Project Wonder 5.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IERXRestDelegate  

Uses of IERXRestDelegate in

Classes in that implement IERXRestDelegate
 class ERXAbstractRestDelegate
          ERXAbstractRestDelegate is the default implementation of the IERXRestDelegate interface that can handle looking up delegates for non-eo classes, etc.
 class ERXEORestDelegate
          EODelegate is an implementation of the ERXRestRequestNode.Delegate interface that understands EOF.
 class ERXNoOpRestDelegate

Methods in that return IERXRestDelegate
static IERXRestDelegate IERXRestDelegate.Factory.delegateForEntityNamed(java.lang.String entityName, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Returns a rest delegate for the given entity name.

Methods in with parameters of type IERXRestDelegate
protected  void ERXRestRequestNode._addAttributesAndRelationshipsForObjectOfEntity(java.lang.Object obj, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription classDescription, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate, java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> visitedObjects)
protected  void ERXRestRequestNode._addToManyRelationshipNodeForKeyOfEntityInObject(ERXKey<?> key, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription destinationEntity, java.lang.Object obj, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate, java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> visitedObjects)
protected  void ERXRestRequestNode._addToOneRelationshipNodeForKeyInObject(ERXKey<?> key, java.lang.Object obj, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription destinationEntity, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate, java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> visitedObjects)
protected  void ERXRestRequestNode._fillInWithObjectAndFilter(java.lang.Object obj, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription classDescription, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate, java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> visitedObjects)
static java.lang.Object ERXRestUtils.coerceValueToTypeNamed(java.lang.Object value, java.lang.String valueTypeName, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
 java.lang.Object ERXRestRequestNode.createObjectWithFilter(java.lang.String entityName, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Creates a new instance of an object represented by this request node.
 java.lang.Object ERXRestRequestNode.objectWithFilter(java.lang.String entityName, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns the object that this request node represents.
static ERXRestRequestNode ERXRestRequestNode.requestNodeWithObjectAndFilter(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription classDescription, java.util.List<?> objects, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Creates a hierarchy of ERXRestRequestNodes based off of the given array of objects.
static ERXRestRequestNode ERXRestRequestNode.requestNodeWithObjectAndFilter(java.lang.Object obj, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Creates a hierarchy of ERXRestRequestNodes based off of the given object.
 void ERXRestRequestNode.updateObjectWithFilter(java.lang.Object obj, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Updates the given object based on this request node.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type IERXRestDelegate
static void IERXRestDelegate.Factory.setDefaultDelegateClass(java.lang.Class<? extends IERXRestDelegate> defaultDelegate)
          Sets the default rest delegate to use when no other can be found.
static void IERXRestDelegate.Factory.setDelegateForEntityNamed(java.lang.Class<? extends IERXRestDelegate> delegateClass, java.lang.String entityName)
          Registers a rest delegate for the given entity name.
static void IERXRestDelegate.Factory.setDelegateForEntityNamed(java.lang.Class<? extends IERXRestDelegate> delegateClass, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.Class<?> clazz)
          Registers a rest delegate for the given entity name.

Uses of IERXRestDelegate in

Methods in with parameters of type IERXRestDelegate
 java.lang.String ERXRestFormat.toString(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription classDescription, java.util.List<?> list, ERXKeyFilter filter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns the formatted version of the given list.
 java.lang.String ERXRestFormat.toString(java.lang.Object obj, ERXKeyFilter filter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns the formatted version of the given object.
 java.lang.String ERXRestFormat.toString(java.lang.Object obj, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns the formatted version of the given object using a recursive "All" filter.

Uses of IERXRestDelegate in

Methods in that return IERXRestDelegate
protected  IERXRestDelegate ERXRouteController.delegate()
          Returns the default rest delegate for this controller (an ERXRestRequestNode.EODelegate using the editing context returned from editingContext()).

Methods in with parameters of type IERXRestDelegate
<T> T
ERXRouteController.create(ERXKeyFilter filter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Creates a new object from the request data that is of the routed entity name and is filtered with the given filter.
<T> T
ERXRouteController.create(java.lang.String entityName, ERXKeyFilter filter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Creates a new object from the request data that is of the given entity name and is filtered with the given filter.
static<ERXRoute.Key,java.lang.Object> ERXRoute.keysWithObjects(<ERXRoute.Key,java.lang.String> keys, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns a dictionary mapping the route's keys to their resolved objects.<ERXRoute.Key,java.lang.Object> ERXRoute.keysWithObjects(java.lang.String url, ERXRoute.Method method, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns a dictionary mapping the route's keys to their resolved objects.
<T> T
ERXRouteController.object(ERXKeyFilter filter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns the object from the request data that is of the routed entity name and is filtered with the given filter.
<T> T
ERXRouteController.object(java.lang.String entityName, ERXKeyFilter filter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns the object from the request data that is of the given entity name and is filtered with the given filter.<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ERXRoute.objects(<ERXRoute.Key,java.lang.String> keys, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns a dictionary mapping the route's key names to their resolved objects.<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ERXRoute.objects(java.lang.String url, ERXRoute.Method method, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns a dictionary mapping the route's key names to their resolved objects.<ERXRoute.Key,java.lang.Object> ERXRouteController.routeObjects(IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Returns all the processed objects from the route keys.
 void ERXRouteController.update(java.lang.Object obj, ERXKeyFilter filter, IERXRestDelegate delegate)
          Updates the given object from the request data with the given filter.

Uses of IERXRestDelegate in er.snapshotexplorer.delegates

Classes in er.snapshotexplorer.delegates that implement IERXRestDelegate
 class EOEntityRestDelegate
 class EOModelGroupRestDelegate
 class EOModelRestDelegate

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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