Project Wonder 5.0


Interface Summary
IERXRestAuthenticationDelegate IERXRestAuthenticationDelegate provides a hook for you to authenticate users for the purposes of a restful request.
IERXRestDelegate IERXRestDelegate provides the core hooks into REST processing.
IERXRestEntityDelegate IERXRestEntityDelegate provides the interface for the applications to hook into the rest process on a per-entity basis.
IERXRestResponseWriter IERXRestResponseWriter provides the interface for generating the output of a restful request.
IERXRestSecurityDelegate Handles allowed actions.

Class Summary
ERXAbstractRestEntityDelegate Provides default implementations of many of the common entity delegate behaviors.
ERXAbstractRestResponseWriter ERXAbstractRestResponseWriter provides the output-method-agnostic methods for processing a rest response and provides support for specifying rendering configuration in your application properties.
ERXDefaultRestDelegate ERXDefaultRestDelegate is the default implementation of the IERXRestDelegate interface.
ERXDenyRestEntityDelegate ERXDenyRestEntityDelegate is the safe default entity delegate (and is used by default on ERXRestDelegate).
ERXDictionaryRestResponseWriter Provides the common output methods for generating a dictionary response, which can be used by several other writers (json, plist, etc).
ERXJSONRestResponseWriter Provides the output methods for generating JSON responses to a REST request.
ERXPListRestResponseWriter Provides the output methods for generating PList responses to a REST request.
ERXRestContext ERXRestContext contains all the state for a single REST request.
ERXRestEntityDelegateUtils Miscellaneous rest-related utility methods.
ERXRestKey ERXRestKey represents the keypath that was embodied in the request URL.
ERXRestRequest ERXRestRequest encapsulates the state of a rest request.
ERXRestRequestHandler ERXRestRequestHandler is the entry point for REST requests.
ERXStandardRestEntityDelegate ERXStandardRestEntityDelegate provides additional implementations of methods above and beyond ERXAbstractRestEntityDelegate.
ERXUnsafeReadOnlyRestEntityDelegate ERXUnsafeRestEntityDelegate should probably never be used in production.
ERXUnsafeRestAuthenticationDelegate ERXUnsafeRestAuthenticationDelegate should NEVER be used in production.
ERXUnsafeRestEntityDelegate ERXUnsafeRestEntityDelegate should NEVER be used in production.
ERXXmlRestResponseWriter Provides the common output methods for generating XML responses to a REST request.

Exception Summary
ERXRestNotFoundException Thrown in the event of a missing requested object during rest processing.
ERXRestSecurityException Thrown in the event of a security violation during rest processing.

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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