Interface IERXRestAuthenticationDelegate
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- ERXUnsafeRestAuthenticationDelegate
public interface IERXRestAuthenticationDelegate
IERXRestAuthenticationDelegate provides a hook for you to
authenticate users for the purposes of a restful request.
ERXRestContext provides access to the WOContext if you want
to create a session and access users through the session.
Alternatively, you can work without a session by using the
ERXRestContext as a dictionary and simply attaching the
current user to the context.
- Author:
- mschrag
boolean authenticate(ERXRestContext context)
- Attempt to authenticate the user with the given context. The
context provides access to things like the WOContext, which you
can traverse to get the WORequest and access form variables if
need be.
- Parameters:
- the rest context
- Returns:
- whether or not authentication was successful
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