Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.extensions.components.conditionals

Class Summary
ERXElse ERXElse can be used like a Java "else" after a preceding conditional.
ERXEqualConditional Conditional component that compares two objects using the equals method.
ERXInstanceOfConditional Conditional component that tests if an object is an instance of a given class or interface
ERXKeyValueConditional Same as the WOKeyValueConditional, but as a dynamic element.
ERXListContainsItemConditional Conditional component that tests if a given item is contained in an List.
ERXNonNullConditional Conditional component that tests if a given object is null.
ERXNonZeroConditional Conditional component that tests if a given Number object is non-zero.
ERXOncePerRequestConditional Will render its embedded content only once during the RR loop.
ERXWOCase Contains one case of a ERXWOSwitch.
ERXWOConditional ERXWOConditional behaves just like WOConditional except that it tracks its condition state for use with ERXElse.
ERXWOSwitch Adds a "multiple if" element to the WO templates.
ERXWOTemplate Allows for multiple contents in a component.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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