Project Wonder 5.0


Interface Summary
IERXRestDelegate The delegate interface used to convert objects to and from request nodes.

Class Summary
ERXAbstractRestDelegate ERXAbstractRestDelegate is the default implementation of the IERXRestDelegate interface that can handle looking up delegates for non-eo classes, etc.
ERXEORestDelegate EODelegate is an implementation of the ERXRestRequestNode.Delegate interface that understands EOF.
ERXFilteredQualifierTraversal ERXFilteredQualifierTraversal performs a security check on a qualifier, throwing a SecurityException if a qualifier is found that attempts to qualify a key that isn't permitted by a given ERXKeyFilter.
ERXRequestFormValues ERXRequestOptions is an Options implementation on top of WORequest form values.
ERXRestFetchSpecification<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> ERXRestFetchSpecification provides a wrapper around fetching objects with batching, sort orderings, and (optionally) qualifiers configured in the WORequest.
ERXRestFetchSpecification.Results<T> Encapsulates the results of a fetch along with some fetch metadata.
ERXRestNameRegistry ERXNameRegistry provides a registry to remap the names of entities and keys to another name.
ERXRestRequestNode ERXRestRequestNode provides a model of a REST request.
ERXRestUtils Miscellaneous rest-related utility methods.
IERXRestDelegate.Factory A Factory for creating IERXRestDelegates.
MapClassDescription MapClassDescription is an EOClassDescription that is made on the fly based on a Map (NSDictionary, etc) so that ERRest can render a dictionary as a node where the keys of the node are the keys of the dictionary.

Exception Summary
ERXRestException If a general REST exception occurs.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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