Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.directtoweb

Class Summary
ERD2WContainer Used to hold pieces of a tabsSectionsContents, holds either sections or tabs.
ERD2WContextDictionary Converts given entries of a D2WContext with a specified page configuration to a dictionary and to rules again.
Very useful for debugging and testing.
ERD2WControllerFactory ERD2WControllerFactory a an enhancement of the D2W factory class with the notion of "Processes".
ERD2WDirectAction Automatically creates page configurations from URLs.
Examples: http://localhost/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyApp.woa/wa/QueryAll
will create an query page all entities.
ERD2WFactory Not used at the moment, but shows how it might be used in the future.
ERD2WModel Overhaul of the caching system.
ERD2WPageRunner Runs through an array of given page configurations and renders them.
ERD2WRule Rule class that works around two problems: when you have an assignment class that is not present in the classpath then the model will not load, making for very strange errors.
ERDirectToWeb Principle class of the ERDirectToWeb framework.

Exception Summary
ERDirectToWeb.D2WException Subclass of NSForwardException that can hold a d2wContext.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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