Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.extensions.components.javascript

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ERXClickableContainer ERXClickableContainer is a WOGenericContainer with easier support for the javascript onclick event.
ERXGoogleSpell ERXGoogleSpell provides a simple API to spell checking with Google's web service.
ERXGoogleSpell.Correction Correction encapsulates a suggested spelling correction for a word in a string of text.
ERXJavaScript Modern version of a javascript component.
ERXJSAutoClosePage When returned will close the current page by calling onload=window.close().
ERXJSConfirmPanel Stateless implementation of JSConfirmPanel.*
ERXJSCookiesConditional This component will display is content (as in WOComponentContent) if it detects cookies are disabled.
ERXJSFormForTarget Useful for creating a javascript window for a form submit.
ERXJSInputValidator Client side part of the JavaScript validation.
ERXJSLifebeat Keeps a session open by continuously calling a direct action.
ERXJSOpenWindowHyperlink Given an action opens the action in a new window.
ERXJSOpenWindowSubmitButton Submit button to open a new window with an action.
ERXJSPopupBlockerConditional This component will display is content (as in WOComponentContent) if it detects that popup windows are blocked.
ERXJSPopUpRelationPicker Very, very cool js component.
ERXJSPopupSelector Nice guy for performing actions when a popup item is selected.
ERXJSRemoteCall JavaScript remote execution.
ERXJSSubmitFunction ERXJSSubmitFunction generates a javascript method that can submit a particular form and trigger the call of a component action.
ERXJSToManyRelationshipEditor A fancy to-many relationship editor component.
ERXJSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship Uses JSPopUpRelationPicker to edit a toOne relationship.
ERXJSValidationErrors Server side part of the JavaScript validation
ERXJSVariables Class for Wonder Component ERXJSVariables.
ERXYahooContentAnalysisService Provides an interface to the Yahoo Content Analysis Service.

Exception Summary
ERXGoogleSpell.CorrectionException CorrectionException is thrown if anything fails during the correction process.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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