Project Wonder 5.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use ERXKey

Uses of ERXKey in er.ajax.look.components

Fields in er.ajax.look.components declared as ERXKey
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> AjaxNotificationCenter.AJAX_NOTIFICATION_CENTER_ID
static ERXKey<PropertyChangedDelegate> AjaxNotificationCenter.PROPERTY_CHANGED_DELEGATE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> AjaxNotificationCenter.PROPERTY_KEY
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> AjaxNotificationCenter.PROPERTY_OBSERVER_ID

Uses of ERXKey in er.attachment.model

Fields in er.attachment.model declared as ERXKey
static ERXKey<ERAttachmentData> _ERDatabaseAttachment.ATTACHMENT_DATA
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> _ERS3Attachment.AVAILABLE
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> _ERFileAttachment.AVAILABLE
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> _ERDatabaseAttachment.AVAILABLE
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> _ERAttachment.AVAILABLE
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> _ERS3Attachment.CHILDREN_ATTACHMENTS
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> _ERFileAttachment.CHILDREN_ATTACHMENTS
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> _ERDatabaseAttachment.CHILDREN_ATTACHMENTS
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> _ERAttachment.CHILDREN_ATTACHMENTS
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERS3Attachment.CONFIGURATION_NAME
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERFileAttachment.CONFIGURATION_NAME
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERDatabaseAttachment.CONFIGURATION_NAME
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERAttachment.CONFIGURATION_NAME
static ERXKey<> _ERS3Attachment.CREATION_DATE
static ERXKey<> _ERFileAttachment.CREATION_DATE
static ERXKey<> _ERDatabaseAttachment.CREATION_DATE
static ERXKey<> _ERAttachment.CREATION_DATE
static ERXKey<> _ERAttachmentData.DATA
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERFileAttachment.FILESYSTEM_PATH
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERS3Attachment.HEIGHT
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERFileAttachment.HEIGHT
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERDatabaseAttachment.HEIGHT
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERAttachment.HEIGHT
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERS3Attachment.MIME_TYPE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERFileAttachment.MIME_TYPE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERDatabaseAttachment.MIME_TYPE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERAttachment.MIME_TYPE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERS3Attachment.ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERFileAttachment.ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERDatabaseAttachment.ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERAttachment.ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERS3Attachment.OWNER_ID
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERFileAttachment.OWNER_ID
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERDatabaseAttachment.OWNER_ID
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERAttachment.OWNER_ID
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> _ERS3Attachment.PARENT_ATTACHMENT
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> _ERFileAttachment.PARENT_ATTACHMENT
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> _ERDatabaseAttachment.PARENT_ATTACHMENT
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> _ERAttachment.PARENT_ATTACHMENT
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> _ERS3Attachment.PROXIED
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> _ERFileAttachment.PROXIED
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> _ERDatabaseAttachment.PROXIED
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> _ERAttachment.PROXIED
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERS3Attachment.S3_PATH
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERS3Attachment.SIZE
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERFileAttachment.SIZE
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERDatabaseAttachment.SIZE
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERAttachment.SIZE
static ERXKey<> _ERDatabaseAttachment.SMALL_DATA
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERS3Attachment.STORAGE_TYPE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERFileAttachment.STORAGE_TYPE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERDatabaseAttachment.STORAGE_TYPE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERAttachment.STORAGE_TYPE
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERS3Attachment.THUMBNAIL
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERFileAttachment.THUMBNAIL
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERDatabaseAttachment.THUMBNAIL
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERAttachment.THUMBNAIL
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERS3Attachment.WEB_PATH
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERFileAttachment.WEB_PATH
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERDatabaseAttachment.WEB_PATH
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERAttachment.WEB_PATH
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERS3Attachment.WIDTH
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERFileAttachment.WIDTH
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERDatabaseAttachment.WIDTH
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> _ERAttachment.WIDTH

Uses of ERXKey in er.extensions.eof

Methods in er.extensions.eof that return ERXKey
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.append(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.append(java.lang.String key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.appendAsArray(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atAvg()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atAvg(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atAvgNonNull()
          Returns a new ERXKey that appends ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atAvgNonNull(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull.
 ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> ERXKey.atCount()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's COUNT operator @count.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atFetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atFetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atFlatten(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten.
 ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> ERXKey.atIsEmpty()
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' isEmpty operator @isEmpty.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atLimit(java.lang.Integer limit)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atLimit(java.lang.Integer limit, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atMax(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atMedian()
          Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atMedian(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atMin(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atObjectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atObjectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atPopStdDev()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atPopStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atRemoveNullValues(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atReverse(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSort(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Sort operator @sort.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSortAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortAsc operator @sortAsc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSortDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortDescending operator @sortDesc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSortInsensitiveAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveAscending operator @sortInsensitiveAsc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSortInsensitiveDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveDescending operator @sortInsensitiveDesc.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atStdDev()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSubarrayWithRange( range)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atSubarrayWithRange( range, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atSum()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atSum(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atUnique(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.avg()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.avg(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.avgNonNull()
          Returns ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.avgNonNull(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull.
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> ERXKey.count()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's COUNT operator @count.
<U> ERXKey<U><U> key)
          Calls append(key)
<U> ERXKey<U> key)
          Calls append(key)
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.dotArray(ERXKey<U> key)
          Calls appendAsArray(key).
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.fetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.fetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.flatten(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten.
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> ERXKey.isEmpty()
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' isEmpty operator @isEmpty.
<T> ERXKey<T>
ERXKeyFilter.keyMap(ERXKey<T> fromKey)
          Returns the key that is mapped to from the given input key.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.limit(java.lang.Integer limit)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.limit(java.lang.Integer limit, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.max(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.median()
          Returns ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.median(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.min(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.objectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.objectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.popStdDev()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.popStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.removeNullValues(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.reverse(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sort(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Sort operator @sort.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sortAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortAscending operator @sortAsc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sortDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortDescending operator @sortDesc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sortInsensitiveAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveAscending operator @sortInsensitiveAsc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sortInsensitiveDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveDescending operator @sortInsensitiveDesc.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.stdDev()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.stdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.subarrayWithRange( range)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.subarrayWithRange( range, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.sum()
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.sum(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum.
<U> ERXKey<U>
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.unique(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique.

Methods in er.extensions.eof that return types with arguments of type ERXKey<ERXKey> ERXKeyFilter.excludes()
          Returns the set of keys that are explicitly excluded.<ERXKey,ERXKeyFilter> ERXKeyFilter.includes()
          Returns the included keys and the next filters they map to.<ERXKey> ERXKeyFilter.lockedRelationships()
          Returns the set of relationships that are locked (i.e.

Methods in er.extensions.eof with parameters of type ERXKey
 ERXKeyFilter ERXKeyFilter._filterForKey(ERXKey key)
          Returns the filter for the given key, or creates a "nextBase" filter if there isn't one.
 void ERXKeyFilter.addMap(ERXKey fromKey, ERXKey toKey)
          Adds a key mapping to this filter.
 void ERXKeyFilter.addMap(ERXKey fromKey, ERXKey toKey)
          Adds a key mapping to this filter.
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.after(ERXKey<? extends> when)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value);
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.append(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.appendAsArray(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atAvg(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atAvgNonNull(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atFetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atFlatten(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atLimit(java.lang.Integer limit, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atMax(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atMedian(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atMin(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atObjectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atPopStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atRemoveNullValues(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atReverse(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSort(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Sort operator @sort.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSortAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortAsc operator @sortAsc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSortDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortDescending operator @sortDesc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSortInsensitiveAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveAscending operator @sortInsensitiveAsc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.atSortInsensitiveDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveDescending operator @sortInsensitiveDesc.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atSubarrayWithRange( range, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange.
 ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.atSum(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.atUnique(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.avg(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.avgNonNull(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull.
static void ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetch(<? extends com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject> sourceObjects, ERXKey<?>... keys)
          Batch key the list of keys from the given source objects.
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.before(ERXKey<? extends> when)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value);
<U> ERXKey<U><U> key)
          Calls append(key)
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.dotArray(ERXKey<U> key)
          Calls appendAsArray(key).
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.eq(ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.equals(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.equals(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value);
 void ERXKeyFilter.exclude(ERXKey... keys)
          Excludes the given keys from this filter.
 boolean ERXKeyFilter.excludes(ERXKey key)
          Returns whether or not the given key is excluded.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.fetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec.
static ERXKeyFilter ERXKeyFilter.filterWithKeys(ERXKey<?>... keys)
          Shortcut to return a new ERXKeyFilter()
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.flatten(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten.
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.greaterThan(ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.greaterThan(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.greaterThan(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value);
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.greaterThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.greaterThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.greaterThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, value);
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value);
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.gte(ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, value);
 void ERXKeyFilter.include(ERXKey... keys)
          Includes the given set of keys in this filter.
 ERXKeyFilter ERXKeyFilter.include(ERXKey key)
          Includes the given key in this filter.
 boolean ERXKeyFilter.includes(ERXKey key)
          Returns whether or not the given key is included in this filter.
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value);
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.isNot(ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, value);
<T> ERXKey<T>
ERXKeyFilter.keyMap(ERXKey<T> fromKey)
          Returns the key that is mapped to from the given input key.
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.lessThan(ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.lessThan(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.lessThan(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value);
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.lessThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.lessThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.lessThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, value);
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.limit(java.lang.Integer limit, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit.
 boolean ERXKeyFilter.lockedRelationship(ERXKey key)
          Returns whether or not the given relationship is locked (i.e.
 void ERXKeyFilter.lockRelationship(ERXKey... keys)
          Locks the given relationship on this filter.
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value);
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier ERXKey.lte(ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, value);
 boolean ERXKeyFilter.matches(ERXKey key, ERXKey.Type type)
          Returns whether or not the given key (of the given type, if known) is included in this filter.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.max(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.median(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.min(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min.
 ERXKeyComparisonQualifier<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.notEquals(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, value);
<T> ERXKeyComparisonQualifier
ERXQ.notEquals(ERXKey<T> key, ERXKey<T> value)
          Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, value);
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.objectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex.
 void ERXKeyFilter.only(ERXKey... keys)
          Restricts this filter to only allow the given keys.
 ERXKeyFilter ERXKeyFilter.only(ERXKey key)
          Restricts this filter to only allow the given key.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.popStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.removeNullValues(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues.
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.reverse(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sort(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Sort operator @sort.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sortAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortAscending operator @sortAsc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sortDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortDescending operator @sortDesc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sortInsensitiveAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveAscending operator @sortInsensitiveAsc.
<U> ERXKey<U>
ERXKey.sortInsensitiveDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveDescending operator @sortInsensitiveDesc.
static ERXSortOrdering ERXSortOrdering.sortOrderingWithKey(ERXKey key, selector)
          Constructs an ERXSortOrdering (see EOSortOrdering).
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.stdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.subarrayWithRange( range, ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange.
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> ERXKey.sum(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum.
<T> void
ERXKey.ValueCoding.takeValueForKey(java.lang.Object value, ERXKey<T> key)
<T> void
ERXGenericRecord.takeValueForKey(java.lang.Object value, ERXKey<T> key)
          Type-safe KVC setter (final for now)
<U> ERXKey<<U>>
ERXKey.unique(ERXKey<U> key)
          Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique.
<T> T
ERXKey.ValueCoding.valueForKey(ERXKey<T> key)
<T> T
ERXGenericRecord.valueForKey(ERXKey<T> key)
          Type-safe KVC getter (final for now)

Constructors in er.extensions.eof with parameters of type ERXKey
ERXSortOrdering(ERXKey key, selector)
          Constructs an ERXSortOrdering (see EOSortOrdering).
ERXUnmodeledToManyRelationship(S sourceObject, java.lang.String destinationEntityName, ERXKey<S> reverseRelationshipKey)
          Standard constructor where the destination entity is a single type.
ERXUnmodeledToManyRelationship(S sourceObject, java.lang.String destinationEntityName, ERXKey<S> reverseRelationshipKey, boolean isDeep)
          A constructor that allows isDeep to be set to true to handle destination entity that is the super class of an inheritance hierarchy.

Uses of ERXKey in

Methods in with parameters of type ERXKey
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(<T> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath, boolean includeNulls, ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
          Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary.
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(<T> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath, boolean includeNulls, ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
          Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary.
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(<T> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath, K nullGroupingKey, ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
          Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary.
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(<T> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath, K nullGroupingKey, ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
          Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary.
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(<V> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath)
          Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary.
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath(<T> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath, K nullGroupingKey, ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
          Typesafe variant of arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath.
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath(<T> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath, K nullGroupingKey, ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
          Typesafe variant of arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath.
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath(<V> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath, boolean includeNulls)
          Typesafe variant of arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath.
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath(<V> objects, ERXKey<K> keyPath, K nullGroupingKey)
          Typesafe variant of arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath.

Uses of ERXKey in er.extensions.qualifiers

Methods in er.extensions.qualifiers with parameters of type ERXKey
static com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier ERXPrefixQualifierTraversal.prefixQualifierWithKey(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifierEvaluation qualifier, ERXKey prefix)
          Returns a qualifier with the given key prepended to every qualifier's key.

Constructors in er.extensions.qualifiers with parameters of type ERXKey
ERXPrefixQualifierTraversal(ERXKey prefix)

Uses of ERXKey in

Methods in with parameters of type ERXKey
protected  void ERXRestRequestNode._addAttributeNodeForKeyInObject(ERXKey<?> key, java.lang.Object obj, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter)
protected  void ERXRestRequestNode._addToManyRelationshipNodeForKeyOfEntityInObject(ERXKey<?> key, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription destinationEntity, java.lang.Object obj, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate, java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> visitedObjects)
protected  void ERXRestRequestNode._addToOneRelationshipNodeForKeyInObject(ERXKey<?> key, java.lang.Object obj, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription destinationEntity, ERXKeyFilter keyFilter, IERXRestDelegate delegate, java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> visitedObjects)

Uses of ERXKey in

Methods in with parameters of type ERXKey
protected  ERXKeyFilter ERXRouteController.includeOptional(ERXKey<?> key, ERXKeyFilter filter)
          Includes the key in the given filter if isKeyPathRequested returns true.
protected  boolean ERXRouteController.isKeyPathRequested(ERXKey<?> key)
          Returns whether or not the prefetchingKeyPaths option includes the given keypath (meaning, the client requested to include the given keypath).

Uses of ERXKey in er.taggable.model

Fields in er.taggable.model declared as ERXKey
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> _ERTag.NAME

Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 • 05:45 PM CET

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