Project Wonder 5.0

Package er.openid

Interface Summary
EROpenIDManager.Delegate EROpenIDManager delegate
IEROFormRedirectionPage IEROFormRedirectionPage should be implemented by any form redirection page.
IEROResponsePage Implemented by the success and failure page if you are using the default OpenID direct actions.

Class Summary
ERODirectAction ERODirectAction contains OpenID direct actions.
EROFormRedirectionPage EROFormRedirectionPage represents a page which automatically fills out a form and redirects to the OpenID Provider (OP).
EROpenID EROpenID Framework Principal
EROpenIDManager EROpenIDManager is the primary interface to managing an OpenID connection.
EROpenIDManager.DefaultDelegate The default delegate implementation.
EROpenIDManager.EmailDelegate A simple delegate implementation that requests the user's email address.
EROResponse EROResponse encapsulates the response from an OpenID provider.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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