Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.wopaypal

Interface Summary
PayPalNotificationListener.Delegate Interface for the delegate.

Class Summary
CancelledPayPalTransaction CancelledPayPalTransaction is a very simple component to which the application will return your customers after a cancelled PayPal transaction, if you don't tell it to return a different one.
PayPalAction PayPalAction is a DirectAction subclass that holds all the functionality for processing information that PayPal would send back to the application, including processing Instant Payment Notification communications, and responding to the successful and cancelled transaction pages to which PayPal will return users.
PayPalAddToCartHyperlink PayPalAddToCartHyperlink is a WOComponent that allows you to embed text, an image, etc.
PayPalDonateFormLink This class is totally identical in functionality to the PayPalSingleItemFormLink class, but the amount is an optional field for donations.
PayPalDonateHyperlink PayPalDonateHyperlink is identical in functionality to PayPalSingleItemHyperlink, except that the amount parameter is optional for donations.
PayPalEmailURLUTF8Encoder Provides a method to encode any string into a URL-safe form.
PayPalNotificationListener The PayPalNotificationListener class is a receiver for notifications from PayPalAction's ipnAction method, which broadcasts notifications of different events having to do with "Instant Payment Notification" transaction notifications from PayPal.
PayPalNotificationListener.Observer The Observer is the object which is registered (in WOPayPal) to listen for the NSNotifications broadcast by the PayPalAction's ipnAction method.
PayPalNotificationLogger The PayPalNotificationLogger class is simply an example of a delegate for the PayPalNotificationListener class.
PayPalSingleItemFormLink PayPalSingleItemFormLink is a WOComponent that implements a form to submit a PayPal single item purchase.
PayPalSingleItemLinkBase PayPalSingleItemLinkBase is the abstract superclass for most of the PayPal components.
PayPalViewShoppingCartHyperlink PayPalViewShoppingCartHyperlink is a WOComponent that allows you to embed text, an image, etc.
SuccessfulPayPalTransaction SuccessfulPayPalTransaction is a very simple component to which the application will return your customers after a successful PayPal transaction, if you don't tell it to return a different one.
WOPayPal WOPayPal is the principal class in the framework.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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