Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.extensions.logging

Interface Summary
ERXEOFLogEntryInterface Interface implemented by EnterpriseObjects to inialize with a logging event and optionally a layout.

Class Summary
ERXConsoleAppender ERXConsoleAppender is just like ConsoleAppender except that it display stack traces using ERXExceptionUtilities.
ERXEOFAppender Basic log4j EOF Appender
Very basic appender, useful for logging events to a database using EOF.
ERXLog4JConfiguration Configures and manages the log4j logging system.
ERXLogger Custom subclass of Logger.
ERXLogger.Factory LoggerFactory subclass that creates ERXLogger objects instead of the default Logger classes.
ERXMailAppender Basic log4j Mail Message Appender.
Used for logging log events that will eventually be emailed out.
ERXNSPrintWriterLogger ERXNSPrintWriterLogger is an alternative of NSLog.PrintStreamLogger but accepts character oriented PrintWriter instead of byte oriented PrintStream so that the character encoding for logging can be explicitly set.
ERXPatternLayout The ERXPatternLayout adds some additional (and needed) layout options.

Enum Summary
ERXLog4JConfiguration.LoggerLevel A representation of the various Logger levels.
ERXLog4JConfiguration.PageSection A representation of the available page sections/views.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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