Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.directtoweb.assignments

Interface Summary
ERDComputingAssignmentInterface In the new rule caching system the significant keys are built on the fly.
ERDLocalizableAssignmentInterface For localized assignments

Class Summary
ERDAssignment Abstact super class of most assignments found in the ERDirectToWeb framework.
ERDConfigurationAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment
ERDEntityAssignment Deprecated. use a ERDKeyValueAssignment to a ERDDefaultModelAssigmentwith key entityForPageConfiguration instead
ERDImageNameAssignment Default way of generating image references for tabs and sections.
ERDInstanceCreationAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDelayedObjectCreationAssignment instead.
ERDKeyValueAssignment Piece of crap.
ERDLocalizedAssignment This assignment runs it's value through the localizer and evaluates it as a template before returning it.
ERDLocalizedMessageAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDelayedLocalizedAssignment.
ERDRelationshipSortAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment
ERDSmartAttributeAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment
ERDSmartRelationshipAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment
ERDTabConfigurationAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment with key inspectTabConfigurationName
ERDTabDictionaryComputer This class is needed because the original tab dictionary computer does implement the computing interface and as such does not work with the new caching scheme.
ERDTabSectionsContentsAssignment Assignment used to construct and cache the tab sections containers used with tab insepct pages.
ERDUnitResolverAssignment Used to resolve units off of EOAttributes.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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