Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.extensions.components

Interface Summary
ERXGracefulShutdown.GracefulApplication Interface to be implemented by the WOApplication subclass to gracefully handle termination.

Class Summary
ERXAccessibleSubmitButton Extends ERXSubmitButton with self-configuring accessibility hot key for the button.
ERXAnyField Class for Wonder Component ERXAnyField.
ERXArrayChooser This is an effort to consolidate the WOToOneRelationship, WOToManyRelationship and descendant components.
ERXBooleanPopUpButton Deprecated.
ERXBooleanSelector A custom boolean selector (defaults to "Yes", "No", and "All") for use as, for instance, a boolean search filter.
ERXCachingWrapper Wrapper that caches its content based on a set of bindings.
ERXCheckboxMatrix Works around a webscript bug.
ERXClickToOpenSupport ERXClickToOpenSupport provides the component-side implementation of WOLips.framework's click-to-open support.
ERXClippy Thin wrapper for Clippy ( as used by, for example, github.
ERXCollapsibleComponentContent Better collapsible component content.
ERXColoredTabPanel Tab panel with color backgrounds.
ERXComponent ERXComponent provides a common base class for WOComponents along with a bunch of miscellaneous handy features.
ERXComponentUtilities ERXComponentUtilities contains WOComponent/WOElement-related utility methods.
ERXDataHyperlink ERXDataHyperlink works like a WOHyperlink except that instead of turning unknown bindings into tag attributes, it instead passes them to the page specified in pageName.
ERXDateGrouper Works much the same as a WODisplayGroup.
ERXDebugMarker Given an object displays a link to show information about the editing context of that object.
ERXDHTMLComponent Deprecated. use ERDEditHTML instead
ERXDirectActionHyperlink This component can be used for two things:
1) Generating direct action urls for use in components that are being e-mailed to people.
ERXDirectActionImage description forthcoming!
ERXDisplayDataAsString Displays a byte array of data as a String.
ERXDownloadResponse A component that is used to generate a download response.
ERXDynamicURL 5.3/5.4-safe wrapper around a WODynamicURL (which changed classes).
ERXEditingContextInspector Inspects an eo's editing context.*
ERXEditURL Used to edit urls with a default value.
ERXEmbeddedPage ERXEmbeddedPage allows you to wrap a section of your page and treat return values from invokeAction as a replacement only for the this element and not for the entire page.
ERXEmptyComponent An empty component does not contain any html or wod.
ERXErrorDictionaryPanel Useful for displaying a dictionary of caught exception messages.
ERXEventRecordingDefaultHandler A concrete event recording handler object.
ERXExternalContent Wraps an external content which is retrieved from an URL.
ERXFakeRelationship UI and support methods to edit "relations" to objects flattened into a text field (e.g.
ERXFavIcon FavIcon link with resource manager support.
ERXFixedLengthString This stateless component is useful for displaying a string of a fixed length.
ERXFlashMovie Embeds a flash movie.
ERXGracefulShutdown Graceful shutdown adds signal handling support for gracefully terminating a WOApplication.
ERXGraphUtilities Utility methods useful when using GifPlot.
ERXGroupingRepetition Groups items into sections.For example: Employees belong to a department, you want to group on department.
ERXGroupingTable Table implementation of a grouping repetition.
ERXHyperlinkKeyValueSetter Sets a key value when the hyperlink is clicked.
ERXIEConditionalComment Conditional comments make it easy for developers to take advantage of the enhanced features offered by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and later versions, while writing pages that downgrade gracefully in less-capable browsers or display correctly in browsers other than Windows Internet Explorer.
ERXIFrame IFRAME that can use its own contents to render when none of the other bindings are supplied.
ERXImageTabPanel Tab panel using images.
ERXInlineTemplate ERXInlineTemplate allows to specify a component's template dynamically.
ERXKeyValueSetter Sets a keypath to a value.
ERXLanguageMenu A simple popup menu for language selection.
ERXLayoutTable Table that can handle cell with row and colspans.
ERXLinkRandomizer This simple stateless component adds a javascript function 'RandomizeLink' that will either add a dummy=0 or change the previous value of a dummy= parameter of a hyperlink.
ERXListDisplay Useful for displaying a list of objects.
ERXLocalizationEditor Editor page for the localized files that are supplied in your settings.
ERXLoremIpsum ERXLoremIpsum provides a component wrapper around the ERXLoremIpsumGenerator.
ERXLoremIpsumGenerator Provides a generator for Lorem Ipsum text.
ERXMacBinarySwissArmyKnife Useful for extracting files from binhexed files, ie when a Mac user uploads a file.
ERXMailTo Component that generates a mailto href of the form: "".
ERXMandatoryFieldMarker Displays a mandatory field marker.
ERXModelDoc ERXModelDoc provides a common renderer for Entity Modeler's Entity, Attribute, and Relationship userInfo._EntityModeler.documentation.
ERXMonthView Class for Wonder Component ERXMonthView.
ERXNestedList Nested list component, copied over from WXNestedList, better html output.
ERXNonSynchronizingComponent Abstract non-synchronizing component used as the super class for a number of components within the ER frameworks.
ERXPluralString Given a count and a string pluralizes the string if count > 1.
ERXPodcastRssPage Simple podcast RSS feed provider.
ERXQueryRecentDates Nice for adjusting the query specs for dates on a display group.
ERXRadioButtonMatrix Radio button list with lots of more options.
ERXRepeatingTable Useful when given a list of n items and you want to display m keys.
ERXResponseComponent Handy component when you need to return a WOActionResults and the interface requires a WOComponent.
ERXRRLoopDebug Sometimes it's handy to be able to print out debug entries during the various stages of the RR loop.
ERXRssPage Simple RSS feed provider.
ERXSimpleSpamCheck ERXSimpleSpamCheck generates a display: none text field in your page that has its value filled in with Javascript.
ERXSingleButton A stand alone submit button to be used as an action button.
ERXSLTWrapper Wrapper that translates its content via XSLT.
ERXSortOrder Better sort order changer.
ERXStatelessComponent Abstract stateless component used as the super class for a number of components within the ER frameworks.
ERXStatelessInlineTemplate Stateless variant of ERXInlineTemplate.
ERXStringHolder Use this to return a string from direct actions.
ERXStringListPicker Useful for picking a String from a list.
ERXStringWithLineBreaks Simple component that can convert a string that has line breaks and tabs in it into an html string that has
and   instead.
ERXStyledContainer Same as a WOGenericContainer, except that you can add individual style attributes by supplying style.background-color="red" bindings.
ERXStyleSheet Copied from ERExtensions to enable the "title"-attribute for stylesheets.
ERXSuccess "Success" string
ERXSwitchEmbeddedPage ERXSwitchEmbeddedPage allows you to wrap a section of your page and treat return values from invokeAction as a replacement only for the this element and not for the entire page.
ERXTable Enhanced table component that adds the ability to have the table layed out in a vertical orientation and adds the ability to specify an array of header images that appear in the header cells of the table.
ERXTableWithBorder Allows turning the border on and off of a table.
ERXTabPanel Better tab panel.
ERXTolerantWrapper Wrapper for areas that might throw exceptions and catches them.
ERXToManyRelationship Better layout options that the WOToManyRelationship, in addition you can set a qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any.
ERXToOneRelationship Better layout options that the WOToOneRelationship, in addition you can set a qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any.
ERXUniquingWrapper Needed when you have a component content and the state of the wrapper changes.
ERXUnreadMarker Nice for denoting that something has not been viewed.
ERXWOComponentContent Allows for multiple Component Contents.
ERXWOFormBarrier ERXWOFormBarrier allows you to wrap a section of your page that you want to trick into believing that it is not actually inside of a WOForm.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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