Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.extensions.eof.qualifiers

Class Summary
ERXBetweenQualifier The between qualifier allows qualification on an attribute that is between two values.
ERXEOToManyQualifier Deprecated. use ERXToManyQualifier instead
ERXExistsQualifier A qualifier that qualifies using an EXISTS clause.
ERXExistsQualifier.ExistsQualifierSQLGenerationSupport Implements the SQL generation for the exists qualifier.
ERXFullTextQualifier ERXFullTextQualifier provides a qualifier implementation for searching with a fulltext index.
ERXFullTextQualifierSupport Qualifier support for ERXFullTextQualifier.
ERXInOrQualifierSupport ERXInOrQualifierSupport replaces the stock _OrQualifierSupport and turns qualifying EOOrQualifiers into IN-set SQL statements instead of enormous strings of OR's.
ERXInQualifier The ERXInQualifier is useful for creating qualifiers that will generate SQL using the 'IN' key word.

For example constructing this qualifer:
ERXInQualifier q = new ERXInQualifier("userId", arrayOfNumbers); Then this qualifier would generate SQL of the form: USER_ID IN (<array of numbers or data>)
ERXInQualifier.InQualifierSQLGenerationSupport Adds SQL generation support.
ERXPrimaryKeyListQualifier The primary key list qualifier is used to generate a qualifier that can be used to filter a result set for a given set of primary keys.
ERXPrimaryKeyListQualifier.Support Support class that listens for EOKeyValueQualifiers that have an isContainedInArray-selector and replaces these with the ERXInQualifier.
ERXQualifierInSubquery Generates a subquery for the qualifier given in argument:
ERXRegExQualifier Provides regular expression matching of attributes.
ERXToManyQualifier Optimized toMany qualifier, much, much better SQL than the Apple provided qualifier.
ERXToManyQualifier.ToManyQualifierSQLGenerationSupport Adds SQL generation support.

Enum Summary

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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