Project Wonder 5.0

Interface ERXGeneratesPrimaryKeyInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
_Bug, _Comment, _Component, _Difficulty, _ERAttachment, _ERAttachmentData, _ERCAuditBlob, _ERCAuditTrail, _ERCAuditTrailEntry, _ERCHelpText, _ERCLogEntry, _ERCMailMessage, _ERCMailMessageArchive, _ERCMessageAttachment, _ERCPreference, _ERCStatic, _ERDatabaseAttachment, _ERFileAttachment, _ERIAttribute, _ERIAttributeGroup, _ERIAttributeType, _ERIDirectory, _ERIFile, _ERIFileContent, _ERIValidationRule, _ERS3Attachment, _ERTag, _Framework, _People, _Priority, _Release, _Requirement, _RequirementSubType, _RequirementType, _TestItem, _TestItemState, Bug, Comment, Component, Difficulty, ERAttachment, ERAttachmentData, ERCAuditBlob, ERCAuditTrail, ERCAuditTrailEntry, ERCHelpText, ERCLogEntry, ERCMailMessage, ERCMailMessageArchive, ERCMessageAttachment, ERCPreference, ERCStampedEnterpriseObject, ERCStatic, ERDatabaseAttachment, ERFileAttachment, ERIAttribute, ERIAttributeGroup, ERIAttributeType, ERIDirectory, ERIFile, ERIFileContent, ERIValidationRule, ERS3Attachment, ERTag, ERXCustomObject, ERXGenericRecord, ERXPartialGenericRecord, Framework, People, Priority, Release, Requirement, RequirementSubType, RequirementType, TestItem, TestItemState

public interface ERXGeneratesPrimaryKeyInterface

Enterprise objects that need to generate their own primary keys should implement this interface. This interface works in conjunction with the ERXDatabaseContextDelegate.

Note that ERXGenericRecord implements a default implementation of this interface.

Method Summary primaryKeyDictionary(boolean inTransaction)
          This method is called by the ERXDatabaseContextDelegate when in the middle of a transaction.

Method Detail

primaryKeyDictionary primaryKeyDictionary(boolean inTransaction)
This method is called by the ERXDatabaseContextDelegate when in the middle of a transaction. This is signaled by passing in the boolean true into the method. If the object returns null then a new primary key is generated.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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