Class Summary |
ERXAbstractTask |
A convenience class that provides some common logic that is used in
Runnable and/or Callable tasks. |
ERXAsyncQueue<T> |
Simple queue class that runs in a thread, waits and pulls jobs from a queue. |
ERXCloneableThreadLocal |
ERXClonableThreadLocal extends InheritableThreadLocal
to bequeath a cloned copy of the parent object to the child thread.
Note: Objects used with this thread local must implement the Cloneable
interface and have a public clone method. |
ERXExecutorService |
A simple class that provides a resource-efficient WebObjects-friendly ExecutorService for a
single application. |
ERXFutureTask<V> |
A FutureTask that implements @link ERXStatusInterface and @link
ERXTaskPercentComplete and @link NSKeyValueCoding . |
ERXJobLoadBalancer |
ERXJobLoadBalancer.JobSet |
Describes which jobs (index mod modulo) the worker should attempt to process |
ERXJobLoadBalancer.WorkerIdentification |
Identifies a worker to the load balancer |
ERXLongResponse |
ERXLongResponse is like WOLongResponsePage from JavaWOExtensions, but
it can be used as a component and doesn't need to be subclassed. |
ERXLongResponseTask.DefaultImplementation |
ERXLongResponseTask.WorkerThread |
Special worker thread that holds the reference to the task so we can
get a list of them. |
ERXRunnable |
ERXRunnable provides support for cleaning up editing context
locks at the end of your thread's run() method just like the
behavior at the end of a normal R-R loop. |
ERXTaskInfo |
A simple class to capture a Runnable and some snapshot states about it. |
ERXTaskObjectStoreCoordinatorPool |
A class that manages a pool of object store coordinators for background tasks. |
ERXTaskThread |
This is the custom Thread subclass that is used for running background tasks. |
ERXTaskThreadFactory |
This is the custom ThreadFactory subclass that creates instances of ERXTaskThread
and which is used by ERXTaskThreadPoolExecutor instances that are returned by ERXExecutorService |
ERXTaskThreadPoolExecutor |
This is a custom ThreadPoolExecutor subclass whose purpose in life is
to ensure that we initialize ERXTaskThread status before task execution and reset status after execution,
use ERXFutureTask subclass of FutureTask so we have a reference to the wrapped task. |
ERXTimerTask |
ERXTimerTask provides support for cleaning up editing context
locks at the end of your task's run() method just like the
behavior at the end of a normal R-R loop. |
ERXWOLongResponsePage |
ERXWOLongResponsePage is just like WOLongResponsePage except that it
cleans up editing context locks at the end of run() just like the behavior
at the end of a normal R-R loop. |