Project Wonder 5.0

Class EROpenIDManager.EmailDelegate

  extended by er.openid.EROpenIDManager.DefaultDelegate
      extended by er.openid.EROpenIDManager.EmailDelegate
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class EROpenIDManager.EmailDelegate
extends EROpenIDManager.DefaultDelegate

A simple delegate implementation that requests the user's email address. This is for example purposes only and this code is not suitable for production use. To utilize this particular delegate, the client should ask the EROResponse for a list of MessageExtensions. Then the client should iterate through those and retrieve the specific extension parameter using methods appropriate to the type of the MessageExtension. For instance, if the MessageExtension is an instance of SRegResponse, then the email parameter could be retrieved by casting the MessageExtension to an SRegResponse and then using getAttributeValue("email") to retrieve the email.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.util.List<org.openid4java.message.MessageExtension> createFetchMessageExtensions(java.lang.String userSuppliedString, com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest request, com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext context)
          Returns OpenID message extensions for the fetch request.
Methods inherited from class er.openid.EROpenIDManager.DefaultDelegate
createFetchRequest, responseReceived, returnToUrl, rewriteReceivingUrl
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EROpenIDManager.EmailDelegate()
Method Detail


public java.util.List<org.openid4java.message.MessageExtension> createFetchMessageExtensions(java.lang.String userSuppliedString,
                                                                                             com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest request,
                                                                                             com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext context)
                                                                                      throws org.openid4java.message.MessageException
Description copied from interface: EROpenIDManager.Delegate
Returns OpenID message extensions for the fetch request. These message extensions will be sent to the OP as requests for additional information.

Specified by:
createFetchMessageExtensions in interface EROpenIDManager.Delegate
createFetchMessageExtensions in class EROpenIDManager.DefaultDelegate
userSuppliedString - the string the user supplied
request - the WORequest
context - the WOContext
a FetchRequest

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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