Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.taggable

ERTaggable is a fairly direct port of the acts_as_taggable Rails mixin to EOF, the framework provides a very easy method of integrating delicious-style tagging support into arbitrary entities in your applications.


Interface Summary
ERTagNormalizer ERTagNormalizer provides an interface for processing tags to clean them up prior to persisting them.

Class Summary
ERDefaultTagNormalizer ERDefaultTagNormalizer trims and lowercases all tags.
ERTaggable<T extends ERXGenericRecord> ERTaggable provides a wrapper around a taggable EO, extending it with tagging-related methods.
ERTaggableEntity<T extends ERXGenericRecord> ERTaggableEntity provides entity-level tag management and fetching methods.
ERTaggablePrincipal ERTaggable Framework Principal

Package er.taggable Description

ERTaggable is a fairly direct port of the acts_as_taggable Rails mixin to EOF, the framework provides a very easy method of integrating delicious-style tagging support into arbitrary entities in your applications.

Quick Start

Lets take the example where your model "MyModel" has a "Person" entity that you want to support tagging on.

  1. Create a migration using the helper superclass:
    public class MyModel0 extends ERTaggableEntity0 {
            public MyModel0() {
  2. Register the taggable in your Application constructor or framework principal:
  3. Add convenience methods onto your Person class (optional, but handy):
    public ERTaggable<Person> taggable() {
            return ERTaggable.taggable(this);
    public static ERTaggableEntity<Person> taggableEntity() {
            return ERTaggableEntity.taggableEntity(Person.ENTITY_NAME);
  4. Tag like the wind:
    Person mike = Person.createPerson(editingContext, "Mike Schrag");
    ERTaggable<Person> taggableMike = mike.taggable();
    taggableMike.addTags("mike employee important");
    NSArray<Person> matchingPeople = Person.taggableEntity().fetchTaggedWith(editingContext, "employee");
    NSDictionary<EOEntity, NSArray<? extends ERXGenericRecord>> matchingItems = ERTaggableEntity.fetchAllTaggedWith(editingContext, "mike");

Nitty Gritty

If you choose to deviate from the "magical" route described above, you can provide several override hooks:

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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