a CCAjaxLongResponsePage for handling a result
and returning the nextPage. |
ERXPathDirectAction |
Utility direct action class that provides a bunch of nice utility methods
if the direct action is accessed via a path direct action. |
ERXPathDirectActionRequestHandler |
The path direct action request handler allows for storing information
in the request path. |
ERXProxyAssociation |
ERXProxyAssociation allows you to create a wrapper around an existing
association for the purposes of injecting a prefix or a suffix to the
association's value. |
ERXRedirect |
ERXRedirect is like a WORedirect except that you can give it a
component instance to redirect to (as well as several other convenient
methods of redirecting). |
ERXRequest |
Subclass of WORequest that fixes several Bugs. |
ERXResourceManager |
Replacement of the WOResourceManager which adds:
dealing with nested web server resources when not deploying
resource versioning (for better caching control)
ERXResourceManager.DefaultVersionManager |
DefaultVersionManager just returns the resourceUrl unmodified. |
ERXResourceManager.PropertiesVersionManager |
PropertiesVersionManager provides the ability to control resource version
numbers with Properties settings, and appends the query parameter
"?xxx" to WebServerResource URLs. |
ERXResponse |
ERXResponse provides a place to override methods of WOResponse. |
ERXResponse.Context |
ERXResponseRewriter |
ERXResponseRewriter provides several utilities for manipulating a WOResponse
after it has already been "drawn" by previous components. |
ERXResponseRewriter.ContextObserver |
ERXResponseRewriter uses the ContextObserver to reset the topIndex value at the end
of the request. |
ERXResponseRewriter.Resource |
Represents a resource in a framework, or a fully-qualified URL if
fileName starts with a / or contains :// . |
ERXSecureDefaultAdaptor |
ERXSecureDefaultAdaptor is a subclass of ERXDefaultAdaptor that
enables SSL support in the WODefaultAdaptor so that it can be
assigned as an application additionalAdaptor and used in
DirectConnect mode. |
ERXSession |
The ERXSession aguments the regular WOSession object
by adding a few nice additions. |
ERXSession.Observer |
The Observer inner class encapsulates functions
to handle various notifications. |
ERXStaticResourceRequestHandler |
Simple static resource request handler. |
ERXWOContext |
Replacement of WOContext. |
ERXWOContext.Observer |
ERXWOResponseCache |
The response cache is a way to cache WOResponse output from a DirectAction
for a given set of cache keys. |
ERXWOResponseCacheKeyPolicy |
ERXWOResponseCacheKeyPolicy.PolicyCacheEntry |
ERXWOServletContext |
Replacement of WOServletContext. |
WOXMLMappingCoder which adds sorting to attributes. |
Quick and dirty class to en- and decode the generic xml data to full-flegded objects that
can be bound in the edit interface. |