Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.extensions.eof

Interface Summary
EOEnterpriseObjectClazz.ClazzFactory Provides a hook to control how a clazz object is chosen from a given entity.
ERXCloneableEnterpriseObject Interface for cloning enterprise objects.
ERXDatabaseContextDelegate.AutoBatchFaultingEnterpriseObject Interface to provide auto-magic batch fetching.
ERXEC.Delegate Extensions for the EOEditingContext.Delegate interface.
ERXEOAccessUtilities.AdaptorChannelOperation<T> Implemented by any adaptor channel operation that needs to run with an open adaptor channel.
ERXEOAccessUtilities.DatabaseContextOperation<T> Implemented by any database operation that needs to run inside of a database context lock.
ERXGeneratesPrimaryKeyInterface Enterprise objects that need to generate their own primary keys should implement this interface.
ERXGroupingFetchSpecification.Operators List of supported aggregate operators.
ERXGuardedObjectInterface The guarded object interface is used as a way to ensure that objects that are not supposed to be deleted or updated don't accidently get deleted or updated.
ERXKeyFilter.Delegate ERXKeyFilter.Delegate defines an interface for receiving notifications when your filter is applied to an object graph.
ERXNonNullObjectInterface This interface exists for the singular purpose of providing a way to test the nullness of an object in D2W rules without caching the EOs in the rule system's cache.
ERXReplicableInterface To be implemented by objects which need to be copied into new objects the replicated relationships need to point towards replicable objects
IERXEOContainer Implemented by an object that contains an EO and needs to be able to turn into a "gid-safe" container in a call to ERXEOControlUtilities.convertEOToGID.
IERXGIDContainer Implemented by an object that contains a GID and needs to be able to turn into an EO container in a call to ERXEOControlUtilities.convertGIDToEO.

Class Summary
EOEnterpriseObjectClazz<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> Adds class-level inheritance to EOF.
EOEnterpriseObjectClazz.DefaultClazzFactory Default factory implementation.
ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate Tracks and logs the SQL that gets sent to the database.
ERXAdaptorOperationWrapper This class is a wrapper for the EOAdaptorOperation class in order to serialized the information from an EOAdaptorOperation to files.
ERXArrayFaultCache Provides a cache for to-many faults.
ERXBatchFetchUtilities ERXBatchFetchUtilities provides a collection of methods to support efficiently batch fetching arbitrarily deep keypaths on EOs.
ERXConstant General purpose constant class, useful when you want reference object that are not bytes or strings in the DB like what you get with the factory classes.
ERXConstant.ByteConstant Constant class that can be used with bytes or NSData in the DB.
ERXConstant.StringConstant Constant class that can be used with strings in the DB.
ERXCustomObject This class contains a bunch of extensions to the regular EOCustomObject class.
ERXCustomObject.ERXCustomObjectClazz<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> Clazz object implementation for ERXCustomObject.
ERXDatabaseContextDelegate This delegate implements several methods from the formal interface EODatabaseContext.Delegate.
ERXDatabaseContextMulticastingDelegate Subclass of that implements com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext.Delegate.
ERXDefaultEditingContextDelegate Default editing context delegate.
ERXDummyRecord Put POJOs into EOF (sort of).
ERXEC Subclass of EOEditingContext that has every public method overridden to support automatic lock/unlock handling for you.
ERXEC._DenyMergeDelegate Temp EC delegate that prevents merging of changes to objects that already have changes.
ERXEC.DefaultFactory Default implementation of the Factory interface.
ERXEC.DumpLocksSignalHandler OpenEditingContextLockSignalHandler provides a signal handler that prints out open editing context locks.
ERXECNoValidationDelegate Exactly the same as ERXDefaultEditingContextDelegate, except validation has been disabled.
ERXEditingContextDelegate This delegate does nothing.
ERXEnterpriseObject.Observer Registers as a listener for various editing context notifications and calls up the willXXX and didXXX methods in objects that implement ERXEnterpriseObject.
ERXEnterpriseObjectArrayCache<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> Caches objects of one entity by a given key.
ERXEnterpriseObjectCache<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> Caches instances of one entity by a given key(path).
ERXEnterpriseObjectChangeListener<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> Listens to EOEditingContextDidSaveChanges notifications to track changes on a given entity and calls the entitiesChanged method when the entity changes.
ERXEntityClassDescription The main purpose of the ERXClassDescription class is to throw ERXValidationExceptions instead of the usual NSValidation.ValidationException objects.
ERXEntityClassDescription.Factory This factory inner class is registered as the observer for three notifications: modelWasAdded, classDescriptionNeededForEntity and classDescriptionNeededForClass.
ERXEntityFKConstraintOrder Creates ordering based on foreign key dependencies.
ERXEntityOrder Abstract class defining an ordering of EOEntities that also provides NSComparators to sort entities based on this ordering.
ERXEntityOrder.EntityDeleteOrderComparator NSComparator to sort on the ascending EOEntity group number from ordering.entityOrdering().
ERXEntityOrder.EntityInsertOrderComparator NSComparator to sort on the descending EOEntity group number from ordering.entityOrdering().
ERXEOAccessUtilities Collection of EOAccess related utilities.
ERXEOAccessUtilities.ChannelAction Deals with the nitty-gritty of direct row manipulation by correctly opening, closing, locking and unlocking the needed EOF objects for direct row manipulation.
ERXEOAttribute ERXEOAttribute exists only to make the EOAttribute(EOEntity, String) constructor public.
ERXEOControlUtilities Collection of EOF utility method centered around EOControl.
ERXEOGlobalIDUtilities Utilities that help with batch loading sets of global IDs.
ERXEOGlobalIDUtilities.Info Unencrypts the byte array of NSData PKs so you get the process number or port, host and timestamp.
ERXFaultArray<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> Array that converts EOGlobalIDs to faults on the fly.
ERXFetchResultCache Transparent cache for fetch results, uses ERXFetchSpecifictation.identifier() as a key.
ERXFetchSpecification<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> Extended fetch specification.
ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator The goal of the fetch specification batch iterator is to have the ability to iterate through a fetch specification that might fetch one million enterprise objects.
ERXGenericRecord This class contains a bunch of extensions to the regular EOGenericRecord class.
ERXGenericRecord.ERXGenericRecordClazz<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> Clazz object implementation for ERXGenericRecord.
ERXGenericRecord.InverseRelationshipUpdater Provides automatic inverse relationship updating for ERXGenericRecord and ERXCustomObject.
ERXGenericRecord.LocalizedBinding Special binding for localized key support.
ERXGenericRecord.TouchingBinding Special binding that touches the target of a relationship.
ERXGlobalLock Simple lock to sync access for multiple instances on one machine.
ERXGroupingFetchSpecification<T extends NSDictionary> Extended fetch specification (work in progress).
ERXKey<T> ERXKey provides a rich wrapper around a keypath.
ERXKeyFilter ERXKeyFilter provides a way to specify hierarchical rules for including and excluding ERXKeys.
ERXKeyGlobalID Serializable Global ID class.
ERXModelGroup Enhanced model group that supports connection dict switching, definable and predictable model orderings and stackable prototypes.
ERXModelGroup.LocalizedAttributeProcessor Processes ERXLanguages attributes.
ERXModelGroup.Model Extends models by model-specific prototypes.
ERXModuloQualifier The ERXModuloQualifier is useful for creating qualifiers that will generate SQL using the 'mod' key word.

For example constructing this qualifer:
ERXModuloQualifier q = new ERXModuloQualifier("userId", 3, 5); Then this qualifier would generate SQL of the form: ...
ERXModuloQualifier.ModuloQualifierSQLGenerationSupport Adds SQL generation support.
ERXObjectStoreCoordinator Adds functionality to automatically close all related JDBC Connections.
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool This class implements EOF stack pooling including EOF stack synchronizing.
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.MultiOSCFactory This class uses different EOF stack when creating new EOEditingContexts.
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorSynchronizer Synchronizes different EOF stacks inside an instance.
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorSynchronizer.LocalChange Holds a change notification (one transaction).
ERXQ ERXQ provides lots of much shorter methods of constructing EOQualifiers than the very verbose style that you normally have to use.
ERXRecursiveBatchFetching Deprecated. and renamed to ERXBatchFetchUtilities
ERXS ERXS provides lots of much shorter methods of constructing and using EOSortOrdering than the very verbose style that you normally have to use.
ERXSequence Simple sequence class.
ERXSequence.DatabaseSequence Multi-instance-safe subclass of ERXSequence.
ERXSequence.NativeDatabaseSequence NativeDatabaseSequence uses ERXSQLHelper.getNextValFromSequenceNamed to generate a sequence value using your database's native sequence generation scheme.
ERXSharedEOLoader Java port of Kelly Hawk's shared EO loader.
ERXSortOrdering ERXSortOrdering is an EOSortOrdering subclass that provides support for chaining (like ERXKey).
ERXSortOrdering.ERXSortOrderings ERXSortOrderings is an NSMutableArray that provides methods for chaining.
ERXTemporaryGlobalID Experimental class to have quasi-GUIDs that fit into a long.
ERXTolerantSaver Deprecated. use ERXEC
ERXUnmodeledToManyRelationship<S extends ERXEnterpriseObject,D extends ERXEnterpriseObject> A class than is composited into an EO to provide common toMany functionality for the case where the toMany cannot be modeled in EOF due to the unusually large size possibilities of the toMany relationship.

Enum Summary
ERXKey.Type Enums to desribe the type of key this represents.
ERXKeyFilter.Base ERXKeyFilter.Base defines the base rule that is applied to a filter.

Exception Summary

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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