Project Wonder 5.0


Interface Summary
ERXExceptionUtilities.WeDontNeedAStackTraceException Implemented by any exception that you explicitly want to not appear in stack dumps.
ERXFuzzyMatchCleaner Interface used in conjunction with the fuzzy matching code found in ERXUtilities.
ERXLazyValue.Invalidator Invalidator provides an mechanism for selectively invalidating the cached lazy value.
ERXLazyValue.Source<T> A source provides the undelying value (which is usually uncached) to a lazy value.
ERXMutableUserInfoHolderInterface Interface to implement generic mutable containers
ERXProperties.Operator Property operators work like array operators.
ERXUtilities.BooleanCallback Generic boolean callback interface with a context object.
ERXUtilities.BooleanOperation Useful interface for binding objects to WOComponent bindings where you want to delay the evaluation of the boolean operation until valueForBinding is actually called.
ERXUtilities.Callback Generic callback interface with a context object.
ERXUtilities.Operation Useful interface for binding objects to WOComponent bindings where you want to delay the evaluation of the operation until valueForBinding is actually called.

Class Summary
ERXArrayUtilities Collection of NSArray utilities.
ERXArrayUtilities.AvgNonNullOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key avgNonNull.

This allows for key value paths like:
myArray.valueForKey("@avgNonNull.payment.amount"); myArray.valueForKey("payment.@avgNonNull.amount"); myArray.valueForKey("payment.amount.@avgNonNull"); which will sum up all values for the key amount and divide by the number of nun-null entries.
ERXArrayUtilities.FetchSpecOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key fetchSpec.

This allows for key value paths like:


Which in this case would return myArray filtered and sorted by the EOFetchSpecification named "fetchUsers" which must be a model-based fetchspec in the first object's entity.
ERXArrayUtilities.FlattenOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key flatten.

This allows for key value paths like:


Which in this case would return myArray flattened if myArray is an NSArray of NSArrays (of NSArrays etc) before continuing to process someOtherPath.
ERXArrayUtilities.IsEmptyOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key isEmpty.

This allows for key value paths like:


Which in this case would return true if the myArray.count() == 0, or false if it is not.
ERXArrayUtilities.LimitOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key limit, which is similar to subarrayWithRange except it is always from 0 to the limit value.
ERXArrayUtilities.MedianOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key median.

This allows for key value paths like:
myArray.valueForKey("@median.payment.amount"); myArray.valueForKey("payment.@median.amount"); myArray.valueForKey("payment.amount.@median"); which return the median of the array elements at the given key path.
ERXArrayUtilities.ObjectAtIndexOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key objectAtIndex.

This allows for key value paths like:


ERXArrayUtilities.RemoveNullValuesOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key removeNullValues.

This allows for key value paths like:


Which in this case would remove the occurrences of NSKeyValueCoding.Null from myArray before continuing to process someOtherPath.
ERXArrayUtilities.ReverseOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key reverse.

This allows for key value paths like:


which would reverse the order of the array myArray before continuing to process someOtherPath.
ERXArrayUtilities.SortOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key sort.

This allows for key value paths like:
myArray.valueForKey("@sort.firstName"); myArray.valueForKey("@sort.lastName,firstName.length"); Which in the first case would return myArray sorted ascending by first name and the second case by lastName and then by the length() of the firstName.
ERXArrayUtilities.StandardDeviationOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key stdDev and popStdDev.

This allows for key value paths like:
myArray.valueForKey("@stdDev.payment.amount"); myArray.valueForKey("payment.@stdDev.amount"); myArray.valueForKey("payment.amount.@stdDev"); All three of these examples will return the same value, which in this case is the standard deviation of the amounts.
ERXArrayUtilities.SubarrayWithRangeOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key subarrayWithRange.

This allows for key value paths like:


Which in this case would return the three objects from myArray, starting at the index of 20, before continuing to process someOtherPath.
ERXArrayUtilities.UniqueOperator Define an NSArray.Operator for the key unique.

This allows for key value paths like:


Which in this case would return only those objects which are unique in myArray before continuing to process someOtherPath.
ERXAssert Provides flexible and powerful assertion.
ERXBooleanExpressionParser Parses a boolean expression and evaluates that boolean expression against a valueProvider object that returns boolean values for the variable symbols found in the boolean expression.
ERXCommandLineTokenizer Tokenizes a string like a commandline parser, tokenizing on spaces unless the words are in double quotes or single quotes.
ERXComparatorSelector ERXComparatorSelector allows you to pass an arbitrary Comparator instance as an NSSelector into EOSortOrdering for use with an in-memory sort.
ERXComparatorSupport Useful methods when working with NSComparator.
ERXComparisonSupport Comparison support that sorts strings in a locale-savvy manner and adds support for regex in-memory matching when using qualifier strings.
ERXComparisonSupport.StringQualifierSupport Support class that adds regex matching, causing it to use the correct selector String.matches(String) instead of String.matches(Object).
ERXConfigurationManager Configuration Manager handles rapid turnaround for system configuration as well as swizzling of the EOModel connection dictionaries.
ERXDictionaryUtilities Collection of NSDictionary utilities.
ERXDictionaryUtilities.NSDictionaryKeyValueComparator Compares dictionary keys based on the value they are associated with.
ERXEqualator This class is an abstract class that defines an API for determining if two objects are equal.
ERXExceptionUtilities Provides a set of utilities for displaying and managing exceptions.
ERXExpiringCache<K,V> Cache that expires its entries based on time or version changes.
ERXExpiringCache.GrimReaper The reaper runnable for ERXExpiringCache.
ERXFile Fixes some inconsistencies with on MacOS X HFS+ filesystem and should be used as a replacement.
ERXFileContext A class to encapsulate a file reference and related information in the context of web application usage.
ERXFileNotificationCenter The file notification center is only used in development systems.
ERXFileNotificationCenter._ObserverSelectorHolder Simple observer-selector holder class.
ERXFileRepository Allows you to store a large amount of files and folders without the hassles of directory size limitations.
ERXFileRepository.DefaultFactory Default implementation of the Factory interface.
ERXFileUtilities Collection of handy {} utilities.
ERXKeyValueCodingUtilities Utilities for use with key value coding.
ERXKeyValuePair<K,V> Very simple class used for hold key-value pairs.
ERXLazyValue<T> ERXLazyValue provides a way to model lazy-loaded values that invalidate with different methods.
ERXLazyValue.AjaxPageUserInfoCacheKeyInvalidator AjaxPageUserInfoCacheKeyInvalidator triggers a cache invalidation when the value of the specified key changes in the ERXResponseRewriter's ajaxPageUserInfo.
ERXLazyValue.AlwaysInvalidator Returns true from shouldInvalidate, causing the cache to always refresh.
ERXLazyValue.CacheKeyInvalidator The base class for any invalidator that is triggered by the change in a cache key.
ERXLazyValue.ConstantSource<T> ConstantSource provides a Source implementation on top of a fixed value.
ERXLazyValue.KVCSource<T> KVCSource provides a wrapper around a KVC binding, which is very useful in components.
ERXLazyValue.MutableCacheKeyInvalidator The base class for any invalidator that is triggered by the change in a cache key with support for changing the value.
ERXLazyValue.NeverInvalidator Returns false from shouldInvalidate, causing the cache to never refresh.
ERXLazyValue.PageUserInfoCacheKeyInvalidator PageUserInfoCacheKeyInvalidator triggers a cache invalidation when the value of the specified key changes in the ERXResponseRewriter's pageUserInfo.
ERXLazyValue.ThreadStorageCacheKeyInvalidator ThreadStorageCacheKeyInvalidator triggers a cache invalidation when the value of the specified key changes in the ERXThreadStorage.
ERXLazyValue.TimedInvalidator TimedInvalidator specifies that the cached value should be invalidated after a specified duration.
ERXLinlyn Can upload and download files from ftp servers
ERXMappingObjectStream Fixes errors in serialized streams so they can still handle the classes before the packaging changes in 5.0.
ERXMulticastingDelegate By design, WebObjects' classes that accept a delegate only accept a single object.
ERXMultiKey Simple class to use multiple objects as a single key for a dictionary or HashMap.
ERXMutableArray<E> Custom subclass of NSMutableArray.
ERXMutableArray.ThreadSafeArray<V> Simple thread safe wrapper.
ERXMutableDictionary<K,V> Adds Map functionality to NSMutableDictionary and has helpers to en- and decode from database field.
ERXMutableDictionary.ThreadSafeDictionary<K,V> Simple thread safe wrapper.
ERXMutableInteger ERXMutableInteger is like Integer but mutable, to avoid the excess object creation involved in i = new Integer(i.getInt() + 1) which can get expensive if done a lot.
ERXMutableURL ERXMutableURL provides a mutable model of a URL, including support for storing relative "URLs" in addition to the traditional absolute URL provided by the core Java URL object.
ERXPatcher Wrapper around the WO-private NSUtilities which allows for some Objective-C-Style poseAs.
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches This class holds patches for WebObjects dynamic elements, which have always a closing tag and all attribute values are enclosed in quotes.
ERXProperties Collection of simple utility methods used to get and set properties in the system properties.
ERXProperties._Properties _Properties is a subclass of Properties that provides support for including other Properties files on the fly.
ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator Encrypted operator supports decrypting values using the default crypter.
ERXProperties.InRangeOperator InRangeOperator provides support for defining properties that only get set if a value falls within a specific range of values.
ERXRandomGUID In the multitude of java GUID generators, I found none that guaranteed randomness.
ERXRefByteArrayOutputStream This class is uh ...
ERXRemoteNotificationCenter NSNotificationCenter that can post simple notifications to other applications.
ERXRetainer Used as a generic way to retain a reference to an object so that it will not be collected by the garbage collector.
ERXRoundRobinCollection<E> A simple thread-safe class that returns the next item in a list in round robin fashion.
ERXRuntimeUtilities Collection of utilities dealing with threads and processes.
ERXSelectorUtilities NSSelector utilities.
ERXSetUtilities Collection of NSSet utilities.
ERXSignalHandler There can only be one handler for any signal, so we have our own handler that maintains a list.
ERXSimpleTemplateParser Very simple template parser.
ERXStopWatch StopWatch provides a convenient API for timings.
ERXStringUtilities Collection of String utilities.
ERXSystem ERXSystem provides support for variable replacement in Properties with
ERXThreadStorage ERXThreadStorage provides a way to store objects for a particular thread.
ERXTimestampUtilities Collection of NSTimestamp utilities.
ERXTimestampUtility A simple utility for providing deprecated functionality for NSTimestamps
ERXUtilities Diverse collection of utility methods for handling everything from EOF to foundation.
ERXValueUtilities ERXValueUtilities has useful conversion methods for reading and transforming boolean, int and floatvalues.

Exception Summary
ERXExceptionUtilities.HideStackTraceException Wraps a root cause, but does not render a stack trace to the given writer.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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