Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.directtoweb.components

Interface Summary
ERDCustomEditComponent.Keys interface for all the keys used in this pages code
ERDCustomQueryComponent.Keys interface for all the keys used in this pages code

Class Summary
ERD2WCheatSheet Given a configured D2WContext ((entity+task or pageconfig) and propertyKey) and - depending on task - d2wContext.object or displayGroup displays all the available components together with their configuration info.
ERD2WCustomComponentWithArgs Allows custom components to resolve valueForBinding requests in the rules.
ERD2WEditOrDefault Generic edit or default value component, uses other components like editNumber or editString.
ERD2WExtraDisplayPropertyKeysComponent A component to encapsulate the repetition over "extra" display property keys.
ERD2WFlyOverCustomComponent Displays a fly-over that shows a table with hidden property keys.
ERD2WHead Better D2WHead component which provides the title as a human readable name and allows for component content.
ERD2WKeyMapper Useful for remapping keys if say you want to compare two different objects in a compare list.
ERD2WMultiItemCustomComponent Displays multiple items in one line.
ERD2WPropertyName Used for displaying the propertyName in a template.
ERD2WStatelessCustomComponentWithArgs Stateless version of D2WCustomComponentWithArgs.
ERD2WSwitchComponent Rewrite of D2WSwitchComponent to not cache the D2WContext.
ERDActionBar Displays a set of buttons and calls the enclosing page's branch delegate with it.
ERDBannerComponent Shows an image header matching the page.
ERDCustomComponent Base class of many custom components.
Has a lot of nifty features including resolving bindings against the rule system and inherits all the value pulling methods from ERXNonSynchronizingComponent.
ERDCustomEditComponent Superclass for most of the custom edit components.
ERDCustomQueryComponent Superclass for most custom query components.
ERDCustomQueryComponentWithArgs Correctly handles validation exceptions, plus a bunch of other stuff.
ERDDebuggingHelp Little help component useful for debugging.
ERDDefaultCustomComponent Default custom component used when componentName = "D2WCustomComponentWithArgs" and custom component was not specified.
ERDDefaultSectionComponent Displays section name as a string.
ERDEmptyPageWrapper Empty page wrapper component.
ERDQuickSearch Simple search for that can be dropped on a page wrapper and pops up a list page.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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