Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.modern.directtoweb.components

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ERMD2WBatchNavigationBar D2W Batch navigation bar based on AjaxFlickrBatchNavigation
ERMD2WCombinedTableHeader Combined AjaxSortOrder and propertyKey display for list table header cells.
ERMD2WCSSReference Component to go in the of a page.
ERMD2WInspectLink Simple component to wrap a string attribute with a hyperlinke to take the clicker to an inspect page.
ERMD2WPropertyName Modern property name component.
ERMD2WStyleSheetInjector Component to inject the rule defined stylesheets.
ERMD2WTableHeader Component for table header cell.
ERMDBatchSizeControl A modern batch size controll that uses an AjaxInplaceEditor to edit the batch size.
ERMDDatePicker D2WEditComponent based on ERMDatePicker.
ERMDEmptyListMessage Modern empty list message component
ERMDHasChangesMarker Customizable hasChangesMarker component
ERMDSectionText Display component for the section heading
ERMDWizardBanner WizardPage banner that displays as:
ERMDWizardDetailedBanner Wizard page banner that displays as a ul of the possible steps with the curren step identified with the class of "CurrentStep".

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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