Project Wonder 5.0 | |||||||||||
Packages that use ERXKey | |
er.ajax.look.components | |
er.attachment.model | |
er.extensions.eof | |
er.extensions.foundation | |
er.extensions.qualifiers | |
er.rest | |
er.rest.routes | |
er.taggable.model |
Uses of ERXKey in er.ajax.look.components |
Fields in er.ajax.look.components declared as ERXKey | |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<PropertyChangedDelegate> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
Uses of ERXKey in er.attachment.model |
Fields in er.attachment.model declared as ERXKey | |
static ERXKey<ERAttachmentData> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> |
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> |
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> |
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp> |
static ERXKey<com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp> |
static ERXKey<com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp> |
static ERXKey<com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp> |
static ERXKey<com.webobjects.foundation.NSData> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> |
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> |
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> |
static ERXKey<ERAttachment> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<com.webobjects.foundation.NSData> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
Uses of ERXKey in er.extensions.eof |
Methods in er.extensions.eof that return ERXKey | ||
ERXKey.append(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath. |
ERXKey.append(java.lang.String key)
Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath. |
ERXKey.appendAsArray(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atAvg(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that appends ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atAvgNonNull(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull. |
ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's COUNT operator @count. |
ERXKey.atFetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec. |
ERXKey.atFetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec. |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten. |
ERXKey.atFlatten(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten. |
ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' isEmpty operator @isEmpty. |
ERXKey.atLimit(java.lang.Integer limit)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit. |
ERXKey.atLimit(java.lang.Integer limit,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit. |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max. |
ERXKey.atMax(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atMedian(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median. |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min. |
ERXKey.atMin(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min. |
ERXKey.atObjectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex. |
ERXKey.atObjectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atPopStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues. |
ERXKey.atRemoveNullValues(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues. |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse. |
ERXKey.atReverse(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse. |
ERXKey.atSort(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Sort operator @sort. |
ERXKey.atSortAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortAsc operator @sortAsc. |
ERXKey.atSortDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortDescending operator @sortDesc. |
ERXKey.atSortInsensitiveAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveAscending operator @sortInsensitiveAsc. |
ERXKey.atSortInsensitiveDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveDescending operator @sortInsensitiveDesc. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev |
ERXKey.atSubarrayWithRange(com.webobjects.foundation.NSRange range)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange. |
ERXKey.atSubarrayWithRange(com.webobjects.foundation.NSRange range,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atSum(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum. |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique. |
ERXKey.atUnique(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.avg(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.avgNonNull(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull. |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Integer> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's COUNT operator @count. |
ERXKey.dot(ERXKey<U> key)
Calls append(key) |
ERXKey.dot(java.lang.String key)
Calls append(key) |
ERXKey.dotArray(ERXKey<U> key)
Calls appendAsArray(key). |
ERXKey.fetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec. |
ERXKey.fetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec. |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten. |
ERXKey.flatten(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten. |
static ERXKey<java.lang.Boolean> |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' isEmpty operator @isEmpty. |
ERXKeyFilter.keyMap(ERXKey<T> fromKey)
Returns the key that is mapped to from the given input key. |
ERXKey.limit(java.lang.Integer limit)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit. |
ERXKey.limit(java.lang.Integer limit,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit. |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max. |
ERXKey.max(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.median(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median. |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min. |
ERXKey.min(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min. |
ERXKey.objectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex. |
ERXKey.objectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.popStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues. |
ERXKey.removeNullValues(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues. |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse. |
ERXKey.reverse(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse. |
ERXKey.sort(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Sort operator @sort. |
ERXKey.sortAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortAscending operator @sortAsc. |
ERXKey.sortDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortDescending operator @sortDesc. |
ERXKey.sortInsensitiveAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveAscending operator @sortInsensitiveAsc. |
ERXKey.sortInsensitiveDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveDescending operator @sortInsensitiveDesc. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.stdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev |
ERXKey.subarrayWithRange(com.webobjects.foundation.NSRange range)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange. |
ERXKey.subarrayWithRange(com.webobjects.foundation.NSRange range,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
Returns a new ERXKey that uses NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.sum(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum. |
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique. |
ERXKey.unique(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique. |
Methods in er.extensions.eof that return types with arguments of type ERXKey | |
com.webobjects.foundation.NSSet<ERXKey> |
Returns the set of keys that are explicitly excluded. |
com.webobjects.foundation.NSDictionary<ERXKey,ERXKeyFilter> |
Returns the included keys and the next filters they map to. |
com.webobjects.foundation.NSSet<ERXKey> |
Returns the set of relationships that are locked (i.e. |
Methods in er.extensions.eof with parameters of type ERXKey | ||
ERXKeyFilter |
ERXKeyFilter._filterForKey(ERXKey key)
Returns the filter for the given key, or creates a "nextBase" filter if there isn't one. |
void |
ERXKeyFilter.addMap(ERXKey fromKey,
ERXKey toKey)
Adds a key mapping to this filter. |
void |
ERXKeyFilter.addMap(ERXKey fromKey,
ERXKey toKey)
Adds a key mapping to this filter. |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.after(ERXKey<? extends com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp> when)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value); |
ERXKey.append(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath. |
ERXKey.appendAsArray(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that appends the given key to this keypath. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atAvg(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atAvgNonNull(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull. |
ERXKey.atFetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec. |
ERXKey.atFlatten(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten. |
ERXKey.atLimit(java.lang.Integer limit,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit. |
ERXKey.atMax(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atMedian(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median. |
ERXKey.atMin(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min. |
ERXKey.atObjectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atPopStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev |
ERXKey.atRemoveNullValues(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues. |
ERXKey.atReverse(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse. |
ERXKey.atSort(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Sort operator @sort. |
ERXKey.atSortAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortAsc operator @sortAsc. |
ERXKey.atSortDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortDescending operator @sortDesc. |
ERXKey.atSortInsensitiveAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveAscending operator @sortInsensitiveAsc. |
ERXKey.atSortInsensitiveDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveDescending operator @sortInsensitiveDesc. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev |
ERXKey.atSubarrayWithRange(com.webobjects.foundation.NSRange range,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange. |
ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.atSum(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum. |
ERXKey.atUnique(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.avg(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's AVERAGE aggregate operator @avg. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.avgNonNull(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' avgNonNull aggregate operator @avgNonNull. |
static void |
ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetch(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<? extends com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject> sourceObjects,
ERXKey<?>... keys)
Batch key the list of keys from the given source objects. |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.before(ERXKey<? extends com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp> when)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value); |
ERXKey.dot(ERXKey<U> key)
Calls append(key) |
ERXKey.dotArray(ERXKey<U> key)
Calls appendAsArray(key). |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.eq(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value); |
ERXQ.equals(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value); |
ERXQ.equals(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value); |
void |
ERXKeyFilter.exclude(ERXKey... keys)
Excludes the given keys from this filter. |
boolean |
ERXKeyFilter.excludes(ERXKey key)
Returns whether or not the given key is excluded. |
ERXKey.fetchSpec(java.lang.String fetchSpecName,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' fetchSpec operator @fetchSpec. |
static ERXKeyFilter |
ERXKeyFilter.filterWithKeys(ERXKey<?>... keys)
Shortcut to return a new ERXKeyFilter() |
ERXKey.flatten(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' flatten operator @flatten. |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.greaterThan(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value); |
ERXQ.greaterThan(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value); |
ERXQ.greaterThan(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value); |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.greaterThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, value); |
ERXQ.greaterThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, value); |
ERXQ.greaterThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, value); |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.gt(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan, value); |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.gte(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, value); |
void |
ERXKeyFilter.include(ERXKey... keys)
Includes the given set of keys in this filter. |
ERXKeyFilter |
ERXKeyFilter.include(ERXKey key)
Includes the given key in this filter. |
boolean |
ERXKeyFilter.includes(ERXKey key)
Returns whether or not the given key is included in this filter. |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.is(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, value); |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.isNot(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, value); |
ERXKeyFilter.keyMap(ERXKey<T> fromKey)
Returns the key that is mapped to from the given input key. |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.lessThan(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value); |
ERXQ.lessThan(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value); |
ERXQ.lessThan(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value); |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.lessThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, value); |
ERXQ.lessThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, value); |
ERXQ.lessThanOrEqualTo(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, value); |
ERXKey.limit(java.lang.Integer limit,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' limit operator @limit. |
boolean |
ERXKeyFilter.lockedRelationship(ERXKey key)
Returns whether or not the given relationship is locked (i.e. |
void |
ERXKeyFilter.lockRelationship(ERXKey... keys)
Locks the given relationship on this filter. |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.lt(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan, value); |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.lte(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, value); |
boolean |
ERXKeyFilter.matches(ERXKey key,
ERXKey.Type type)
Returns whether or not the given key (of the given type, if known) is included in this filter. |
ERXKey.max(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MAX aggregate operator @max. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.median(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' median aggregate operator @median. |
ERXKey.min(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's MIN aggregate operator @min. |
ERXKeyComparisonQualifier |
ERXKey.ne(ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, value); |
ERXQ.notEquals(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, value); |
ERXQ.notEquals(ERXKey<T> key,
ERXKey<T> value)
Equivalent to new ERXKeyComparisonQualifier(key, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, value); |
ERXKey.objectAtIndex(java.lang.Integer index,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' objectAtIndex operator @objectAtIndex. |
void |
ERXKeyFilter.only(ERXKey... keys)
Restricts this filter to only allow the given keys. |
ERXKeyFilter |
ERXKeyFilter.only(ERXKey key)
Restricts this filter to only allow the given key. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.popStdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @popStdDev |
ERXKey.removeNullValues(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' RemoveNullValues operator @removeNullValues. |
ERXKey.reverse(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Reverse operator @reverse. |
ERXKey.sort(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Sort operator @sort. |
ERXKey.sortAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortAscending operator @sortAsc. |
ERXKey.sortDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortDescending operator @sortDesc. |
ERXKey.sortInsensitiveAsc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveAscending operator @sortInsensitiveAsc. |
ERXKey.sortInsensitiveDesc(ERXKey<?>... sortKeys)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SortInsensitiveDescending operator @sortInsensitiveDesc. |
static ERXSortOrdering |
ERXSortOrdering.sortOrderingWithKey(ERXKey key,
com.webobjects.foundation.NSSelector selector)
Constructs an ERXSortOrdering (see EOSortOrdering). |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.stdDev(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that uses Wonder's standard deviation operator @stdDev |
ERXKey.subarrayWithRange(com.webobjects.foundation.NSRange range,
ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' SubarrayWithRange operator @subarrayWithRange. |
static ERXKey<java.math.BigDecimal> |
ERXKey.sum(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with NSArray's SUM aggregate operator @sum. |
ERXKey.ValueCoding.takeValueForKey(java.lang.Object value,
ERXKey<T> key)
ERXGenericRecord.takeValueForKey(java.lang.Object value,
ERXKey<T> key)
Type-safe KVC setter (final for now) |
ERXKey.unique(ERXKey<U> key)
Returns a new ERXKey that prepends the given key with ERXArrayUtilities' Unique operator @unique. |
ERXKey.ValueCoding.valueForKey(ERXKey<T> key)
ERXGenericRecord.valueForKey(ERXKey<T> key)
Type-safe KVC getter (final for now) |
Constructors in er.extensions.eof with parameters of type ERXKey | |
ERXSortOrdering(ERXKey key,
com.webobjects.foundation.NSSelector selector)
Constructs an ERXSortOrdering (see EOSortOrdering). |
ERXUnmodeledToManyRelationship(S sourceObject,
java.lang.String destinationEntityName,
ERXKey<S> reverseRelationshipKey)
Standard constructor where the destination entity is a single type. |
ERXUnmodeledToManyRelationship(S sourceObject,
java.lang.String destinationEntityName,
ERXKey<S> reverseRelationshipKey,
boolean isDeep)
A constructor that allows isDeep to be set to true to handle destination entity that is the super class of an inheritance hierarchy. |
Uses of ERXKey in er.extensions.foundation |
Methods in er.extensions.foundation with parameters of type ERXKey | ||
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<T> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath,
boolean includeNulls,
ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary. |
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<T> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath,
boolean includeNulls,
ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary. |
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<T> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath,
K nullGroupingKey,
ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary. |
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<T> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath,
K nullGroupingKey,
ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary. |
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<V> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath)
Starting with an array of KeyValueCoding-compliant objects and a keyPath, this method calls valueForKey on each object in the array and groups the contents of the array, using the result of the valueForKey call as a key in a dictionary. |
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<T> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath,
K nullGroupingKey,
ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
Typesafe variant of arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath. |
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<T> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath,
K nullGroupingKey,
ERXKey<V> valueKeyPath)
Typesafe variant of arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath. |
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<V> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath,
boolean includeNulls)
Typesafe variant of arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath. |
ERXArrayUtilities.arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath(com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray<V> objects,
ERXKey<K> keyPath,
K nullGroupingKey)
Typesafe variant of arrayGroupedByToManyKeyPath. |
Uses of ERXKey in er.extensions.qualifiers |
Methods in er.extensions.qualifiers with parameters of type ERXKey | |
static com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier |
ERXPrefixQualifierTraversal.prefixQualifierWithKey(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifierEvaluation qualifier,
ERXKey prefix)
Returns a qualifier with the given key prepended to every qualifier's key. |
Constructors in er.extensions.qualifiers with parameters of type ERXKey | |
ERXPrefixQualifierTraversal(ERXKey prefix)
Uses of ERXKey in er.rest |
Methods in er.rest with parameters of type ERXKey | |
protected void |
ERXRestRequestNode._addAttributeNodeForKeyInObject(ERXKey<?> key,
java.lang.Object obj,
ERXKeyFilter keyFilter)
protected void |
ERXRestRequestNode._addToManyRelationshipNodeForKeyOfEntityInObject(ERXKey<?> key,
com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription destinationEntity,
java.lang.Object obj,
ERXKeyFilter keyFilter,
IERXRestDelegate delegate,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> visitedObjects)
protected void |
ERXRestRequestNode._addToOneRelationshipNodeForKeyInObject(ERXKey<?> key,
java.lang.Object obj,
com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription destinationEntity,
ERXKeyFilter keyFilter,
IERXRestDelegate delegate,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> visitedObjects)
Uses of ERXKey in er.rest.routes |
Methods in er.rest.routes with parameters of type ERXKey | |
protected ERXKeyFilter |
ERXRouteController.includeOptional(ERXKey<?> key,
ERXKeyFilter filter)
Includes the key in the given filter if isKeyPathRequested returns true. |
protected boolean |
ERXRouteController.isKeyPathRequested(ERXKey<?> key)
Returns whether or not the prefetchingKeyPaths option includes the given keypath (meaning, the client requested to include the given keypath). |
Uses of ERXKey in er.taggable.model |
Fields in er.taggable.model declared as ERXKey | |
static ERXKey<java.lang.String> |
Last updated: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 05:45 PM CET | |||||||||||