Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.extensions.crypting

Interface Summary
ERXCrypterInterface Provides a simple interface on top of various encryption algorithms.

Class Summary
ERXAbstractAESCrypter ERXAbstractAESCrypter is an AES implementation of the crypter interface that allows subclasses to override the source of the cipher key.
ERXAbstractBlowfishCrypter ERXAbstractBlowfishCrypter is a blowfish implementation of the crypter interface that allows subclasses to override the source of the blowfish key.
ERXAESCrypter ERXAESCrypter is an AES implementation of the crypter interface.
ERXBlowfishCrypter ERXBlowfishCrypter is a blowfish implementation of the crypter interface.
ERXCrypto Provides a wrapper around common encryption and decryption operations.
ERXDESCrypter ERXDESCrypto is a DES implementation of the crypter interface.
ERXKeyStoreBlowfishCrypter ERXKeyStoreBlowfishCrypter is a blowfish implementation of the crypter interface that loads its secret key from a java keystore.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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