Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.directtoweb.assignments.delayed

Class Summary
ERDDelayedAssignment Crazy assignment used when you actually don't want the computed value cached.
ERDDelayedBooleanAssignment Takes a condition and evalutaes this condition everytime the rule is asked for.
ERDDelayedConditionalAssignment DelayedConditionalAssignment expects a value dictionary that contains the following keys: - qualifierFormat (see EOQualifier for more info) - args: the arguments used by the qualifier format - trueValue: the value used if the condition returns true - falseValue: the value used if the condition returns false To specify a null value for true and false values simply ommit the corresponding key.
ERDDelayedExtraQualifierAssignment Very useful when you want to restrict the things a user can see during searches or in list pages.
set it up via a rule like:
ERDDelayedKeyValueAssignment This is an implementation of the KeyValueAssignment implemented as a ERDDelayedAssignment.
ERDDelayedLocalizedAssignment Same as ERDLocalizedAssignment, except that firing is delayed.
ERDDelayedNonNullConditionalAssignment The delayed non-null conditional is a way to provide a branching result from a rule resolution.
ERDDelayedObjectCreationAssignment Assignment used to create objects on the fly.
ERDDelayedRelationshipFlagAssignment Creates the needed values to have dymamic values in a list page repetition.
ERDDelayedRuleAssignment DelayedRuleAssignment expects an array of rules as its value.
ERDDelayedSelectorInvocationAssignment Similar in nature to a key-value assignment, but allows you to construct arbitrary method invocations to resolve rules.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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