Project Wonder 5.0

Class ERMailSender

  extended by er.javamail.ERMailSender
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ERMailSender
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Runnable

This class is used to send mails in a threaded way. This is needed in WebObjects because if sending 20 mails takes 40 seconds, then the user must wait 40 seconds before attempting to use the application.

Camille Troillard , Tatsuya Kawano , Max Muller

Nested Class Summary
static class ERMailSender.SizeOverflowException
          Exception class for alerting about a stack overflow
 class ERMailSender.Stats
          This class is about logging mail event for stats purposes.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String InvalidEmailNotification
Method Summary
protected  javax.mail.Transport _connectedTransportForSession(javax.mail.Session session, java.lang.String smtpProtocol, boolean _throwExceptionIfConnectionFails)
          Utility method that gets the SMTP Transport method for a session and connects the Transport before returning it.
protected  void _sendMessageNow(ERMessage message, javax.mail.Transport transport)
          Common method used by 'sendMessageNow' and 'sendMessageDeffered' (actully the 'run' method when the thread is running) to send a message.
 ERQueue<ERMessage> messages()
protected  void notifyInvalidEmails(<java.lang.String> invalidEmails)
          Executes the callback method to notify the calling application of any invalid emails.
 void run()
          Don't call this method, this is the thread run loop and is automatically called.
 void sendMessageDeffered(ERMessage message)
          Sends a message in a non-blocking way.
 void sendMessageNow(ERMessage message)
          Sends a message immediately.
static ERMailSender sharedMailSender()
 ERMailSender.Stats stats()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String InvalidEmailNotification
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static ERMailSender sharedMailSender()
the shared instance of the singleton ERMailSender object


public ERMailSender.Stats stats()
the stats associated with this ERMailSender object


public void sendMessageDeffered(ERMessage message)
                         throws ERMailSender.SizeOverflowException
Sends a message in a non-blocking way. This means that the thread won't be blocked, but the message will be queued before being delivered.



public void sendMessageNow(ERMessage message)
Sends a message immediately. This means that the thread could be blocked if the message takes time to be delivered.


protected void _sendMessageNow(ERMessage message,
                               javax.mail.Transport transport)
                        throws javax.mail.MessagingException
Common method used by 'sendMessageNow' and 'sendMessageDeffered' (actully the 'run' method when the thread is running) to send a message. This method sends the message and increments the processed mail count. If an exception occurs while sending the mail, and if a callback object has been given, the notifyInvalidEmails method is called.
If a MessagingException is thrown, then the exception is catched and rethrown immediately, thus letting us to process another callbacks or not. For example, This is used when sendMessageNow is used, the MessagingException is encapsulated in a ERMailSender.ForwardException, and thrown to the user.



protected javax.mail.Transport _connectedTransportForSession(javax.mail.Session session,
                                                             java.lang.String smtpProtocol,
                                                             boolean _throwExceptionIfConnectionFails)
                                                      throws javax.mail.MessagingException
Utility method that gets the SMTP Transport method for a session and connects the Transport before returning it.



public void run()
Don't call this method, this is the thread run loop and is automatically called.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


public ERQueue<ERMessage> messages()


protected void notifyInvalidEmails(<java.lang.String> invalidEmails)
Executes the callback method to notify the calling application of any invalid emails.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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