Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.memoryadaptor



Interface Summary

Class Summary
EREntityStore EREntityStore is an abstract datastore implementation for a single "table" in non relational EOAdaptors like ERMemoryAdaptor.
EREntityStoreFactory EREntityStoreFactory is an factory class used for creating and managing EREntityStore instances.
ERJoinEntityStore ERJoinEntityStore is a datastore implementation that provides a basic EREntityStore join implementation.
ERMemoryAdaptor ERMemoryAdaptor is an EOAdaptor implementation that runs entirely in memory.
ERMemoryAdaptorChannel ERMemoryAdaptorChannel provides the adaptor channel implementation for ERMemoryAdaptor.
ERMemoryAdaptorContext ERMemoryAdaptorContext provides the adaptor context implementation for ERMemoryAdaptor.
ERMemoryEntityStore ERMemoryEntityStore is the actual datastore implementation for a single "table" in ERMemoryAdaptor.
ERMemoryExpression This stub exists only to make memory adaptor migrations function.
ERMemoryExpressionFactory This stub exists only to make memory adaptor migrations function.
ERMemorySynchronizationFactory This stub exists only to make memory adaptor migrations function.

Package er.memoryadaptor Description



ERMemoryAdaptor provides an implementation of an EOAdaptor that lives entirely in memory. You can think of ERMemoryAdaptor as a very simple in-memory database, sufficient for testing out EOModels without the overhead of actually creating a database. ERMemoryAdaptor is also ideal for writing test cases, providing a resettable database that can execute tests very quickly. While MockEditingContext provides some similar abilities, ERMemoryAdaptor lives at a lower level and can "fool" a larger portion of the EOF stack, and also provides very simple support for transactions. Because ERMemoryAdaptor is not a SQL-based in-memory database, you will not be able to execute SQL qualifiers or custom SQL calls against it.


To use ERMemoryAdaptor, add ERMemoryAdaptor.framework to your project dependencies, and change the adaptor in Entity Modeler to "Memory". Additionally, you may want to change your prototype to EOMemoryPrototypes.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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