Project Wonder 5.0

Class ERD2WControllerFactory

  extended by com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2W
      extended by er.directtoweb.ERD2WFactory
          extended by er.directtoweb.ERD2WControllerFactory

public class ERD2WControllerFactory
extends ERD2WFactory

ERD2WControllerFactory a an enhancement of the D2W factory class with the notion of "Processes".
A Process - or controller is an abstraction of a sequence of pages. For example, when you want to edit an object, you start at the edit page, make your change, save, get a confirmation page and finally go back to where you started.
The major benefit against simply using pageConfigurations and NextPageDelegates is that it is very confusing to link them together in a flow of pages. The second benefit is that it inherits from branchDelegate, which lets you make up a very flexible UI, you can have page-level actions mixed into the property repetitions for example. Also, you get much more control of the flow of complex tasks where you simply would get lost when you use bare NextPageDelegates and you can more easily create custom pages in between the flow. And finally, they make for great re-use and testing, because you can simply fake the actions the user took.
Controllers are instatiated via something like:

 public WOActionResults TestEditAction() {
     ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCCreate erc = (ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCCreate)ERD2WControllerFactory.controllerFactory().controllerForName("CreateUser", session());
     return (WOActionResults)erc.firstPage();
They can be subclassed and you can change the flow of your app without the need to create subclasses of your pages - which spares you the hassle to deal with the duplicated HTML. A controller gets instantiated via a D2W rule like:
(controllerName = "EditDocument") => controllerClassName = "er.directtoweb.ERD2WControllerFactory$ERCEdit"
and you might need supporting wildcard rules like the one for the pageConfigurations. Also, rules like:
controllerName <> null => pageConfiguration = controllerName [KeyValueAssignment] [0]
will spare you a lot of work. The ERD2WControllerFactory is not heavily tested and the API might change. Especially that the controller subclasses are inner classes of this factory is subject to change. Feedback would be very welcome.

ak on Tue Apr 08 2003
D2W Keys

Nested Class Summary
static class ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCCore
static class ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCCreate
static class ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCEdit
static class ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCInspect
static class ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCQuery
static class ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCSingleObject
static class ERD2WControllerFactory.ERD2WController
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2W
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class er.directtoweb.ERD2WFactory
Constructor Summary
          Public constructor
Method Summary
static ERD2WControllerFactory controllerFactory()
          Gets the D2W factory cast as an ERD2WControllerFactory object.
 ERD2WControllerFactory.ERD2WController controllerForName(java.lang.String controllerName, com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession session)
 ERD2WControllerFactory.ERD2WController controllerForTaskAndEntityNamed(java.lang.String task, java.lang.String entityName, com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession session)
protected  ERD2WControllerFactory.ERD2WController controllerInstanceWithContext(com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WContext d2wContext)
Methods inherited from class er.directtoweb.ERD2WFactory
_entityNameFromPage, _pageConfigurationFromPage, _taskFromPage, confirmPageForEntityNamed, csvExportPageForD2WContext, defaultListPageDisplayGroupDelegate, defaultPage, editPageForEntityNamed, editPageForNewObjectWithConfigurationNamed, editPageForNewObjectWithEntityNamed, editRelationshipPageForEntityNamed, entityNameFromPage, erFactory, errorPageForException, errorPageWithMessage, errorPageWithMessageAndDestination, init, inspectPageForEntityNamed, listPageForEntityNamed, myCheckRules, pageConfigurationFromPage, pageForConfigurationNamed, pageForTaskAndEntityNamed, pageForTaskSubTaskAndEntityNamed, pageWithContextTaskEntity, printerFriendlyPageForD2WContext, privateContext, queryAllPage, queryPageForEntityNamed, queryPageWithFetchSpecificationForEntityNamed, selectPageForEntityNamed, setDefaultListPageDisplayGroupDelegate, taskFromPage, visibleEntityNames
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2W
_applicationDidFinishLaunching, _applicationWillFinishLaunching, _init, activateWebAssistantServer, checkMultithreading, errorPage, errorPage, factory, homeHrefInContext, isLiveAssistantEnabled, isWebAssistantEnabled, newSignificantKey, packetForPropertyAndSettingsWithPage, packetForSettingsWithPage, pageForTaskAndEntityNamed, requestWasHandled, setFactory, setLiveAssistantEnabled, setWebAssistantEnabled, traceRuleFiringEnabled, traceRuleModificationsEnabled, visibleEntityNames, webAssistantInContext, willCheckRules
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ERD2WControllerFactory()
Public constructor

Method Detail


public static ERD2WControllerFactory controllerFactory()
Gets the D2W factory cast as an ERD2WControllerFactory object.

the singleton factory


protected ERD2WControllerFactory.ERD2WController controllerInstanceWithContext(com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WContext d2wContext)


public ERD2WControllerFactory.ERD2WController controllerForName(java.lang.String controllerName,
                                                                com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession session)


public ERD2WControllerFactory.ERD2WController controllerForTaskAndEntityNamed(java.lang.String task,
                                                                              java.lang.String entityName,
                                                                              com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession session)

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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