Class Summary |
ERXAccessibleSubmitButton |
Extends ERXSubmitButton with self-configuring accessibility hot key for the
button. |
ERXAnyField |
Class for Wonder Component ERXAnyField. |
ERXArrayChooser |
This is an effort to consolidate the WOToOneRelationship, WOToManyRelationship and descendant components. |
ERXBooleanPopUpButton |
Deprecated. |
ERXBooleanSelector |
A custom boolean selector (defaults to "Yes", "No", and "All") for use as, for instance, a boolean search filter. |
ERXBooleanSelector.BooleanProxy |
ERXCachingWrapper |
Wrapper that caches its content based on a set of bindings. |
ERXCheckboxMatrix |
Works around a webscript bug.
ERXClickToOpenSupport |
ERXClickToOpenSupport provides the component-side implementation of
WOLips.framework's click-to-open support. |
ERXClippy |
Thin wrapper for Clippy ( as used by, for example, github. |
ERXCollapsibleComponentContent |
Better collapsible component content.
ERXColoredTabPanel |
Tab panel with color backgrounds.
ERXComponent |
ERXComponent provides a common base class for WOComponents along with a bunch
of miscellaneous handy features. |
ERXComponentUtilities |
ERXComponentUtilities contains WOComponent/WOElement-related utility methods. |
ERXDataHyperlink |
ERXDataHyperlink works like a WOHyperlink except that instead of turning
unknown bindings into tag attributes, it instead passes them to the page
specified in pageName. |
ERXDateGrouper |
Works much the same as a WODisplayGroup . |
ERXDebugMarker |
Given an object displays a link to show information about the editing context of that object. |
ERXDHTMLComponent |
Deprecated. use ERDEditHTML instead |
ERXDirectActionHyperlink |
This component can be used for two things:
1) Generating direct action urls for use in
components that are being e-mailed to people. |
ERXDirectActionImage |
description forthcoming!
ERXDisplayDataAsString |
Displays a byte array of data as a String.
ERXDownloadResponse |
A component that is used to generate a download response. |
ERXDynamicURL |
5.3/5.4-safe wrapper around a WODynamicURL (which changed classes). |
ERXEditingContextInspector |
Inspects an eo's editing context.*
Used to edit urls with a default value.
ERXEmbeddedPage |
ERXEmbeddedPage allows you to wrap a section of your page and treat return
values from invokeAction as a replacement only for the this element and not
for the entire page. |
ERXEmptyComponent |
An empty component does not contain any html or wod. |
ERXErrorDictionaryPanel |
Useful for displaying a dictionary of caught exception messages.
ERXEventRecordingDefaultHandler |
A concrete event recording handler object. |
ERXExternalContent |
Wraps an external content which is retrieved from an URL. |
ERXFakeRelationship |
UI and support methods to edit "relations" to objects flattened into a text field (e.g. |
ERXFavIcon |
FavIcon link with resource manager support. |
ERXFixedLengthString |
This stateless component is useful for displaying a
string of a fixed length. |
ERXFlashMovie |
Embeds a flash movie. |
ERXGMapUtilities |
ERXGMapUtilities.Coordinate |
ERXGracefulShutdown |
Graceful shutdown adds signal handling support for gracefully
terminating a WOApplication. |
ERXGraphUtilities |
Utility methods useful when using GifPlot.
ERXGroupingRepetition |
Groups items into sections.For example: Employees belong to a department, you want to
group on department. |
ERXGroupingTable |
Table implementation of a grouping repetition.
ERXHyperlinkKeyValueSetter |
Sets a key value when the hyperlink is clicked.
ERXIEConditionalComment |
Conditional comments make it easy for developers to take advantage
of the enhanced features offered by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and later
versions, while writing pages that downgrade gracefully in less-capable
browsers or display correctly in browsers other than Windows Internet
Explorer. |
ERXIFrame |
IFRAME that can use its own contents to render when none of the other
bindings are supplied. |
ERXImage |
ERXImageTabPanel |
Tab panel using images.
ERXInlineTemplate |
ERXInlineTemplate allows to specify a component's template dynamically. |
ERXInlineTemplate.Error |
ERXKeyValueSetter |
Sets a keypath to a value. |
ERXLanguageMenu |
A simple popup menu for language selection. |
ERXLayoutTable |
Table that can handle cell with row and colspans. |
ERXLinkRandomizer |
This simple stateless component adds a javascript function
'RandomizeLink' that will either add a dummy=0 or
change the previous value of a dummy=
parameter of a hyperlink. |
ERXListDisplay |
Useful for displaying a list of objects. |
ERXLocalizationEditor |
Editor page for the localized files that are supplied in your settings. |
ERXLoremIpsum |
ERXLoremIpsum provides a component wrapper around the ERXLoremIpsumGenerator. |
ERXLoremIpsumGenerator |
Provides a generator for Lorem Ipsum text. |
ERXMacBinarySwissArmyKnife |
Useful for extracting files from binhexed files, ie when a Mac user uploads a file.
ERXMailTo |
Component that generates a mailto href of the form: "". |
ERXMandatoryFieldMarker |
Displays a mandatory field marker. |
ERXModelDoc |
ERXModelDoc provides a common renderer for Entity Modeler's
Entity, Attribute, and Relationship userInfo._EntityModeler.documentation. |
ERXMonthView |
Class for Wonder Component ERXMonthView. |
ERXNestedList |
Nested list component, copied over from WXNestedList, better html output. |
ERXNonSynchronizingComponent |
Abstract non-synchronizing component used as the super class for a number of
components within the ER frameworks. |
ERXOptionalForm |
ERXPluralString |
Given a count and a string pluralizes the string if count > 1.
ERXPodcastRssPage |
Simple podcast RSS feed provider. |
ERXQueryRecentDates |
Nice for adjusting the query specs for dates on a display group.
ERXRadioButtonMatrix |
Radio button list with lots of more options.
ERXRemoteShell |
ERXRepeatingTable |
Useful when given a list of n items and you want to display m keys. |
ERXResponseComponent |
Handy component when you need to return a WOActionResults and the interface
requires a WOComponent. |
ERXRRLoopDebug |
Sometimes it's handy to be able to print out debug entries during
the various stages of the RR loop. |
ERXRssPage |
Simple RSS feed provider. |
ERXSimpleSpamCheck |
ERXSimpleSpamCheck generates a display: none text field in your
page that has its value filled in with Javascript. |
ERXSingleButton |
A stand alone submit button to be used as an action button. |
ERXSLTWrapper |
Wrapper that translates its content via XSLT. |
ERXSLTWrapper.TemplatePool |
ERXSortOrder |
Better sort order changer. |
ERXStatelessComponent |
Abstract stateless component used as the super class for a number
of components within the ER frameworks. |
ERXStatelessInlineTemplate |
Stateless variant of ERXInlineTemplate . |
ERXStringHolder |
Use this to return a string from direct actions. |
ERXStringListPicker |
Useful for picking a String from a list.
ERXStringWithLineBreaks |
Simple component that can convert a string that has
line breaks and tabs in it into an html string that
has and   instead. |
ERXStyledContainer |
Same as a WOGenericContainer, except that you can add individual style attributes by
supplying style.background-color="red" bindings. |
ERXStyleSheet |
Copied from ERExtensions to enable the "title"-attribute for stylesheets. |
ERXStyleSheet.Sheet |
ERXSuccess |
"Success" string
ERXSwitchEmbeddedPage |
ERXSwitchEmbeddedPage allows you to wrap a section of your page and treat return
values from invokeAction as a replacement only for the this element and not
for the entire page. |
ERXTable |
Enhanced table component that adds the ability to have the
table layed out in a vertical orientation and adds the
ability to specify an array of header images that appear
in the header cells of the table. |
ERXTableWithBorder |
Allows turning the border on and off of a table. |
ERXTabPanel |
Better tab panel. |
ERXTolerantWrapper |
Wrapper for areas that might throw exceptions and catches them. |
ERXToManyRelationship |
Better layout options that the WOToManyRelationship , in addition you can set a
qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any.
* |
ERXToOneRelationship |
Better layout options that the WOToOneRelationship , in addition you can set a
qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any.
ERXUniquingWrapper |
Needed when you have a component content and the state of the wrapper changes. |
ERXUnreadMarker |
Nice for denoting that something has not been viewed. |
ERXWOComponentContent |
Allows for multiple Component Contents. |
ERXWOFormBarrier |
ERXWOFormBarrier allows you to wrap a section of your page that you want to trick into believing that
it is not actually inside of a WOForm. |