Project Wonder 5.0 | |||||||||||
Interface Summary | |
ERXAssert.FailureHandler | |
ERXExceptionUtilities.WeDontNeedAStackTraceException | Implemented by any exception that you explicitly want to not appear in stack dumps. |
ERXFileRepository.Factory | |
ERXFuzzyMatchCleaner | Interface used in conjunction with the fuzzy matching
code found in ERXUtilities . |
ERXLazyValue.Invalidator | Invalidator provides an mechanism for selectively invalidating the cached lazy value. |
ERXLazyValue.Source<T> | A source provides the undelying value (which is usually uncached) to a lazy value. |
ERXMutableUserInfoHolderInterface | Interface to implement generic mutable containers |
ERXProperties.Operator | Property operators work like array operators. |
ERXStatusInterface | |
ERXUtilities.BooleanCallback | Generic boolean callback interface with a context object. |
ERXUtilities.BooleanOperation | Useful interface for binding objects to
WOComponent bindings where you want to
delay the evaluation of the boolean operation
until valueForBinding is
actually called. |
ERXUtilities.Callback | Generic callback interface with a context object. |
ERXUtilities.Operation | Useful interface for binding objects to
WOComponent bindings where you want to
delay the evaluation of the operation
until valueForBinding is
actually called. |
Class Summary | |
ERXArrayUtilities | Collection of NSArray utilities. |
ERXArrayUtilities.AvgNonNullOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key avgNonNull.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@avgNonNull.payment.amount");
which will sum up all values for the key amount and divide by the number
of nun-null entries. |
ERXArrayUtilities.FetchSpecOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key fetchSpec.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@fetchSpec.fetchUsers"); Which in this case would return myArray filtered and sorted by the EOFetchSpecification named "fetchUsers" which must be a model-based fetchspec in the first object's entity. |
ERXArrayUtilities.FlattenOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key flatten.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@flatten.someOtherPath"); Which in this case would return myArray flattened if myArray is an NSArray of NSArrays (of NSArrays etc) before continuing to process someOtherPath. |
ERXArrayUtilities.IsEmptyOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key isEmpty.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@isEmpty"); Which in this case would return true if the
myArray.count() == 0, or false if it is not. |
ERXArrayUtilities.LimitOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key limit, which is similar to subarrayWithRange except it is
always from 0 to the limit value. |
ERXArrayUtilities.MedianOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key median.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@median.payment.amount");
which return the median of the array elements at the given key path. |
ERXArrayUtilities.ObjectAtIndexOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator for the key objectAtIndex.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@objectAtIndex.3.firstName"); |
ERXArrayUtilities.RemoveNullValuesOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key removeNullValues.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKeyPath("@removeNullValues.someOtherPath"); Which in this case would remove the occurrences of NSKeyValueCoding.Null from myArray before continuing to process someOtherPath. |
ERXArrayUtilities.ReverseOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key reverse.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@reverse.someOtherPath"); which would reverse the order of the array myArray before continuing to process someOtherPath. |
ERXArrayUtilities.SortOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key sort.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@sort.firstName");
Which in the first case would return myArray sorted ascending by first name
and the second case by lastName and then by the length() of the firstName. |
ERXArrayUtilities.StandardDeviationOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key stdDev and popStdDev.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKey("@stdDev.payment.amount");
All three of these examples will return the same value, which in this case
is the standard deviation of the amounts. |
ERXArrayUtilities.SubarrayWithRangeOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key subarrayWithRange.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKeyPath("@subarrayWithRange.20-3.someOtherPath"); Which in this case would return the three objects from myArray , starting
at the index of 20, before continuing to process someOtherPath . |
ERXArrayUtilities.UniqueOperator | Define an NSArray.Operator
for the key unique.This allows for key value paths like: myArray.valueForKeyPath("@unique.someOtherPath"); Which in this case would return only those objects which are unique in myArray before continuing to process someOtherPath. |
ERXAssert | Provides flexible and powerful assertion. |
ERXAssert.EmptyHandler | |
ERXAssert.IllegalArgumentHandler | |
ERXAssert.IllegalStateHandler | |
ERXAssert.LoggingHandler | |
ERXAssert.ThrowingHandler | |
ERXBooleanExpressionParser | Parses a boolean expression and evaluates that boolean expression against a valueProvider object that returns boolean values for the variable symbols found in the boolean expression. |
ERXCommandLineTokenizer | Tokenizes a string like a commandline parser, tokenizing on spaces unless the words are in double quotes or single quotes. |
ERXComparatorSelector | ERXComparatorSelector allows you to pass an arbitrary Comparator instance as an NSSelector into EOSortOrdering for use with an in-memory sort. |
ERXComparatorSupport | Useful methods when working with NSComparator. |
ERXComparisonSupport | Comparison support that sorts strings in a locale-savvy manner and adds support for regex in-memory matching when using qualifier strings. |
ERXComparisonSupport.StringQualifierSupport | Support class that adds regex matching, causing it to use the correct selector String.matches(String)
instead of String.matches(Object) . |
ERXComparisonSupport.StringSortSupport | |
ERXCompressionUtilities | |
ERXConfigurationManager | Configuration Manager handles rapid turnaround for
system configuration as well as swizzling of the EOModel connection
dictionaries. |
ERXDictionaryUtilities | Collection of NSDictionary utilities. |
ERXDictionaryUtilities.NSDictionaryKeyValueComparator | Compares dictionary keys based on the value they are associated with. |
ERXEqualator | This class is an abstract class that defines an API for determining if two objects are equal. |
ERXExceptionUtilities | Provides a set of utilities for displaying and managing exceptions. |
ERXExpiringCache<K,V> | Cache that expires its entries based on time or version changes. |
ERXExpiringCache.Entry<V> | |
ERXExpiringCache.GrimReaper | The reaper runnable for ERXExpiringCache. |
ERXFile | Fixes some inconsistencies with java.io.File on MacOS X HFS+ filesystem and should be used as a replacement. |
ERXFileContext | A class to encapsulate a file reference and related information in the context of web application usage. |
ERXFileNotificationCenter | The file notification center is only used in development systems. |
ERXFileNotificationCenter._ObserverSelectorHolder | Simple observer-selector holder class. |
ERXFileRepository | Allows you to store a large amount of files and folders without the hassles of directory size limitations. |
ERXFileRepository.DefaultFactory | Default implementation of the Factory interface. |
ERXFileUtilities | Collection of handy {java.io.File} utilities. |
ERXKeyValueCodingUtilities | Utilities for use with key value coding. |
ERXKeyValuePair<K,V> | Very simple class used for hold key-value pairs. |
ERXLazyValue<T> | ERXLazyValue provides a way to model lazy-loaded values that invalidate with different methods. |
ERXLazyValue.AjaxPageUserInfoCacheKeyInvalidator | AjaxPageUserInfoCacheKeyInvalidator triggers a cache invalidation when the value of the specified key changes in the ERXResponseRewriter's ajaxPageUserInfo. |
ERXLazyValue.AlwaysInvalidator | Returns true from shouldInvalidate, causing the cache to always refresh. |
ERXLazyValue.CacheKeyInvalidator | The base class for any invalidator that is triggered by the change in a cache key. |
ERXLazyValue.ConstantSource<T> | ConstantSource provides a Source implementation on top of a fixed value. |
ERXLazyValue.KVCSource<T> | KVCSource provides a wrapper around a KVC binding, which is very useful in components. |
ERXLazyValue.MutableCacheKeyInvalidator | The base class for any invalidator that is triggered by the change in a cache key with support for changing the value. |
ERXLazyValue.NeverInvalidator | Returns false from shouldInvalidate, causing the cache to never refresh. |
ERXLazyValue.PageUserInfoCacheKeyInvalidator | PageUserInfoCacheKeyInvalidator triggers a cache invalidation when the value of the specified key changes in the ERXResponseRewriter's pageUserInfo. |
ERXLazyValue.ThreadStorageCacheKeyInvalidator | ThreadStorageCacheKeyInvalidator triggers a cache invalidation when the value of the specified key changes in the ERXThreadStorage. |
ERXLazyValue.TimedInvalidator | TimedInvalidator specifies that the cached value should be invalidated after a specified duration. |
ERXLinlyn | Can upload and download files from ftp servers |
ERXMappingObjectStream | Fixes errors in serialized streams so they can still handle the classes before the packaging changes in 5.0. |
ERXMulticastingDelegate | By design, WebObjects' classes that accept a delegate only accept a single object. |
ERXMultiKey | Simple class to use multiple objects as a single key for a dictionary or HashMap. |
ERXMutableArray<E> | Custom subclass of NSMutableArray. |
ERXMutableArray.ThreadSafeArray<V> | Simple thread safe wrapper. |
ERXMutableDictionary<K,V> | Adds Map functionality to NSMutableDictionary and has
helpers to en- and decode from database field. |
ERXMutableDictionary.ThreadSafeDictionary<K,V> | Simple thread safe wrapper. |
ERXMutableInteger | ERXMutableInteger is like Integer
but mutable, to avoid the excess object creation involved in
i = new Integer(i.getInt() + 1)
which can get expensive if done a lot. |
ERXMutableURL | ERXMutableURL provides a mutable model of a URL, including support for storing relative "URLs" in addition to the traditional absolute URL provided by the core Java URL object. |
ERXPatcher | Wrapper around the WO-private NSUtilities which allows for some Objective-C-Style poseAs. |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches | This class holds patches for WebObjects dynamic elements, which have always a closing tag and all attribute values are enclosed in quotes. |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ActiveImage | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Browser | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.CheckBox | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.CheckBoxList | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.FileUpload | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.GenericContainer | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.GenericElement | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.HiddenField | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Image | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ImageButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.JavaScript | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.PasswordField | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.PopUpButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.RadioButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.RadioButtonList | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ResetButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.SubmitButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Text | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.TextField | |
ERXPatcher.Entity | |
ERXPatcher.EntityTable | |
ERXProperties | Collection of simple utility methods used to get and set properties in the system properties. |
ERXProperties._Properties | _Properties is a subclass of Properties that provides support for including other Properties files on the fly. |
ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator | Encrypted operator supports decrypting values using the default crypter. |
ERXProperties.InRangeOperator | InRangeOperator provides support for defining properties that only get set if a value falls within a specific range of values. |
ERXProperties.Property | |
ERXRandomGUID | In the multitude of java GUID generators, I found none that guaranteed randomness. |
ERXRefByteArrayOutputStream | This class is uh ... |
ERXRemoteNotificationCenter | NSNotificationCenter that can post simple notifications to other applications. |
ERXRetainer | Used as a generic way to retain a reference to an object so that it will not be collected by the garbage collector. |
ERXRoundRobinCollection<E> | A simple thread-safe class that returns the next item in a list in round robin fashion. |
ERXRuntimeUtilities | Collection of utilities dealing with threads and processes. |
ERXRuntimeUtilities.Result | |
ERXRuntimeUtilities.StreamReader | |
ERXRuntimeUtilities.TimeoutTimerTask | |
ERXSelectorUtilities | NSSelector utilities. |
ERXSetUtilities | Collection of NSSet utilities. |
ERXSignalHandler | There can only be one handler for any signal, so we have our own handler that maintains a list. |
ERXSimpleTemplateParser | Very simple template parser. |
ERXStopWatch |
StopWatch provides a convenient API for timings. |
ERXStringUtilities | Collection of String utilities. |
ERXSystem | ERXSystem provides support for variable replacement in Properties with |
ERXThreadStorage | ERXThreadStorage provides a way to store objects for
a particular thread. |
ERXThreadStorage.ERXThreadStorageCloneableThreadLocal | |
ERXTimestampUtilities | Collection of NSTimestamp utilities. |
ERXTimestampUtility | A simple utility for providing deprecated functionality for NSTimestamps |
ERXUtilities | Diverse collection of utility methods for handling everything from EOF to foundation. |
ERXValueUtilities | ERXValueUtilities has useful conversion methods for
reading and transforming boolean ,
int and float values. |
Exception Summary | |
ERXExceptionUtilities.HideStackTraceException | Wraps a root cause, but does not render a stack trace to the given writer. |
ERXRuntimeUtilities.TimeoutException |
Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 05:45 PM CET | |||||||||||